How to solve the gentrification crisis, Jow Forums?

How to solve the gentrification crisis, Jow Forums?

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Has anyone realized how cucked Breitbart is? They hire a ton of jews and then blame white liberals when the problem is Mexicans.

ironically, it will be the influx of niggers into their cities

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Make them very unwelcome. NC locals are starting to do this. I recently heard a guy tell another guy to take his fat yankee ass back where it belonged if he wants to stay healthy.
Rural states are getting fed up.

both are a problem

>White Liberals
More lies from Kikebart.
It's Hispanics and other immigrants that are doing the flipping and pushing Socialism.

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Which states have turned deep blue from red recently?

Breitbart was always controlled opposition. The staff and readers are all kikesuckers.

>Implying it's a north v south
You're right halfway though.
It's an urban v rural.

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Isn't it wonderful how hypocritical the left is? They spend years telling everyone what not to do then they go ahead and do that very thing themselves with no opposition.
It's almost as if they're soulless immoral NPCs.

Texas will be blue in 2020, deep blue by 2024. Arizona is already blue, Georgia is on its way. NC too.

texas is just about there

Allow bankruptcy for student loans. We also need to find a way to have colleges have some skin in the game with student loans. If they are putting out a bad product, the money gets cut off.
Cut H1B visas in half. Eventually get them down to about five percent of what they are now. We want the geniuses. Not a bunch of workers without student loans who work for a shitload less.

Don't give their useless parents a job in a red district. It's easy to check what their kids believe in through social groups online. Companies already use this method to check others backgrounds. Remember, all kids are liberal/socialists because that's the environment they are still being raised in. They do not want this comfy environment to change.

I live near a university in Arizona. So many commiefornian yuppies all around me. They taint everything they get near.
I've spoken to and overheard many commiefornians who have declared they're going to stay here and help make Arizona purple or blue.
Yeah spics are a problem too, but so are these fuckers.

Virginia and Colorado comes to mind, but that was 10 years ago. The trend seems to be Republicans are getting more states, especially in the Midwest.

Are young white liberals actually voting Democrat more than the BLACKS who were being gentrified out?

Everyone should understand that cities are where the Democrats always were, at least in the last 50 years or so.

Colorado has always been a swing state, if you look at the Presidential voting history it always swings back and forth every couple elections. Colorado Springs is a longtime Republican stronghold though.

I live in Texas. Was is happening is suburban whites dont like Trump. I think the'll go back to voting R when they dont have to vote for him.

Eventually though the parties are going to shift and adapt to new voting demographics. Predicting state voting trends greater than 10 years out is dumb.

Biden is Trump's biggest threat for those red states like Arizona and Georgia but I think his opponent is Warren and I dont think she'll get those.

The OG guy was killed off and the website went to shit

Bernie is Trump's biggest threat, he beats him by the greatest margin of any other Dem in the South and Texas

This guy knows whats up. I was born and raised in commiefornian and know where the blue tide is moving to. They are just like a plague and they know what they are doing. Don't let them feel welcomed and keep giving them shit until they fuck back off to this shithole. The one's who are really not like them will stick around even if you treat them like shit AND if they are not on state welfare because they have already been living their life in a hellhole like ive been...
Also careful of the women, they will turn your state blue overnight by converting cucks.

No one can say for certain because all polling is pozzed. This is certain though, Bernie is not the hero he was in 2016, many who supported him then realized he cucked them.

I wouldnt take stock in h2h polls right now. I think Bernie would get destroyed desu.

Warren and Bernie arent going to motivate hispanics and blacks very hard I think. The top three in the dem race are all old white people over 70.

Fuck Arizona. Michigan and Minnesota going a bit more red is sexy.

>white liberals
Redundant phrase; all liberals are white.

why don't these white liberals love living in their Democrat state?

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It'll be super close for Michigan for sure, can't say for Minnesota since I don't live there.

Just a generational thing. Milennials are lib, watch zoomers be more redpilled.

I feel like all the people who perpetually voted for Democrats finally realized that while neither side really gives a flying fuck about their issues, they would much rather vote for the side that doesn't actively pander to trannies and illegals

If whites voted R the way niggers (or whites in the Deep South) vote D, the only blue state would be Cali

Context of this pic?

minnesota is pretty much the canada of the US, its filled to the brim with liberals and faggots who would probably fuck off to actual canada if trump wins again.

