She is absolutely right, you know. You gun owners need to grow the hell up...

She is absolutely right, you know. You gun owners need to grow the hell up. We have a big fucking problem when you care more about your precious assault rifles being taken away soon than you do the innocent victims of these shootings.

Stop acting like gun control is some kind of conspiracy. Dems don't want your guns, they just want to keep people from using those guns to hurt innocent people, but if that means taking some guns away then we need to do it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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tongue my anus, shill
i'll kill anyone that tries to take away my freedoms

Attached: 42e.jpg (472x621, 57K)

She's absolutely not.
You should kys in shame for posting this trash.


This is bait

that's a tranny, isn't it

Yikes. Like Id listen to anyone that cant figure out if they have a dick, they're a dude.

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Eat shit and die, faggot
I’ll keep my rifles and you’ll keep on sucking dick like the dickless turd that you are

Attached: 28F34159-5162-4AC1-A2F5-C64EE2212FAF.png (1008x620, 360K)

>we sbould ban guns and save 10,000 murders a year
>we wont ban cars to save 40,000 deaths a year

yea dude

Attached: 1566411641373.jpg (624x642, 60K)

Why can’t I be mad at both?

Oh, you're not going to do anything.

Attached: 1521168782243justturnyourgunsinyoustupidGOYIM.jpg (413x479, 60K)

You're a gay.

Attached: yang tears.jpg (480x360, 38K)

not an argument







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>name your daughter faith
>she grows up to be a godless whore
I feel sorry for her family.


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>I can murder innocent babies in the womb before they see the light of day, tearing them apart limb by limb, it’s my body my choice
>you cannot defend yourself, your family, home or country because guns are spooky

Came here to post this. I was not disappointed to already see it.

Like the US government is ging to kill all of it's citizens

>we can win war in afganastan or iraq bombjng the shit out of them and going door to door
>but somehow we coild win war against own citizens

>ok yea heres my guns
oh a crazy guy got a gun what will i do
the government knows this and will only hire crazy people.
what what are you going to do?

No...just the AR-15 owners.

This is a nation of laws and Americans WILL follow the law or go to jail. Simple as.

>oh no daddy gubmint gonna take your toys?
>oh shit I'm being raped! Better call the co... oh no I'm dead.

watch me faggot
if you think the military is on your side you've already lost

Apply this logic to being gay and pedophiles...every time one of you kid fuckers get caught molesting kids with your meat pistols they should get angry and have no issue when we take their meat pistol away...cause you know fag, with buttfucker logic. Took you a lifetime to come up with this fuckery and I debunked it in 20 and I am a ditch digger, literally.

no you dont control anything you fucking faggot

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Look around, the U.S. military is more diverse than it has ever been. The days of white supremacist soldiers is LONG GONE.

Attached: 4CC8AB99-2A34-481E-92C8-5825FFCD71E4.jpg (798x960, 89K)


If government becomes tyranny, resistance becomes duty.
Unconstitutional laws cannot and WILL NOT be followed.

>Human decency: the level of anger you're expressing at X saying he's going to take away your big boy words is how mad you were supposed to be everytime someone's child was insulted in school with someone else's big boy words.

Another fucking Reddit copy paste from a JIDF kike larping as an American. I will personally hunt down EVERY single last kike mod that doesn’t clip these gay fucking threads.

I can skin your children, pair them down to a head and heart and keep them alive in an agonizing state in oxygenated electrolyte.

Proof that I can keep you leftists alive even after you should die, only to suffer more agony!

Attached: IMG_20190917_121229.jpg (2160x3840, 454K)

>Stop acting like gun control is some kind of conspiracy. Dems don't want your guns

Beto "I'm going to take your AR-15"

I was of the opinion that Democrats wanted to kill as many children as possible?

I double dog dare you to apply red flag laws to inner city gang violence.

the more guns they take the more they will see as it makes sense "for them" to use, against the feigned armless person.
gee no knifes'
knives are ony to ge used by military
no fist fighting
fists are only to be used by military
no breathing
breathing is only for military. you can live, LONG ENOUGH
at least you survived abortion

Anddd the kike outs himself. Yes,let’s just keep letting kikes print infinite money and keep writing and rewriting laws.

Do you think black soldiers will march into their black communities and disarm their families and friends at gunpoint because you said so? Do you think brown soldiers will do it either?
It's not supremacist or nationalist. It's common fucking sense.

We really need to start institutionalizing these retards.

so, who exactly is going to use MY guns to hurt innocent people? certainly not me dipshit

That just means the military will be worse than useless in a civil war situation.

