Soon vapping will be banned.
Vappingfags GTFO
>As the data suggests, these illnesses have come from people who are consuming Black Market (illegal) Cannabis Vape Cartridges.
Black market Cannabis Distillate which is used to make these illegal vape products is expensive, and is beginning to be diluted and counterfeited. Because the products are expensive, suppliers of these illegal, unregulated products have sought ways to fake and "cut" these products with other cheaper chemicals. The main ingredient that seems to be getting people sick is an oil called "Vitamin E Acetate". This is in no way something that should be vaped. When inhaled, it condenses back into an oil in the lungs that inhibits the body's ability to absorb oxygen and can (and does) leave the user more susceptible to infections and illness.
>land of the free
>can't own a vape because big tobacco says so
Also apparently Melania found a vape in Barron's room and Trump doesn't want him vaping. This is a whole new level of parents demanding the government do the parenting for them.
Just imagine if there was a way to legally buy marijuana vapes from actual stores that are regulated and geld accountable.
Is this true? Where did you get this?
fake news. it's black market THC cartridges containing vitamin e acetate that are causing this, not nicotine vaping.
Im gonna invent the anal vape. Gonna call it Butt Puffing. Wont fuck up your lungs then.
Just imagine not being a fucking degenerate hipster faggot pothead
Just imagine not being a cuck that thinks the government owns your body.
Why aren't vapers dying in Europe?
Did you even read the article? All of these articles are conjecture. Teens are dropping dead, and if they own a juul, they’re blaming it on that. This is a modern day moral panic. Vaping has been around for over a decade. Why are people just now getting sick after vaping for one or two years?
I’m not saying vaping is a good idea, but anyone with a brain can tell there’s foul play going on in these cases with high school idiots buying whack shit off the street and chain vaping it at the sick house parties.
Really wish trump would pull a legal weed deal just before the election
we already know what's causing this: black market THC oil cartridges.
Thc distillate being cut with dilutants to increase profit
they banned flavor vape juice in new york today
I wonder if stock prices went up yet on cigarettes.
they got to get them smokers back so they can get some money and the government can get their taxes...
Imagine thinking this way. What a fucking faggot. Faggiest faggot in Fagville. Eat shit you stupid kike and then I'll blow a nice billowy vape cloud into your faggot nigger asshole with a blue plastic funnel.
it would be nice but I doubt he would do it
New York needs to sell its expensive cigarettes
Yes, but that high though...
He knows from smoking it.
Literally just google it you clown. Everyone who has researched this whole fiasco for 5 minutes realizes that the victims have used illegal black market THC cartridges cut with vitamin E acetate. The tobacco lobbyists are using this as a springboard to damage vape companies as much as possible and uninformed idiots are eating it up hook line and sinker.
It's not even up for debate about what caused it. We all know what caused the illnesses and death. Yet the retard legislators believe that illegal THC cartridges from China are the same as mint cartridges made by Juul in a sterile environment with extremely strict QC.
SeeIt’s on the fda website. Just have to keep reading
this is a pretty good case study in the function of modern news
>Prohibition causes the manufacture of illicit knock off products
>Knock off product causes an outbreak of illness
>Media completely misses the point and goes after a different product that sounds similar
>Leads politicians to try to instate a new form of prohibition
like pottery
Literally anywhere that isn't MSM and reporting the story. They're just taking the fact that a vape was used and using it as an excuse. The other week I had Fox on and someone on there was trying to blame vaping for giving this dude lung cancer, he was a lifelong smoker and using vaping to quit.
>The tobacco lobbyists are using this as a springboard to damage vape companies as much as possible and uninformed idiots are eating it up hook line and sinker.
>the retard legislators believe that illegal THC cartridges from China are the same as mint cartridges made by Juul in a sterile environment with extremely strict QC
this. i'm happy i quit vaping but i have no problem with it. i'd rather everybody vape, less medical expenses and i don't have to smell cigarette smoke
lol purely a corporate move to destroy the "black market" so they can sell it back to you later under their control
Notice how they focus on the empty cartridge itself? It's a sham. There is no such thing as a fake cartridge. There is only poisonous oils or whatever the fuck they are called.
