Why do Asians outperform white people in America in every way when white people have all the advantages in this system?

Why do Asians outperform white people in America in every way when white people have all the advantages in this system?

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no soul

>white people have all the advantages in this system?


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Asians literally have no options for entertainment in their poor enclosed environment so they do school work to pass the time

Just maybe
There are no "advantages" in the "system".

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This is something I'm curious about as well. Although I think China cheated their IQ tets, there's validity to high Asian intelligence, correct? If it's true I don't have a problem recognizing it.

Despite this, white countries are very much superior and white nations deserve to stay white.

We don't want your women, Chang. Just stop low self confidence posting already

speak for yourself

tfw no mensa asian gf who makes fun of me for being stupid

because only the most privileged and wealthy asians ever make it to the west.

omg she's so cute

i already cummed like thirty times today but

>furiously starts beating at bruised penis

>whacking it against wall to get it hard



one drop only but UNGH holy fuck are those asian bitches cute

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Outperform by which metrics?

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because whites are fragile

Whites are too busy doing meth, driving large pickup trucks in their shitty ass rural town in bumfuck nowhere and fucking their siblings while Asians are busy being based. No wonder their IQs is far greater than whites.

>this is current state of nu pol
study pic related, put two and two together, and stop being such a fucking embarrassment

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Because asians are highly intelligent. However, they're highly conformal, with a low level of disagreeableness. This is where the term "bugmen" comes from and why the stereotype that they cannot innovate comes from.
Whatever it is, probably a deep psychological anxiety, it prevents them from thinking contradictory to their community. The biggest Asian "Rebels" are a joke compared to the sort of decadence whites can wrought.

Because they have fire in their bellies and much more self control.

Why do they create shit countries that nobody wants to live in

do you have any quantifiable and empirical evidence that whites have advantages or are you just a faggot being a coping shit skin?

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>the majority of the world's population
>the smart ones leave their 3rd world hellhole to work in the west
what about the literally billions of retards in their home country?

Why are you a raging chink faggot?

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>This is where the term "bugmen" comes from
In part but it's also because they display an extremely low level of empathy.

Sounds like a conspiracy theory to me

Only the already rich successful asians from rich successful families tend to come here.

jesus christ you could not be more obviously coping

And yet you didn't rebuke what I said.
Because it's the truth.
If all the rich successful white people ran over to China then I guess the Chinese would be saying the same thing about white people.
When your only sample group is the already rich and successful it makes it seem to a total dipshit moron like yourself, that all Asians are more successful and rich.
Why don't you try moving there and see how much you like it? They're not a more advanced people. You'll see.

Did you forget Jared Taylor lives in Japan?
And where do all the white nationalists go for vacation.
MM and Emily Youchis have both recommended people go to Japan/Korea at least once in their life to know what an ethnostate feels like (even if its not their own).
Could you be more dense.
Asians are good people guys, get over it.

>Asians are good people guys, get over it.
Yea? Why do they vote identically to fucking Mexicans? And we need a wall for them supposedly.....

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>1 post by this ID

nobody even knows how to "sage" in the options field so they don't bump anymore. why do you think they hid saging years ago? to turn the board to shit.

Because there are billions of them. All else being equal, it means their top 10% will be better than anyone else's top 10%.
Their bottom 10% outnumbers us too but you never see them because they are plowing fields behind a yak in a dirt farm somewhere.

>white people have all the advantages in this system
Such as?

imagine being white but actually having affirmative action work in your favor because you are a "minority", this is the advantage of being an asian in america.

>muh environment
Its bullshit and you know it. Even if that's true I still want a mensa Asian gf.

i didn't "rebuke" what you said because it's so obviously fucking wrong. the vast majority of asian americans are chinese who were poor as fuck when they came here. it's patently wrong and pathetic that you would even attempt to use this "argument".

that's not even considering the fact that asians score better on IQ tests, get better grades, and do less crime in THEIR OWN COUNTRIES.

muh environment? are you retarded?

They study hard and have no interests in socializing

And Jews outperform both whites and asians. Asians have no power, no influence, no culture creation, no intellectuals. Jews are playing 18D interdimensional Chess while Asians in America are making vid related. That's the high point of Asian culture creation in America.


Cultures are different, Asians are hive minded, European are independent thinkers. Asians are good at what you tell them to do, Europeans are more creative and imaginative it's always been that way. This is the best way to understand the differences. However, in every group there are outliers, morons, like you.

>china has no power, no influence
>japan has no culture
>asians have no intellectuals

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what does china or Japan have to do with the productivity of asian Americans?