His reply to you proves he’s a Reddit faggot. The “oh honey no” prices he’s a cuck who watches BBC porn.

>stop caring about your rights!

To Roasties who want to jump on foreigner cock:

The level of anger you're expressing over Trump saying he's gonna take your big boy-toy away is how mad you were supposed to be every time a mother murdered her own child in the womb so she could have fun with someone else's big boy-toy.

>calling firearms "big boy toys"
Anti-gun shills have the mindset of literal children. Go suck your thumb you ugly tranny shill. We're trying to free humanity here, either pitch in or get the fuck out of the way.

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they are the same kind people trying to force transgenderism on children

The military hates you even more than you hate them.

Yawn. Are we supposed to be impressed? Scared?

The reality is you are a scared little coward hiding behind a keyboard at his mom's house. AR-15s help you feel like big boy right? Instead of the wittle boy with the itty bitty penis you actually are? Right?

well, that and saying "simple as" means he's probably on a VPN and also watches the BBC as well as BBC porn

Take your meds you schizo kike.

how do they like abortion but not guns i don't get it??

Because being an unsulting, patronizing cunt and appealing to emotion is so much more satisfying than a cogent, lucid argument.

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"Big boy toy", huh? It's something a dumb child would say.

>You don't feel the same emotions as I do for certain things? You must be broken!
Holes are insane. Don't ever engage in arguments with holes.

I can't wait for the door to door confiscation teams to enter the "bad" neighborhoods in places like Los Angles and Chicago. I wonder how the left will react to a drone strike getting call on their pet minorities.

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>big boy toy
women are mental juveniles what the fuck

I’ll take 100 under “spot the Jew”

Is OP a shackle grabber ?

Yes , yes it is

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Hãy đến và mang chúng đi, phái nữ

Attached: Cong.jpg (201x251, 12K)

>Be 'most elite fighting force in the world'
>Spend 4 trillion dollars turning a pile of rubble into a rearranged pile of rubble
>Still don't even own it

Someone seriously needs to start doxxing these JIDF faggots. Talk isn’t working no longer against these kikes.

That's a tranny.

a literal who telling me how to feel

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>this thread again

Attached: Smiling_Black_Woman.gif (281x241, 1.93M)

You didn't watch the video.

The issue is that the problem isn't guns. The problem is instead retards like her that don't actually understand guns, and just know "gun go boom. Boom scary.".
I kept this mouse alive for 5 hours and counting!

one of these is almost always accidental though.

kek she looks close to an heroing too

Come to my house and take my guns faggot. I dare you

Guns aren't toys

Human decency hot tip: The level of anger you express for school shootings is the level of anger you're supposed to express about abortions.

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What the FUCK is wrong with you? See, this is exactly why you have no business owning firearms.

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those diverse soldiers aren't filthy liberal mentally I'll fag

Finally, an user that understands that inflicting pain is more important than death.

But if it just saves one life user. Besides, unlike the essential right of self preservation, you don't need a car. It's merely a convenience that can easily be accomplished with bikes and walking.

>oh yea how are you planning to do that faggots?


>not cool with civilian owned AR-15s
>cool with US military carpet bombing his cul de sac because maybe 2 out of the 30 houses have an illegal AR in it
>also, what is asymmetric warfare?
Ask me how I know you're a fucking retard

Attached: Brainlet_f3217f_6615771.png (1200x1335, 269K)

Oh now you watch the video.
I told you, I can skin your children and keep them alive.
Also I don't need firearms.
But you won't get any anyway :)

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gonna go out on a limb and guess that that thing cozies up to someone with a gun at night

doing a service by keeping these reddit puritans away.


So the LAW says we can have guns. Short of 2/3 of congress and 3/4 of the states agreeing to a new admendment, the LAW says americans can have guns

I just imagine some limp wristed faggot typing this out. Or some nigger, or some fattie, or some woman. Either way, it doesn't matter. Would you prefer that I put a barb tipped arrow through your chest at 50 yards with a bow?

Why are they freaked out about humans killing each other, when they are okay with abortion and euthanasia? When they're against overpopulation but tell the minority race to stop having babies? When they scream for war and bloodshed against Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, white South Africans? Against white Americans?

How do they not understand their own hypocrisy? How can they say they love black folks, but kill them at birth or let the adults kill one another in gang beefs? Let them lead lives of crime and welfare instead of helping them be their best?

Fucking libs should be happy that Westerners are being culled by their own. They should support violence--oh, wait, they do.

Isn't the penalty for treason, death?