Attracted to Paganism

I'm a Christian but I've been feeling weirdly attracted to Asatru and paganism recently. Please tell me why paganism is shit for retards so I stop liking it.

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You have been visited by the Win Worley of dead and dying spiritual kingdoms.

Satan's kingdom is coming to an end soon, but only if you take up your authority in Christ and go to war against the hosts of hell (Ephesians 6:12).

To begin, come to the Lord with the following prayer in you heart and on your lips:
>Dear Lord God, I am a believer who professes your Son, Jesus Christ, as Lord and Savior. As an heir of salvation, I am aware of the tremendous power and authority which you have delegated to me through your Son and your Word. Dear Lord, I now wish to exercise this authority for the furtherment of your glory and kingdom.
>In accordance with Luke 10:17-20, I claim authority over all of the enemy spirits.
With the above, you now outrank all powers, authorities, dominions, principalities, world rulers, kings, princes, Satan and all angelic ranks.
>In accordance with Matthew 21:21-22, I claim authority over all the enemy's Earthly institutions, corporations, agents, entities, etc.
The above gives you ground to launch an offensive against, for example, Google.
>In reference to Hebrews 1:14, I request protection against the blows of the enemy.
Very important. If you start praying warfare prayers, you're going to be on Satan's hit list pretty quickly.
>I bind the above to the third heaven in accordance with Matthew 18:18.

With the above, you can now wage war in the heavenlies. How you do this is up to you; plan and strategise.
For example, suspect a member of high society is engaging in nefarious activities? Send a spirit of revelation to enter into their midst, if something is being hidden, it'll become known. When it is known, continue to pray by sending out appropriate spirits to protect the course of justice.

Couple of videos on the subject:

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It sounds a lot cooler than it is. Honestly if you want to keep thinking Norse mythology is cool you should probably keep your distance. Otherwise prepare to meet a lot of boomer cat ladies.

Nowadays you can only find boomers in any western religion you follow.

Christ is the true savior of the world. Why else would their secrets be so heavily guarded by the Israelis and Palestinians? Judgment day comes when the two warring tribes destroy themselves and the sacred relics of the past are reunited to lift the Christian world into a greater consciousness. Christ is the light of the world.

On a less serious note, you can have fun and be a Christian too. A lot of it is shrouded in veiled Paganism anyway, due to adopting cultural morays over the years.

Maybe try a new hobby? Welding? Body Building? Marksmanship?

Paganism only looks cool, and only sometimes. In reality they're butt naked savages who think stupidity is bravery and they'll run at the enemy with their penis falling out of their pants (literally). They're dirty, live in huts,they are severely lacking in morals that we need to continue the West (such as monogamy).

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It's not established yet, you are not going to find any good groups yet and it takes a lot of research. That being said it's been rewarding for me and I could never go back to christianity after studying the christianization of Europe. Honestly man just avoid larpers and be academic about it.

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Look at these jew worshippers get angry at you for even mentioning it
This user is respectful at least although he is incorrect in my opinion

>ITT lots and lots of LARPing

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All you gotta do is go hang with a bunch of these people. Either you go all in or you suddenly feel very silly and quit. The latter seems to be the most common experience. Primarily because pagans are fucking retarded.

>why is paganism shit for retards
Because it's religion

>I'm a pagan and life is pretty good.
>I honor my ancestors with wine
>I burn frankincense or sometimes lamb as thanks to the Gods
>I have a sweet iron forged spear, and a bronze-head mace
>I have a close relationship to nature and have a lot of knowledge of the plants that were sacred and why

It's pretty cool, you should try it. I don't proselytize to anyone, though. I just live my own life

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Fair, most pagans are just LARPing anyway

I think I just need a slightly different branch of Christianity. I can find rituals and shit in Catholicism if I really want them.

That's interesting. The Christianization of Europe is one of the reasons I wanted to be told paganism was for retards. If St. Boniface didn't die for chopping down Odin's Oak how powerful could Odin really be?

And if your answer is "The Gods don't intervene like that" then paganism is just as bad as Christianity when it comes to divine intervention.

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It was made by Varg.

Christian holidays are just reworked pagan holidays - the mass for Christ replaced Yuletide, All Hallows replaced Samhain, etc.

