So this is how an american civil war larper looks like

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Other urls found in this thread:

you can make anyone look like a civil war fighter type.

I can just buy a face mask / put my two 50 cals in front of me with a message in my hands about something.

He seems based, and redpilled. Thanks for the link bro. 14/76

Its not lost, you are simply stupid.

It's lost for now alone at least until something gives is what I figure myself to as well.

Look man, your heart is in the right place, but dont make any more videos. Please for your own sake.I know its hard not to speak out. Just prepare. But this video did you ZERO favors. Food for thought.

What are you, a tranny?

Check out this absolute coward.

14 = 14 words. 76 as in 1776. Revolution is an American tradition.

I like that

LOL its called playing it smart. Now these idiots life is fucked.

Pick your battles.

I bet you live in or around Riverview/Brandon.Maybe even Fish hawk. I bet you think you are hard. You arent. You are young and dumb. You dont even understand the reality of asymmetric warfare. Stop posting you stupid fuck.

That is one harry shrimp.

what the fuck? that isn't me.

Attached: 3.jpg (800x600, 148K)

check out this absolute brainlet.

"what the fuck? that isn't me."
Its to late you stupid fuck. Im trying to warn you.

Shut the fuck up armchair general. This country is fucking toast demographically, very few areas are salvegable. Accept that fact so we can move forward and save what's left

>Hurr ill just out myself on youtube get doxxed and life ruined over a heat of the moment action based on emotion.

I am saying that the dude needs to think longterm and think if its worth it with all the fags cancelling people.

how did you know I was the broom in the background?

>No more talk
>Talks for almost 10 minutes.


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The American revolution, the tool used by Jewish bankers to cut the link of the people from Christian Kings and Queens and be enslaved by Jews? Noice. 1776!

"Shut the fuck up armchair general". You know what, post more. You make some sense. I would like to hear more.

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>that edgy title

Attached: Le burned mormon.jpg (1242x630, 65K)

>Stop being so honest, you're going to get us in trouble!!!

Attached: Optics Cuck 3.png (1012x734, 992K)

>The American revolution, the tool used by Jewish bankers to cut the link of the people from Christian Kings and Queens and be enslaved by Jews? Noice. 1776!

Yeah I don't take your opinion seriously. Fuck off.

>Bruh at least I got my constitution AYYLMAO!!

Attached: Ministers Black Triplets.jpg (719x768, 107K)

nope you're a pussy. zogmerica will fall once it's all over and you know it. if you don't want that to happen then you're just the enemy and gtfo my board faggot. actually do that anyway, because best case, you are a pussy.

*waves to fbi in thread* seems like white America is about to fight back

You win, guess ill check out of this honeypot thread, bye bye.

it's satirical performance art

What goes up must come down, and we're dragging the rest of you faggots to hell with us. Pucker your asshole, buttercup.

"Power we have in numbers" Is that true?

Is Hillsborough county a nice place?

I think this guy is a FED. Talking about violence on youtube lol

Think so? The question is how can you honeypot Jow Forums Jow Forums though exactly? They aren't that dumb usually.

"I can just buy a face mask / put my two 50 cals in front of me with a message in my hands about something."

"I own a face mask (it gets -20 to -40F here in the winter time) / put my two arms out (big guns - 50 cal sniper rifles) / of me with a message in my hands - paper in my hands with "militia revolution soon to take back America" on the piece of paper.

I own the face mask already
I don't own any .50 cal sniper rifles
message in my hands

anyone can do this - I'd do it to raise a point though - 1st speech though and such and to discuss stuff - art / artistic type stuff so people can get the point better.

I haven't really seen anyone on Jow Forums get taken down and/or shut down. Many in the Jow Forums realm use really useful ways of talking and/or speaking to bring a point front and/or forward though.

What can you honey pot from Jow Forums Jow Forums for that matter exactly?

This guy is a stupid teen, with a well to do senpai. He has no idea of what awaits him. Many such cases. Sad.

Don't you want to water the tree of liberty?