>money makes you smart

>Paying someone to tell you that you are smart.

Asians arent beating white people in their own country. Its honestly baffling how white Americans still refer to the US as 'our country' when it clearly isnt. We live in Greater West Israel.

>jews run media/politics/entertainment
>hordes of anti-white politicians
>non-white no-go zones in virtually every city
>nigger kulture is dominant

idk, maybe they share dna or something

and why would you ever interpret it this way when the response variable is always on the y axis?

What I'm saying is that Asian Americans are not really powerful, successful, or productive. Jews dominate them EASILY. And, what I say is true - they produce no intellectuals. The only Asian-American intellectual is Francis Fukuyama and he was on the ZOG plantation churning out books that give ideological legitimacy to American hegemony. Poos will also brag about how powerful and influential they are in America but the only people of merit they have produced are Dinesh D'Souza (a ZOG intellectual puppet), Jindall, Nickey Haley (ZOG political puppet), and that half negress half poo Kamala Harris in California that is deeply rooted in the ZOG plantation.

They work as a community. Koreans stick together and they prefer to work and do business with Koreans. Since whites aren’t allowed to discriminate we lose

You are the one claiming Asians aren't biologically more intelligent

They have to go back. Corrupt degenerate servile race of men.

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>3rd generation descendants of immigrants have no power compared to a group that uses unethical means and cheat to get ahead, they aren't ahead
>this means something
>OP is talking about jews and not asians vs white people

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If Asians were as smart as they claim they are then they would know they have been second to Europeans in almost every facet of nation building since the beginning of time and that counts for pretty much everything.

oh really? i claimed it? post the quote where i claimed it. you're the one who chose to interpret a graph in the lowest IQ way possible

I think most of them are aware of that.

>taking Mensa seriously

If she really was 150IQ she wouldn't take that dumb pic in the first place


Poor as fuck in America doesn't mean poor as fuck in China. They obviously had the means to get to the US, and believe it or not, that's not cheap. I'd be willing to bet 90% of foreign students bought their way into US universities as well, my exgirlfriend and I were doing their work for $1000-$3000 a class. These people really aren't geniuses or even smart. I'm culpable in this too for doing school work for pay but we should be pissed that boomers sell our future to the highest bidder.

Then why did you respond to me nigger?

Jews are verbally equipt because they are shysters. They argued with God so he called them stiff-necked, then cursed their tongues so all would know them, then kicked them out. Jews stand by the idea of fake it til you make it, best watch your back wojack

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And Canada has produced ONE Asian of merit: David Suzuki - and the only reason anyone pays attention to him is because ZOG needs ideological justification for their sustainable development agenda. youtube.com/watch?v=0Iyyxy_8TQ4

Asians are beautiful and smart. White people only larp as those things.

because you were acting retarded around me and i had to tell you to fuck off


I think you just answered the question of why whites are also losing against Jews: jews play by different rules and are extremely unethical. Once they have control you have a society that is ruled by a psychopathic, ethnocentric, and deeply unscrupulous people. That makes it hard for anyone outside of the Jewish hereditary elite to succeed. Jews have created something in America that looks a lot like the Indian caste system with Jews as the top idea creating brahminical caste and everybody else in second place or below.

>that's not even considering the fact that asians score better on IQ tests, get better grades, and do less crime in THEIR OWN COUNTRIES.
You'll never see a white man do this.
They also only test their highest scoring academic students. Thus the scores.
I mean think about it. We taught THEM EVERYTHING THEY KNOW. The white man.
I mean really.

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>they weren't poor relative to other chinese
>therefore they have an advantage against whites, who they are poorer than
holy fuck i could not imagine what it must be like being as retarded as you

Asian Americans are a solid blue voting block. "Asians are allies" is a repeat of the "Latinos are natural conservatives" meme that NRO fags promoted in the 90s. Even worse, people who think slant eyed bugs are "honorary aryans" are weeb faggots that have racemixed with a bug whore and "honorary" is their coping mechanism for every time they look at their ugly, oriental son.

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All hapas will be liquidated when the racewar comes.

>white people have all the advantages in this system
That is funny. OP has no sense of the weight of the propaganda attacks White people are under for the last 60 years.

>They also only test their highest scoring academic students.
>source: my ass
Protip: east asian countries where asians get better grades besides China exist. Like you know, Japan and South Korea, where they also get better grades?

You are the retard. Your original post was responding to a bunch of people including me and posting that graph. Maybe you should look before you respond to every post my original post was just tfw no mensa asian gf. Your response made no sense so i assumed you were trying to say asians aren't actually smarter.