Its all just another arm of the government endorsed crack down to take profits from the little guy and put it into the hands of the cabal. Doesn't matter if you hate it or love it. If you're for banning it, you're siding with evil.
Wake me up when they take real action and go after the crazies making the poisons in their basement that go inside it, and not the guy just ordering empty plastic carts from china.
>this is a pretty good case study in the function of modern news
yes. the modern news is in the pocket of big tobacco, just like the retard fuck legislators.
If you're going to use hash oil, get a rig (glass water pipe) and a nail.
Dabbing is the optimal way to consume hash oil.
I don't get stoned anymore but dabbing was incredible when I was into it.
Fuck you, degenerate. You pollute your body with filth when you're leasing it from God.
The tobacco industry shills in these threads have been overwhelming.
Yes, it's true.
I used to vape this shit all the time, and if you didn't use it quickly when fresh, you had more worries than just acetate.
On the whole your weed is better eaten than smoked, smoked than vaped.
man thats terrifying, based black markets
guns next.
They are going to use this as the excuse to tax and regulate
I don't either.
You kikes always are obsessed with material goods. Why?
So you never drink/smoke? You eat a perfect paleo diet and never stray?
It is friend. Between recreational weed, year round hockey, lack guns grabbers and thirsty stoner bitches, I think CO takes the cake for chillest state since you can actually do shit here unlike Jew york or commie fornia
post body
Vapers are legitimately more obnoxious than stoners are. I kind of don't want it to be banned because more of them will die, but I suppose that the FDA has to do their job some times.
commiefornians are raping colorado.
>lack of gun grabbers
there are more and more every day. wait until the commiefornian expats reach critical mass
>thirsty stoner bitches
they all fuck niggers
>I kind of don't want it to be banned because more of them will die
it's THC cartridges that are killing people, not nicotine juice. idiot
You first, you filthy wheezing degenerate.
after i post mine, you will reply with yours?
you fat faggots always back out after i post myself.
they should have just vaped the plant itself
I've actually seen fake carts. They're fairly obvious. Pretty much anything that says TKO is fake as fuck. Have a taste, you'll find it tastes like shit, like how burning oil smells, say dripping on hot exhaust. If it dont taste like weed, throw that shit out or rough up your fucking dealer. The color of real shit should be a dark amber, whisky colored. If it looks like cooking oil, well, guess what?
Nobodys making a profit on a 1 gram oil vape for $50, that should also tell you something.
We are weak but He is strong keep up the good fight
the protocol has 90-day history of vaping as the qualifying use interval. It's all fake weed carts and or very sick people.
i'm waiting you fatass christkike
bubble is the next best alternative followed by kief.
>my body is pure i don't pollute it with nicotine or alcohol
>ignore my fatass drooping ssoy tits and mashed potatoes body
top cuck
I vape pure flower and I havent had any issues, its not the chinese manufactured shit either.
>posts Pepe smoking a harmless joint while talking about cancer causing poisonous cigarettes
or do the eyes just look like that from the jaundice?
>black market weed pods from China kill people
>flavored e-cigs get banned in response
>this is the FDA doing its job
still waiting on your reply, fatass
Even just vaping pure distillate, you feel it in your lungs. It's not natural at all. Like a soft pain all throughout.
>55 million americans smoke weed on a semi-regular basis or more
>34.3 million americans smoke cigarettes
>7 people have died from shitty THC cartridges
literally the most boomer reaction i have ever seen
7 people?
Many more die from bathtub falls each year.
What is the point of this scare campaign?
vaping glucose into your lungs will kill you.
stiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill waiting, fatboy
4000 people per year AVERAGE, die at the hands of Illegal Immigrants.
Trump: "Oh noes...we must do something now about the Vaping epidemic. Ivanka!! Halp!!. Legislation NOW!!! MAGA!!!"
>the president runs the cdc
>the president makes legislation
big tobacco owns the vape companies, fool
No they don't, you dumb nigger. There are no big companies for vaping. Juul is popular, but most vaping is done with actual vapes and vape juice, which is a huge open market and super easy to get into.
>you're leasing it from God.
wew that is the most kike thing i've read all day. and i was reading some of the israeli election threads today
don't forget the part where he abandons the thread when he realizes that he has to post a picture of his "temple of god" body