I have been looking into Christianity a lot lately, I want to give my life to God. Should I become Catholic or Orthodox?
I have been looking into Christianity a lot lately, I want to give my life to God. Should I become Catholic or Orthodox?
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Go Orthodox. You won't regret it.
neither. christianity is a liberating religion. study what everyone has to say, weigh it yourself, and then do the best you can based on what you know
Is this even a choice?
Orthodoxy vs cucktholicism?
The fact that you had to ask this question means you’re not ready to take the leap.
You have been visited by the Win Worley of dead and dying spiritual kingdoms.
Satan's kingdom is coming to an end soon, but only if you take up your authority in Christ and go to war against the hosts of hell (Ephesians 6:12).
To begin, come to the Lord with the following prayer in you heart and on your lips:
>Dear Lord God, I am a believer who professes your Son, Jesus Christ, as Lord and Savior. As an heir of salvation, I am aware of the tremendous power and authority which you have delegated to me through your Son and your Word. Dear Lord, I now wish to exercise this authority for the furtherment of your glory and kingdom.
>In accordance with Luke 10:17-20, I claim authority over all of the enemy spirits.
With the above, you now outrank all powers, authorities, dominions, principalities, world rulers, kings, princes, Satan and all angelic ranks.
>In accordance with Matthew 21:21-22, I claim authority over all the enemy's Earthly institutions, corporations, agents, entities, etc.
The above gives you ground to launch an offensive against, for example, Google.
>In reference to Hebrews 1:14, I request protection against the blows of the enemy.
Very important. If you start praying warfare prayers, you're going to be on Satan's hit list pretty quickly.
>I bind the above to the third heaven in accordance with Matthew 18:18.
With the above, you can now wage war in the heavenlies. How you do this is up to you; plan and strategise.
For example, suspect a member of high society is engaging in nefarious activities? Send a spirit of revelation to enter into their midst, if something is being hidden, it'll become known. When it is known, continue to pray by sending out appropriate spirits to protect the course of justice.
Couple of videos on the subject:
Become a Paradox, that's what its all mainly about.
Become Christian
Catholic because traditional latin mass
Catholic. Orthodox have a more beautiful liturgy but the arguments for Catholicism were stronger.
Go to mass at both and multiple locations if you can. I'm Catholic but I agree some Catholic churches are weak, but you can trace the church back to the apostles. I definitely want to start attending Latin mass.
I recommend Orthodoxy. God bless you, see you at Vespers!
Catholic, God guides the Church
aren't they a false dichotomy basically? catholics teach work salvation and worship (muh venerate) mary and orthodox basically do the same thing except that they don't have a pope. go for a kjv baptist church in your local area.
also watch this before it gets deleted
You should follow Jesus not a denomination
>1Corinth1:11For I have been informed concerning you, my brethren, by Chloe’s people, that there are quarrels among you.
12Now I mean this, that each one of you is saying, “I am of Paul,” and “I of Apollos,” and “I of Cephas,” and “I of Christ.”
13fnHas Christ been divided? Paul was not crucified for you, was he? Or were you baptized fnin the name of Paul?
neither. Deism is where it's at
I became Orthodox, best decision I've ever made. It completely transforms you, you love others more, you improve yourself, you lose worries.
I did, best decision I have ever made
Please, every Christian read this. It is always overlooked. PSALMS 122:6
That's actually part of the problem and why the catholic church was invented. If God's word is true, it should not be left for interpretation by individuals who do not dedicate their lives to understanding and interpreting God's words.
What kind of God teaches shit only a scholar can understand? Terrible logic.
Those are both pagan. Become a bible-believing Christian
Jarusalem is the spirit of God within
>if God’s word is true it should not be read or believed, just hinge on the every word of a communist pedophile instead
Catholics rise up!
Cute little hand sign. Go rape some kids.
Orthodox and Baptist are both good.
Catholic. There have been numerous inexplicable miracles associated with Catholicism and devout Catholics. See the Miracle of the Sun for a good example.
By their fruits you shall know them. So of course it has to be Catholicism. History validates the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church of Our Lord Christ.
If you, however, want to enjoy peace of mind instead of the fullness of the faith, then by all means go Orthodox. The protestants will never know how to deal with you and will just ignore you if you tell them you're not Catholic (or "papist", they seem to like that).
daily reminder the Orthodox Christianity is the only way to salvation and the only white men faith.
>By their fruits you shall know them. So of course it has to be Catholicism
Orthodox. Catholic is fake and gay.