Okay well white people built all culture and science and also grades....so.....

>I think you just answered the question of why whites are also losing against Jews
that's great, the topic of thread is about asians vs whites

Jews had much less power before the French Revolution.
Remember that before anyone starts spouting kike supremecy. It was essentially the magnaninty of the Europeans that allowed Jews to get ahead, and they completely shit on whatever goodwill might have been shown and threw a fit until someone decided to try putting them back in their place.
It's really our fault that they're such a problem today, but its a solvable problem.

well im glad we can both agree that your previous posts were all full of shit then

If you start doing that pure whites like me who are even right wingers are going to side with the Jews. And you will loose.

Because white people are under the control of jews, who are killing the white race with niggers, arabs and beaners

Because you have it backwards. Asians actually have the advantage because they stick together and show nepotism. Whites do not stick together what soever in the US, it's really pathetic. Plus you have teachers holding white students to a higher standard and a negative bias, that's been proven.

All we can agree on is that white people kicked all the Oriental's asses in war.
Then? They copied everything from us.
The end. Go to bed.

It means they are not the bottom class coming to the US, it's the educated upper class. That's why they do better you giant fucking retard.

>The west has adopted far left liberalism
>The east hasn't
There's your answer.

Because they read books instead of jerking off to their own posts on Jow Forums.

America has a Jewish ruling class that is hostile towards whites but not Asians. That hostility has substantially weakened whites and has created an opening for Asians to prosper. If Jews treated Asians the same way that they treated whites, I can guarantee you that Asians would be weaker than they are right now.



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Don't make me gunpowder post.
Also, Mongols beat China in several wars. What would you say about them?

Why are you so manic little chink?

but it is hostile towards asians. are you not aware of the harvard scandal of discrimination towards asians?

>only possible argument is a fallacious ad hominem
guess again little brainlet.

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That's because Harvard is a Jew institution and they like to keep it primarily Jew.

>muh voting blocks
Who cares? Trump is useless. The republican party is a joke.

It wasn't an argument. I asked you a question.
And you're only response is weak projection.
You have a tiny dick don't you....

that's small potatoes compared to the degree of malicious propaganda that they direct whites. If Jews created a new ideology and said "Chinese are the most successful group and everyone is against them" and said we are "non-asians" and are against chinese supremacy and asians were hounded endlessly for oppressing everyone else, and the government meddled endlessly to make sure that every company, government office, and hospital didn't have too many asians. - do you think asians would do well? Whites in America are hugely handicapped because of their relationship with their hostile jewish elite. Asians are NOT. And I can tell you, if jews set their sites on Asians they could wreck asians easily.


>If you start doing that pure whites like me who are even right wingers are going to side with the Jews.
KEK. Boomer detected. When you racemix you are no longer white. You have decided to end your genetic line.

You are a racemixer, you are already a Jewish footsoldier. Do everyone a favor and murder suicide you abomination of a "family", especially and chink dicklet sons.

Oh it wasn't an argument? So you agree that the majority of asian immigrants coming to the west were poor, but now do better than whites?

Oh you don't agree? So you disagree, but you have no argument against it.

It's bad, but not half as systematic and vicious as it is against whites.
That kind of scandal is Jewish defensiveness about guarding the institutions they stole. It's not an outright attack like tranny storytime or diversifying white neighborhoods and schools.

Lol Every girl I dated in college was Asian, I've fucked about 30-40 Asian girls in the past 10 years. I'm going to go shower and hop in bed with my Chinese wife. God I love being white. You mad yello boi?

One other thing: America is funding and organizing protests in HK and Jews are churning out lots of propaganda in favour of the revolution. They are also promotion revolutionary figures in HK and turning them into international heroes. NO Chinese-American has the smarts to write even one piece of propaganda in favour of the chinese government to explain to Americans what is happening and why they shouldn't support the pro-democracy movement. How can you say that a group that is too lazy to act in their own self interest is some sort of master race?

This is starting to sound like the whining that niggers use to complain about why they are inferior. Yes, no doubt, jews hate whites, but I am white, and I can tell you no jew had anything to do with my poor grades in high school, as I can only imagine is the cast for the vast majority of whites.

>I've fucked about 30-40 Asian girls in the past 10 years. I'm going to go shower and hop in bed with my Chinese wife
anime pillow does not count

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see It's hilarious how you try to resort to this when you've been utterly blown the fuck out though. Real cute.


Shut up, boomer.

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