what does Jow Forums think of Buddhism?
What does Jow Forums think of Buddhism?
Gake and fay
The concept of Reincarnation has a bit of an appeal to me because I can correlate to other theories surrounding our decisions. But other than that, they can go eat a steak, bunch of cow hugging curry niggers.
Interesting religion but it is pagan to me
Should stay on the Asian continent
I mean look at the abrahamic religions kek.
It's the best religion without a deity.
Mindfulness is super important, especially in the reality of today. It is easy to become lost and seeking the next dopamine shot; Buddhism has helped me slow down and live in the moment.
But after that it's meh.
niggas gave up before they even started.
most cucked, weak and bluepilled religion ever.
literally worships a person who just sits.
then there's that 1 red face guy who was a military general who ascended to godhood. he has decent lore, but literally buddhists will be breaking their own laws trying to be him.
nothing the buddhists practice with their strict 5 precepts or w/e will ever get them to the godhood they fucking pray to.
weak, pathetic, cowardly bunch.
kinda like modern day Christians.
All religion is backwards and retarded. All of it. No exceptions.
Christianity has pretty much evolved into a European religion ever since Constantine converted.
Best post. You seem like a pretty cool guy fren.
They're not vegetarians.
Yeah and who is being replaced?
Not them thats for sure
I like Buddhisms idea of meditation but everything else I don't like.
>literally worships a person who just sits.
That's called meditation. And he attained spiritual Enlightenment as a result.
I mean but you were talking about how the religions should stay in Asia, did that stop Islam, Christianity, or Judaism?
Modern sects of buddhism deny the Atman (Soul) which is incorrect. Original buddhism employed via negativa methodology just like the Ancient Greeks and Egyptians, which is not a denial of the soul. Most Christian rejects that flock to buddhism don’t even know their contemporaries deny the Soul.
Because Christianity become part of the Roman Empire
which was Europe at the time
The meditation techniques of the various traditions, and the metaphysical and psychological insights of the pali canon are the single best concentrated dose of liberating information in the realm. The "death is inevitable" ideology and general obsession with death is tainted programming, but literally every religion on earth has that aspect so as far as religions go it's basically the best. Vedic and gnostic metaphysics also offer lots of truth but the Buddhist focus on meditation puts it head and shoulders above the rest in practical terms. Taoism is also top tier and maybe even less tainted than buddhism (there are only basically two short novel length primary sources in taoism in the first place) but the way the truth is communicated in those texts is tailored towards someone who is already much further along the path so it's not as universally useful.
Not the Roman Empire, specifically the Byzantine empire, the ottomans came in took the territory and converted people in the area to Islam, so would that mean Islam is a European religion? No right?
It's BS, just like every other religion or anything else that is supernatural.
Check out edgy intellectual high schooler circa 2003 user here. Lol
>be me, a WN seeking religion
>study Christianity
>can't reconcile my political and social beliefs, sadly have to put Christianity down
>start looking into Buddhism
>realize the other races are adharmic demons who will never attain enlightenment in this life
>We must defend the Dharma and save these people by killing them so that they have a better shot at enlightenment after their reincarnation
Take the Ungernpill lads.
Toothless and weak.
These two people are ignorant on the subject and have decided to share their knowledge with us.
>no u
>Bettter shot.
But you didn't attain Enlightenment.
A lot of cool and interesting ideas
Whoop dee fucking doo Schlomo.
John 14:6
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
It's good but faggots in countries like Thailand ruined it.
Building temples and worshipping the Buddha goes against the whole idea of Buddhism.
>and user said unto him "everyone gay who doesn't listen to me and follow my cult"
>so it must be true, I mean, he said it was true so like... how could it not be?
Based blind faith, toddler brained idiot
>Anyone that disagree's with me is a Jew.
Neither good nor bad. Buddhism simply is what it is. The middle way.
there's a lot of bullshit in it
but a lot of really useful info too
meditation and reading zen stories can help you cut through the cloud of bullshit that surrounds us all
what is this world
what is it
I was kinda shocked when the leaders of those iPhone manufacturing buildings in China brought in monks to teach buddhism to the people rather than paying them what they wanted so they would stop committing suicide by jumping out of the windows. it seems like a tool to condition people to be complacent. I do not like that, and find it lacking a certain sense of appeal as opposed to the admiration which I have for the NSDAP regime. Buddhism can be useful for when you are in situations where there is absolutely no way out, but it's just teaching disciples maximum effort cope in the most complex fucking way possible.
is really the pure shit
dur, dur... KJV: ADDED
shut the fuck up bootlicker
lol I love Jow Forums, but that's the only thing that annoys me here. The amount of logical fallacies I see on this board on a daily basis make my eyes water.
Don’t say that they’ll start doing it on purpose and make it a meme
once you start using religion to elevate men to positions of authority the religion becomes corrupt
Buddhism has lots of garbage in it
Still there's good ideas at the core
They also don't all believe in reincarnation. Christ, did you not even wiki the topic before shooting off your mouth? There are conservative buddhists (actually based, not the flimflam based you see people here revering) like in Sri Lanka where the monks actually go out and beat up degenerates and more "flow like water" buddhists. Google "Sri Lankan monks beat up" and see what you find. You will be surprised. Fair play, that's not really what the Buddha was about but then again, which religeons have stayed absolutely true to their founding principles, with complete fidelity for five hundred to a thousand years?
Religion is a coercion tactic used by the government in order to subdue us to their ideals
read twitter for five minutes and the broken logic on Jow Forums becomes refreshing
Yeah? I hate how fags on here confuse National Socialism with the KKK, like the two go together somehow. And there are no neo-Nazi's, they all died during the war, or fought in it. There's no resemblance between a neo-Nazi and a real Nazi, it's just edgelord bullshit and an outlet for racism cringe.
