The Paris Commune

>communism has never been close to working

It was the very first communist-like revolution that happened, and many believe it was a success.

The Commune itself–the government formed by the workers–was made up of representatives of the various wards of Paris, elected by the citizens and recallable from office at any time. The majority of its members were workers or acknowledged representatives of the working class. Rather than a parliamentary body (such as the Congress in the U.S.), the Commune both made decisions and carried them out. And from the top to the bottom all its members and all who worked under its leadership received the same wages as the ordinary worker.

The army and the police were abolished. All citizens capable of bearing arms were enrolled in the National Guard, the only armed force. “The priests were sent back to the recesses of private life, there to feed upon the alms of the faithful in imitation of their predecessors, the Apostles.” (Marx, The Civil War in France)

The schools were opened to all, on every level. All rent for housing was cancelled and all the pawnshops closed down. Night shifts were outlawed. The factories of the capitalists who had fled were seized, to be run by the workers themselves. The Victory Column, a monument to France’s chauvinist wars of aggression, was torn down. “The flag of the Commune,” the workers declared, “is the flag of the World Republic.”

The most important lesson of the Paris Commune, what the workers of Paris taught first with their guns and then with their heroic sacrifice, is the central point of Marxism: the dictatorship of the proletariat.

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lol imagine being unironically into communism

Communism doesn't work, and you are gay.

>*blocks your path*

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They went around beheading priests. They starved Paris to the point where horse meat became a delicacy. This has to be banter

No, the government of France starved them.


The bourgeoisie likes to paint Marxism as no more than an idea, a hopeless dream or shuddering nightmare. Marxism is the scientific summation of all the history of the struggles of the oppressed, and of all the knowledge won through the struggles of mankind. It arose with the development and the growth of the struggles of the working class, whose stand and point of view is expressed in Marxism. As Lenin wrote in State and Revolution, “There is no trace of utopianism in Marx, in the sense that he made up or invented a ’new’ society. No, he studied the birth of the new society out of the old, and the forms of transition from the latter to the former, as a natural-historical process. He examined the actual experience of a mass proletarian movement, and tried to draw practical lessons from it. He ’learned’ from the Commune, just as all the great revolutionary thinkers learned unhesitatingly from the experience of great movements of the oppressed classes ...”

“It is often said and written,” Lenin explains in State and Revolution, “that the main point in Marx’s theory is the class struggle. But this is wrong. And this wrong notion very often results in an opportunist distortion of Marxism and its falsification in a spirit acceptable to the bourgeoisie ... Those who recognize only the class struggle are not yet Marxists; they may be found to be still within the bounds of bourgeois thinking and bourgeois politics . . . Only he is a Marxist who extends the recognition of the class struggle to the recognition of the dictatorship of the proletariat.” As Marx himself put it in his Letter to Weydemeyer, written in 1852, “no credit is due to me for discovering the existence of classes in modern society, nor the struggle between them. Long before me bourgeois historians had described the historical development of this class struggle and bourgeois economists, the economic anatomy of the classes. What I did that was new was to prove: 1) that the existence of classes is only bound up with particular, historical phases in the development of production, 2) that the class struggle necessarily leads to the dictatorship of the proletariat, 3) that this dictatorship itself only constitutes the transition to the abolition of all classes and to a classless society.”

In other words, the class struggle would inevitably lead the working class to establish the rule of the laboring majority over the exploiting minority, for the first time in history, and this would be the first step towards eliminating ail classes and class rule. This is what the Paris Commune represented. The working men and women of Paris established the world’s first dictatorship of the proletariat. Through the experience of their struggle, they gave life and form to that which Marx and the class-conscious workers in general had only conceived in a general way.

I gotta know what flag you really are


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USA! Ashamed to call myself an American. My people were the #1 oppressors Of socialist revolution and the 3rd world.

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Unironically, I would love to see a Modern-day Commune of Paris, filled with Diverse, Beautiful Parisiennes-of-Color.

The whole fucking city would be razed to the ground, in minecraft, and it would be a sight to behold.

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Sat Cong

Please read this. None of you know how much better things could be.

