Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist says letting children change genders is dangerous

>Paul McHugh, professor and psychiatrist at Johns Hopkins University, has condemned the act of allowing children to transition from one gender to another.
>McHugh branded the practice as "reckless and irresponsible," according to the outlet, and insisted that many physicians are allowing child-aged patients to transition without concrete evidence that it is in the best interest of the child.
>"[Doctors] don't have evidence that [the treatment] will be the right one," he told the outlet during a phone interview. "Many people are doing what amounts to an experiment on these young people without telling them it's an experiment."
>"You need evidence for that, and this is a very serious treatment," McHugh added. "It is comparable to doing frontal lobotomies."
>McHugh pointed out that he believes children who are experiences feelings of transgenderism are simply suffering from mental issues.
>McHugh told the College Fix that there will likely be long-term negative implications for those children who are permitted to engage in such medical treatments.
>"I think their mental problems, often depression, discouragement, are the things that need treatment," he said. "I'm not positive about this. It's a hypothesis, but it is a very plausible hypothesis, and it would explain why many of the people who go on to have treatment of their body discover they are just as depressed, discouraged, and live just as problematic lives as they did before because they did not address the primary problem."

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Other urls found in this thread:

>McHugh said that he is not optimistic about children transitioning at young ages, especially when coupled with hormone treatment therapies.
>"They're going to be in the hands of doctors for the rest of their lives, many of them are going to be sterilized and not able to have their own children, and many will regret this," he explained.
>"Can you imagine having a life where you need to seek doctors all the time, for everything, just to live?" he asked. "Getting your hormones checked, getting everything checked. That is something doctors should like to spare people of."
>McHugh went on to point out a correlation between how people feel about transgenderism and how they look at eugenics.
>"I believe it will be something like how we think of eugenics now," he insisted. "We will come to regret it when we discover how many of the young people that were injured regret it themselves."

>Comparable to doing frontal lobotomies

Fucking finally someone says it.

>"They're going to be in the hands of doctors for the rest of their lives, many of them are going to be sterilized and not able to have their own children, and many will regret this," he explained

Sounds like doctors have another steady source of income besides cancer patients and hiv pill poppers

And remember, the world medical establishment awarded lobotomy the 1949 Nobel Prize in Medicine.

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It is child abuse

>“My aim isn’t to stop people. It’s when they draw medical people in. That’s when I insist on evidence and what makes more sense.”

This literal nazi fascist white cis bigot needs to be put on trial for hatethink

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He is correct. People are not born this way.

They will destroy his career for this.

But onions don'tcha know, all of you are born as blank slates... Nurture not nature you see.. Except us chosenites, we be kingz n sheeit

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We've been saying it for a long fuckin time.

Anyone who makes a child transition needs to be tortured for 300 years.

Oy i wrote s0.yim not onions, this filter is anti semetic

Something tells me there will be a job opening at the John Hopkins university soon.

>Speaking the obvious truth
>In the Current Year +4
He will be lynched

Based Dr. Hopefully we can make it back up this slippery slope and ban this practice like we did with lobotomies as well.

Did they take this schizophrenic’s license yet?

I remember one time my (female) cousin had a bunch of barbies and I had a bunch of star wars action figures. So my mom and my aunt got us together while they drank "cocktails" while watching friends or sex and the city or whatever the fuck. So I was far more interested in the barbies and my cousin was really Interested in han solo. The women assumed it meant whatever the hell it meant. All I knew is I wanted to fuck barbie and my cousin probably wanted to fuck Solo.

Oh you don't say.

Besides it has already been proven that gender dyspohoria can be treated with the same medication used for schizophrenia.

Lobotomies are still happening today.
Just in the form of pills and electroshock.

If you are a physician that operated on someone to artificially change their gender your medical license should be suspended and you should be thrown in jail

what a bigot

it's the current year!

Lobotomy’s for depression for fucks sakes. See they laugh a lot now it’s much better.

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>canadian remembers his needs to play with barbie dolls

the memes are true
never doubt the memes

I would suggest it's closer to outright killing them, but yeah, this isn't too far.
The fact that faggots are still pushing it to normalize it, and we're responding with anything except
>touch that child and we kill you, no we won't be talking about this
proves how little the right has learned about how to push a narrative.


