Give up your guns now, innocent people are dying

Give up your guns now, innocent people are dying.

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Give up your POC voters.

one is a right

You take our niggers to gun free europe and neither place will gave gun violence.

The knife crime will increase in europe tho

the faggot who made this comic can't even get basic facts right. the VT shooting was committed with .22LR and 9mm handguns of standard capacity.

>innocent people are dying

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i feel like we could just use the right side of the picture to solve the left side of the picture.


People are dying?
Better keep our guns to protect ourselves then.

>the faggot who made this comic can't even get basic facts right.
and the deaths from vapes were from black market THC cartridges, not from nicotine vapes like juul. he's a retard all around

Of course a fag that smokes robot dicks wants to take away the guns.

Niggers aren't innocent.

>One was designed to kill people
>One was designed to help people quit something that kills them
>These two objects should be compared and judged equally on a deaths caused.
How fucking stupid do you have to be to genuinely think this is a good argument? Like honestly think about it for longer than a second and you realize how insanely retarded this is.

>includes suicide, accidents, police shootings, and lawful self defense to pump up the numbers

We really need to start prosecuting you retards.

>gun deaths
Why not gun homicides, then we can talk about this

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Vaping ban is stupid though. I'm convinced that for the 6 deaths it might have caused, it saved thousands of people from the cigarette Jew. Even if it's still poison, it's less poisonous than tobacco.

... and then we can have a conversation about niggers

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Hey, let's make murder and suicide illegal too!

Give up your automobile now, innocent people are dying.

Its referring to ALL guns but the most common one being ARs used in the comic. Faggot.


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if only those innocent people had firearms, they may have stood a chance


fuck that. disarm them all.
except jews. they deserve better.

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I said a gun. A firearm. Do you consider a hammer a firearm?

I can skin your children and keep them alive.

I can torture your children in this state for days leftists scum
I can pair your children down to a heart and head, dump them in oxygenated electrolyte solution and keep them alive in pain indefinitely.



>the most common one being ARs

2/3 of those gun deaths are suicide so dont count. Also when vaping is specificslly spelled out in the constitution, then we can talk about your analogy

I've got a better idea.

>No new regulation against unhealthy foods
>No new regulation against tobacco and/or vaping
>No new regulation against alcohol, and lower the drinking age to 18
>No new regulation against guns or gun accessories

Government needs to shut the fuck up and stop worrying over every little self-inflicted death. Most gun deaths are either suicides or gang on gang violence and can be lumped into that category. Live and let die, and stop making new laws goddammit!

One is literally designed to kill and do it efficiently and quick. Retarded minority might give it a bad use, but they get killed or maimed in consequence.
The other is designed as a oral fixation tube it's made to feel good, look good, quit real tobacco. Retarded majority gives a bad use, they get killed or maimed in consequence.
I see the similarities but with this little scrutiny it's obvious it's not the same.

ANOTHER fucking one of these copy paste from reddit threads from kike larping as an American. How kiked are the fucking mods to keep letting these threads shoot to the top?


You are misinterpreting the point of the comic. It is suggesting that it is absurd to regulate semi-automatic rifles to reduce gun deaths, when annually they kill less than hammers.

This man for pres 2020

one is protected by the constitution.
can you guess which one?
all this anti America propaganda only makes me stronger.

Just more proof that the whole attack on the tobacco companies and smokers never had anything to do with health. It was only about money.

Also shut down mandatory treatment in hospitals. You cant afford your decisions, then fuck off and die.

I will be 28 in 2020, too young to be president. If you are looking for a freedom-loving candidate, I would note that Adam Kokesh is running on the Libertarian ticket. This is Adam Kokesh:

Rifles kill less than 450 a year lol

QNDyWtVu 2020
Government Needs to Shut the Fuck Up

what's your opinion on cutting to the heart of the problem and banning niggers? see:

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Slash your throat, you're stealing air from my son.

So 2027? Haha

>26 killed at Sandy Hook

Yeah nah. The only thing that died at Sandy Hook was Bobby Parker's acting career.

Of those 36000 gun deaths:
24000 are suicides
less than 0.3% are with/from a rifle
of that 0.3%:
less than 10% are AR platforms
of that 10%:
less than:
less than half are AR-15

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>gives up guns
>criminals can still get guns through black market
>can't defend yourself anymore

This, childbirth included. If you can't afford to have a doctor birth and check your baby, suck it up and have your wife shit it out next to a tree poorfags.

>The wrong type of firearm associated with 'muh 36,000'
>Vast majority of those 36,000 deaths are suicides

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>innocent people are dying.
Mission accomplished.

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>support gun control
>call someone else a faggot
Pick one faggot

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niggers wouldn't be able to get guns because the price would skyrocket
only organized crime would have it who don't care about your little flat screen tv and 50 dollars in your wallet

What about (((Gene Rosen)))?

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>Columbine shooters used ARs

>Columbine and Virgina Teach

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Vape can't be used as self defense.

>Vape can't be used as self defense.
Against women it can. Its like owning a My Little Pony fedora.

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i vape from one of those obnoxious box mods and women give me attention and sometimes i peepee in vagene

I don't support gun control of any kind but fuck Jow Forums y'all are pretty retarded.
The artist is using the two, though incomparable, to create a juxtaposition to prove their point. You don't have to agree with it but if you troglodytes say one more "they don't compare".


Vape pens that accept cartridges with greater than 0.1ml will be BANNED.

God damn it!

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You're an idiot, OP.

Vape pens don't stop tyrants from taking over and starving tens of millions people. Guns do.

Banning guns means 100,000,000 die at the hands of the communists again, so even if you save 36,000 sporadic lives per year, you need 3000 years to break even.

>The artist is using the two, though incomparable, to create a juxtaposition to prove their point
we understand that, and the comparison the faggot made is completely bunk and retarded and is ill-informed on both the vape and gun side. he could have taken a wet shit on the paper and it would have made a more coherent point than his shitty faggot comic

So why get butthurt about it
No one is taking our guns. they've tried to for generations and it hasn't happened. y'all should be more worried about those fucking ring doorbell the police are now using to spy on everyone with

>niggers wouldn't be able to get guns because the price would skyrocket
They already have them and are unlikely to turn them over because of another retarded law. Banning shit here only fucks the average joe or Jane.

Why do these threads still get so many replies?

>look at brazil

> look at Venezuela

> look at soviet russia

> look at china


Why wouldn't they?

Imagine thinking the government should regulate either lol

>niggers wouldn't be able to get guns because the price would skyrocket
just like with drugs, right? dumbass

Govt disarmed people here. Now school attackers use gas and fire instead (or just buy guns illegally).

>just pull yourself by the bootstraps bro

e-cigs aren't protected by the constitution


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Winning argument. Really going to convince people to support the cause.

Because it's a solved discussion. Gun rights are human rights and nobody's giving up their guns. The only way this argument can be progressed by the left is through violence.