Greta Thunberg to Congress: ‘You’re not trying hard enough. Sorry
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fuck her
Greta fuck off.
foreigner visits America
>You’re not trying hard enough.
Why do I keep seeing this irritating potato everywhere?
Anglin with a wig
go home retard,
nobody wants you here
sending you my best hopes you stupid fucktard
It's nice when retards can get together and have a constructive dialogue with one another.
>not archived
Imagine being praised all over the world for repeating what we've all been thaught in 2nd grade
implying man made global warming alarmism is a good position.
Baste image
I don't give a shit what a retarded child thinks.
Will she tell the communist chinese that they need to stop polluting the earth?
Strong first season from this show, but the second season...for now its a meh for me.
oh fuck this gave me a good laugh.
Also, i hate seeing her alcohol fetal bullshit face.
Climate change is a bourgeois issue
I want to rape this boy
I would.
Who farted?
Based and raep pilled.
fpbp but not literally because she has fetal alcohol syndrome and is a communist shill
Seeing her a have a knee trembler would be top kek
I wish I was in Congress because I'd tell her to go the fuck back and you being a non-citizen here means you have no voice or say so in what we do and what we try.
I would approve of your motion to do that if I as well was in Congress with you.
>Can't even vote in our elections
>telling OUR congress how to vote
Bitch, literally, fuck off back to your shithole.
so that's what a femcel looks like
christ alive
why do i keep coming back to this place?
This ugly fecal alcohol syndrome whore is just a media puppet. Ignore and do not repost.
You're here forever.
She's so fucking gross.
This kid is literally the embodiment of the left. A self entitled, worthless, privileged shit who tells everyone else they are fucking up while having none of their problems. She is glorified for saying the right things and lauded for hitting the most easy targets in society. She has zero capability to sway people not already in her camp to her side because she has the charisma of a wet stain on a cinema chair. She is arrogant without earning the right to be arrogant, lacking experience or challenge. A perfect symbol for the left and everything they stand for. A wealthy, entitled, holier than thou smartass who flaunts their wealth in the face of people who live pay check to paycheck then tells them they need to serve her needs.
I fucking hate this kid.
>russia buys ad on facebook
>omg foreign narionals trying to infuence country
>foreign national 16 year old lectures congress on climate change
>why isnt congress listening to this genius
Well put. I hate their arguments too that if something is said by children it must be smart and emotionally correct and moving. When do we treat kids like this elsewhere? We treat them like the natural idiots they are, everywhere else in life, but when they share our political opinions? They are "geniuses"...
They are just tools. Same with David Hogg. Intelligence and wisdom work backwards for the left, the newer you are the smarter you are apparently. That's because intelligence is a race for them and they think by being considered "smart" earlier that they cross the finish line earlier.
That is also a good point. We're pretty selective on what we consider a foreign power meddling in our affairs aren't we?
Who gives a fuck what an aspie from some literal who country thinks?
If she had any actual background in environmental studies, maybe she'd matter. But instead she's just some tard that has parents rich and dumb enough to buy her a fucking sail boat so she can be dumb at people in other countries.
Is it just me, or does Greta resemble a child version of the Trunchbull from Matilda?
me to her:
fuck off you fucking rich fucking spoiled nigger
me to congress:
reinstitute slavery you fucking nigger lovers
can i be on the front page?
Yea. If the media was so concerned about the whole russian thing, they should be demanding for her arrest once she set foot on out soil. Its funny how certain foreign nationals such as her or the hundreds of thousands of people from south american countries dont influence politics in this country in a way the media finds disturbing but unproven collusion and facebook ads are the end of the civilized world
she hates everyone is why she is doing that she is lying to everyone and thats her response to people who dont agree with her but she's completely secluded because this isnt everythign we believe is a lie britain or europe over here in america
shes having a fuckign panic attack and is hating everyone when she looks away,k look at her. shes giving hateful looks.
thats why hillary also did that freakout too. they lie about literally every fucking thing. they continue a lie to make the others seem more real.
Why didn't this bitch sail to Africa or India or China?
Witless & Titless !
And a retard shall lead them
i unironically, not in Minecraft, hope she dies
I never said it is, I just said that it's been hammered in the mind of every kid born after 1995, so parroting it isn't some special accomplishment
Not this fucking spastic again.
all fields
That's when a child
stood up and
Swedish Meatball to Congress: "ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"
I honestly thought this photo op was intended to be a good shop blank for the internet hate machine, with white background.
gonna memory hole this girl for 20 years. will be a good laugh when i remember to check up on her
Bitch can't even sympathize with people emotions, bitch is a legit aspie.
I have a saying -- double/shifting standards reveal ulterior motives. In this case their double standards are obvious enough to see it's a case of "it's only bad when the people I don't like already do it or get accused of it."
They're called "managerial class" now
Help free Greta from Ecofascist exploitation
She's the very definition of useful idiot
I want to mount her from behind and pull on her pigtails while she screams. I don't care if it's in ecstasy or pain. I want her to scream.
Is she the anti-Christ?
I just have one question - why isn't this child in school right now?
oh so foreign influence is fine now?
I'm calling the cops. Pedo degens WILL NOT be allowed in the ethnostate
Cunts like this are why we don't have quality TVs anymore.
Fuck the climate.
Drown the niggers.
She's legal in some US states if you're within like 2-4 years of her age.
user shes like 16-17 its legal in Europe, not that I would, she looks off to me.
Jesus Christ. Face says 10-12, either that or down syndrome. Why is the left holding up this child as the poster child for climate change? I don't get what she contributes to the political mess
Put a nigger mask on and it's all hinky dory.
That boy needs to up his estrogen.
The whole reason they use her is because she's a fucking tard with FAS whose birth defect causes neoteny.
You didn't know that?
We need a shoop of her head but widened by about 2 inches
guess who owns the boat she rode in on?
Can I get a sauce on this? What is the context?
>Every kid born after 1995
I wish, even I wasn’t spared their bullshit
I don't think she is "lying" but just spouting leftist shit that she has no idea about, and is being propped up by kikes.
like "hey greta you're so smart heres a world stage, keep talking that shit"
Too many Irish fags on pol?
When she grows up she'll have little bug babies. Screencap this.
That thing isn't having babies unless it's with an arab/nigger.
also she's an example of how the media is abusing their power. They shouldn't use kids to push their causes, just as they shouldn't invite abuse towards kids who have different political opinions.
1984 here and they did the same shit to us.
she's a retarded woman, if you have any nuance to add to criticism of the subject you're evil for attacking her
>The virgin republican
>Global climate change is a hoax because I think I'll have to pay more taxes and also muh bible
>check out this unsourced info graph of the flat earth for proof
>The Chad Nazi
>Global climate change is a real man made problem that requires a solution
>The solution is getting rid of subhumans
Why is some ugly retarded little girl being treated as something other than an ugly retarded little girl?
Little brown bugs with the IQ of a gnat.
I thought the norm was 4"
This is very disconcerting.
That’s a Swedish girl you retard
She's obviously following a script, and fuck man, I'm diamonds. Her facial expressions are cute as fuck. I bet her vagina and arm pits are the perfect amount of musk, innocence and shame.
We gotta convince her to sail to China. I'm sure Beijing would welcome her in their waters.
Go complain to the chinks, ya potato.
Only in murica do people give two shits about what some little uneducated bitch thinks. Why is HER opinion important when there are MILLIONS of little (and grown) bitches whos opinion does not matter in the slightest.