This wonk eyed , Mentally retarded, on the verge of a stroke, senile, pedophile motherfucker is the greatest gift to Donald Trump that anyone could ever give.

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It's gonna be Hillary ,you dolt. Stop being distracted by a circus.

Boomers love Biden, and they're the biggest voting bloc.

It's fucking mind blowing this guy is taken seriously and leading polls. Are people that retarded or is our system this rigged? After the countless gaffes I have no idea how he's still going. The record player one was the most concerning and should have set alarms off but I guess not.

both of the major democratic candidates will get shitcanned if they run
it's like they're not even trying

Warren is the only one that has the appearance of attempting to run to win, for what that's worth.

you just described Trump as well.

Attached: JellyBitch.png (1470x828, 1.04M)

>boomers love Biden
No they don’t.

Wrong koala nigger

She’s insane. Most normal people laugh at her

He's just the generic white male candidate. Pragmatic Democrats know it's probably their best bet.

Rusty Razor Biden versus Corn pop speech

I think he'll alienate lefties and cause them to stay home. And he has the greatest chance of imploding on the debate stage. He can't handle Julian Castro for God's sake, how is he going to handle Trump?

Warren comes off as a shrill unlikeable granny, biden is senile and on the brink of death and wont satisfy the democratic voterbase. Bernie is their best bet

Bernie is shady, but at least he based enough to tell babies to shut up.

>Shrill, unlikeable granny

As a bong that was my exact impression hearing here for the first time a few days back. Completely the wrong voice and appearance. Looks and sounds like a wealthy mega-boomer who sneers at others peoples grandkids.

It's not nigger ball, its the fate of the free world you myopic cocksuckers!

Bernie looks really really old. Much older than Biden. I dont see why anybody would vote for a guy that looks like he would die in 6 months. He's also stupid but that's up for debate apparently.

He’s better than Jon McCain!

Register as democrats to vote for Biden

Attached: wallhaven-6kw6kx.jpg (2048x1365, 226K)

Probably because that’s exactly who she is.
Dems are gonna try to repackage her as the progressive hill dawg

Attached: corn pop biden.jpg (2184x1448, 309K)

>My Jew-sucking senile boomer is better than your Jew-sucking senile boomer
Wake up user, Trump betrayed every promise to his base while working tirelessly to expand the borders of Israel. Democracy is a retarded hoax, there would not be an iota of difference between a Biden or Trump presidency. The only solution is national socialist revolution which tears out kike finance capital from politics, media and academia.

Attached: 03620bf49490ace587fc3640cc9047d7aedf5cd9549f8e875018db8d16f1e62e.jpg (780x766, 117K)

Based Corn Pop - RIP in peace

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That's how they rig elections - the opponent is unelectable - Trump's reward for kissing enough Israeli ass - a second term by rigging the other side to fail..

Doesn't matter, it looks like its either going to be Bernie or Biden, both are going to cower into the corner debating ORANGE GUY. Trump has this.