Veganism general

please logically explain why you eat meat. theres not a single argument for eating meat besides "its immoral but i still do it because its fun and i dont care". seriously, if you think about it logically, its the most evil unethical thing imaginable. the way we treat animals makes ww2 look like a joke. hundred of millions of animal die every year for your taste pleasure. we dont need any animal products to be healthy, we just eat them because its tasty and we prefer our momentary taste pleasure over a lifetime of animal suffering

why do carnicucks claim to love animals when they really only love cute, fluffy animals like dogs and cats while having no concern about the mass slaughter of pigs and cattle?

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Other urls found in this thread:

heres the resources. educate yourself on the topic of veganism today. theres no excuse to being ignorant of the science or philosophical arguments in 2019

veganism is an exceptionally Jow Forums philosophy if you actually thought about it for more than 2 seconds. its just the reduction in animal suffering. if you wouldnt be okay with killing dogs for fun, why are you killing pigs for fun?

comfy vegan street interviews:

horrors of slaughterhouses:

horrors of the dairy industry:

understanding why we eat pigs and love dogs:

philosophical arguments for veganism

how to get started on a vegan diet:

how meat causes diabetes, cancer and heart disease:

vegan weight lifter

vegan health documentary

environmental damage of the meat industry

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Animals eat meat, humans are animals, I am a human, I eat meat.

>theres not a single argument for eating meat besides "its immoral but i still do it because its fun and i dont care"
(1) there's*
(2) it's fucking delicious and I'm not a faggot.

humans need meat


That picture is literally a lie

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animals eat meat to survive. literally if they dont eat meat they will starve to death; they have no choice. lions literally starve to death all the time because they cant eat meat

you on the other hand have a CHOICE. you can just go to the supermarket and buy 100$ worth of canned beans, dried lentils, rice and canned corn and potatoes. that will literally last you several months

which mean the only reason why you do it is for your TASTE PLEASURE. because its fun for you. its literally the same as kicking dogs to death; the fundamental reason why you do both actions is the same; killing for your pleasure

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those pigs are raised for food. they wouldn't exist if they were not raised to eat. those dogs obviously do. are you faggots so dense that you do not understand this?

There is nothing out of the ordinary

I eat meat cause it's healthy. only retards don't eat meat

Real meat is better for you than vegan shit ever will be. Fuck off, Dave, don't you have a store to run?

t. former vegan of 15 years who eats 1.5 lbs. of meat per day and whose blood work comes back better than when he was a vegan faggot

Vegans aren't known for being honest, because their argument is purely self-back-patting retarded garbage that has no science, only "ethics" of why personal purity matter.

Vegans should be killed and turned into meat for the underclass, niggers wouldn't care and they'd be better nourished.

>moral relativism is only bad when it suits me
Vegans are the biggest faggots of the leftist spectrum, even moreso that those guys who love to get poop and blood in their dick.

it literally takes MASSIVE amounts of crops, land and water to feed animals. tons of land and resources have to be allocated to make food for cows and pigs and chickens. going vegan just cuts out the middle man and makes things much more efficient

kill yourself faggot. do you have anything better than ad hominems? is character attacks the only thing you are intellectually capable of, you mentally stunted intellectual midget?

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>because their argument is purely self-back-patting retarded garbage that has no science


TONS of vegan arguements are backed up by science. particularly the environental, health and conciousness arguements

we have science that shows us eating meat is destroying the environment

we have science that shows us animals are sentient and concious

we have science that shows us that meat is directly related to a significant increase in your chances of getting heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers. this is 100% SCIENCE. pull more strawmen out of your ass

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>you can just go to the supermarket and buy 100$ worth of canned beans, dried lentils, rice and canned corn and potatoes.
They'd still keep killing animals and selling the meat unless a significant amount of people stopped eating meat. Plus are you seriously going to claim the average person is smart enough to maintain a vegan diet? You can literally die if you become a vegan and eat like a retard. Most people don't know shit about nutrtition.
And of course that supermarket you take for granted is only available in settled countries. What are little nigger babies in Africa supposed to eat?

Vegans have sickly yellow-green skin tone, have to rely on suppliments and pretend-meat.
Your diet is shit and only argument you have is ethics. You are willing to compromise your health due to falsely perceived justice, I do not want fags like you to propagandise this shit in my community.
Factory farming is fucked tho.

I lift weights and eating the same amount of protein from plant sources makes me fart 24/7. Like, I'll wake up in the middle of the night from farting.