>All you gotta do is go hang with a bunch of these people.
Hes on Jow Forums, he wont find a group that has his brand of paganism. Your advice is bullshit because you're trying to lead him to leftist faggots. Reconstructionist pagans are probably not going to meet in groups yet.

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>I think I just need a slightly different branch of Christianity.
You will not find it. Christianity was always a cuckolded universalistic pussified cult. That's why even those christcucks willing to openly name the jew and blame the jew will still cuck on race mixing and immigration.

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>then paganism is just as bad as Christianity when it comes to divine intervention.
God doesn't care.
Take the Zoroastrian Pill.

I think not, my friend. I didn't believe it either until this Epstein scenario came about. There is some true evil out there, and it lives within the godless worshipers of money, sex, and drugs. In moderation, all of those can be forgiven. However, the destruction and subjugation of the poor and desperate is just a whole new set of evil. Keep your eyes open, user. Godspeed.

You should meet different Christians then. The KKK was explicitly protestant for example.

Forgot to mention that I don't like most pagans these days, especially Wiccans, because they seem like Disney Pagans with hippy values, not actually learning the wisdom of our ancestors

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If you're going to choose paganism choose Greco-Roman
>syncretic, imperial religion means a) you're not being a LARPer by appropriating the ethnic religion of an ethnic group you're not a part of, b) you can incorporate new deities as need or fancy arises, and c) it's location non-specific so it's a reasonable thing to practice in America
>tied into the rich intellectual and literary tradition of the classical world; erudite and authentically western without being christian
>can be practiced alone or in a group; if you live around cucks, you can build a private shrine, or just share knowledge of it with a few trusted associates

Good luck finding a group to join.

Definitely a lot of wisdom in Greco-Roman, and it is easy to find information on them. Go grab Metamorphoses by Ovid. A lot of the undercurrent and wisdom is shared between various Pagan religions, so starting with Greco-Roman is a good way to give yourself a foundation for branching out

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A pagan killed St. Boniface violently later on, you have to remember that at that time in history it was an all out assualt on polytheism. The gods may have willed that to happen or they may not have. Divine intervention happens but the gods aren't abrahamic, they aren't omnipresent and they expect you to make yourself great. Boniface dishonored his ancestors by abandoning his faith for power and in the afterlife I'm sure he regretted that decision. That being said how can you look at the christianization of Europe and think christianity was anything more than a tool of control and consolidation of power?

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In my view, paganism is «shit for retards» because it fails to be a religion. Religion comes from «Religio» relating to the Latin term for binding. If your religion doesn’t bind you to your nation, family, and community it’s a failure. Christianity currently does, and even forms of deism, Stoicism, etc do. But Paganism will alienate you (further) from peers and isn’t conducive to raising a strong moral family. We have a God who loves us, provided a strong moral code, and at the very least provided a lasting foundation for the continuation of civilization. Paganism collapsed between 600-2000 years ago in Europe, and any revival is either LARP or self aggrandizing nonsense. God bless you and good luck in your discernment brother.

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Dear OP,

It's complete bullshit and larp. Enjoy. Watch to the end or you'll regret it.

Whole things based off two books written 250+ years after the countries Christianized and were written by Christian priests/monks. They then combined this is the ultra gay new age movement of the 1960's/70's.

>Christcuckism invented monogamy

That's why all the Old Testament figures were polygamists and why Christ was an asexual. Makes perfect sense guys.

Seriously, christkikes have such low IQs, monogamy in Europe was the norm since the Indo-Europeans replaced the matriarchal Old Europeans in the Chalcolithic. 99% of supposedly "Christian" morals existed in Europe long before the Levantine jew cult arrived.

Serious question for christkikes: why are you people so rabid and quick to assume that your ancestors wuz degenerate livin in caves n shit til da muddafuggin word of Jeebus came around? You people literally sound like niggers when they talk about the Moors.

Judgement day and the end times is too linear for what we have experienced in the world user. Evil has been present in most if not all religions of the world, the presence of malice and predators does not make christianity true. But I understand where you are coming from as I am an ex Christian myself

It's people who have never studied history. PAgans valued chastity in both men and women, and also valued monogomy to a greater degree than any of the 3 Abrahamic religions

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>The gods didn't intervene like it was said they would if the tree was chopped down

Yeah, the gods totally didn't step in... it's not like Bonerface caught an axe to the head soon after cutting down the tree or anything... Right guys?

