‘Hanging by a thread’: Australian economy bracing for petrol price hike

‘It’s not food, it’s violence’: Shoppers hit out as vegan protesters storm supermarket

Badly behaved Aussies in Bali warned they could be sent home

Woman shot dead by police in Geraldton

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Based & Fuentespilled


Gamers RISE UP!

>Woman shot dead by police in Geraldton
Somehow Men will get the blame for this

what's for lunch lads?

some jap food

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routleys sausage roll and a dare

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chicken salad

Some crispy pork banh mi would be nice

Fuck yeah! I love me some dog woll

Can of V and a darb

piece of white bread

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what do we think of this bad boy? i want to drive it unironically.

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Do it cunt.

fucking based as fuck!
checkout that front end

Ham and salad roll from the bakery. They put a whole egg in it too

Broke my Skyrim lads

Shelve it cunt

Hey guys checkout my sweet ride

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Absolutely fucking mint mate, how much did it set you back?

be careful of chang and pajeet.

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Old gold

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Good times

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>Wasting all that space using flac when you could just use 320
wew lad

>Only da best
That feel when ironic music becomes the high rpm go-to

white power by skrewdriver is a good driving song.

Went for a ride today. Fantastic weather. No bugs.
On the way home stopped at the butcher and spent $100 on 3 rumps, that's how fucking thick they are.
Tomorrow looks like another fantastic day for a ride.

Fuck I want a Daytona, but a ZX6R is cheaper and just as fast.

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Supposed to hit 30° tomorrow, I'm hitting the beach ftw

Good times, great classic hits

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Picked it up for 8k with 10k on clock like 6 months ago. Its a nice bike, super light. Heard there making a 765 sometime ay.

Not a fan of black bikes desu, I'd rather it in Kawasaki green.
Planning on doing a ride through Tassie in October. I repacked my swag with a slimmer, better mattress. Picture is the swag with the new mattress and sleeping bag, and the old mattress next to it. Saved so much space.

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>Not green

The 765 Daytona is a limited run special, like 1500 units or something. Triumph are getting out of the sport bike game for whatever reason.

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I'm much farther south than you most likely.
When it says 27 on the meter it feels more like 22, always cooler than advertised here.
Black can be a right pain, but if you know how to polish and keep the spider webs out of it, it can't be beaten.
I have an older 1UZ Hilux for that sort of stuff.

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Ugly as hell

>I'm much farther south than you most likely.
I'm in the hills, always cooler here too. Gonna take advantage of the heat tomorrow though and get a good swim and jetty jump in.

I guess its thruxtons and rockets from here on out. Imo find a test ride of one and see what you think they handle a bit differently to jap 600. Different rake, v light, wide bars/turning circle

>mfw WW2 vet gets a flashback and runs you over

Much much much further south.

Not meant to be subtle
>red leds
>heavy af progressive springs
>gsxr1k rear shock
>ram air into pods


Yeah ikr. Im starting navy soon, maybe wanna keep that one at home.

applying for jobs lads? Gotta beat that economic collapse to the punch

This was the one I was looking for...

God I wish that were me

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Robe/Kingston SE is close enough for ASIO.

I was thinking Gambier, but wasn't gonna keep asking you because pic related

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What should I do if I'm tired all the time, I don't feel like doing anything and I know anything I do is contributing to people who want to kill me and my family, both spiritually and then physically, and both my actual family and my extended racial family

Just anhero
There you go

Get t levels checked, cut carb intake to at least half of what it is now, start getting your heart rate up more often.

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Fuck off

Diet is the 1st step.
Sugar and carbs are not your friend.

Lads r8 my arm

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Honestly mate, it's the 21st century.
Grocery delivery is a thing, and it costs fuck all.
You can do your shop over the course of a couple of days, click a few buttons and then it just appears at your door. 7 days a week.

It typically cost me about $6 for the delivery fee.
Six fucking dollars, what's your time worth to you?

No man I know has ever enjoyed going to the supermarket.
Their canned/packet stuff and fruit/veg are generally fine, but the meat...pass.
That's why I go to the Butcher.
You buy a rump from woolies or coles and it's not even the right shape.

Bleh, all I wanted to do today was to print out a mount for a cyclops extruder then head out to work...

