Plenty of people talk about the Holocaust being a hoax, even though there is a lot of evidence that it happened

Plenty of people talk about the Holocaust being a hoax, even though there is a lot of evidence that it happened.
Why does no one talk about the “Native American Genocide” being a totally fabricated revisionist white guilt hoax with most actual historical evidence indicating that it was in no way a genocide?

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because the Sioux are nigger-tier crybabies that will never shut up about the made up atrocities they suffered and fuck it up for all other tribes that have gotten along just fine. The truth is, the Sioux brought on more death and suffereing for natives than the colonists/feds ever did. They're pieces of shit and deserve suffering.

What about the very real Central Asian WHITE genocide?

Why do (((universities))) never talk about this? It's always tip-toed around, which is ironically how I noticed it.

>Historical British records showing extreme racism towards "caucasian" Sarts British explorers came across under the Uzbek and Bukharan rulers, were forced to be slaves, beaten, barred access to jobs - this news fuelled hatred against Asiatics in the 19th century Western world
>Pashtun tribes have it in their oral records that the Turks and Mongols intentionally killed most Aryans in Afghanistan and specifically mass raped women, hence why some Hazaras have fair hair or eyes despite Mongoloid Y-DNA

Literally one of the biggest fucking genocides in human history and the reason why if you go into the middle of Eurasia people are chinks and not nords. We need to make this more known to normies because the concept of Whites being colonised and massacred and treated like shit fucks with their programming and makes them realise double-standards in modern leftist ideology. Learning of this historical event alone redpilled prettymuch everyone in history class at university even the non-white ones.


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I think there were several million Germans in Kazakhstan at one point. Where did they all go?

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>Whites come say hi
>accidentally bring foreign disease so the native die en masse

>there is a lot of evidence that it happened.
not really

>Why does no one talk about the “Native American Genocide” being a totally fabricated revisionist white guilt hoax with most actual historical evidence indicating that it was in no way a genocide?

maybe you should check out:

Attached: auschwitz-chem-tiny.png (806x4054, 670K)

90% of Native Americans died from disease.

There definitely was rape and murder of the indigenous but not as much as you'd think, it was mostly little battles between Natives and Europeans throughout the Americas, and Natives were definitely not these innocent children.

My biggest issue is this. I think the Natives deserve a hell of a lot more credit. You had a people nearly 30k years more advance come and colonize them, 90% of their people wiped out by disease, and these people STILL fought for hundreds of years. I give natives TONS of credit. It's too bad that alcoholism and drug abuse is rampant on reserves.

I don't. we never intended to kill them all. We could have done it in a few years if we wanted to.

The Portuguese sent people to educate them, because we all know you can't genocide uneducated people.

Exactly. If we really wanted them dead we never would have cured their ailments and given them land. We would have eliminated them completely.

There were literally millions of them, and they didn't just kill themselves off.

>they didn’t just kill themselves off
They literally did though

They were ethnically replaced in their homelands. They were genocided.

There's a reason why I joke about the holocaust but not residential schools.

Because the latter actually happened.

Also the Congolese "genocide" where they claim King Leopold II killed millions of niggers in the congo in the late 1800's when there weren't even that many niggers living in that area during that time. (((who))) spreads these lies?

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Mainly because the native Americans are pretty irrelevant. There was a conflict and the superior culture dominated, humanity is better for it. Calling it a genocide and crying about it is a beta move, but convincing people to change their mind about it isn’t worth the effort.

The holocaust is a whole different game. Exposing that lie is a major red pill, and just the tip of the iceberg. The fantasy of WW2 that has been shoved down our throats since before we could walk, is a tragic deception that is holding humanity back from reaching its fullest potential. Changing minds on this issue is worth the effort.

Perhaps because they weren't turned into lampshades or hooked up to semen extracting machines.

Lampshades? pics or it didn't happen.

>Calling it a genocide and crying about it is a beta move
Calling it a genocide is stating a fact

Are you sure about that it was better for humanity?

>There were literally millions of them
Citation needed.

Almost all of them died without ever seeing a European face. Some might question it if we seriously try and add them to our kill totals.