In the earliest days of human history there was no state. As the productive forces developed and society split into two basic antagonistic classes –those who worked and those who took for themselves the wealth created by others–the state emerged as the instrument by which the exploiting minority maintained its rule. From the first slave times through today, the heart of the state is “special bodies of armed men,” the armed force upon which the dictatorship of the exploiters depends. Even in the democratic republic of capitalist society, “This democracy is always hemmed in by the narrow limits set by capitalist exploitation, and consequently remains, in effect, a democracy for the minority, only for the propertied classes, only for the rich. Freedom in capitalist society always remains about the same as it was in the ancient Greek republics: freedom for the slave owners... Marx grasped this essence of capitalist democracy splendidly when, in analyzing the experience of the Commune, he said that the oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representative of the oppressing classes shall represent and repress them in parliament!”


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>and many believe it was a success.
Then why doesnt it still exist?

They didn’t kill enough people.

They didn’t kill enough priests, if you asked me. If they killed more people, maybe they would still be around. That’s just how War works. They didn’t starve there own people, the surrounding French forces starved them because they How a siege works.



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Them too.
Priests, Rabbi’s-no real difference.
Religion gives people hope when there is none.
Communism gives people hope where there really is.

>Priests, Rabbi’s-no real difference.
Whatever you say Chaim

Based Frenchy Diggers

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what a surprise at least you admit you're bloodthirsty

It's happening boys 8ch alternative is up!

- Fresh new Jow Forums board
- No captcha (or gay pass)
- Tor posting
- 50mb file limits
- Free speech respected
- No shills
- No lefties

>Communism gives people hope where there really is.

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I aint clickin that shit.

Only as bloodthirsty as members of any ideology who seek victory. Communism is inevitable, if there is not a violent revolution-then it will peacefully happen over a period of hundreds of years. You think America is still capitalist? Ha.

>a little over a month is enough time to say communism is successful

You are the retard of retards

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Its never worked


As Marx pointed out, the workers of Paris, surrounded on all sides and faced with famine due to economic blockade, could no more than begin their work during the 72 days of the Commune. They made certain political mistakes, as was inevitable in this first of all proletarian revolutions. Marx and Engels summed up that the Commune had failed to carry out the dictatorship of the workers over the exploiters ruthlessly and swiftly enough–the workers left the Bank of France, the country’s main financial pillar, untouched, and instead of disposing of the captured bourgeoisie in Paris and marching on Versailles immediately while the French bourgeoisie was still weakened from its defeat at the hands of Prussia, the workers of the Commune allowed them to escape and regather their forces. Then the French bourgeoisie with the aid of the reactionary Prussian rulers carried out “a slaveholders’ revolt” against the victorious slaves, turning Paris into a sea of blood as Communards by the thousands were killed in house-to-house fighting or shot down as prisoners.

But as Marx declared even while the battle was still raging in Paris, “If the Commune should be destroyed, the struggle would only be postponed. The principles of the Commune are eternal and indestructible; they will present themselves again and again until the working class is liberated.

They did not starve themselves. The French siege did. However many people they killed, was returned 10x by the French. Imagine it, French soldiers running around executing people. That’s what really happened after they were invaded. Still, they fought until the very end. No matter what banner your fighting under, I believe dying in battle is the most honorable thing anyone can do.

You call them bloodthirsty, yet the only reason they failed is because of how merciful they were. They could have taken over France while the French army was weak, but they didn’t. Later revolutions did not make this same mistake, and you call them tyrants for it.

I'd be into Marxism if there wasn't any jews or nogs and the narrative was pro-white in this ideal society. Can we agree?

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Karl Marx completely rejected his Jewish heritage and was quite anti-Semitic depending on how you look at it. Read his book, “the Jewish question”.
Communist countries were mostly homogenous.

You Jews are egoists if you demand a special emancipation for yourselves as Jews. As Germans, you ought to work for the political emancipation of Germany, and as human beings, for the emancipation of mankind, and you should feel the particular kind of your oppression and your shame not as an exception to the rule, but on the contrary as a confirmation of the rule.

Or do the Jews demand the same status as Christian subjects of the state? In that case, they recognize that the Christian state is justified and they recognize, too, the regime of general oppression. Why should they disapprove of their special yoke if they approve of the general yoke? Why should the German be interested in the liberation of the Jew, if the Jew is not interested in the liberation of the German? - Karl Marx

Many people think communism is Jewish, this very Karl Marx quote completely disproves ir.

