You know what's coming

Nature is out of balance.
Everything you call 'degeneracy' is an excess that is disrupting the human ecosystem.
Either become a predator and adopt a predator's morality, or become prey and become extinct.

TL;DR - the real civil war is us versus normies and we're going to win because we aren't restrained by their retarded ideas about good and evil

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Other urls found in this thread: color eyes albinism&oq=what &gs_l=psy-ab.3.0.35i39l2j0i131j0l2j0i131j0j0i131j0l2.7369266.7371152..7371960...1.0..1.80.1126.18......0....1..gws-wiz.....10..0i22i30j35i362i39.4q-3OTrZPbw





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I’d go predatory on that ginger ass if you know what I mean

Top kek

The fuck is wrong with that goblin in your pic OP?


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I think she might be one of the rarest humans
Red hair with blue eyes is the least common colouration combination if I remember correctly.
Though her eyes might be grey, I'm not great at the whole 'blue or grey' thing

I know one personally who is into me

God, she's ugly


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>they come here to "feel white"

I want to make babies with her. I prefer bigger titties but she's hot.

Unfortunately, big tits are correlated with being dumb (although I wonder if this is confounded with the fact that dumb people are also fat)

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>What does utopia look like for mice? According to a researcher who did most of his work in the 1950s through1970s, it might include limitless food (of course!), multiple levels and secluded little rodent condos. These were all part of John Calhoun’s experiments to study the effects of population density on behavior. But what looked like rat utopias and mouse paradises at first quickly spiraled into out-of-control overcrowding, eventual population collapse and seemingly sinister behavior patterns.

Google 'behavioral sink'. Its an interesting project regarding what happens when they breed like rabbits but dont die like flies. "Degeneracy" is really a canard though, its really a reflection what happens when your house pets arent trained with any type of real structure. Philosophy not with standing, there actually has to be some formal structure to how training is applied and the primary mistake is assuming everyone is equal, when the fact is some people are simply built better, faster, stronger and smarter. A system that applies the same conditions to everybody usually only caters to the lowest common denominator. I.e. why cant little johnny read? Doesnt long as he feels good about being a weak link.

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Absolutely BASED coomchad

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Evolution is everything. You understand now. Let the paradigm shift begin.


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heres the old do as thou wilt thread by the cianiggers again
the source of the degeneracy is lied about and people for some stupid fucking reason seem to be stuck on some irrational bullshit all of the time or then melt back into some other fucking shit

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>posts girl in underwear
>complains about degeneracy

Yum redheads

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Look at how dumb that white boy is, still using standard words while the african american is already speaking in code.


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Audibly kek'd

I expected this when I read op. I am not disappointed. Here is your (you).

This thread is like mouse utopia: the thread.

We're fucked.

came here thinking 'if they first reply isn't about COOMING we're not doing our jobs'

He be ritin in ancient black civilzayshun language

The little nigger almost spelled cotton

Stfu beta incel faggot youll do nothing autismo lonely faggot. REminder CIA and mossad comes to pol to honey pot socially ostracized losers like you weak sociopathic sexually inept beta chimps. Get fucked beta retards. You want to kill innocent children? We will find your 80 IQ retard ass when you inevitable reveal your faggot level. We will take what little you have and remove it. You will be made an example out of you mind controlled lonely beta monkey pieces of shit. Suck my dick unloved cowards. Sorry you no game larping lonely nobody. Broken faggot piece of shit. MK ultra slave monkey.

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Im not black but you are lonely and poor. Youve got no power here beta. You dont even accept yourself brainwashed chimp.

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Based and coom pilled

Thank a lot asshol now I must coom 5 minutes of lunch break left

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Nobody loves you incel. Enjoy rotting in your mothers shithole europoor apartment neet. It will be your tomb unloved loser.

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I just jerked off for the second time today. Haven’t done that in months. I feel fucking terrible.

Wrong, the virtuous always come out on top, the 'predators' always suffer and get beaten by a greater predator.

i'm currently on day 6 of no fap , and i'm extremely horny - its bad. However, i post all these coom memes to make me feel disgusting when thinking about it.

Stay strong brother, i know its hard but it will be worth it.

cope. She has a an ugly face. white women are over rated. You wouldnt know, you never sleep with any, lonely larping faggot.