>Paganism not much better than Xtianity when it comes to divine intervention

Someone hasn't read the Rigvedas or familiarize themselves with the dark age prophecies found across Indo-european pagan faiths lol. They're accurate to a T.

Furthermore, Christianity has an atrocious record when it comes to divine intervention, it was said on numerous occasions within the first milennia of Jesus' death that the world would end, never happened though

>pagans these days, especially Wiccans,
Wiccans are to paganism as mormanism is to christianity

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Exactly what did the KKK do?

>You should meet different Christians then. The KKK was explicitly protestant for example.
The only groups that do this are groups that think race is more important than religion and can't really be called Christian. Sure they may not care about what is in the Bible or following it, but that does not stop the next generation from reading it and poisoning their societies. Christian groups that explicitly put their religion first as Jesus commanded are all cuckolds about race.

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Yup, they're so quick and willing to believe that some Levantine cult magically turned Europe into what it was overnight rather than the Indo-European (aka white or Aryan) racial spirit/soul.

They also ignore all the ancient white groups who flourished without Christianity, like Persians, Scythians, Bactrians, Hittites, etc.

My question to christcucks who believe there is a causal relationship between following christianity devoutly and success would be this: if christianity causes success in whatever racial group adopts it, why didn't semitic christians in the Levant/North Africa ever accomplish even a third of what white christians did? Inb4 Islam, they had a solid 600+ years to get their shit together before Islam even existed.

European polytheism binds you to your family, people and country much more than universalist christianity.


There's a reason why The Jew promotes and romanticizes paganism.

Remember: Hollywood wants you to be Pagan.

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this. Even on Jow Forums christcucks will proudly proclaim that they'd rather see their own people and families die out than see the worship of their jew collapse. These people put their loyalties to a universalist globalist religion worshiping a jewish god than to their own race.

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>Whole things based off two books written 250+ years after the countries Christianized and were written by Christian priests/monks. They then combined this is the ultra gay new age movement of the 1960's/70's.
This is entirely false OP do not listen to this illiterate nigger, hes ignorant of his own ancestry and has never even looked into what he runs his mouth about

Since when does Hollywood ever romanticize paganism lmao? They only, if ever, romanticize non-indo-european Paganism, which is of no concern or relevance to this conversation, as "Paganism" isn't just one big broad family of religions across the whole world. Also if you look at Hollywood, they've made far more movies glorifying Xtianity, like Evan/Bruce Almighty, Passion of the Christ, etc. I can't think of one movie glorifying Paganism, if anything I can only think of horror films demonizing it. You're retarded, kys.

The industrial revolution could only happen because christians don't care about raping the earth while they stay inside their little temples. Paganism has respect for nature, and community, and family. Christianity is a globohomo enabler

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Muh sacred tree fungus gods

Yeah, pretty much. Have fun with your grey, depressed commie blocks

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>Jew promotes and romanticizes paganism.
Yes because I'm sure the Jews would rather you return to your peoples religion instead of worshipping a jew.

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Huh funny how many jewsus movies and shows there are?

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Ah yes.
Look backwardds, not forwards.
You're just as bad as Christians.
Just in a different way.

Are plans of the notre dames' cathedral included in the bible?
No, 100% birthed by white brains, but unfortunately applied to semitic purposes.
Fucking commie.

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Your blood root is calling. Go and release your ancestors from toil. Christianity is made up bullshit. You never came from the garden of eden. Your blood relatives were in europe when Noah's flood happened and they used to travel the ice bridge on the bering straight back during the ice age. Our history is hidden because of roman christian subterfuge in the attempted establishment of 'the holy roman empire ". Your real history is not blood linked with jews. You should really ask: WHY ARE THERE JEWS IN MY YULE TREE?.....

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Fat boomer catters.

All religion is LARPing. Might as well LARP as your own people.

The guard secrets to prevent you knowing the truth and rescuing yourself.