People feel more for the dogs because dogs have literally been bred for thousands of years to be expressive human companions, it’s in our and their genes to feel an emotional connection.

have sex

Livestock eat lower quality grain and get forage off of fields that would otherwise be fallow or turned into parking lots or hunting grounds for the wealthy. Consider much of my part of the midwest has a heavy clay soil that isn't good for anything except hay and farmers need manure from local dairies to keep the soil from depleting. I believe there is an argument to be made on the ethics of slaughtering animals though.

I am an apex predator. I eat other animals.

I'm a pescatarian because fish and eggs are good sources of protein that don't require a lot of matter to produce. Tilapia is actually fairly eco-friendly because for every one pound of feed you give tilapia, you get one pound of food. I think with cows it's something like seven pounds of feed to one pound of beef. It also helped with my cholesterol.

On another note, fuck veganism. It's a wildly unsustainable fad that will hopefully die out in the near future.

Veganism is an anti human death sentence.

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I've taken shits with higher nutritional value than a vegan meal.

Who the fuck says you need to buy meat from that shitty industry? Hunt some deer. Buy from humane farms. You don’t have to be vegan to not support that shitty industry. The meat from there is nasty too and is bad for you.

don't eat processed meat then, retard

>I eat meat cause it's healthy. only retards don't eat meat


Gonna analyze each video by just looking at their thumbnails

>neckbeard interviewing a beta doing the snoyboy face
It fucking writes itself
>poser ousting posers
>vegans aren't capable of originality
Must be the lack of saturated fats in the brain
>british lesbo and quintessential briton fight for virtue signalling points
>meat = bad
>caked up attentionwhore probably has more animal cruelty on her face than a sheep farm in Bagdhad
>real life case of epigenetics manifesting beta traits through veganism
>dude looks pretty jewy but then again, he's an anglo
>dieting advice from instathots
>dieting advice for someone who thinks body hair is a replacement for an actual chin
>lmao vegans have shit genetics
>Canadian cuck hasn't lifted in his life so believes that muscle comes from veggies and not from protein shakes
>yes good goy, insects for the plebs and stakes for the chosen people, you wouldn't want to destroy the planet for the next generation of Pan-African-Eurasian slave races

>t. user who probably wasn't whole-food plant-based, no oil vegan

its literally not though. it causes cancer, heart disease, gives you constipation and raises your diabetes chances. meat eaters are some of the most constipated people around, pic related

so find a source of plants that dont make you fart. there are tons. and usually its just because you are introducing a large amount of new food into your diet. once your gut bacteria gets used to it, you will fart back to a normal level

so basically, might makes right?

does that make slavery of niggers okay, because whites were more powerful?
so if i go around curbstomping dogs, does that make it okay because im "le apex predator"?
would you be okay with a more powerful country killing all your men and raping your women, because they have power over you?

fucking briandead hypocritical retard facetious faggot. how disengenous and ugly can you possibly be to say shit like this, dear lord

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>why do carnicucks claim to love animals when they really only love cute, fluffy animals like dogs and cats while having no concern about the mass slaughter of pigs and cattle?
I am sure many on here take issue with factory farming and the conditions associated with it, including illegally employing sadistic neo-aztec savages that get off on torturing living things. The ubermensch respects the animal who gave its life for his sustenance, in the same way he respects and cares for his other animal companions that don't belong on the table.
With that said, ethical farms and slaughterhouses/butchers do exist but get ready to pay $10 a pound for something as basic as hamburger meat. That's the premium you pay to see to it that the animal was raised and slaughtered humanely. Of course, the quality of the meat surpasses anything you would ever find in a store.

Looks delicious.

I eat it because im indoctrinated into Satanism. We all are. Carnism is a satanic blood letting ritual. I want to change, I realize its the right thing to do. But like pornography its something I have a hard time breaking away from because of a lifetime of brainwashing and occult influence. Forgive me divine creator for not taming the beast within.

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>it's immoral

Ever since I switched over to a primarily meat based diet my mouth actually waters at this image, guess we are actually carnivores, keep going.

Trust me, the bug men treat both animals the same way... What you really want to compare is China techniques for slaughter vs. the rest of the fucking civilized world.

as a leaf who doesn't enjoy the rigors and rewards of hunting you're a faggot who should be glassed

Thanks for the summary, saves me the time.

I'll eat anything if it comes down to it. That's up to me. Dont push your bullshit onto other people. You're a crazy person.