But did the nerds at thingiverse think to make a design that fits an i3 with probe and cooling fan that isn't massively chunky?, pfft no.


It's time for your Daily Reminder that Boomers are scum and everything wrong with Australia.

This is what they stole from us.....

It's also time for another Reminder that Unchecked Migration is Generational Genocide.

I cut out bread, my primary source of carbs is more nutritionally complete potatoes. I eat very dark chocolate sometimes but I know I shouldn't. I eat a fair amount of fruit.
If I pretty much entirely eliminate carbohydrates, what forms of dietary fat should I replace them with? Is cheese alright?

Looks juicy, you tren hard and eat clen?

By the look of that photo, there is one part that is sadly lacking in the muscle department.

Not bad, good size.


Hows the half time sausage fest in the toilets?

But I thought shootings can't happen with gun bans?

pack of NIGGERS get BTFO by a homeowner. But I guess he will get arrested for this.

Based nigger lynchers

Look at these guys handing in their guns like Good goyim.

Just hand in your guns and go to work. The police will protect you.

Why is this thread so fucking gay?

Because you arrived.

>I don't feel like doing anything
stop trying to want to but do it anyway, no one wants to work except for a few jews that make lots running their own business and nerd weirdos

because it's gayworld not clownworld literally everything is gay even rooting women is gay because they just want you to be their gay wage slave

>Labor just voted no to the #FamilyLaw inquiry

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>Is cheese alright?
Everyone is different, it's ok for me.
My quick and dirty that I never get tired of is steamed veges (cauli, broc, carrot & potato) which I then mash the fuck out of with a bit of butter & black pepper, and a rump steak. (sometimes gravy if I'm not feeling like a fat fuck)

make a better 3d model yourself then

Boys i have a question.

Am I a dog arse cunt for planning on moving to America.? I've had so many strange looks when people ask me why are you moving and I tell them because I want to own heaps of guns.

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>make a better 3d model yourself then

It looks like I'm going to have to do just that, just frustrating as the dev/design/prototype workflow required is considerable.

9/10 hours of unattended printing vs 10+ hours of design + multiple prints.

alright lads, answer me this

what is the rationale behind people buying these heaps of shit 4wds i see on the roads, especially in the city? what is going through someones head when they think that buying a brand new Jeep is a good idea? i mean its gotten that bad that im starting to see more 4wds than any other type of car. to top it off, they all drive like complete shit. starting to get really really sick of seeing 1 car in the left lane and 6 4wds in the right

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Dont even get me started, you cant see past the cunts and theyre all driven by stupid soccer mums, and they love to sit side by side doing 55km/h completely oblivious to you behind them trying to get past, they inconsiderate, uncourteous fucks.

They think they're safer, based on all evidence to the contrary.
Visibility is slightly better (for them) and fucked for everyone else.

>you cant see past the cunts

love this meme. i try and leave as much room between them and me because they never anticipate anything, just slam on the brakes every time the traffic backs up. only problem with this is that cityfags take the gap as an opportunity and merge in front of me, usually another 4wd that i fucking cant see past

>caring what other people think
Grow out of it.

in a collision, the bigger tanker car comes off the victor.
hence the soccer mum drivers pointed out here.

also ive noticed that most SUV drivers arent particularly bad, they just seem to do really risky shit. most of them have no business owning one though, im starting to see more and more personal trainers drive these things. for what purpose?

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>tfw working 10 hours tomorrow

>only problem with this is that cityfags take the gap as an opportunity and merge in front of me, usually another 4wd that i fucking cant see past
Exactly, they force you to drive bumper to bumper. Does my fucking head in

Applied for a rental and the sign-up paperwork heavily recommends contents insurance due to "the severe increase of home invasions and theft". I wish I was joking. JUST

*click click click click....*
* click click*

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they do it to be boomer cunts it's just another way normies have ripped the soul out of the place just so they can win at all costs and piss people off

Anyone see this little slice of delight?Niggers beat out by some Aus lads,

I like that the yellow cunts, shitskins and niggers in Aus are starting to get scared of us. I like that they are uneasy around me, I don’t even bother being polite to the cunts anymore.

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sick welcome to country bro

best shit ever. Beaten up by a bloke in fucking DTs. Classic if tje Aussies don't kill these cunts the wildlife will. Release the magpies and russel coights.

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