Are there any cool (NON VIOLENT AND LEGAL IN MINECRAFT)radical movements in the USA that aren't toothless rednecks or...

Are there any cool (NON VIOLENT AND LEGAL IN MINECRAFT)radical movements in the USA that aren't toothless rednecks or neoliberal homosexuals?
Im was disowned by my family years ago, did 4 years in the marines, and now that I'm out I really need a sense of purpose and to feel as if I belong to a part of a family or group
I dont even really care where it stands politically as long as its genuine and not pure optics

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You're glowing, sir.


Look at them canckles. Clinton would be all over that

i'm curious, do you have pseduo-family withdrawls from not being around your unit anymore?

How is it coming back into mundane civillian life after 4 years of gun-ho?

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no loin cloth, grug use stacie loin cloth to make big coom into it and get revenge, still berrypicker as fuck

I hate myself and wanna kill myself every day(but thats pretty much the same as before desu)

I miss getting drunk and being retarded with my bros, honestly the most unconditional love ive ever experienced, I literally felt so comfortable with those fools

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Antifa lol
Why join a political group to make friends, just join some sports league

what does this mean??

I hate niggers tho
But I also hate jewish bankers, capitalist "free market" degeneracy, and landlords

Why do you live in america then

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Judaism will give you purpose, unironically. Convert to the single True religion.

>I really need a sense of purpose and to feel as if I belong to a part of a family or group
Ew. Normie get out.

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>alt lite cuck needs his ideology spoon fed to him but it doesn't matter as long as hes in a herd of slightly like minded people.
the absolute state of Jow Forums in late 2019

I was told you could never convert without blood lineage?
I would love to join the winning team, again all I need is a purpose and a team(any team will do) to fight for

It seems like Judaism is a lot more structured than other religions I’ve heard of

Join atomwaffen division best option you got

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>I dont even really care where it stands politically
Jesus Christ, sort yourself out. Normally I'd have some respect for those who served, but it really does look like you're just a drone who served Israel due to lack of purpose or meaning.

anons are right you sound like this kid:

>Normally I'd have some respect for those who served,

Qrd on this stupid ass forced-meme raid?

this but unironically
you should not come to Jow Forums if you need a sense of belonging
most of us are here because we don't have one, and we just want somewhere to say nigger, and make fucked up jokes

Literally the target audience for MMORPGs
Get a hobby Special Agent

Join up with ex-military types into a private security outfit. Same adventure, more money, comrades.

this but unironically
get out

>how to tell if the thread is a slide thread 101

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You could first convert to 'polish woman' then judaism.

meme banned from /v/ it's making fun of faggots who can't stop touching their dick.

good motivation for nofap which seems like the longer I go, the more it turns me into a eunuch. something's weird about this nofap business. I guess the adage is true, you can either love women or understand them, and when you deprive yourself from any sort of release, it all becomes painstakingly clear, or at least, it did for me. Now, I don't even like gym bunnies, or talking to women at all. It's all just vapid horseshit coming out of their mouths, and I want absolutely nothing to do with them.

Even went to Mennonite church, and the tradthots there disgust me.

Hello Mossad/CIA :D

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Nice try fbi


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this is why people choose the reserves lol
unlike you, when I go to my unit, I can care about them, eat with them, go to the field, etc.
And I'm still not their friend until they're out.
I'm not anyone's friend in the Corps. It makes for shit Marines, and it makes for dead friends.
That being said I absolutely bullshit people's scores on PFTs and CFTs and let skaters skate all day if I can help them.

It’s a good one. Also takes the pussy off the pedestal

he's clearly being ironic, and if he's not, then he's not made himself clear enough. don't haze me summerfag

Join the Black Panthers OP

Nigger. The joke is posters like you.

>they have to not be toothless
Nigger what

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The only ones having any blood issues in here are Ethipean jews for fear of HIV. They will be allowed to donate blood but their bags will be thrown in the trash, to not hurt their feelings to their face.

How so?
And jews had 2000 years of being the hated underdogs in Europe, they came up with a system to take care of their own.

>ywn get to play games with fuckers on Jow Forums in between drills or at the squadbay
why even live?

I don’t get it though. Is it pronounced like “zoooooming”?
What does that even mean?

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Because it's better than any other shit hole? Is this even a serious question...

Makes sense, viruses have to evolve to survive.
And you guys have definitely survived. Too bad you couldn't just not be userers on average though.

Or he can join Patriot Front.

Just seems like there is a lot more clear direction, and the fact that Judaism is taught at all. Christianity and Buddhism both seem to have a “figure it out yourself” vibe.

Eastern Europe is cheap, some have good gun rights

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Think of the person that migrates from their native land to another. Think of their qualities, as a human being, a person who forsakes their own land, then pretends like it's okay to start all over again, somewhere new. No effort placed in fighting for your land, for making your rightful claim of a normal life, no courage to stand up against the evils that plague it. No. What you're promoting, in essence, is niggardry, and you will be found out anywhere you traverse.

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>im 2 cool for fellowship and brotherhood
Fuck you degenerate

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Not that much happening in the civilian world, as you've found. Generation Identity is an option. I'm building one now, basically online racial segregation so whites to make ethnostate now. Have racial dating website that lets you anonymous date other whites specifically for that purpose. Check it out at have 45 users and actually like 7 of them are females.

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Also thank you for your service. Unironically.

And that's a good thing, religion is retarded and shouldn't be taught to children from the age of 8. We have mandatory bible study
>hurr durr it's history and folklore
Alongside Judaism studies, also since childhood. This is the (((secular))) education system.
Having no separation of religion and state is disgusting.

I don’t really like the idea of citizenship in the first place. Why should I care about the dirt I was born on? Is it different from the dirt anywhere else? Does the government of that dirt care about me any more or less than the government of any other dirt?
So I guess you’re right


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...i coomed

I dunno, I’m usually pretty jealous of people who really believe. Maybe the grass just looks greener, I dunno. Being a heretic is hard.

Sure, here's all the leads you need totally not a fed guy.

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Oh shit nofap sounds amazing for society.

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Is there a way to reverse the damage I've done?

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I just hit week 6, the results speak for themselves

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Take the /stoic/ pill. Fuck everything else, for nothing else will make you content with life.

Cringe faggot

If OP is still around he's got some choices.
New Awakening is pure NatSoc that wants racially conscious Whites to move to the North West states (Washington, Oregon, West Montana, and Idaho). They are small and young, but they seem to be more focused on growth and encouragement than the normal "kill-em-all race war now" types. Very community centered with a revolutionary goal in the far future.
League of the South if you are a Southerner. You'll learn that ethnic Southerners exist and they want to be free again. More families and good ol' boys than one might expect. You'll need to be Christian or act like it, Kinism is serious business.
Patriot Front if you're young and can follow the orders of gifted if slightly aggressive young man. Fascist with American aesthetics, good ones too. Outgrowth of Vanguard America, so you'll be putting posters and banner drops up more than anything else. Probably one of the more confrontational groups post-Cville, and somehow it works for them.
American Identity Movement if you want to look clean and meet other people that love Whites, America, and ironed shirts with little Betsy Ross pins on their label. Good if you want to avoid the rough stuff and try to slip into normal politics while still not denying race and tradition. Used to be known as Identity Europa, which faltered after a massive dox because they were dumb enough to use discord.

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Extreme over motivation for nofap.
Better than blacked threads and nigger posting


you're half right faggot.

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Why post a fat chick with fat legs?

>Legal in Minecraft
>And yet genuine
>Not pure optics
Let me know when you decide to be realistic.


looks like an ashkenazi jew lel