>in no way a genocide?
Most Native Americans were killed by diseases to which they had no natural immunity. And the Europeans brought all kinds of VD back to Europe.

And? They were ethnically replaced by non-natives. Similar to what is happening in Europe.

We aren't being killed (yet at least), but nevertheless ethnically replaced aka genocided.

Because they were not “Native”. They migrated here from Beringia about 10,000 years ago. They are Beringians. Now, the Solutrean people from the Iberian Peninsula, they were here 50,000 years ago. This was, and will always be, White Man’s Land.

If you read Spanish contact texts the Spaniards gush over their agricultural abilities and architecture and metalwork.

We can lol agree that Rwanda definitely happened exactly as the media reported right?

A) It is SORT OF talked about.

B) It's just become such an ingrained meme in the American pysche about "MUH STOLEN LAND" that people resist literal history and the literal truth. I read a good bit of history books and you'd be surprised at how much Europeans tried to help everyone they encountered. It's always the same pattern.

>Europeans arrive somewhere new.

>Usually in bad condition because sea travel is harsh.

>Vulnerable and need help.

>Appeal to the natives...

>Come bearing all sorts of useful stuff like compasses and storage containers and tools in exchange for some local food...

>The natives usually end up killing, raping, stealing everything, destroying the ships...

>Explorers barely make it our alive.

>Tell people back home.


>European power launches military to avenge their peaceful explorers' deaths

>Years later


And the reason they are all primitive savages is because they all thought what they had was superior to others. That's it. They though their fucking sticks and stones were better than guns and steel because it's THEIR STICKS AND STONES. THEIR GODS AND THEIR ANCESTORS BLESSED THEM SO ITS OBVIOUSLY GOING TO WIN AND BE BETTER. They never explored. They never left where they were born. They stuck their head up their own asses instead of looking at the stars...

This is me giving a fuck about what some old kike said hundreds of years ago after he counted millions of injuns and swore they were all real.

The only native american genocide is when these savage mongolians killed all of the celtic men and raped all of the celtic women in north america.


Most of them dying was just not having immune systems resistant to Europeans diseases. Yeah some people gave them pozzed blankets but mostly it was just spread the normal way diseases spread

“I’m still here, Bitch”

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The holocaust really didnt happen though.

Humanity opened Pandora’s box when we started building tools. From that point on we have been in a death race between innovation and Malthusian stagnation. The engine of innovation that is American meritocracy is well worth the loss the native population.

>Native American genocide

Then why are there so many around?
You obviously don't live out West near any rez.
They're all either lazy niggers or crazy libtard activists.

>muh wounded knee
I’ve spend about 4 yrs on what you’d call an indian reservation in the lower 48.

Trust me those fuckers need absolutely zero help from the white man to die at an early age.
>They are one with the land.
Over 80,000 people have gone missing in AK since 1988.

Sounds like a satanic cult is harvesting organs.

>for thousands of years

Alaskan natives are legally defined as anyone descended from somebody who was living there at the time we bought it. What never gets mentioned is that most of the population at the time consisted of Russian trappers and seal hunters who couldn't afford to go home because they spent all of their money on vodka and whores.

They say 90 million perished, in American school, it is implied that 90million North of the modern Mexico-USA, were genocided via raids and smallpox blankets. But it contradicts itself by saying that for tens of thousands of years Natives nomadically roamed the land as Hunter gatherers which would be impossible for nature to sustain that many humans feasting upon hordes of bison.




They don't want you to know that there was genocide in america.

They want everyone to think there is only one genocide and that it happened to them for those guilt points.






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Only the chugs care about that.

> it contradicts itself by saying that for tens of thousands of years Natives nomadically roamed the land as Hunter gatherers which would be impossible for nature to sustain that many humans feasting upon hordes of bison.
They didn't have guns.

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>300 years
I remember a debate about this one time and there was a native American on the panel that was insulted by them being compared to the holocaust by which he said "We fought a war and we lost. We didn't run. We didn't hide. We didn't just take it. We fought as warriors and we lost. Don't you call it a genocide."

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they killed off the pre habiting white indo europoids (from iberia) prior to them after they came from serbia, so they can fuck off

I'm more upset about the dead bison herds than the dead natives.