>Be me
>Be in SUPER liberal college
>Be in political science class
Hey guys, I need a current event I can use to redpill my class. Government spying, conspiracy theories, I need a recent event I can use to redpill the normies. It just has to be a current event relating to politics or recent events
Current event
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Nah ain't worth it, just keep your head down and get outta there. Trust me, you even act like a conservative in those places your education is basically over.
It's my last year and I have legal representatives prepared to rape the college if they try anything
I am however very grateful for your concern. I appreciate your time typing a response to give me a warning. Thank you for looking out for me, user :)
drop the course and get a major in a degree that might land you a job
Government spying might be a good one to talk about. Do not speak favorably of the Trump administration, but perhaps present a balanced, outsider approach to understanding what goes on with governmental surveillance.
>SUPER liberal
If you're gonna piss in the wind then at the very least don't go into it with any expectations of deeper understanding being gained among your classmates.
Already ahead of you. Just a class filler
If you wanna go out with a bang wait until the last few days and set up a computer/projector to play TGSNT
Netanyahu losing his reelection because of diversity. How Israel needs diversity to survive and that the growing arab minority will tear down those walls and provide maximum cultural enrichment to the Jews. Jews have lots of money after all, and it needs to be redistributed for equality.
If there is really a lot at stake, and you are unable to charismatically present viewpoints through a balanced approach, then I recommend taking the safest topics possible, and appease your leftist professor. Spying is possible to cover, but maybe it might be too "challenging" for the professor and your audience.
Israel is a good one. They're already pretty much on the same page you can just throw in some fractional reserve stuff with the Rothschild's and Palestine and maybe work up to their false flag attempt and lobbying.
If it's Trump spying I won't be speaking well of him. I think that's a good idea, but I need a current event so I can begin to explain
IMF & world bank are better, since they've enslaved so many brown countries with usury.
Nani desu?
make an announcement
Leftists actually would find that image disgusting, or at least feel resentment and ressentiment towards it.
Did this happen recently? I can so do that and articulate my arguments
As long as you tell the truth, and it happens to involve something Trump said or did, I wouldn't feel bad about it if he did something wrong. Plus, your audience might be pleased to learn of "yet another Trump mistake." You could speak impartially about the President, but do not appear to praise him about anything, even slightly appearing to favor something he did may be too much for them to handle. Your grade could be marked down for the slight suggestion that he did something right!
My professor doesn't care how complicated it is, I just have to go up and speak
I am not sure about government spying incidents, of recent events, but probably something exists.
ctrl+f no epstein. Wtf guys?
Any recent events that've come up with that with a reputable source?
It's just a picture, I wasn't planning on using that
THIS. Israel being extremely racist isn't even a mental conflict for them. Make them hate Israel.
Normies love this video on social media. They eat it up.
>Such a shame that anti-African racism is still prevalent in some parts of the world
>Waycism BAD.
That's the plan. We've got a MAGAcon in there so hes got my back. Plus they all think I'm a lollbertarian so they automatically assume I'm making talking points and I don't ACTUALLY believe what I say
Most likely. I could just do the vape ban
Nope. Go with the flow. Get your paper. Try to start the revolution after you get a real job. Or just drop out and get a real job and less debt and don't bother with the revolution.
That could be a good talking point, but that's going to be one hell of a redpill to swallow. I'd be better on government involvement in our life being to expansive
That is probably a very safe option. A lot of young people appear to know about it, at least.
I love the idea lol, but it has to relate to America (I should've specified in OP)
Someone has to sow the seed into the normies, I'm okay with being put on the cross of social justice, the movement didn't start because we all said nothing
I think you're right
Trump banning flavored vaping. Compare it to gun bans.
Israel spying scandal may be another good one, talk about how they are all racist and stuff against Muslims, how trump is trying to cover for them, and how they bombed the USS Liberty and the US covered for them then too. Ask what other atrocities the US covers for them on.
Do Spygate. This video will get you started. If you have time, read Bongino's book as well.
dont do it
listen to ben shapiro, let your professors think youre karl freaking marx just get the paper and get the fuck out. NAIL THAT STANDS OUT GETS HAMMERED DOWN
Don’t do it. You’ll just get punished for it. Just pretend to be a deluded faggot and regurgitate whatever shitty pet crusade the professor always comes back to like a dog to vomit. If they want to legalize drugs mirror that. If they obsess over police brutality mirror that. It’s literally the only good idea Benny Shapiro ever put out. Do it for the grade and save the goosestepping for graduation day.
You can do something on fake news.
They went after Kavan...Kav... supreme-court man again for sexual assault.
Sexual assault based on some guy saying he saw it happen to a girl. A girl who says 'I don't remember anything like that.' But that's good enough for... I believe the NYT to print a story
They also happen to have staff who penned a book on the subject.
Don't go at it from a 'all news is fake news' angle, go at it from a 'News agencies, especially in this era of fake-news claims, should be extra vigilant vis-a-vis the information they print, because any error on their part just decreases readers trust in them until even prestigious news agencies will be seen as nothing more than tabloids."
This sounds like a plan
I like this idea
I like the orange man bad concept
Marx was very racist. Why do antifas love him so much?
israeli spy equipment found all around washington that intercepts cell phone calls and data by pretending to be a cell phone tower
is 5 days current enough
our greatest ally
I'd be happy for them to be shown otherwise. Either you are a light or you are darkness
I shall goosestep all the way into class. We need someone to do it user, and it might as well be me
>current event
>recent event
I fucked my dog last month, and now her tit's are filling with milk
R-pill away
I like this idea, but they will all smell Kavan. It's good in theory but it'll bite me in the but
listen to this man OP
save your efforts for a day that will actually mean something instead of trolling npc's that would potentially ruin your career before it even starts.
