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Other urls found in this thread:

The wall was meant to allegorical in nature, not literal.

Unfortunately, retards on here took it at face value which is where most of the anti Trump butthurt comes from.

What projects?

Old news thread, I love these.

The ones in california.

Three out of how many?

>7 hours ago
>no link
>OP is a faggot



F-F-F-Fake News!


20 miles, and it is only put on hold ffs.

A wall would be in the way of watching the border anyways

Attached: the virgin fence vs the chang wall.jpg (1085x443, 284K)

Since when did the Pentagon ever give a fuck about budgets??

Attached: 1562463995355.gif (400x220, 3.23M)

based chinese

This story was debunked within an hour


$750 billion dollar military budget and can't spare $2 billion for a wall.

It'd be nice to be able to build it ourselves privately but they won't let us.

I love how the guy in the pic is a beaner. USA is BEANED.

It's our right.

Get lost Chaim

Indeed. If they really wanted it, the money would be spent. Withdrawing the money just means they didn't want to spend it.

Remember this when next you vote, demonstrate or write.

Jow Forums is so fucking dumb. Trump never said he'd build wall! He never said Mexico would pay for it! He said it would be a barrier... okay, a fence... okay, maybe just a few extra border guards, maybe. And the money, well I guess I could pay some more taxes so he could take it from the DoD... wait, why did I vote for this guy again?

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I could give a shit less about the wall if we're not deporting them by the millions and cracking down on employers of illegals with long jail sentences and heavy fines.

>Three out of how many?

Attached: d6f.png (333x333, 121K)

That is bullshit. Always has been bullshit. And will never stop being bullshit.

I know, right. Why the FUCK isn't Trump doing anything?

>can just hire people to patrol the border and set up cameras and sensors across it all
>instead try to build a wall that someone can just put some c4 on and collapse
why did you guys latch onto this retarded idea?

>their budgets would be at risk of being cut at anytime but let's do it anyway
>give up goyim walls don't work
right on shlomo

no Trump DID say "wall" and "Mexico would pay for it."

I'll settle for a GOOD FENCE and Mexico COOPERATING with keeping asylum seekers on THEIR SIDE of the border, assisting the U.S. border patrol, and putting an end to the "immigrant pipeline" through their country.

You _could_ call THAT "paying for it"...

Attached: illegal.alien.crossing.jpg (490x414, 88K)

You just love that sweet sweet diversity don’t you boi


as opposed to the wall's upkeep being gutted and it failing itself?

Sauce please, gotta coom.

The government even puts up signs warning people of the horde and no one pays attention

Q predicted this


he's 100% occupied in making Israel great again, if we give him another 4 years he might have a few days to do something for America

Nothing short of Mass deportations and a militarized zone on the border will make me happy at this point.

Here we go fellow coomer
rita kanaeva

Attached: 1568662285492.jpg (696x564, 80K)

Some big titty cunt from another thread on Jow Forums.

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that picture’s a real fitting crossover i didn’t think of

or it's this one.
Thera Overing

Nevermind found it for you.

Still being built, whether the Pentagram wants it or not. Should be somewhere over 116 miles today.

The wall is one of POTUS’ most important policies. Not so much because it will be an effective deterrent against illegal immigration - though it certainly will have a positive impact in enforcing immigration laws.
The wall is of tremendous symbolic importance. It is the physical manifestation of the idea of the sovereign nation-state.
Smashing a generational narrative that was dominated by the notion of globalization’s inevitability, hoards of Trump supporters chanting “build that wall” shook the powers that be to their core.
Recall that, prior to Trump’s campaign, the idea of the nation-state ever reclaiming its position as the fundamental organizing principal of humanity as a whole was nearly eradicated from the public consciousness. Left and Right were poised to squabble over whether sovereignty should be eradicated for the sake of free markets, or for the sake of human rights. WHETHER OR NOT sovereignty should be eradicated was not to be an acceptable position in public discourse.
No longer.
Building the wall, smashing international trade deals, rejecting the UN and the ICC, and erecting figurative walls of tariffs are all important components in altering the public consciousness. It is a reminder to all that a nation’s public officials can, and should, pursue the interests of those who empowered them.

Everything besides our military is becoming an illusion. The globalists will continue propping up a facade of barely functioning infrastructure while siphoning our countries' true wealth. I can only see it getting worse as our people start to care less and less due to constant demoralization coupled with the devaluation and outsourcing of labor.


actually someone is


>ahead of schedule, under budget
trumptards are delusional

Attached: pepe kek.jpg (428x352, 18K)

The real wall is the friends we made along the way.


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well yea. the filthy American infidels dont need anything. we NEED to support Saudi Arabia!

Attached: who did 911.png (1861x786, 44K)

How long would it take for the steel to lose enough material to affect the structural integrity? The new wall will be there for generations of Mexicans.

kek gringoyim, they will use wall money for the Iran war good luck dying for long noses

Huge jugs but as boring as plain toast.

