Nazi-ism Turns Girls On

So I came out as a Nazi. Authentic and true. My mother knows, my family and cousins know, my friends know and so does the world. They told me to change my name and used uncharacteristic vulgarity to try and shame me. Shocked me at first, but then something changed inside my spirit. My every ounce of flesh heated with an unmistakable pride for my people and all of white society. The girls I normally pass by all just started noticing me. Like they knew that in my mind, I wanted nothing more than to genocide and flush every shitskin down the toilet, kill the hooks and slaughter the like, create a glorious imperial world of marble around me and her and reign in the New Imperial Empire. Seriously, my being had changed. And it's awesome.

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not really incel

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tldr also no paragraph breaks. also not politics or news. have a nice ban

Nice selfie chaim

Gook* Kike* damnit. Even started chatting with a German girl named Greta and we have tons in common, she has tattoos though. Men, nothing turns on a white woman like knowing you would kill every primitive beast around them just for their praise and attention.

Reminder nazi is an insult, call yourself Nat Soc, austist.

If you can't fuck girls telling them that hitler actually dindu nothing and that nobody can be expelled from 109 countries without deserving it, then you are doing something wrong.

How do you pronounce that? 'National Socialist'?

desu I've found that even the most feminist of women will overlook any of that if you're a "cute Nazi"
Even had one want me to get a uniform and abuse her

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>Neetsox isn't an insult
Fuck off nazi

>Gook* Kike* damnit. Even started chatting with a German girl named Greta and we have tons in common, she has tattoos though. Men, nothing turns on a white woman like knowing you would kill every primitive beast around them just for their praise and attention.
Tell her that if she want to be with you then those tatoos are going off.
If she giggles just tell her that you are speaking seriously and then alpha fuck her.

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH CAN IT BE ?? AMMM I



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I came out as an anal vore aficionado and no one accepted me

brett gelman is a huge faggot

Get a load of this guy and his progressed schizophrenia.



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Nice try kleinberg

I have the knife.

But bikinis were invented by Jews and Hitler banned nudity. He also banned women from receiving rewards if they were deemed to have had past promiscuous behavior. Try acting more like a Nazi.

Nice one, Opie.

But it's nothing you weren't already telling the world with your trailer house and ketchup stained wife-beater.


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fake and gay attempt at getting neetsox to expose themselves publicly.
nice try fbi.

Coming out as a Nazi doesn't turn girls on.
But standing by your principles and beliefs does.
I recently went on a date with a girl who turned out to be a liberal Jew. She even brought up politics and asked if I voted for Trump. I told her yes, twice (my state's primary, and the general election) and I briefly explained why his policies appealed to me.
She still came back to my place for some intimate relations after.
If you try to backpedal or justify your beliefs, you will come off as a beta cuck. It's broad repellent.

You pronounce it just like it's written. The formulation is similar to "an-cap," "an-com," or "nazbol."

Summer's practically over. Leave the U.S. for once in your life and reassess.

Becoming a racist has made me a better person.
I am a better person because of it. I hope all white men become racists one day.

>Not reddit enough spacing
>Self identifying as a nazi not political enough
>dur hur I reported (((you)))

You went on a date with a Jew and didn't immediately leave upon learning this fact?


OP broke his programming
digits confirm

What he said is true...

Show your flag, kike filth

>MIGAtard bragging about being in bed with a jew
can't make this stuff up

>hitler actually dindu nothing and that nobody can be expelled from 109 countries without deserving it

user 10 minutes in on the first date

I'm sorry user

Good for you faggot. Now go have some white kids, you have my blessings.

you're right, you know.

Why do pple come out to their families? What's the point of that homo shit? If you are you are, if you ain't you ain't.

i told an asian chick that i was a nazi

she gave me a blowjob

then i told her that trannies are disgusting and she got mad at me

Can confirm if you have Nazi Ink and are Jow Forums they will throw themselves at you. Girls love bad guys and media made us public enemy number one.

Asian, black, Jewish, white chic etc. Huge amount of non-white chics with nazi fetishes. It's made it extremely easy to get laid as a white guy

>Falling for (((national socialism)))
>Cuz left economics will work but for white people
Daily reminder that ethnocentric nation states are based, but natsoc is cringe and bluepilled.

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I don't hate anybody, but I've given up on this "be a cuckservative bitch who pretends to be colorblind, walking on eggshells around minorities," and now I just treat everyone based on what I think they deserve or how I'm feeling, and I accept biases and stereotypes as a fact of life. If you keep running away from it, it makes you fake and passive aggressive.

Being a real ass nigga in the modern day and age, you can't put a price on it.

She probably had huge nice tits. An evolutionary trait to assist in corruption.

*Came out to my family
More like, family saw Facebook posts dealing with race and launched inquisition

>Oy vey do not stick together and help your people goyim
>think about the (((economy)))

Most Jewish post ITT so far

I hate Jews and Black people, and fags...and trannies, and Sandniggers and poos and gooks...and (you).

Okay memeflag, how about you go fuck off. Any government works with an white society


>Conveniently ignores that I praise ethnocentric nation states
>Apparently since I don't believe in failed leftist economics and am not an authoritarian bootlicker I must be a joke
I wish most Jow Forumsocks were actually capable of critical thinking instead of just name calling.

Well, i mean that is how most people come out. Unless, you are a narcissistic tranny. Then you circle the date of your sister's wedding to spread maximum misery.