Buddhism =/= Hinduism. Cows are sacred to Hindus, they are "as sacred as everything else" to Buddhists.
The idea behind Buddhism is that we all have the potential to become enlightened, to attain nirvana. At that time, we will have broken the cycle of reincarnation.
You can do all the "not Buddhist" stuff you want, like eating steak and being a jerk and whatever. The idea behind Buddhism is that your soul, your spirit, will purify as it reincarnates and at some point it will reach nirvana.
Maybe not this life, maybe not the next, but eventually.
Not helpful in dire straits. America's religion is booze, sports and evading black people. You can't breathe easy. To believe otherwise is delusional. Even the buddha would say it's a mess. The dali lama, his incarnation says white countries are for white people.
I drink Miller Lite myself.
Dharma is a hindu concept.
>Google "Sri Lankan monks beat up"
haha wow
what religion did the USSR use?
nonviolence is stupid and impractical
yes and jews have basically evolved into white people so lets all listen to their god, their religions, and their values. Europe would be nothing without the 7 noahide laws! amen (jewish word) and hallelujah (jewish words)
shuddup bootlicker kek
finally someone who gets it. iphone venezuela
very practical, but a bit shallow and reincarnation is bs.
It is the religion of many Asians and Indians. It's pretty cool and interesting as a religion. Religions are intrinsically tied to ethnicity. Whites being Buddhists is pretty cringe, imagine a Chinese praising Odin.
Ethnicity is a tool used by government to divide us, you socialist pig
Iirc, the Greeks had statues of Buddha. A great religion like Buddhism should not be constrained by its ethnicity -- Christianity surely isn't.
I think it is a good religion that has a lot of good doctrines and teachings.
If I wasn't Christian I would be Buddhist.
Yes white people dont understand the spirit of these religions goes against their core nature of being greedy and individualistic
What about Sikhism ?
practice is difficult and it is often misunderstood even by practitioners
Eh, I don't really know. I have an interest in Buddhism cause besides Christianity it's the religion I know the most about.
The Thai Forest Tradition is the only nondegenerate form of Buddhism extant.
Check out Thanissaro Bhikkhu's works.
How so, Sikhism May have solved this problem for you .
Slide thread with heavy straw-maning.
Nobody on Jow Forums understands Buddhism enough to say anything about it. They don't even know what nondualism is, much less the philosophical trends of Vedanta which led to Buddhist metaphysics.
A misconception, but common one.
A misconception, but common one. Not a religion according to its own tenets, despite "believers" oftentimes not knowing that or abiding by that.
>literally worships a person who just sits
A misconception, but common one.
It makes sense, i like it, i follow the teachings of the Buddha and basically has kept me from shooting my self or jumping from a bridge.
It's good because it might not seem like a religion and doesn't take easy shortcuts like >just because God did it, basically tells you to fuck off and find your own answers and that basically that in that search the meaning is not in the grandiose ending more like in the trip itself.
Buddhism isn't a religion according to itself.
Look into Sikhism and the teachings of the ten gurus Buddhism is a great religion and just like Islam and Christianity come out of Judaism . Buddhism and Sikhism come out of dharmjc religions like Hinduism
Most of what you don't like are local adaptations (basically heresies or misconceptions) and not central tenets.
i'm done with all Abrahamic Semitic religions
which religion is about survival, science, nature, tribalism?
maybe even patriarchy too
Buddhism is a great religion but it can and should be constrained by ethnicity. We can, and will, de facto ban all religions outside of cuckstianity (out of necessity) and the various sects of European paganism. Own all the Buddhist literature you want, practice what you want in your own home, I suppose. But there will be no Pagoda's in the ethnostate, with a bunch of white Buddhist monks. There will be no organized Buddhist presence.
The Buddha was White.
I'm not making this up, he had blue eyes.
Aside from the one sliver of folklore which has Brahma implore the buddha to teach his insights, there is next to nothing religious in buddhism proper. That's not to say there aren't billions of lay followers that pray to gods etc. its just local folklore laid on top of (and despite) the core tenets.
Buddhism isn't really a religion like Christianity or Islam. Buddhists aren't god fearing people who live under strict rules or else muh spooky eternal damnation. Buddhism is more or a way of life.
I actually do. Intellectually anyway. But having the direct experience is probably lifetimes away. Buddhism is good, but entirely pacifistic. And its a dying religion because of this fact. Much like Christianity.
This. and Ajahn Chah. Vipassana and National Socialism is the only way.
Unironically satanism. Satanists don't actually worship Satan (common misconception). They believe in individual freedom.
All of Afghanistan was Buddhist (silk highway). Hence Taliban blowing up the Bamiyan buddhas.
I just happen to think that those that have dust in their eyes get the rope. Buddism (Therevada) is very based.
dude if christianity is a tool by the jews then im probably about 99% sure satanism will be too.
I don't even beleive in individual freedom anyway because i am biologically bound to the tribe.
well then you're just an atheist
When will the ban come ? What’s happening ?
It's practionner are generally sane and they at least recognise the danger of mudslimes. They are fine
I think the perfect place for the enthnostate is the CAVES OF NEWFOUNDLAND we will give you computers and mattresses and you can be on 4 chan all day
>in the ethnostate
When there is a white ethnostate. Maybe in 30-40 years? Hard to say.
How are you going to make it happen in 30-40 years when most of you don’t have jobs and stay inside all day ?
meme religion for (((free spirits)))
Ahura Mazda, some kinds of Buddhism, Sol Invictus, there are many alternatives.
why don’t you just go squeeze a tree to make some syrup, leaf?
Nice try glow leaf.