I've been saying this for years. In the not too distant future we will look back on transitioning like we do on lobotomies.

Based McHugh has been sounding this horn for at least a decade.

>On average, there was a mortality rate of approximately 5 percent during the 1940s.

Compare that to the 40+ that you'd get if you only counted post-op. With a regret rate around 50% or something. The difference is that lobotomy patients often weren't in a state to express regret or have a word in the matter anyway.

A child simply touching lead can make them psychopath, what intelligent physician believes that injecting hormones into to a child wont radically alter their thought process? I mean even for grown men you can inject them with estrogen and they start acting like literal faggots, while women injected with testosterone actually start to act human.

dubz he gets fired
tripz he gets promoted
quadz he will run for president

How long until the LGBTQ faggot mob have him fired?

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haven't read the article but I assume he's tenured
they won't be able to fire him without paying him millions of dollars in return

Parents who do this to their kids need to thrown in jail.

article by the dr. himself
wikipedia says Dr. McHugh has been against this shit since the 1970s

That's the "plan"

>look, I'm destroying my child's life!
>but at least I can virtue signal!
What the FUCK is wrong with modern women?

Brainwashed by the fags to the point where they’re all drooling zombies. Honk honk.

Based doc, RIP career. You don't go against big pharma and survive.

>We will come to regret it when we discover
They managed to lie about a fucking Holocaust and you think they can't lie about some suicidal trannies? It's been a kike dominated field since it's conception...

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Seriously, how did we get here that we're talking about "transgender children"? Almost yesterday the world felt still pretty normal and reasonable. How did such a shift occur suddenly and why aren't people outraged? Are we in the Twilight zone?

>And remember, the world medical establishment awarded lobotomy the 1949 Nobel Prize in Medicine.

Yeah, but we weren't plagued with degenerate transgender/age/racial/species loons and have 64 genders complete with pronouns back then. We didn't have violent SJWs.I feel we should bring the trans-orbital back to treat these crazies.

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Press 'F' to pay respect to Dr Paul McHugh

He’s 88 years old, so he doesn’t give a shit

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people will attack this guy for saying the truth

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Jow Forums has been saying this for years.

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On one hand people might say this is good because it’s forced sterilization of the children of liberals. On the other hand I’m a child of liberals and I obviously saw through their bullshit. Had my dumb ass hippy parents been raising me now this shit could have happened to me.

Since when did stunning and brave mothers listen to doctors and not woo woo magic first?

it is basically common sense.

>there will likely be long-term negative implications for those children who are permitted to engage in such medical treatments.

Yeah, when the child comes of age and realizes he/she has botched franken-genitalia and will never be capable of living a normal life, he/she will commit suicide and it will be the parents fault! These sick people need to be charged with child abuse.

this guy's a hero. hopefully he doesn't an hero. man, the balls on him in this climate.

I really just want this troon kid shit to be a bad dream. These kids will be completely ruined by their parents. Either spending their adult years in and out of psychwards or just necking themselves.

And he loses his career and "commits suicide" in 3...2.....

it is essentially nuts. how does a 3 year old know they are going to have facial hair and get erections and ejaculate and be attracted to women?

a 3 year old is a three year old, not a man or a woman.

You are wrong user. Transgender surgeries were going on in Wiemar until 1933.

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hopefully you've been saying this to everyone also

oh, fucking, really???

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>b-but kids can at least consen.... shit

>Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist says letting children change genders is dangerous
Ya don't say.
Well I can't quite say "They're finally catching up", it's more like "someone finally bothered calling out the politically-motivated fraudulent 'science'

2mg pimozide daily and talk therapy works. It's the only proven treatment for gender dysphoria and the medical community ignores it.

On a positive note atleast we can expect a mass shooter in america to be a tranny or furrfag soon.

there was a tranny that shot a school but only 1 person died it was a girl who wanted to be a guy

>We live in a world where it's controversial to suggest that children, people who regularly claim to be batman and can't make up their minds on what they want for lunch, shouldn't be allowed to mutilate their sexual organs and take pills that fuck with their hormones and normal physical and mental development

Just pour gas on the world and burn it to the ground, there's nothing here worth saving.