"S-st-stop it goy! Christianity turned the white race into what it is today! Without Kike on stick you'd still be livin in caves and shit! Greece? Rome? Persia? Hittite Empire? They were nothing compared to a bunch of small fragmented central/western European states who's greatest accomplishment was ushering in a dark age over Europe while simultaneously LARPing as these ebil pagan empires!"

>learning from thousands of years of wisdom from our forefathers is bad
>yes, just look forward!

Are you literally a communist?

This, those greats works used for semitic purposes are still in essence not that different from whites were able to achieve before.
The idea that we need a jewish mind virus to produce anything or worth is preposterous.

Also: read the wheel of time series by robert jordan. That will awaken your blood memory.

Which way, white man?

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Just reverting back to the truth user abrahamic religions have only poisoned European belief systems for around 1000-2000 years which is a relatively short amount of time. If we can recover the old system we can bring it up to modern society. The point is to go back before the cultural driver that has brought us close to destruction.

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Paganism is hollowed out.
You should look into Nietzche.
Work towards being Ubermensch.

Divinity is dead.
God died.
We killed god(s).
Time for us to reach for the stars and not be held back by superstition. Divine intervention isn't coming. Only the white man can save himself. Nothing else will.

Christians don't even think the white man is worth saving.

Ah yes. Binary choice.

This, in fact most historians look at gothic architecture or things like stave churches and use them to figure out pre Christian wooden architecture because the progression to these structures was already happening.

It's called 'false dichotomy'

>Why else would their secrets be so heavily guarded by the Israelis and Palestinians?
really? christianity is true because israel and palestine exist?

Christianity ain't any better. You're probably attracted to it because you were already soft-headed.

The meaningful philosophies of the near future will resemble the meaningful philosophies of the near past; -isms based on secular, material conditions, from which are extracted spirit-adjacent imperatives.

Your understanding of Nietzsche is fundamentally flawed

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Divide and conquer, ay juden?
Does it give you pride, disavow the christ and his followers?

So long as he does not miscegenate, I have nothing against the black man. You
crowd are fucking evil, in every sense.

A perfect earth is one of seperate nations united in their love for Christ.
Only Zog sees this as an existential threat.
You wouldn't even care about "pagang" if you lived in a white neighborhood. Race IS your religion.

The Christian is compelled by true faith to seek virtue.
The pagan larper is a bandwagon defense response to a weak, failing society. Nothing more.

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Pretty much.

>Time for us to reach for the stars and not be held back by superstition.
Stupid opinion but okay
>Divine intervention isn't coming. Only the white man can save himself.
The gods would tell you the same thing, your mindset on the divine is so foundationally Christian.

You mean moving closer to understanding the language of God? The language of mathematics and physics?

The Romans were uh... none of those things you just described. And, given a basic understanding of pre-christian northern europe, neither were the germanics.

This, you cant call it a larp if you believe other religions aren't

Without any real set doctrine paganism can be whatever you want it to be so shit or not shit is up to the practitioner. We should make our own Jow Forums pagan doctrine lol.

stay christian

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>A perfect earth is one of separate nations united in their love for Christ.
>Only Zog sees this as an existential threat.
Unopposed, any religion's memetic imperative is to destroy any other human pursuit until there's nothing left but religion. It's culturally corrosive. What's preferable is an ethnocentric religion who's success relies on the scientific, economic and cultural success of its host.

>Race IS your religion.
Nothing wrong with that.

Most Christians don't. I agree. They're mostly race traitors that can't even keep to their own dogma.
False dichotomy is apples to oranges.
That pic is offering hedonism or paganism.
There are more choices than just those two.
I don't care what you think of my understanding.
>>Divine intervention isn't coming. Only the white man can save himself. The gods would tell you the same thing, your mindset on the divine is so foundationally Christian.
I concede that I was raised Christian so you're correct, but if the gods have no power than what is the point in worshipping them?

*many, competing, ethnocentric religions.

christcucks literally cannot believe in race, or if they manage to accept some science, they cannot believe race matters. As such, the successes of the white race cannot exist. They must exclusively be the successes of a christian "race" and obviously the rest of the world is just being held back by... non-christian forces.

Christianity is proto-marxism.

