Holohoax thread prove it didnt happen edition

Holohoax thread prove it didnt happen edition

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The holocaust obviously happened. You can't hide evidence of 6 million people dying idiot.



You fucking incels spend all your days laughing at racism, bigotry, misogyni and shit like that, while it's insensitive, i don't mind because it's humour and nobody takes you losers seriously anyways. But when you fucks start making fun of the holocaust I CANNOT and WILL NOT remain silent. The Holocaust was a TRAGEDY. Don't laugh at tragedies.
The holocaust, however it happened according to verified, accepted, certified and recommended historical books containing accepted, certified and verified historical facts concerning the holocaust, was a tragedy.
I have read some of the verified, accepted, certified and recommended books about the holocaust and I swear to you, to god and to anyone reading this, that they not only are true but cannot have happened any other way than the way they were described in the verified, accepted, certified, recommended books containing descriptions of them. Thank God the ADL provides us with a list of verified, accepted, certified and recommended books about the holocaust containing verified, accepted, certified facts about the holocaust and the tragedy that took place during world war II perpetrated by the nazi government of the time in the way that is described by the verified, accepted, certified, recommended books about those events. You should DEFINITELY read some of the verified, accepted, certified, recommended books about the holocaust to further understand and realize the gravity of the events that took place the way they took place as described in the verified, accepted, certified, recommended books containing verified, accepted, certified descriptions of the events.

Jew shill

No. Just funny copy pasta.

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Theres ways around this typing thing user.
Also...take less meth.
But, have a verified accepted and certified (You)

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The holocaust was real and perpetrated by Bolshevik jews on Christian Ukrainians

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My grandmother was a nazi from Nazi germany and said it never happened. She said the worst that happened was famine to the prisoners AND GUARDS. She said they fed the kike bread through the fences during the famine.

Hitler did nothing wrong (except lose the war)

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This crazy conspiracy theory has already been debunked. Seriously it's not even up for debate any more.

>using bitchute as a legitimate source

Shill holocaust was proven propoganda in french court

This is false man. Seriously it didn't happen.

Hahaha numbers don't lie.
Wooden Doors?
US POW's held in "death camps" forced to sign affadavits swearing they stayed in them, in case the narrative was exposed?
>Now you know, cuckster, what the phrase, "The Jews, and Their Lies" means.

Myth: Mayor of Dachau commits suicide upon seeing the Camp.
Fact: British Troops were ordered to take civilian reprisals, an act which is now forbidden by the UN.
Myth: Himmler committed suicide.
Fact: UK Troops alive and in the room testified that they witnessed him being beaten to death by Kike Troops from UK

Jews 90% of Bolshevik Revolution, according to the US Ambassador to Russia, David Francis, in 1917.

Jews murdered 100 Million Orthadox Christians in Russia from 1917 until the 30's...and your whining ass doesn't even KNOW about that.


The crazy conspiracy theory being the Holocaust?

US POW's forced to sign affadavits DENYING they had been in "death camps".

The bombastatude of your insistence...its mind blowing

My bad if that was misinterpreted. I'm meant to say the holocaust itself was already debunked.

>Myth: Mayor of Dachau commits suicide upon seeing the Camp.
>Fact: British Troops were ordered to take civilian reprisals, an act which is now forbidden by the UN.
>Myth: Himmler committed suicide.
>Fact: UK Troops alive and in the room testified that they witnessed him being beaten to death by Kike Troops from UK
Sauce me up senpai

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nice evidence

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>Holocaust was a TRAGEDY
it's a tragedy that the germans didn't wipe the jews from the entirety of the earth's surface

I'm glad the krauts lost.

people just laugh at you now


You're glad your country fought for the jews so that you may be enslaved?

If the holocaust didn't happen, which obviously it didn't, then there is no basis for assigning evil attributes to Hitler.

I saw a movie about it so it must be true and diddnt exaggerate anything

muh jooz
cuz they wrecked europe twice and never won a world war.

Post AYY TONE'S to scare the jews.

based and SAGE

>cuz they wrecked europe twice
>he fell for the "oy vey the krauts started it goy" meme

Making a law to prevent people from investigating your claim is the only proof that is required. If your claim were true you would want people to investigate it. You would demand it to be investigated. Only if you know your claim is false would you go to the extreme of putting people behind bars for investigating your claim.