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Oh ok i dont follow happenings so closely anymore. I expect them numbers like 20 dead+
And maybe one day a supper fag that surpasses breivik in numbers.
On can dream eh.

It still shocks me retards who think they know things, still don't know this.

>Many people are doing what amounts to an experiment on these young people without telling them it's an experiment.

It is an experiment. It's funded by uktra-wealthy wannabe transhumanists. Some of these rich fucks are transgendered. This entire phenomenon is not organic, it's pushed by humans who want to be cyborgs.

How before John Hopkins gets defunded?

They have been doing stupid things since Eva in eden.

That a procedure with a 40% attempted suicide rate, thousands in drugs and surgery costs, that only results in mutilated and nonfunctioning genetalia is pushed so heavily when it's only been publicly "mainstream" for like 10 years yet has almost 0 studies on the longterm side effects should make everyone ask questions.

Finally something worth half a shit originating from JH.

I wouldn't be surprised if tranny terrorist happens they are crazy like 2 years ago some tranny tried to kill a few people in Australia at a corner store with an axe

Ye i see all of this like rome's colosseum fights just many years after.
Decline is decline cant do nothing about it.

I remember playing with my sister when we were 10 we used to make the G.I. Joes fuck with the barbies, than she masturbated me.

Fags and kikes arent gonna like this

someone anyone please introduce this professor to Jow Forums Jow Forums for healthy debate

Imagine if pol meme trannies into taking that by larping and saying it boosts the hormones or something?

Not likely. Dr. McHugh is a titan in the world of psychiatry and when I was at Hopkins, he was the departmental Chair. I think he has emeritus status now. Also, if I recall correctly, he was also quite vocally against recalled/suppressed memories.

I've gotten into endless arguments with cunts who'll threaten to firebomb a vet for declawing a cat, but still cut the dicktips off their sons.

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Honestly? She looks to old to be that kid's mother? And I think she's a Jew. She looks like a kike. And she adopted that kid. And she's having fun corrupting the child, and using the child as means to help corrupt society.

>It is an experiment. It's funded by uktra-wealthy wannabe transhumanists. Some of these rich fucks are transgendered. This entire phenomenon is not organic, it's pushed by humans who want to be cyborgs.
It's also for the pedovore elite who want ever more exotic product.
That's not a bad idea. It's an antipsychotic primarily used to treat Tourettes. It'd help any of the autists trying to cut their dicks off.
McHugh is one of the good guys.

He is right. Modern doctors are barbaric for this especially when you consider the suicide rates for these people. Remember when they were all for lobotomies?

People stating what's conventional wisdom and calling whatever phobic is what is going to cause the generational cycle to come back to more traditional values and that might actually happen in our times.

I’ve never seen this much evil in a child’s eyes

You are naive.

Circumcision was the first step of normalizing this body horror shit. (((They))) use the American populace like guinea pigs just like (((they))) did in Weimer.

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Appropriate flag

what a fucking shitlord i can't even

>tfw you aren't a tranny
Feels good. Whatever let them fuck themselves up. Less competition in the world for me.

its not his fault its his pedo dad and his mom wanted to make him like this she is obsessed with the club kid scene and murderer michael alig and even set the kid up to hang out with him
you :D

I had a phase where I wanted to be batman.

I also had a short phase where I liked girly things.

If I had been born a zoomer to liberal parents I'd have been unbelievably, irreparably fucked. It's disturbing to think about that, and how they're mutilating children who aren't even close to finishing their mental development.

Nah that's not me. I've lived like a prince so far. My life has been on easy street for years.

Then why you fear "competition" ? :D

He’s a just a big stuffy old goy. Probably a repressed gay Christian... he needs to be stripped of his medical credentials stat. You have a child who wants to be *fabulous*...and some old white fusty wants to ruin it! Shame.

There's nothing with wanting to be Batman.

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Imagine if 50 years ago there'd been an entire community built around encouraging people to undergo voluntary lobotomies, or people holding parties to reveal which part of their brain their child decided to have cut out, or people suing coworkers for using their 'pre-op' name. Everyone would think it was complete lunacy. What a backwards and insane culture.

That's how all this transgender shit is going to be viewed 50 years from now.


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