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White pussy stock plummeting. Nobody wants your painted face, wide shouldered, narrow hipped, t framed recessive snow chimp women anymore.

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could you cope any harder nigger?


Could you be any more poor in that bongshack townie house of yours? Quiet down lonely beta.

Triggered nigger

>Cope the post
Not even tinder works for a complete autist beta loserfuck like you hans. Move out of your moms shithole apt kiddo.

The civil war that's coming is me against you. I want all blood to spill fuck both sides I will kill every soul in my path until I'm stopped.
No mercy no salvation all will die even my own family will die by my hand.

Sure thing buddy, thats why you came crying to me. "Wahh! dont make fun of me black guy!" Nice insecurity poorfag little unloved loser punk bitch. Sorry you have no game lowly coward. You lack the warm touch of a loving woman. Its driven you mad beta chimp

hahaha, fuck me you are absolutely seething
get fucked negro

beta af

Attached: bad side.jpg (640x481, 83K)

fuck, fucking drugs. As I have said, there are beautiful and horrible women of all races and its not in your best interest to just choose one, enjoy the decline amigos

Nice cope beta. Im not black but you for sure are poor as fuck liiving in a little townie shack of house.

projection to the max! hahaha!
i fell bad for you, imagine being this hurt about the existence of other people, must be because you feel like they are all better than you, and thats because youre a nigger

where do you live? in a tree?

Nice try, nigger

“We aren’t restrained by their retarded ideas of good and evil”. The normies on the political right are and they are our surrogates for engaging in that arena. Right now they are getting their shit pushed in by the left because the left is unconcerned with how it goes about achieving its end goals, while the right is policing us. Only way to do this is to over throw them and become the political norm on the right. The normies on the political right are the most dangerous enemy because they will sell you out to appease the liberal status quo

I live in a mansion buddy, million dollar home. You live in a little shack of a home and spout of your retard diatribe. "Wahhhh fuck you black guys! black guy!" Nobody loves you beta. You have no game. You have no women showing you affection. Your life is dogshit. Lonely little chimp.

I kicked your shit in little brat, feels good man. Came crying to me and I smaked your little beta incel face.

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Nigger sperging out

Kek, this.


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How come you have no gf? Is it cuz youre a coward? A weak pathetic loser? You have no power here lonely beta chimp.

This.......... makes me feel weird

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Holy kek

Yes little Goyimling. Explore netflix and social media with your mind for decades. Fight among yourselves. Italians arn't white after all. We (((Skeksis))) will take care of banking for you. I assure you the rumors that we harvest you for interest payments are evil lies.

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cope from no bantz weak loser. Youre so lonely lol. I can smell your depression.

She looks like she fucks black guys, like most red headed girls. It's like they try to breed away the disgusting overly recessive genes

Good post, OP.

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It is as Nietzsche said: the elite man is free from the traditional Christian morality that the masses need in order to survive. Christians find moral goodness in being poor, sick, ugly, etc. We know this is backwards morality. Aryan men are the most beautiful, and thus we are already blessed by God. We have no need for Christian morality. We are men built to exert our will and will whatever we want. As Hitler said, "we can do anything as long as our will is strong enough". As Christians finally realize that the end is not coming as they predicted, and Trump is not the Antichrist, we will see our culture move very far right. We must be persistent. Aryan men are warriors and survivors. We must be noble and reclaim what is ours. Traditional Christian morality will be thrown and replaced by loyalty to race and Fuehrer. We will breed the Ubermensch as global allies, and will build a new Reich across the entire West.

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nice sexual frustration beta

No you won't lol

beta af. Your hitler worship is occult programming. Type 1488 into jewish gematria. Nazi worship is for the dumbest of the dumb. Slaves who cant help but consume the breadcrumb to reach a zog orchestrated conclusion.

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Good thing the left isn't virtuous

>Nature is out of balance.

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but I hope you aren't larping with that pic

Yes, we will.
There is no alternative. Whites are warriors. Historically, we've destroyed what we deem unfit. It is our destiny.
That's me in the pic, and I'm not LARPing. I just shooped things to see what I'd look like in the Fuehrer's garb.

