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WWIII when?

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post link mossad

awwwwwww sheit

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I was just thinking this

Fuuuuuuuck nostalgia rush

Simpler times.

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we're going to war you little dick ugly fucks!

you're pathetic lives serve some purpose besides masturbating and hating yourselves and the world.


but no for real.

bring 8 chan back . you guys are morbidly boring and pathetic.

Isolated nature of the island would stall major repairs for weeks; essentially shutting down Iran's ability to export petroleum on a commercial scale.

BF3 predicted this

Oh nooo, the Kang island

This looks like some shit out of acecombat 7

It's not

this is the new farcry 6 map? sick

>he thinks Iran won't retaliate

Iran is innocent, if they get attacked they have the right to defend themselves.

You know nothing. Saudi attacking Iran would be the end of Saudi Arabia and they know it. Iran sneezed and shut down half of Saudi's oil supply. If war breaks out the Arabs will lose all their oil, water (they rely on desalination plants lmao), and electricity and will go back to being Bedouins.

The US is already at War. Its not new.
To have yet another war in another country, no.
How much War does the US need.
We are in wars Syria, Afganistan, Iraq, Libia, Russia, China the EU and a bunch in South America.
Just no.

Aside from gas prices going up, no happening is happening


It started a few days ago, haven't you been paying attention?

post a video of the scene?

Trump manages to piss off all the Warhawks. That makes me happy.

Post flag

Wait that's the same island?

He's right you Jewish cock sucker. Iran has the right to set the entire middle east on fire if anything happens. Israel will get destroyed as well.

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More of a Noshahr Canals guy myself


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Fuck flags newfag. Jow Forums was better without flags.

If the U.S. enters WWIII, or even a massive middle eastern conflict, then most of our soldiers would be committed to the fight.
Which means that any uprising at home would have to be handled by....
>Cue music.
The U.N. peace keepers.

That's right.
Expect a massive domestic terror false flag and deployment of somalis in white helmets across rural U.S.
This is the NWO's plan.

And also remember that this is illegal under U.S. laws of sovereignty.
The U.N. has ZERO authority on U.S. soil and are to be treated as an invading force.
That's not some redneck ideology, that's American law.

We Wuz Khargz 'n Shiet.

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Average life expectancy for a UN Peacekeeper trying to enforce laws in the US would be roughly equal to the flight time of a .308 at 300m.


Yeah, It's based off of the real life one

Norshar Canals TDM


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an intelligent post on this board...wow.

Good, hope they do. China will be 100% dependent on US oil at that point.

Why dont we want this again?

We do


that was debunked

this is another reason we have it.

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Was hoping we get wake island irl first , but Kharg island is fine too I guess..

The UN has 500k troops. They wouldnt be able to hold NYC with that let alone disarm the public.

Operation Firestorm for me. BF3 was so good. Metro, Caspian Border were good too.

Plus, Iran has nukes

pls let my reppeating nuumerals make this anons post come true

You'd need 50k just to watch all the bridges


Proxy attacks against jews don't count

The end of Saudi Arabia = The end of the US petrodollar = The end of US reserve currency status = The end of the US

Normally I'd laugh at this, believing it to be an ironic post. But with all the new posters being retards, plebbit rejects and boomers, (you) probably think of snopes as reliable.


>logic fail

Where's that blue and white temple thingy? Rusty's drones never showed an airfield.

>Saudi attacking Iran would be the end of Saudi Arabia and they know it. Iran sneezed and shut down half of Saudi's oil supply.
I agree with you. Argued it earlier. Anons blinded by kike hate can clear the brain to see. I understand the anger, but hate makes you stupid.

>Average life expectancy for a UN Peacekeeper trying to enforce laws in the US would be roughly equal to the flight time of a .308 at 300m.
That made my sides hurt.
Thus Betty O'Rourke

>The UN has 500k troops. They wouldnt be able to hold NYC with that let alone disarm the public.
They wouldn't be able to hold Harlem, let alone the Bronx.

This hit me in the feels user

I wanna go back to simpler game times

That game was amazing, and they cocked it all up with everything that came after. If Gamergate never happened and DICE didn't poz up BF we'd all be playing Seine Crossing and wouldn't have to bring about the Fourth Reich but NooooOOOooo, they had to make 4 boring and then appeal to gurl gamerz TM.

not in your lifetime loser

>Trump manages to piss off all the Warhawks. That makes me happy.
after the twitter tough guy talk though he always kneels and sucks they cock though

n a conference call Monday with House and Senate national security aides, Brian Hook, the top State Department official handling Iran policy, said that Saudi officials had impressed on the U.S. that they view the oil facility strikes as their equivalent to Sept. 11, according to an individual who participated in the call. The comparison raised eyebrows among congressional staffers, considering that there do not appear to have been any casualties in Sunday's strike, and that 15 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were Saudis.


Hello, fellow man of culture

Best map

>Iran is innocent
What a joke




Dao12 and ump45 u scrubs copy me I was the best

They won't do it. It would be all out war.
Saudis can't even win against yemeni dirt farmers. The fuck are they gonna do against iran?

hide in a bunker and hope america and israel somehow win.

this thread makes me want to dust off my old origin account

why are the US helping the fcking saudis?

the real terrorist?
the creator of wahabism?


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sabbateans. Saudi Royal family are not actually Muslim

i really don't understand some americans, they know the kike blew them up with the help of saudis.

but still Muslims got the blame.

kinda sad to be honest haha

Why don't we want this again?

>tfw we will never have a good Battlefield game ever again

Fuck EA and those SJW faggots who work for Dice.

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Hire mercenaries.

Yeah Battlefield 3 was supposed to be a proxy 3 way war between Russia/USA and China.

>how come people who get all their information from jews think it wasnt the jews?

Can we have a Caspian border front please

That's BF4. BF3 it's about /our/guy Solemon fighting virgin marine and dima


I think it would be more of an ego war. It was not an iranian attack, but everyone is considering it to be so, and knowing that saudis and iranians hate each other for thousands of years, it brings a great shame to the nation to know that one of the most important structure of their country, and a money-bringing one to top that, was flattened by, supposedly, iranians. It's the equivalent of conquering Stalingrad in WW2 as Germany

Why are people complaining? If it's smelly and brown it's gotta leave town.

That means all of the middle east and gulf being blown to bits is a good thing! London and most of the United States should be nuked alongside.

Ahhh wasn't sure if I was getting mixed up. Still was a proxy war between USA and Russia.

Battlefield 3 imo was the last best BF game. Its been down hill ever since.

2142 was the best, deal with it.

WTF i love war with Iran now.

And so you should!

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