>theres no difference between pigs and dogs
read The Bible. twice.

You are 100% in the right. It is for pleasure. Your anger is justified. At the same time all of your simian brothers have been brainwashed over their lifetime into a cult of great evil. Most people are completely unaware they are participating in Satanism. Forgive our avarice. We were raised to be gluttonous selfish consumers.

Cool, the NSA opened up some server space I see!

no thanks, make lab grown meat & we'll talk.

>you can just go to the supermarket and buy 100$ worth of canned beans, dried lentils, rice and canned corn and potatoes

What I am poor?
Fuck off nigger leaf, I just had a plate of prime bacon with eggs I give no fucks about your feelings

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If The Meat Industry Was Honest

OP your thread is full of dogmatic rhetoric and anecdotal """evidence""" from stilted sources.
There are ALOT of issues with veganism
I wont bother making a list but veganism is absolutely not how human beings developed and became what we are today.
Veganism has become a de-facto religon to impressionable millenials seeking karmic redemption for their consumerism.
>We live in a society,the lifestyle.
Enjoy your nerve damage,OP

I eat meat because my body dends it, I can well afford it, and I'd eat human if I could figure out a way to get away with it and I would knoe it would piss you off soiboi.
Go back to sucking cock for spare change fagget, you do nothing here today, or anyday.

Going vegetarian is a better choice.

Idk how people justify eating a decaying corpse in 2019

>muh nutrients
>muh taste

You have to eat all the bugs.

Restorative ranching is good for the animals, good for the environment and good for me. Factory farming is immoral, and anything grown by the government is probably dangerous and malicious.

Because I can and I want to
Now logically explain why you are a vegan without agreeing that my reason is valid.

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>Inb4 nutrition
That’s not how that works bud

I don't have to justify anything to you fuck off.

I do not care if people eat dogs.

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>can only look at meat based food and look at a decaying corpse
Man, these people are wackos and overly dramatic lel

You aren’t supposed to eat the decaying ones, retard.

Dogs literally evolved in forming a bond with humans and communicating feelings to form a connection that allows the coexistence of those two.
>Hell, dogs ended up having special glands in their eyes to enhance this ability, a trait that they do not share with feral wolves. (With the result being what is commonly known as "puppy eyes", yes)
Pigs did not. It's that simple. Although as mammals we all three share some point of empathy and ability to express and communicate emotions, as it was a valuable tool to our survival, dogs and pigs differ greatly on the matter.
Dogs simply exist for another reason in this system of giving and taking and that is not to be food.
I am tilted of this argument over and over excuse any inconvenience on my comment.

You feel strongly about animals, right? All animals, right?

Fermenting meat is a very old traditional cuisine in many cultures. Raw meat is more prevalent in the past. Mettbrochen or steak tartar are delicious. Liver, raw liver, is an incredible food. I've had it fresh from a dead dear and I loved it and it made me feel amazing / euphoric.

I feel like ive been shown the same video for the last 20 years now. There is no way that the process is still that "barbaric" in countries that have laws and sanctions in place.

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certain animals are used as livestock for a reason, pigs are self absorb pricks that don't care if the pig next of them got their throat slit, chickens will stay where there is food and shelter which makes the freerange thing a meme, niggers/spics will always vote anything with a D by the name, and cows are retarded and taste good

Vegans are insufferable faggots

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In response to the pic you posted, just eating red meat alone won't do it. There is a specific ratio between the amount of red meat and the time in between consumption that would cause eventual cancer (i.e. eating red meat twice a day versus eating red meat once every two weeks). Not only this, but your provided graph fails to provide an age group. How do we know just how bad red meat is if we don't have statistics by age group? It would be a clear issue if the subjects who make-up the cancer caused by red meat is somewhere between the ages of 30 and 50, but if it were mostly 70 and 80 year-olds this chart would be pointless.

all of those are food or potential food, depends on how hungry I am.

>dont kill animals
>kill plants
fuck off

but you would if the victim was white people.

all you fucking Jow Forums faggots are such massive hypocrites when it comes to animal abuse

if whites are getting genocided by niggers in south africa, you cry crocodile tears all day about it

>huueeeeeeeee its so immoral and evil of niggers ='(((

yet you turn around and do it to animals

white people get killed by niggers in america and south africa? HORRIBLE TRAGEDY!
white people get raped and killed by muslim imigrants in sweden and england? HORRIBLE TRAGEDY!
muslims prostitute out white children in england and invade europe and shoot up theaters? HORRIBLE TRAGEDY

but then you turn arround and systematically enslave and kill millions of pigs and cows a year. FUCKING ENDLESS hypocrisy you delusional retard

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Veganism is a waste of time, such trivial matters.

