3, 2, 1...and BOOM we are live

...and our guest today, Bashar al-Assad, welcome.

Attached: rogan.png (554x350, 217K)

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Thanks for having me.

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*pulls mic closer*
It's funny you mention that because my friend Joey Diaz was showing me videos of those UN white helmet guys running around spraying kids with something. There wasn't gas from what I could tell in the video. Jamie can you pull that up?....Yeah....look at that....they just come out of nowhere and start spraying kids and taking pictures. I think that it's entirely possible that this whole gassing nonsense is a complete fake. 100% percent.

COOM we are live

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Have you ever done PCP?

Have you ever tried DMT?

Rogan surrounds himself with some interesting people.

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Have you ever dried DMT... on weeeeed?

I am not gay. I just want to put that out there in case there were questions.

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That's nothing. Have you ever seen a hairless chimp? Jaime, pull it up.

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How mahy times has AJ been right now? He talks obscurely, but I think he was trying to tell us something.

Interdimensional: Their religion is obsessed with higher dimensions.
Vampires: Adrenochrome.

Not to mention young blood transfusions.

epstein: real
black holes: real
frogs gay: real
??? take the demon pill for christsakes

who is debating black holes aren't real?



Attached: onweed.png (198x218, 74K)

no thanks eddie