>send them back to california
>build wall

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>That qt on the right
No makeup or plastic surgery

Add more housing projects to deter them from living there.

Proceed to call them "racist".

Nope it’s literally white liberals, in california white liberals is the biggest voting block in the state, spics have a stupid low turnout rate.

>Don't give their useless parents a job in a red district. It's easy to check what their kids believe in through social groups online. Companies already use this method to check others backgrounds. Remember, all kids are liberal/socialists because that's the environment they are still being raised in. They do not want this comfy environment to change.

What if you're a landlord? Refuse to rent to liberals? Then you're stuck taking checks from quality whites.

Khmer Rouge. Google it.

you won't stop it and you know 2020 is going to be devastating for Trump voters. What will they do?

we should put you all in camps now to avoid the REEEEEEEE!!!!!!!ing

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yeh their sirius station is fucking disgusting. constant kike shilling, its at the point where i listen to the faggot retards on the progress station instead of that infuriating shit.

(the subscription came with my car when i bought it i dont plan to renew, that shit is garbage)

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even the most braindead white (specifically white) liberal is a ticking time bomb of redpills just waiting to be enriched by multiculturalism

This is true. Nonwhites are just following the incentives before them and don’t give two shits about free speech or due process, etc.

I would have to disagree. A good chunk maybe, but a lot of them will never give it up no matter what considering the families of Mollie Tibbets or Amy Biehl.

Liberal now, Conservative later.

Notsobritebart said it so it must be the opposite .

yea dude

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I think the Tibbets family pathologically hates white people, for whatever reason. Like self-hate at a genetic level, and not just learned like so many self-labeled liberals.

I actually live in texas m suburban whites love trump . Fuck you kike

After Andrew Breitbart was killed

How is that any better though?

>they are all gonna have their buttholes turn inside out
wew sucks for them

tell them to fuck off back to California

All cities are blue already, who cares.

Idiocracy at work


what is up with reddit shills always getting first post. I noticed this on reddit many years ago

Not if we kill them all, literally


Slash their tires and burn them out

Well we legit will kill Bernie, no communist will be allowed in the White House! We can legally kill the bastard per law 1952

Liberal policies have made their home states too expensive to live in if one isn't either millionaire or member of minority with access to racially targeted social benefits.

That's some Come and See tier shit right there.

Based. I've been yelling at yankees for years but all I've gotten in return are threats to kick my ass. I don't think anyone has taken me up on my offer to leave.

>guys it's totally the 100,000 Californian and New England liberals that moved to Texas in the last decade that could flip the state, not the fact the state has gone from 20% hispanic to 50% hispanic in 30 years

virginia and nevada. nevada belongs to the white man



Most of them will go right when they get a little older. Happened to me.

Not at the rate of other Repubs

I wouldnt consider both of these states "deep" blue

here in florida we got 200,000 puerto rican voters since hurricane maria

Source for what? Demographics of Texas? That's easily available.

Well for whatever in senate and governor, Rs won both those in a non presidential wave year against Rs.

Florida is weird.

I read more tranplants voted for Cruz than O'Rouke. What if it's conservatives from those areas moving to the state but the young and libs in the state just dont like Trump?

Ban Starbucks, amazon, and Netflix from the area and they won’t move there.

well, youre misinformed i suppose

Based. Pol Pot did nothing wrong.


My communist friend is correct. White liberals are the biggest problem in America. Niggers and spics function relatively well when the minority in conservative areas. Many of them even assimilate. White liberals without daddies are the undoing of most Western countries


I think it is a mix of both. The liberal states are driving out businesses so they relocated with a bunch of other city slickers somewhere else hence an influx of liberals, were as others that don't move due to job relocation are more conservative. Just an unfounded opinion.

I moved to Texas from NJ 5 years ago. I'm no lib so I can testify. Same with a few others. It's a mix. It's hispanics. The parties are going to have a coalition change in the next 10 years. I cant predict what the map could look like beyond 2028 at best.

right is hot, too bad she's dead

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The problem will take care of itself user

Do not panic

>nevada belongs to the white man

You've never been to Las Vegas have you?