Then can you answer for the lives of the trillions of insects you've killed thanks to your trendy "ethical" diet? The global insect population is down 50% thanks to an over use of pesticides, but you don't care. You just care about the cute cows and the fluffy chickens because they're cute. Fuck you vegans. You're all a bunch of hypocrites.

Come leaf, it's time to be raked

Go back to bed kiddo, you have school tomorrow.

animals = food
people not = food
no hypocrisy

animals do not equal people

Because I want to. I'd eat you if you too if you tasted like bacon.

Because it tastes good, is nutritious in ways plants aren't, and I don't give a fuck about my food suffering before I eat it. Yes I'd eat cat or dog. Do I now? No. Why? I don't have to; and I decide what creatures I live with and which are food. Eat your plants, take your supplement pills you deny taking, waste away, and fuck off, nigger.

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Chinks skin and boil the dogs alive

Westerners kill the pigs by inflicting severe head trauma with a specially designed device that kills then instantly

Are they lab grown?
smoke plants instead

Sometimes the chinks will blowtorch the dog after skinning them alive. It's horrifying.

and nature kills by chasing down and tearing it apart where it can feel it. But these vegans only seem to care about "evil western" stuff like every other poo-eating retard that worships (((popculture)))

I'm not going to watch any of that propaganda.

We don't have to explain jack shit, you ignorant faggot. Burden of proof is on the positive claim. Also, asserting something is unethical or immoral doesn't make it so. It's just a non-argument statement of opinion. Go suck a railroad spike, you malnutritioned retard.

>this fucking reddit copy paste shit again by a fucking (((Canadian))) flag. Mods better do their fucking jobs or I’m gona find and gas em.

>Because it tastes good
so sensory pleasure justifies murder and enslavement?

is it okay for me to breed dogs into small cages their entire life and curbstomp them to death if i derive sensory pleasure from it?

why is it okay for me to kill pigs for sensory pleasure but not dogs? how logically inconsistent are you?

>is nutritious in ways plants aren't
eating meat gives you heart disease, cancer and diabetes. vegans have the lowest levels of diabetes around, pic and post related >and I decide what creatures I live with and which are food
ahh, so your arbitrary moral double standards are how you live your life?

if i decided to arbitrarily curb stomp dogs, or kill retarded people, or kill black or white people, would that make it moral?

how does the way you kill an animal make a difference?

if i bred dogs and kept them in cages and killed them instantly for my pleasure, would that make it moral?
why is it moral to do that to pigs but immoral to do that to dogs?

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OP is a massive basedboy faggot.

Because vegitable farms kill shit tons of of animals through pesticides and extermination. A Animals are dying either way so might as well get a tasty sandwich out of the deal.
Also because fuck you.


Because I don't want to look like a malnourished faggot

>Pic Related
Vegans actually take health advice from this guy

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Animals lives have no inherent value.

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you are so pathetic your tears are delicious like meat.

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>Thinking we share any values

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OP should know better than to come between americans and their shitty burgers. No wonder everyone seems pist when veganism is mentioned

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Meat is apart of a healthy diet
dead people usually are a tragedy unless Jews
Without the consumption of animal products
their would be no farm animals you MASSIVE FUCKTARD

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And, if you want to be healthy, hundreds of dollars per month in supplements; veganism is a war on the poor

The only value people have is placed by other people. Namely those that know the individual. So people have no inherent value either.

>tfw God gives you dominion over the earth

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You are a tame, domestic creature who buys all their crap at a supermarket. Don't go on bragging about being an apex predator, it's really cringy and disingenuous. I bet you fat mouthbreathers wouldn't last a day in the wild with only your wits and survival skills. You'd be food for the maggots. Don't play with me and LARP as some lion taking down a gazelle in the rainforest, you idiotic troglodyte.

Supplements full of heavy metals as most supplements have been found to be contaminated with them.

Yet another mark against the vegan lifestyle

Tell me about how healthy babies on vegan diets are you fucking chode

The cycle of killing and death is inherent to the ecosystem in which we live, sorry you're too much of a sissy fag to accept that and cry big salty ass tears over the lives domesticated animals which only exist to feed humans.

Made this today, all natural

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A healthy diet should require zero supplements