In wanting to be emancipated from the Christian state, the Jew is demanding that the Christian state should give up its religious prejudice. Does he, the Jew, give up his religious prejudice? Has he, then, the right to demand that someone else should renounce his religion? - Karl Marx

>Communards by the thousands were killed in house-to-house fighting or shot down as prisoners.
Stop I can only get so hard

Shocking isn't it...

Socialism >>>> Communism. We have dozens of examples of it working, some that exist RIGHT NOW.

Socialism is the transformation of capitalism into communism. The entire West is currently undergoing that transformation. It IS inevitable. The USA is a mixed economy, so is the rest of Europe.

>They went around beheading priests

>It IS inevitable
>Using a teleology
Wow, so this is Scientific Socialism....

Look, I understand where you're coming from. I used to be a communist, and don't accuse me of not reading all of the books, because I did.

The problem is that the entire premises of Marxism are entirely bullshit. Social constructivism taken to the extreme, gay-ass notions of "equality" and hardcore determinism... Not including the fact that Marx, Lenin and a disproportionate number of Marxist theorists (along with a disproportionate number of people in the Soviet government) were all Jews and that heavily influenced their ideology.

Don't be fooled... Economic Marxism sounds nice on the surface, especially if you're a tranny, genetic freak, a nigger or just a fucking loser, but the natural conclusion to its line of thinking just leads to endless Katyn massacres in the name of "Equality", destruction of nation and culture, and the idea that everything is a "social construct"- gender is a social construct, race is a social construct, and since morality is also a social construct, pedophilia and other disgusting behaviors must be okay.

Just embrace fascism, dude. The idea that human beings are like a canvas that can be painted on flies in the face of all reality. Marxism is a religion for the weak with a slave system of morality.

Karl Marx was a Jew

>flag of the world republic
>is swallowed and destroyed by the surrounding world
lmao buh bye


Tell me, user, how many more tens of millions of people do we to enslave and kill in the name of your crazy fucking ideology, created by a crackpot jew and faithfully implemented by its useful idiots?

>not self-sufficient
>we are WORKERS

You sound like you had the SJW disease, not the Stalin disease. You think communism is tool of Jews? Marx was a self-hating Jew Refer to this

>it's inevitable
then why are you here? methinks it's not inevitable at all!

>Marx was a self-hating Jew
Still a Jew

Becoming self-sufficient takes time, and you can’t do it under a 3 month siege that ends with invasion. North Korea is handling self sufficiency pretty well, but they at least have allies.

Without reading any further, I guarantee US or UK. The most rabidly anti-US/UK "anti-imperialist" Communists are always American or British. Fundamentally we can't understand Communism anyway, it gets reduced to an ethical theory as opposed to "scientific" socialism

SJW-ism and Marxism are the same beast and result from the same lines of thinkign. Marx was not a self hating jew, just anti-zionist. Many themes of communist ideology are based on talmudic materialism and utopianism. Please refer to this...

“Marx attempted to distance himself from his Jewish identity and embraced atheism.” -Your religion

You see, I don’t really think being descended from Jews is wrong. I think Zionism is wrong. I think putting your religion over another’s is wrong. I’m a former Christian, but I now do not believe in most of its philosophy. There are some parts of the Bible that inspires me, especially the fact that Jesus lived in a commune where the members shared everything they owned.

I meant to say *your link

If Jesus was alive today, people would call him a communist because of him and his apostles lifestyles. Living in a commune where they shared everything they owned. Sometimes, men would sell all their possessions and bring the money to Jesus and his apostles. Of course, Jesus was always Jewish. If Karl Marx was a German Christian, would your opinion really be different?

Of course, that kind of socialism is utopian and I don’t believe in it. That is how Jesus lived though. So, if you belief Jewish philosophy is communist, you must also belief Christian philosophy is-maybe even moreso.

I'm an atheist. Besides, Jesus himself was the king of the Jews.
If Karl Marx was a 100% Prussian catholic goy my opinion would differ little... The facts are that your ideology preaches hardcore determinism, a mechanical way of viewing the world (even when human societies follow biological, and not mechanical laws) and hardcore social constructivism, which leads to degenerate shit being accepted as "progressive" in society.

