Boomers, everybody!

Boomers, everybody!

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I need... I need... to... COOOOOOOOOOMMMM

Give me your mom's number

He's absolutely right

At least you won't look like a faggot sucking a robot dick full of mystery chemicals and vegetable (read: basedbean) glycol

You're mom is right. The cause of smoking cigarette's are well know and most issues take decades to develop. Vaping is still in its infancy and already has a deathtool. It's not well studied, there's no long term research due to its age.

This. Vaping is faggot shit.

Yep and yep. Over here at least its sold by the type of ginger bearded bums in dirt cheap market stalls that were selling skateboards 5 years ago. There's little in the way of quality control as far as I'm aware. And what's a little vegetable oil or lesser than advertised nicotine if the rent is late that month? I'm actually seeing less people vape now the last few weeks.

Aw your mom loves you. Millrnkaloms will never be this based

millennial moms

women boomers are literal NPCs that only know what the media tells them to believe. It's sad shit.

It's all fun and games until your toes turn blue from hypoxia and you need an oxygen tank and tartan blanket when your 50.

Lol you think we're going to forget this once the zoomers get power? They are going to ban fucking everything you fuckers like once you're old.

not one case has been linked to any retail vape product.

Or any nicotine vape. It's all the thc pot vale related deaths but these retards just regurgitate headlines

Nicotine by itself is a neurotrophic. (((They))) don’t want us to know this.

This is what they said about normal cigs and a legion of other noxious susbtances back in the early 1900's and much later. Use your head user, how can inhaling searing hot vapour be good for your respirtatory system long term.

Any saying that actual smoking is safer than vaping has literal brain damage and you shouldn't respond to them.

Terrible. Be an adult and tell me it’s disgusting and degenerate and that I’m forbidden to do it why don’t cha

My gf believes everything she hears from the media. Infuriating

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>searing hot vapour
The fuck are you talking about? You're like one of those libs that call AR15's AK15s

>searing hot
Ayyy lmao

I can't wait for the boomers to start to die off soon.

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I hope we never have universal health care. I don't want to be on the hook for obese niggers and retarded onions bois needing their robo cock nicotine dispensers.



It's not searing hot. Shit runs colder than cig temps.

Der denial is big. You're the literal guinea pigs for this junk. You have no idea where or how it's really produced; neither do you know what it's actually doing to your lungs.

Both are right and wrong. The coil temp can be set, so it can run hotter or colder. Some tards crank it up to get more nicotine.

What everyone itt is overlooking is the moisture. Cigarettes just burn and there is little moisture compared to the vapor. Moisture in the lungs leads to a lot of issues.

Also, I would like to know how the oil in the products is different than the tar in cigarettes. Nicotine is a lung irritant, regardless of the source. I don't think any of these plants, pot or tobacco, should be burned and then inhaled. Just chew like a real man, and eat edibles.

>all vaping is cartridges man i know this because trump and his media conglomerate told me
>wait i mean not trump and his media conglomerate trump is the enemy of the media lol sorry where'd i get that idea
>support dER NORF guys!1
fucking absolute state of britcuck posters. bin that opinion nigel, achmed runs your town now.

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Here's how the parents of my boomer parents (i.e., the goyist generation) died:
>Be degenerate goyim
>Get sent to fight against first-generation Italian homeland for Jews and anglows
>Come home and the (((Federal Government))) forces you into a suburban home and a living-wage job with benefits
>The (((state))) raises your boomer children while you smoke, drink and watch sports
>Boomer children are low-IQ degenerates, but that doesn't stop them from simply walking into a union job after adolescence
>The (((80's)))
>Goyist generation gets cancer
>Suffer for decades. Endure unnecessary medical treatment prolonging the inevitable because you fear death.
>Pension picks up the tab (i.e., Gen-Y and Zoomers)
>Retire to hospice
>Get pumped full of black-budget morphine and thrown in-front of an electronic mind-control device for a few weeks
>Die like a godless, dystopian animal
>Boomer children note that end-of-life care seemed comfy and they look forward to dying like the lazy, godless, entitled degenerates they lived as
>"We paid into that!"

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I don't vape because I'm not a fucking faggot zoomer. But still fuck boomers.

>Thousands of people die due to cigarettes
Boomers don't care.
>About 5 or so people die from vaping
"Holy shit we need to ban those smokeable USB sticks guys!!!"

I don't have anything against cigarettes I just think boomers are a bit retarded.


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she's really trying to get you to quit cause you look like a fag and she finds it embarrassing

>Inhaling irritants

I hope you don't go outside.

>the type of ginger bearded bums in dirt cheap market stalls that were selling skateboards 5 years ago
Same here except almost exclusively seedy pajeets (who might be getting privileged small business loans from the government) and a handful of low iq whites with face tattoos.
> There's little in the way of quality control as far as I'm aware
For vape liquid you have a high risk of getting something that's either made in china or all the ingredients are made in china and there's no provenance on the ingredients or any lab tests. Batteries, atomizers, tanks, coils, basically 99.7% of that is all made in China. Why any sane individual would think it's a good idea to allow a chinese gadget to mist chinese liquid deep and direct into their lungs is beyond me.

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ask her for butt sex and post the response
i'll wait here

>Thousands of people die due to cigarettes
>Boomers don't care.
go back to the juul room middle schooler.

>This is what they said about normal cigs and a legion of other noxious susbtances back in the early 1900's and much later.
I saw some interesting data that linked the uptick in cancer to, ultimately, nuclear devices — the supposition being that Tobacco is pretty 'eager' to sequester radioactive isotopes. Which, if true, means that the tobacco is more radioactive now than in [eg] 1800.

I love how much asshurt you zooms are feeling.
When will you be able to sit down again?

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Yeah man what a cunt worrying about your health. What a fucking asshole not wanting you to puff on your douche flute and look like a fucking loser in front of her friends and family


i don't care about health or safety
smoking = cool, badass
vaping = fag shit

>using an iPhone
what did you expect user?


fucking stupid newfag zoomer
>he doesn't know cigarettes are based and makes you intelligent

>moisture in the lungs leads to a lot of issues
>as opposed to fucking hot smoke
No. Especially considering our lungs need moisture to absorb oxygen, fuck no.