Catholic. Orthodoxy will never be powerful enough to take on the Jews.
Catlick is a jewish subversion. Why do you think they're always involved in pedo scandals and why the higher ups always try to silence it? You naive fool.
It's not pedo it's homosexual infiltration. There will have to be martyrs for the Catholic Church to truly turn itself around.
But going towards Orthodox Church is just pointless. They do not have the power or organization to take on the Jews.
Catholicism is literally a heretical cult
Unitarian in creed, but Orthodox in everything else.
Orthodoxy has based monasteries where you will be given food and breds and shelter and you can work out your salvation and your experience of Union with God:
They have a systematic theology and practice to make the above happen. No so much w catliks
Catholic dont be a fag Op.
Obviously Orthodox. The Pope is a pedo faggot who thinks he is a living saint. Also cant have a family so he diddles boys. Archbishops dont have a God complex and can have families.
Russians are Orthodox.
Russians are low Iq Slavic morons.
Catholicism is the true religion.
All other Christian religions are BRANCHES, not the real deal.
Orthodox became a thing when the Roman empire split, and the European part stuck with the original way while the Byzantine part went all Ortho
Catholic- Lot of cucks but also lot ultra based people
Orthodox-Most are based, few cucks and ultra based.
We are very similar, difference is mainly in language and form of worship, not belief.
>posts Modernist heretics and Liberals
Also pope is a Jesuit, pedo, and a cuck. He does not represent most Catholics, maybe Colombian Grandma's but not a lot more.
Also dont forget the cult worship of a literal human (Pope) which is the most anti Christian thing I can imagine. The concept is even cucked beyond belief. Literal LARPing as a God
>Real Romanism has never been tried
Lmao what a joke
Gnostic, the Bible is only internally coherent if you realize that the Old Testament god Yahweh is Satan masquerading as God. It's literally unintelligible nonsense with any other interpretation.
>He does not represent most Catholics
Think about that statement, and what its implications are, especially in light of papal truth-claims.
Sir you can sit and spin
The Eastern Orthodox allow divorce in violation of our Lord's words in the Gospel of Mark, erroneously interpreting the same phrase given for a Jewish audience in the Gospel of Matthew as allowing divorce, when clearly anyone with an understanding of historical Jewish customs knows this is referring to the betrothal stage and not the period after a sacramental marriage. What God has put together no man can put apart.
That's not to mention their flat out denial of the historical, scriptural and patristic evidence showing the Roman Pontiff held both Universal Jurisdiction AND Immediate Jurisdiction in the Church. That last part is what makes the East squirm, as then they have to actually obey the successor of the Rock Christ appointed to maintain the unity of the Church via a visible head.
“The Lord says to Peter: ‘I say to you,’ he says, ‘that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church.’ . . . On him [Peter] he builds the Church, and to him he gives the command to feed the sheep [John 21:17], and although he assigns a like power to all the apostles, yet he founded a single chair [cathedra], and he established by his own authority a source and an intrinsic reason for that unity. Indeed, the others were that also which Peter was [i.e., apostles], but a primacy is given to Peter, whereby it is made clear that there is but one Church and one chair. So too, all [the apostles] are shepherds, and the flock is shown to be one, fed by all the apostles in single-minded accord. If someone does not hold fast to this unity of Peter, can he imagine that he still holds the faith? If he [should] desert the chair of Peter upon whom the Church was built, can he still be confident that he is in the Church?” - Cyprian of Carthage, The Unity of the Catholic Church 4; 1st edition (A.D. 251)
Yea and the Byzantine part is POWERLESS.
No true change in the world will ever happen through Orthodox Christianity. True change will only come through the Catholic Church.
Jorge Bergoglio isn't the Pope. He's a Modernist heretic in a cassock.
Sorry, heretics are by definition not Catholics. Try again.
>Orthodox became a thing when the Roman empire split, and the European part stuck with the original way while the Byzantine part went all Ortho
Ortho is original Christianity, Catholicism is some hyper-mega roman mutant, throw in an over emphasis on bureaucracy and authority figures who tell you what you should believe, with a focus on logic instead of love and wisdom form the Holy Spirit. All that combined you have Catliks which are dying at a tremendous rate in the West
Orthodox if your not a fag.
If you are not sure if you'd go to heaven if you died today, then get saved first anons
Revelation 22:17 kjv
And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.
>no true papist
Sure if by miracles you mean leaky pipes in latin american shitholes
He is seen more as a saint, not a god. Current pope is not even Christian
>cult worship of a literal human (Pope)
>Literal LARPing as a God.