You're young dude, there's no point in redpilling anyone like that. And it won't work anyway. Waste of time.
Dont try to "redpill" them. You need to learn the subtle art of persuasion. Pace and lead. Before you are going to change anyones mind, you have to agree with them. Thats the pacing part. If you just grab a horses reins and yard on them, its natural reaction is to resist. So you have to pace the horse, you walk beside it, holding its reins, and you only pull on the reins when the horse stops walking. then you stop too, look back at it, you speak calmly and reassurely, "come on lets go, this way" ... then a gentle tug, and he will follow. People are the same. You can learn alot about people from horses!
So dont try to redpill anyone, it doesnt work. Dropping truth bombs about kenyan born presidents at your liberal aunts birthday party is a bad idea! Your just going to alienate people. Instead find something you generally agree on, and lead them from there to something a little bit disagreeable. Once your audience essentially agrees with you, you lead them until you see about 50% of the faces starting not to agree, they are frowning, they are disengaging etc. Thats when you pop the socratic question. A question which will lead them further, but its one they have to answer. And thats where your arguement ends. You dont answer the question. They can take the red pill or the blue pill at that point.
You see around here everyone thinks you can force feed the redpill, but irl you cant. Even Morpheus understood this, Neo had to be given the choice. A redpill taken under duress will pass through the normies body undigested. You must leave your audience the choice, to accept the truth you have led them too, or too deny it.
I like this article. I'm reading it currently, it seems like a pretty good read
This, college leftists are fucking crazy, just act like a pro-gay generic liberal.
Go with the Israeli spying on the us- or any spying on the us
I'd rather risk it all living my life than loose nothing never living it
The professor will turn on you. obviously. and he or she will goad the class to turn against you. If you try, get the class on your side. It probably won't happen because they will be so indoctrinated already. the professor will paint you in a negative light. the professor will try to turn the class against you. There's really no point. The best way is to ask questions subtly in order to form questions in the minds of your peers. You need to find a way to create these questions that will undermine their cognitive dissonance. If you find it so important, do. but honestly, doing so requires a lot of finesse. I won't tell you not to, because it's important to get your racial brethren on your side. I'm afraid that in higher education that the conditioning is so set in that you'll either preach to the choir or you'll antagonize your ideological enemies. Ride the tiger desu
source + current spying = good redpill
Not too overt
Fug I meant to reply to the op
>I need a recent event I can use to redpill the normies
Biggest Congressional Trip Ever: 72 Republicans and Democrats Travel to Israel, Vow “Unconditional Support”:
"The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of Monarchy, and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this new world order the Children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property, and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands." ~ Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, June 1, 1928
Israeli spying is an excellent start. You can play it off as against america without getting labelled
Just do the FDA vaping thing.
FBI illegal FISA abuse and electronic surveillance in an attempt to overthrow Trump.
Do it faggot
Is she implying that the one thing guys want is to fuck their own daughter?
I recommend the Business Plot and Smedley Butler, focus on corporatist coup angle and argue that their goals were accomplished during the 80s post-Nam by George Bush Sr, as subversive NWO CIA buttboy acting out his father Prescott's criminal plans for the world elites.
Just tell them about the Jews dog
9/11 is an easy target. Don't get into a long argument over the science of it. Just remark on how it doesn't add up that 2 planes caused 3 towers to collapse into their own footprint, and therefore the official story must be a lie. Sowing distrust in media is a good step towards redpilling.
The Sackler family knowing about the addictive nature of Oxycontin but still selling it to millions of poor whites causing a opioid epidemic.
Naming the Jew or white people is a terrible idea. The jews are a protected class, and the whites are a targeted one.
you realize they've already applied critical thinking to any "logic bomb" (or whatever you incel losers call it) and seen holes in whatever passes for "facts" in your sad little world? They're just going to laugh at you. Instead, try challenging your own beliefs and questioning people who agree with you. .... or keep "red pilling normies" and see how well that works when you have to interview for a job to pay bills to avoid starving to death. fucking moron.
I feel you brother. I’m studying history right now to become a pastor (Reformed Baptist) and this semester I’m taking intro to Women’s Studies. Lord have mercy on us both.
>collapse into their own footprint
but they didn't, there was a ton of collateral damage and a big giant mess
wtc7 being evidence of that collateral damage...
What the fuck is that suppose to prove? They don't even model the complete collapse. That is nothing like the video footage even comparing frame by frame. That's how it might look if steel members were simply stacked up on top of each other like a house of cards. In reality they have strong bolted/welded connections which can resist extreme forces as pic related shows.
I'd love to but sadly it won't apply
Sadly it doesn't apply as it is not recent
I can't, they'll think I'm a Nazi. I've gotta redpill them on that slowly
I agree, but sadly it's not recent
Shalom, burger
I hope things go well. That's going to be awful
I shall investigate this. It sounds interesting
Hopefully it at least builds character... and if you understand your enemy you’re already halfway to victory I suppose.
And you can see the degeneracy and fight against it. I wish you well, user
Goodnight you guys! I want to thank you guys for your support. I appreciate each and everyone of y'alls help. May you have a goodnight/morning. It has been a pleasure learning from you guys, and I can't explain how grateful I am
Good night, may God bless and guide you through these trials brother. Even if you don’t believe try to find time to reflect, pray, and meditate.