This is what NRA has done to America

This is what NRA has done to America.

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>look mom, I posted it again

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>NRA has done
A fire user, die in one.

This is what America has done to America.
Love it or leave it. Move to fuckin Sweden or Mexico where guns are illegal.

Kikes should go back go Israel

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No, it means people can still defend themselves. Shut up already. If you don’t like guns, don’t own them. Simple.

No, I think kikes are just aware they're that hated. By like everyone that's not a jew.

Think about it. Not even niggers have that big of a lobby to support them and promote their people, calls for a homeland, and people hate the fuck out of niggers too. Holocaust > slavery and people must be constantly reminded of this because lo and behold, people universally hate kikes.

Actually most of the gun saftey we have is thanks the the NRA. But when you can post a single piece of legislation the NRA passed making it ok to shoot people, or post any NRA brochures encouraging mass sholtings, then we can talk

Should be a pistol where the stupid pamphlet is, in case of a mass shooter. Fucking pussies.


Every. Fucking. Time.

faggot bait threads aside, any of you have that greentext that was posted here recently from an alleged pentagon employee who ran wargame-esque scenarios on a militia group critically destabilizing US infrastructure? the baseline was a man with a generic name (Jeff, Bill, some shit) who was a late 30s, early 40s veteran. medically discharged with an injury, lost a limb. works as a truck driver. forms the group, takes over a major highway and effectively cuts the country in half.

seems pretty NRA terror related.

This is what paranoia has done to America.

The NRA is helping jews survive shootings? Good for them.


Even niggers don’t have to have laws all over the world keeping people from hating them. Niggers, user.

This person needs to kill themselves.

eh, im sure im safe enough at a church. miss me with that temple shiet

Life is harsh, so paranoia is merited. Deal with it or die, weakling.

Implying Jews aren't armed to the tit

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Those types of signs should be banned for taking breath away.

The current NRAs job is to destabilise the USA. Why? Because it is run by Russia now.

Fuck man, I thought the NRA was set up to shoot jews.My bad.

I fucking hate Ann Arbor
Reminder that there's a black cube near the UofM student union

That picture should take your breath away, can't believe they're using that edition of the Etz Hayim

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kikes should never feel safe in this country.

They tried this already. Once in a mosque where everyone was unarmed, and once in a synagogue where a border patrol agent was armed with a handgun. It turned out that shooting back is a more effective tactic than hiding in the corner.

I hate how leftists and Jews keep posting stuff about how irrationally paranoid they are about shit, and this is somehow supposed to mean something.

It's like thinking that people getting scared about shark attacks means that shark attacks are a huge problem while ignoring the actual reality.

If I had a kid who was scared about getting murdered by niggers does that mean we can ban niggers?

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NRA Budget=128 million
They dont do shit

Even normies are starting to hate the jews now

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I was ABSOLUTELY SHOCKED that someone was paranoid enough to think this was necessary by any stretch

You attending UM or just live nearby?

Isn't Michigan effectively Muslim country, now, thanks to multiculturalism? Makes sense that they have those

Without private ownership of firearms, America is no longer America, dummy.

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>kikes are just aware they're that hated
congrats, you learned kike psychology lesson one: take unrelenting pride in the fact that everyone hates you, and when someone really hates you, call them an anti-semite.

it's a jew who attends a jewish church that has hymnals written in fucking hebrew. did you expect an honest name like cabot and a sacred harp hymnal?

Who's going to try and read a pamphlet for directions while the place is being shot up

>Dude bursts in during temple and starts emptying mags
>Jews all grab the pamphlets and start frantically reading them for instructions while the bullets fly overhead
>Mr. Rosenblatz takes one in the back just as he reaches the last line
>'Oy vey...if only I'd read it...faster...bluurrghhh'

Yes, they have helped jews pacify themselves by helping to remove weapons from their kike hands

GOA wants everyone to have a gun

oh a fucking jew on social media again

No it’s primarily Dearborn and metro Detroit but there are some Muslims scattered throughout the state. Michigan has some extremely white areas

We must encourage people like Beto to keep saying the things he says

He and AOC have done more to wake people up than even Trump has.

We need them to keep pushing the envelope so we can reach the day of the rope

Shouldn't they worry about an active gasser, active bear and eagle situation, or an active masturbation machine emergency?


You can thank the nra for the lack of a pistol there.

Compromising faggots

Kikes are scared.

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no, it's what SSRIs have done to america.

I would assert that is what Jews have done to America

i.e. people hate us, so watch your back.

No this is what Jews have done to America. Get back in the shower line oven dodger.

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Kek, I wonder if shannon " I'm just a mom" watts would every say that

Well they do help Wayne buy suits and statists restrict rights

If you photoshop in a bible and a copy of "My Awakening" by David Duke, then we have a meme.

Better Living Through Chemistry

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Kek, that was funny

Or... draw your own gun and drill the retard instead of waiting for the cops to come with their guns to do it.

>oy vey the goyim are coming up with viable countermeasures to a gunman situation without demanding disarmament of the general populace.

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Take my breath away!

I don't understand

No, they should go back to hell

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>If I had a kid who was scared about getting murdered by niggers does that mean we can ban niggers?
Yes we should ban niggers also it's not an irrational fear that kid would have since niggers commit the majority of crimes.

The right to defend yourself is sacred, and nothing embodies that more then the right to bear arms.

Yes but the right doesn't do dumb virtue-signaling tweets where they go
>A Church had pamphlets warning against niggers. When I saw it on Facebook it took my breath away. If Churches feel the need to do this how haven't we banned niggers yet?! Really makes you think.