See Matthew 16:16-19, Isaiah 22:22, Luke 22:31-32 and John 21:15-17. The Pope is the Vicar (as in representative in the physical absence of Christ since the Ascension) and the visible head of the Church to maintain unity.
Wow, look at these two bots sandwiching my post 1 second apart. i guess the powers that be really don't like hearing the true gospel of Jesus Christ. You know it's the truth when the bots are shilling against the gospel.
John 14:6 kjv
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
No square circles.
When he says miracles, he means actual miracles. Like the painting of Our Lady of Guadalupe and so many other graces. Even the Orthodox warmly embrace these signs. They only disregard the ones that unequivocally point to the legitimacy of Catholicism.
Thank you!!
Just admit this is pure cope. "True" Catholics absolutely treat him as divine. Not a mere saint.
Interpreting complex passages to justify your heretical worship of a false king.
Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
You're overreaching. The Catholic Church has been given participation in the process of salvation, the Pope is only "divine" insofar as his office enables this process by the Grace of Our Lord. He isn't different from any other number of Orthodox patriarchs, yet only the Pope seems to offend you for whatever reason.
Did Jesus ever say become a Catholic?
No he just said believe in him, repent, and you shall be saved.
(Repentance requires you to actively turn away from sin. That means if you know something is a sin like masturbation, smoking weed, fornicating, wrath and hatred, you can't do it because your awareness that is a sin gives you no excuse for doing it. You are actively disobeying God.)
Please explain to me how the Roman Pontiff opposes God, exalts himself above God, is worshiped, pretends he is God or claims he is God. I'll wait.
John 21:15-17 is hardly complex. It is simply a thrice affirmation for a thrice denial, a reinstatement after apostasy. The papists will eagerly pervert any passage of scripture no matter how plain its true meaning is.
Begome ordhodogz my brother
But for real, don't semitize your soul, realizing that christianity is a foreign, semitic cult is one of the hardest pills to swallow. Good luck!
Sure, if you want to hang out with a bunch of fat smelly Arabs and various other shitskins.
Does the New Testament ever say, "The godhead is a Trinity of the Three Divine Persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost." Does the Bible ever say "privately interpret Scripture." The Church didn't have a canonized, printed Bible for 600 years.
It doesn't offend me in theory. But the absolute worship of a leader is heresy. Cut out all of your brainwashed terms and robotic quotes. Look at it for what it actually is in real life. You cant te me your grandma/aunt doesn't see him as divine himself.
The New Testament says Jesus Christ is the son of God, sits by his side in the kingdom of Heaven, and when Jesus ascends he sends down the holy ghost to comfort his followers and grant them wisdom.
and didn't Jesus say things like "he who has an ear, let him listen?"
>You cant te me your grandma/aunt doesn't see him as divine himself.
They do not, user. Please stop this nonsense.
This post is a fine example of how he is like a surrogate Christ.
He has dismissed God and deprived Him of any authority to speak, since he claims alone the ability to understand the scriptures, a thinly veiled way both to prostitute himself in God’s rightful position as master of hearts, and to evade the tribunal of scripture. He demands absolute obedience from his thralls and any disobedience to his decrees is shown zero tolerance, especially if it is because he contradicts God’s word. He has arrogated to himself Christ’s station as king of the world, claiming the ability to undo thrones at will, and His role as head of the Church, making himself the ground of Christian unity. Never was the title Antichrist more truly applied.
Oh, and to add: he claims to be vicar of Christ, stealing from the Holy Spirit what is rightfully His.
You should read theologians from both and come to your own conclusion.
well yes but.
But da joos can't create nothing so they just steal everything even their own religion. They just slightly changed mix between zoroastrianism, babylonian, indian and egyptian religions.
>John 21:15-17 is hardly complex.
You're right, it is hardly complex. Clearly Peter is being given the authority to rule over the Church militant by the Greek word prostasia in that passage.
Oh, so you inferred from what you read that there is a Trinity of Three Divine Persons? So it doesn't say it explicitly. Really makes me think.
The Pope has not dismissed God, and has not "deprived Him of any authority to speak." Protestants claim they alone have the ability to understand Sacred Scripture without Magisterium because the Reformers said so. Furthermore, the Pope cannot contradict Sacred Tradition, i.e. the unanimous teachings of the Church Fathers, nor Sacred Scripture (which came from the Church, we didn't have a Bible for 600 years.) I suppose you bewail the revolt of Core too, right, because Moses demanded "absolute obedience from his thralls and any disobedience to his decrees is shown zero tolerance?" I suppose Christ was just joking when he called Peter the rock and really meant Luther, Calvin and Zwingli. Oh, and he was also just punking when he gave Peter the ability to bind and loose, along with the keys to heaven. My mistake.