The doctrines set are the doctrines of logic, physics, and ethics. All of these factors become the modern day of practicing the Christian value of continuing improvement. Christians believe in moving forward in the light of God, and reaching out with the greatest amount of good for the greatest amount of people. Choose wisely, user. We are here for you always.

>A perfect earth is one of seperate nations united in their love for Christ.
Your faith does not see it this way abraham, tell me how has this virtue bullshit helped the west. Even then machiavelli was trying to explain away the effeminate and weak nature of christianity but you can see how well that worked for him and his country. It's time we give up the lies

Nationalism faiiled. Christiaity failed.

Democracy rules.

>a jew said something about christianity once
>therefore this is what christianity believes
Try harder, LARPagan.

Many pagan cults and religions condoned and fostered orgies simple degenerate. Btw the reason why all pagans necessarily LARP is because they haven't the slightest clue how they could legitimize the old religions.
E.g. who can be a priest and on what authority? Is anyone allowed to make "their" interpretation of what the gods are or should councils be held? What is the proper relationship one ought to have with the gods and how does one maintain it? What does pagan prayer consist of? Who punishes vice and on what authority? All answers are covered by Tradition, yet Tradition itself is already a modern hybrid no matter how you approach it. More still, you have no idea how e.g. the pagan supernatural sense was completely eradicated during the Roman Empire because of its everything-goes policy on gods and cults. If anything it was the pagans who hollowed out their own sense for the supernatural during that Empire. Cicero could still put forward the Roman gods and their veneration as stimulating virtuous life, but a few generations later the normal citizen's life was a complete disaster due to religious plurality and cult popularity.

I'll never get tired of christcucks hipocrisy and intelectual dishonesty. Reading their arguments, seeing how wrong they are and they being, for countless times, shattered in so many different ways is one of the funniest things there is to do in this board

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>ja, it must be structured UND precise


>I concede that I was raised Christian so you're correct, but if the gods have no power than what is the point in worshipping them?
They have plenty of power but they aren't going to hold your hand, are you a man or not? Did you ask them for strength? Did you ask your ancestors for support? Why should they help you if you wont help yourself or your people? You dont grovel for everything and you have honor and self respect unlike with Christianity.

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The laws of physics are the laws of ethics. The laws of physics and mathematics are the laws of God. All of these truths are proven. Everything is set in stone, and if you are educated enough to understand the basic laws of science, you can hear God, and you will be anointed with wisdom.

what is fake art

The system isn't nearly as important as the Spirit.

Take what you can from what you wish.

To do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

I think you're getting caught up in the minutia of ceremonies and structures of the religion, instead of what said. There is a lot of universal truth and wisdom to find

Common ground is not corrosive. There are other aspects to culture than faith. Or do you think the Irish and Mexicans are too similar?
>Nothing wrong with that.
It's hypocritical, and anti-truth.
Your vain ethnocentrism mimics (((theirs))).

It CREATED the west, fool. Unsatisfied, Christendom evolved and brought forth the age of Enlightenment.
Everything would've been fine after that if the jews hadn't brought over slaves in the first place.

You're probably missing spirtual aspects the zogged churches lack.

Go to orthdoox Christian church you will find it

>Pagans had orgies in the woods

Source? Find me one piece that mentions this practice (hard mode: author cannot be Christian, and has to be a firsthand witness).

Also I bet you will not find a source on this describing any non greco-roman or Germanic group, so you cannot call it universal within Indo-European Paganism, because Iranic/Indo-Aryan, Balto-slavic, Nordic, and other white pagans didn't do it.

Furthermore, Christian agape feasts were literal drunken interracial orgies that got so out of hand that St. Augustine had to shut them down.

>Who is nobility? Who is to become the priestly caste? On what authority?

Whoever proves themselves to be the most effective at divination and is of sufficient spiritual and moral character will become the priestly caste. Nobility, as in pre-christian times, would be the best and most accomplished warriors of a racially pure background. On the authority of the gods, btw.

>Tradition is a hybrid/authenticity in Paganism died with Rome because of syncretism

You're a fucking idiot, the Roman world was like 1/3 of the Indo-European world at the time, that critique doesn't apply to the other 2/3rds. There is a reason Traditionalists draw so heavily on pagan faiths from those other 2/3rds, and salvage what they can from the 1/3rd that severely degenerated.

>not omnipresent