There's a reason that Jews flock to communism in the first place... Marxism is a jewish faith meant to be sold to the dregs of society for the sole benefit of the Jews who pushed it

You know, the same way you used to consider yourself a communist-I used to consider myself a NatSoc. I used to believe Germans/Aryans to be the absolute highest in intelligence. I justified this belief by thinking the third Reich was the leader in military and technological thinking. They invented the first rocket to leave the atmosphere. I also used IQ to justify it.

I was wrong. Nationalism is not the future, and it was actually capitalism that caused this. Marx predicted that capitalism and free trade would lead to globalism and he was right. Germans do not have the highest IQ, ashkenazi jews do.

>Lasted ten days
Yes so successful...

Germans may have made the first rocket to leave the atmosphere, but it was for military purposes-not scientific. Hitler wanted a proud germany made up of aryans. He left nothing but a history that Germans today want to forget.

The soviets were the first to actually go to space. The soviets left a history that many Russians actually want to come back. The majority actually.
They used to be a 3rd world feudalist society before the revolution, in a few decades they transformed into a industrial superpower.

>Very small scale
>Only lasted a short time
>Spent that short time killing priests (passive non combatants)
>Also starvation to the point of eating horses
Yeah your ideology is not only retarded but weak as well because it isn't self sustaining or capable of standing up against push-back of any caliber. Communism crumbles before the gentlest of breezes if it doesn't collapse from the weight of its own ineptitude.

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Sooo you’re a kike supremacist and you’re pushing the “kike IQ” meme? Please show your flag and gas yourself shill. Daily reminder death to the kike mods too.

No. I’m using your hypocrisy and bigoted hate towards the Jewish people, and making you into a fool because the truth is the ashkenazi Jews have contributed a lot. The number of Jews who have been contributed is large compared to their small number. The Germans have contributed to space technology and much of nasa was former nazis. Can’t all the anti-semetics grow up? Your enemy is Zionism, not the Jewish people.

Cope harder goy.


Honestly, there is a lot of intelligence on Jow Forums that’s why I go here. The hate on ((every single Jew who has ever lived)) is rediculous though. Death to Israel, all of that stuff is reasonable. I don’t think random fucking Jews like Anne frank were guilty of Israel’s crimes.

Marx supported Hegelian World State in which there are no borders, nations etc.—so yes, in this regard communism is a tool of the Jews. In the second half of the second century, they figured other ways of achieving this One World without the dogma of Marxism, which is where the New Left comes in. Obviously the Jews of his day clung tenaciously to their own people, as is natural, even the communist ones, which drove a wedge between the True Believers and the Jewish communists.

>Our enemy is the Jewish people, not Zionism

Wrong bitch, there will always be a big mean motherfucker to put you in your place, your militia won’t be able to do shit about it.

He believed capitalism would lead to globalism through free trade and exchange of information. So far, it it has.


Your yellow star is showing from under your jacket... The IQ difference between Ashkenazi jews and Germans is negligible.

Then again, the Germans, unlike the jews, aren't a parasitic race which has not only been kicked out of every respectable nation since ancient times,but goes around shilling communism to disaffected goyim...

This is why precisely neoliberal capitalism and communism are two sides of the same coin; Both ideologies have the same goal of uniting the world under a one-world government controlled by a very small circle of (((elites))),

Stop lying to yourself. What are you doing if you aren't advocating for your own racial interests, just like niggers, spics and gooks do already? You're either white or (((white)))

So your saying
>communism is Jewish because it supports world without borders and nations
And also
>Jewish communists stuck to their own people because they didn’t believe in that
Word? Do you not see what’s wrong with that statement?

I'm not even opposed to workers owning the means of production... White workers in a homogeneous society. Diversity undermines the goals of "real" socialism anyway; after all, creating such a divide between workers of different races is exactly what (((they))) want... It is a sense of human tribalism that cannot be erased

>blocks your neck

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Pretend to not understand how jews use these tactics for goyim and not jews

Because Karl Marx's mother was Jewish. However, Karl Marx, though halachically Jewish, renounced Judaism himself. He never knew anything of substance about being Jewish, as he was raised exclusively protestant. Of course, as we know, he later abandoned christianity and became an atheist.

In my opinion, calling him Jewish is not accurate. He was a culturally German, irreligious atheist, who was raised exclusively protestant, and just so happened to be half ashkenazi ethnically. But antisemites loooove someone of partial jewish origin to blame for things.