Neither. Never forget the truth and love at the center of your faith and never stop searching. I recommend reading the whole Bible and then looking into the apocryphal and non-canon books.
You can find God everywhere, he's been written about in other cultures under different names too.
Also, the Pope and his papal hierarchy and bureaucracy are dangerous. Claiming to be the leader of the flock while hypocritically living a life of luxury. Commanding his flock to allow open migration of people and remove walls while hiding behind a fortified wall of riches in the Vatican. You should be ashamed. Just as Jesus cast aside the Traders and Merchants from the temple, Catholics must cast aside this false king.
The Pope doesn't just claim to be the Vicar of Christ, he proves it by a survey of the historical record along with the witness of the Fathers and Sacred Scripture. Furthermore, are you implying the Holy Ghost is the Vicar of Christ? The Holy Ghost is invisible. The whole point in the Vicar is he is visible The Holy Ghost guides the Church in all truth and ensures it can never defect or teach error. This also applies specifically to the Pope's teaching authority (Magisterium) on matters of faith and morals, since Peter was given rulership and teaching authority in the Gospel of Matthew and John and was promised that once he was confirmed, his faith would not fail and he would strengthen his brethren in the Gospel of Luke.
>he claims alone the ability to understand the scriptures
This is false. He is a member of a hierarchy he was previously subordinated to. And he is still a slave to the doctrines and the dogmata.
>He demands absolute obedience from his thralls
Again, this is not true. Even the Saints at times were unsure who the real Pope was. You misunderstand the Petrine Office and what it is supposed to administer.
>He has arrogated to himself Christ’s station as king of the world
Anderson, the Pope is a regent or a steward, he is not the King. This indignation seldom is directed at any Orthodox Patriarch whose functions are the same as the Pope's. Memes are not a substitute for actual knowledge of Catholicism. You fixate much more on the Pope than Catholics do.
I wonder if that how the Apostles understood it when the Spirit descended onto them.
Catholic, but Orthodox is the only acceptable 2nd
Catholics/Orthobro's were THE Christians for 1500 years until you retards showed up.
Just read the bible and pray, user. Jesus warns us that many who claim to be followers of him will be turned away for not personally going to him for guidance, for not believing in him, for not ever talking to him.
I hear mormons are on some weird shit. Check them out tho.
How exactly does the Pope live a "life of luxury?" As an example, Pope Pius IX struggled through excruciating illness just for the sake of the faithful:
"Since 1868, the pope had been plagued first by facial erysipelas and then by open sores on his legs.[80] Nevertheless, he insisted on celebrating daily Mass. The extraordinary heat of the summer of 1877 worsened the sores to the effect that he had to be carried. He underwent several painful medical procedures with remarkable patience.[citation needed] He spent most of his last few weeks in his library, where he received cardinals and held papal audiences.[81] On 8 December, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, his situation improved markedly to the point that he could walk again. By February, he could say Mass again on his own in a standing position, enjoying the popular celebration of the 75th anniversary of his first communion. Bronchitis, a fall to the floor, and rising temperature worsened his situation after 4 February 1878. He continued joking about himself: when the Cardinal Vicar of Rome ordered bell-ringing and non-stop prayers for his recuperation, the pope asked, "Why do you want to stop me from going to heaven?" He told his doctor that his time had come.[82] Pope Pius IX died on 7 February 1878, aged 85, concluding the longest pontificate in papal history, after that of Saint Peter, whom tradition holds had reigned for 37 years. His last words were, "Guard the church I loved so well and sacredly", as recorded by the cardinals kneeling beside his bedside.[83]"
I can see you are also trying to imply Jorge Bergoglio is the Pope. He isn't. He's a Modernist heretic in a cassock.
You should become Christian first.
Tridentine Mass is about the same (in beauty) as Ortho liturgy, it's just there's pretty much only one Ortho liturgy and it's always traditional.
Watch this video if you want to go to heaven after you die.
Given that Catholicism is heavily correlated with left wing politics in countries and that you post here, Orthodox would make more sense.
Jesus created the One Holy Apostolic and Catholic Church (Catholic Church refers to the Orthodox and Catholics) , you wouldn't even have a bible if it wasn't for us.
shut up you catholcuck don't you have nigger feet to lick?