Oh damn. Dry spell? You settled, man.

>Any government works with whites
Lol ok Marx. Inb4 Slavs aren't white or some bullshit. Fucking neck yourself.

How can we make liberal feminist numales more cringe and show them as seem mommy chasing milk-sucking soiboys? An 'incel' who stays home all day because his society has denied him is way more heroic honestly

You're no fucking Nazi, piss off LARPer. You don't even speak German.

Not a fan of the commies but in a white thnostate it would work

>An white society
English only on Jow Forums moshe

(You) think too much

hail the new dawn

I know. The tides have just turned in my favor, though.

He didn't ignore it though

But I love Juli.

I mean, socialism would work better without an underclass of ethnic minorities that can’t compete in the market, and merely learn how to take advantage of the welfare state, putting an anchor around all of our necks.

But much of Jow Forums seems to be generally aiming towards this socially conservative ethnostate. In that case, anything beyond a basic social safety net for the few who slip through the cracks is just unnecessary, inefficient bureaucracy. So why not just do away with that whole part?

Just be nationalists. Don’t attach it to an (((economic redistribution))) scheme. This also does away with 90% of the bad optics that scare normies off. Trump can declare himself a nationalist and it just raises a few eyebrows. If he said he was a national socialist, it would create utter chaos.

Not a 'fan' of the Communists?? user, you are on the polar opposite of the spectrum if you are a Nazi.

Pretty edgy bro with the faceberg image and everything. You're either 12 or a glow who found that image on your coffee break. Stop being so violent.

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I smell an OP fellas...Imagine if we could meme being a scary white nationalist (Which is really a benign thing) as something white males do to get laid...

Be a white nationalist and get all the poon. Its the hip thing to do anons. ahahahahahahha

has potential.

I did. Fuck. This flags not Germany, U.S. or Britain. Had to ignore 1/2.

Not a nazi either, just an advocate for a white ethnostate, and ethnostates for all races I.e. segeragation









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He did, he implied that I was against a society of people working together. Which is exactly what an ethnostate is. He's just because I shit on natsoc autism.

You are supporting capitalism which is Jewish at your core, imagine being so greedy that you wouldn't want to help your fellow countrymen at the expense of personal wealth. That may be ok with you, I think it is selfish and boomer jewry at its finest.

The commies were right about one thing, Americans are so greedy they sell the rope by which they hang themselves.

I will always be fine with putting my people before (((money)))

Stop thinking.

>genocide every shitskin

Hey dumbass the Nazis didn’t attempt or want this and there is zero need to do so as it would expend a tremendous amount of resources for zero gain when you could just deport them or make it unfavorable for them live here and most would just leave

*Just mad

Oh no.

This is my flag you fucking nigger

Burn to the fucking ground you politically mixed Centrist.

Come back when you've read Mein Kampf.
And no, I don't mean the (((translations))).

National Socialism is the best card in the deck. Hitler was also Jesus. Change my mind.

Good for you.

Call me what you will but a white commie is more my brother than a black “Nazi”

Lol stop posing a false dichotomy you fucking natsoc faggot. You act like it's all or nothing. Yes I can I oppose the outright authoritarian politics and (((socialist))) economics of natsoc and not be an ancap. Which by the way, I'm definitely not an ancap. I think a limited safety net should exist to help the downtrodden and support an ethnostate. I just don't want to sacrifice my freedoms or a functioning economy (which is necessary for a healthy society you fucking socialist leach).

Works for me. Anons get super upset when I talk about how many bitches I've fucked because of this.

incels cry "nice larp" "degenerate" "I'm proud to raise another mans kids" and other gay shit

Humanity needs to move forward, user.

It’s the fake-ass ”rightwing” worship of gdp growth at all costs, even when falsely propped up by unproductive welfare recipients, driving the mass-immigration horseshit today though.

Niggers putting on a Nazi hat is just niggers nogging, no different from picking up a common pile of fur in the jungle. You're a fucking traitor.

Japanese bitches have tight pussies but smell wierd and have no souls from what I can tell. Love me some Asian sluts

Why? Am I wrong?

woah...Thats basically my position user. Want a white ethnostate And brown ethnostates, black ethnostates. Just need our seperate places. Im not filled with hate either, just a race realist. I recognize the differences between people and want them to have the opportunity to preserve their unique culture, genetics, heritage, all of it.

Yes, a socially conservative ethnostate is entirely possible without socialist faggotry. I agree, people get way to caught up in natsoc koolaid. Honestly a limited suffrage republic with constitutional rights would probably be best. A balance of authority and freedom. The (((liberal democracy))) of the west needs to be fixed.


>Muh dick
Annnnnd he loses. Any other natsoc are welcomed to step up and get slaughtered. The line starts here.

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So what? I fucked her and then moved on.

I agree, (((right wing))) neocon corporatist faggotry is definitely not what I'm supporting. I'm just saying that natsoc is not the solution to the problem.

That’s why nazi is in quotes. I have no debt to any ideology. I only owe allegence to my people. You sound like a slave to the concept, very Semitic if you ask me


This is the way we make roads into the main stream. Not with hate, at least not in the surface, but with equality enforced by segregation

user, it can move forward with niggers staying in Africa.

Get in line, user.

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>you have to speak German to be a National Socialist
Dude there were NatSoc rallies in San Francisco before WWII. Fuck off prick. You probably believe in the holohoax.