He's not very specific on how to organize, but he says to go to the national mall. Why not have some peaceful get togethers there?

It's part of the Bay Area outside of the city. It's a very nice place but also not very cheap either

He's right.
The problem is that none of you stupid fucks get organized.
I've been here for years and I've found no signs of a revolution or an "uprising", only complaining about men losing rights, kikes doing their kikery, nignogs and shitskins invading your countries. Nothing. The closest you had was electing Trump.

The question is how to properly organize.

>He's right
No he is a fed, and a faggot to boot.
Literally refers to Jow Forums as "Gun nuts"
This is what bait looks like, You stupid fucks.Bet his daddy is the Tampa FBI Field agent chief. This stupid nigger doxxed himself in the literal firs second of his video.

>muh fed
Nah you're just a faggot

>The question is how to properly organize.
I don't think you understand. It requires money and lots of it for a movement to get off the ground

Unless I see some real weaponry, field drills and explosives demonstrations, LARPers like this can go get fucked

Calling for violence on YouTube showing your face practically. Good chance he's a fed. His mannerisms seem disingenuous

I bet Chris Cantwell's at fault here. Stop doxxing people with weak opsec, Chris!

>>muh fed
Nigger you arent even in this county, let alone human.


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But he doxxed himself....I mean if you are gonna seige post, you dont leave shit in your background that shows were you live....


I bet Chris drugged him before he made that video.

Those Jewish bankers had kings and queens by the short and curlies just like they do presidents and dictators today.

>No more talk

His washing machine is probably internet of things capable.

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1476 is pretty based and redpilled desu.

>covers face
>has a hillsborough county, FL trash can in background
>shitty basic bitch "Loyalty" tattoo on forearm clearly visible
what a dumb faggot

Everyone in this thread is a fed, but me and I'm a fed.

Looks like a Samsung, so yea it is. Thats not the point. The point is kids arernt aware they are being targeted for thought crime, and the fbi is a literal branch for the ADL.

He'll learn, they all do sadly.

So it's a more intimate relationship now? 1776!!


You're most likely not white and had nothing to do with building America, since 65' this country has gone downhill.

whats up with these cuck white boys outing and doxxing themselves lmao
this dude just ruined his entire life
this is why you'll never get anywhere lmao

>Check out this absolute coward.
t. glow nigger
i c u glowy

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As he cowers behind his screen, and faps to interracial porn.

>As he cowers behind his screen, and faps to interracial porn.
I see you are jealous of my cock size nigger, no worries, glow wives get off on fucking the rebels their men are supposed to catch. Calm down and go home to take care of m..... your children.

I bet you're circumcised too.

>I bet you're circumcised too.
Tell little johnny he doesn't have to be worried about being a cuck like moms current man, he is not from the cucks seed.

>Implying I wouldn't get DNA tests on my children.

>>Implying I wouldn't get DNA tests on my children.
>Yet you haven't
I suspect this is because you already know the truth, you already know your value and realize you are nothing more than a peon. This is why she gets off when fucking me, having a real man fuck her, rather than your cuck ass. It's ok, I fill more wombs than broodlings I am able to care for. Beta's like yourself are needed to raise my young to adulthood for the benefit of the species. You are doing god's work user, I salute you and the money spent on my broods.

Dude, I am incel, I live at home with mom. I have zero kids, just like you.

>I have zero kids, just like you.
Once again, implying, I've impregnated women you most likely have fapped to faggot shill, at least glow niggers manage to get laid.

This leaked footage of Cuck (2019) makes it look good

>Implying I care
At least I seig heil in public.

Good aesthetic.

>At least I seig heil in public.
Doubt. You can't even get laid, let alone talk off an angry mob.

reported the video for threats of violence, I suggest everyone do the same hes the next mass shooter

You'd be surprised how weak people are in the face of courage.

>You'd be surprised how weak people are
No, I am not, which is how I know you dont seig heil shit, you are one of those weak people idiot.

*sweating intensifies*

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