Yes, so far it has. Ted Kaczynski also predicted many features of the current year, and they were based on observation of the technological system, the root of economic systems.

I never called communism Jewish. Marx relied on Enlightenment ideas by gentiles who came before him, and added features like a requisite state central bank and a borderless world because these ideas served the needs of Jews as they perceived them. Later on, Zionism and multiculturalism were ideas that developed when Jews realized the consequence of an ideology that promotes rootless cosmopolitanism—no more Jews. Jews wanted to support communism (for various personal reasons, but they sure were gung-ho about it) and also to keep their people from going extinct. That's why Trotskyists like Irving Kristol became 'neoconservatives'. They craft(ed) ideologies to suit their needs, tailored to the times.

additionally, Vladimir Lenin had a Jewish great grandfather that people like to yap about, even though there was practically nothing jewish about lenin whatsoever. Not halachically, not culturally, not religiously, and just a little bit ethnically.

If I remember correctly, I believe leon trotsky was also of (partial?) Jewish descent. Although, if memory serves, his family was culturally assimilated, completely non-observant, and had abandoned Yiddish some generations back.

He came from a family of rabbis, and was well versed in his people's history, even if he rejected the religion. Many atheists in America have ideas that descend from Puritan/Congregationalist thought, that doesn't mean they are Protestant. He wasn't 'culturally' a German, because he wasn't German. And he wasn't a half-Jew, he was fully Jewish, like Moses Hess.

>his family was culturally assimilated, completely non-observant, and had abandoned Yiddish some generations back
A. This does not make Trotsky, Marx or any similar Jew non-Jewish. Jewish religion is a belief system that serves the interests of the Jewish people; if a faction of them decide to adopt a new belief system that is not Judaism, this does not make them non-Jews. Trotsky was a full Jew as well so you're talking out of your ass. Lenin was deracinated, who knows if he was aware of his Jewish ancestry, but he certainly didn't care about the Russian people. Just because he spoke Russian doesn't make him a Russian.

Keep em coming.

>killed noncombatants and acted like it was heroic
Yeah communism has "never been close to working" lmao its pretty pathetic that this is your best example of success. Neck yourself faggot

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The commune was a total failure and lead to extreme instability and violence

>the dictatorship of the proletariat.
Thinking more than 1 percent of human life should have am opinion on matters. Retard. Democracy got us where we are. Authority is what is needed


>The world republic
This is why nobody likes communism. The world doesn't consent. I would have much less issue with leftist ideologies if they weren't basically all inherently globalist.
If it's inevitable, then why not just let it happen?
>Currently undergoing this transformation
Or is it undergoing the transition from American to Jewish capital ownership, and from American to Mexican nationalism, or their local equivalents.
The Germany that Hitler inherited was also under siege.

> Paris commune
> successful

They arrested the one general trying to organizes defense of Paris and charged him with treason for abandoning a fort that he had just come back to report he had spent the night successfully defending. With no commander after his arrest, the soldiers wandered away and it was retaken by French Republican soldiers.

Then, a young engineer who hated the commie fucks noticed they had abandoned a main gate guarding the entrance to one of the wealthier districts of Paris. He flagged down the French Republican troops, who then stormed the city. It took them one week to retake Paris, during which time the Communards set fire to nearly half of their own city out of spite. At a minimum, 20,000 Communards were put to death by firing squads in the aftermath.

Please, let every fucking dipshit communist scheme end the way this one did...

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Are you even serious?

The problem is talent is not distributed equally by God. Those with the vision to say, "if you guys go fish for a few days, and leave me to work with the bark and vines, I will design a fish net, and we will never go hungry again," are hardly "exploiters!"

>The Germany that Hitler inherited was also under siege.
Paris is a city, Germany is a country.

Nice digits!

But how come so many marxists are/were jews if it's anti jewish?

Rosa Luxembourg
Lev Bronstein (Leon Trotsky)
Karl Radek
Fred Rose in Canada

I'd be into communism/marxism if it was similar eastern Europe post 1965. I don't want to support trannies, homos, feminism, jews and non-whites in general.

I want a system that supports the health and well being of me, my family, my community and my people.

Please read Reflections on the Revolution in France for starters you uncultured swine.

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