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This is wrong. Everyone operates within a moral framework. The difference between ourselves and the left is that our framework encourages discipline, self sacrifice, and rational thought, while theirs is essentially hedonistic and emotional. We will win, but not because we are predatory. We will win because hedonism and emotionalism are, in the long run, unfulfilling, which is something that people are waking up to.

Cool, more for me.

You are a LARPing faggot. That would be disgusting if it wasn't so pathetically hilarious

References to Blue Eyes with red hair being rarest eye color combination are common, but they are all baseless and based on the false assumption that recessive traits negativity correlate.

In reality there is a positive correlation between red hair and blue/grey eyes, although not nearly as high as with blond hair and blue/grey eyes as their is no direct genetic linkage like in the later case. This is based of of a 2016 study of the Dutch Twin Register:

The correlation is not high enough so that most redheads from dark-eyed regions like Southern Europe have light eyes, while most blond Southern Europeans have Blue eyes.

Green eyes have the lowest correlation with red hair and are the rarest eye color even in Northern Europe if hazel is excluded. Thus it is Green eyes and red hair which is the rarest combination.

No shut up sperg. Your not a fucking warrior. You cant even get a gf. Youre a fucking recessive bipedal great ape who cant even face your ancestors. After a lifetime of monkey mind control youre cucked by your own hubris. How sad, cant even accept yourself. So much for the proud aryan soul, cant even accept his chimp reality. Youre ruled by the same cult the created the Pyramids. Using slaves. Temple of set. Everything you think you know, was a lie. English language is controlled opposition, its why its called spelling. Its why words like white, nigger or incel have power. Lincoln assasination, jfk assassination, ww1 ww2 all false flags like 9.11. The towers came down 33 years after their construction. Your whole life has been socially engineered, most especially this incel nazis vs commies larp that youre doing. Stemming no doubt from chimp sexual frustration.

Attached: Religion flow chart.png (1600x1539, 377K)

Key phrase is "their ideas of good and evil" the normies on the right would rather sell out their beliefs about personal morality and see society collapse than give up on enlightenment individualism.

Kek, thinking the religion of the people who took over literally the entire world is weak.

Its all bullshit. Modern Europeans are MK ultraed Monkey matrixed larping snow chimps who can stomach their own reality after a lifetime of delusion. Blissfullly ignorant. Intellectually dishonest. Morally bankrupt. Spiritually blind. color eyes albinism&oq=what &gs_l=psy-ab.3.0.35i39l2j0i131j0l2j0i131j0j0i131j0l2.7369266.7371152..7371960...1.0..1.80.1126.18......0....1..gws-wiz.....10..0i22i30j35i362i39.4q-3OTrZPbw

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You look like Steve from American dad

cant stomach* Google leucism.

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>There is no alternative. Whites are warriors. Historically, we've destroyed what we deem unfit. It is our destiny.
Whites are warriors. But not for destruction, for the benefit of all mankind. As the morning at enlightened and civilized of races, it is our duty to bring light to the world,by force if necessary.

Autism has no bounds

dudes head looks erect af.

>Writing in English
What is this? 1. The English language is dead and suggests an imperialist rhetoric. 2. These kids should be learning to code, not write.

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>That's me in the pic, and I'm not LARPing. I just shooped things to see what I'd look like in the Fuehrer's garb.
the lengths these shills go to
probably copied that post from some where

Don't pretend like get any pussy.

To be a schizo.
Christianity has bred weakness and submission in the white race ever since Constantine popularized it to maintain control over his people. The ultimate goal is to break out of this ego-feeding nihilism and replace it with a higher purpose or mythology. Men are attracted to mythologies, the way manchildren flock to Star Wars. The Aryan is the perfect mythology to replace Christianity. Christianity is a kike religion - it is not a part of us.
Yes. We are the light-bringers. This is a chance at redemption for the destruction the first National Socialist movement caused for no result. We had better have results this time. We have to make all whites get on board with absolutely NO D&C bullshit between the white sub-races.

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sure thing lonely beta unloved loser. Im sure youve got it all figured out socialyl ostracized reject. Youre a loner with a faggot cope larp to make you feel like youre not sucha a big failed coward. A lonely chimp in pants driven to murderous rage by your own sexual ineptitude. Get good faggot beta dyel.