Homogeneous society is better than multicultural shithole!!!

>homogeneous society is better than multicultural shithole!!!

>Japan GDP per capita :41,418
>US GDP per capita :65,062

What is your excuse?

Attached: Flag_of_Japan.png (1200x800, 6K)

Other urls found in this thread:

asiapathways-adbi.org/2017/03/why-is-income-distributed-unequally-a-comparison-of-japan-and-the-united-states/#targetText=First, both countries enjoy a,and less unequal income distribution.

>nation of carbon copy superiority complex japs

oh no no innobayshun

at least we can invent new ideas in murica. dealing with various groups of crazies is a small price to pay for the best innovation in the world dating back to kitty hawk

>Money is all that matters
Shoo Jew

>multicultural neous society is better than homogeneous shithole!!!

>US GDP per capita :65,062
>Norway GDP per capita : $75,500

Now show inequality adjusted GDP per capita.

> Life expectancy highest in the world
> Great infrastructure
> No crime

It might be boring, and less fabulously wealthy, but it's very effective


GDP is a meaningless kike measurement. It has no bearing on overall social cohesion or happiness. Your day will come kike.

Attached: 1568283260228.png (1024x1022, 1.34M)

Because they’re a tiny island. It’s incredible they have the GDP that they do.

>how many white people in the US
>how many white people in Japan

5.4 million vs 327.2 million

GDP is taken as a measurement of prosperity, but in practice it measures how much of society has been subjugated by the market, plenty of things the make lives better lower GDP.


GDP is retarded only measures wealth doesn't measure other aspects of society

it would be interesting to compare the GDP per capita excluding the income of the top 1%

What about Quality of Life Index? Oh right the USA still beats Japan there too

pick one

The only thing that matters is the percentage of niggers. America is a shithole because niggers.

>America is better because it has more money goyim
Here's a better statistic.

Attached: homicides-by-all-methods-across-countries.png (800x550, 31K)

kys mutt

Attached: 177.jpg (649x621, 168K)

How is that GDP working out for you?

Attached: 8199241096_06d270821d_o.0.jpg (1200x800, 175K)

Now remove the niggers.

do you love japan

You cant do that. Niggers are quintessentially american

>muh GDP

This statement cannot be refuted.

Meh, brown people of any kind, depending on just how brown they are.

Nips are fairly based but you should really ditch your part insect mindset you inherited from the early chinks. *cough* Hisashi Ouchi *cough*

Money is not god, kike.

Stop being so observant and correct. it depresses me.

Are we not considering the huge amount of that GDP that we flush down the shitter on American fucking bullshit say... healthcare?

We are slightly bigger than the UK

>live in volcanic island
>no iron, steel, gold, silver
>only resource is fish
>have to make walls out of paper due to lack of resources
>more developed than any non-white nation
Explain this shit. Amerimutts control and entire fucking continent filled with resources and are just marginally wealthier.

Attached: featured_97.jpg (770x600, 115K)

This must be the english teaching faggot that was spamming those
>tfw nip
Seems like he went back to the states where he belongs

That could just as easily be one of your No Go zones held by the violence of Merkels New Germans, where even the police are too afraid to go.

We have shit tons of methane clathrate under our oceans that we could use as alternative fuel in the future, and there is oil under the senkaku islands (chinks claiming on it like they always do)
So no, not only fish and whales

The person who used to make these threads had a Japanese flag. Now it's American. Go back to Israel, Kike. You don't belong in either of those countries.

Attached: 1372761000008.jpg (225x225, 9K)

I doubt they'll be economically viable in the future tho
4th gen nuclear reactors and possibly fusion reactors would have been commercialized by the time current oil sources are depleted

GDP is a spook and your ideology is dead, gramps

Attached: 15-08-Bull-Crap-Lampoon-the-System-800.jpg (800x600, 620K)

thx for the pic fren
it's hilarious

Refugees, illegal immigrants, poorfags and those who enable them, jews.

Kek, hilarious

dont get the reference


Hmmm. I’m sold.

Crime in America would still be higher.

When the black guy and the Italian guy start fighting...

>Japan and the United States (US) are at similar levels of economic development, yet their income distributions are considerably different. Whereas Japan has a relatively equal income distribution, the US is marked by a high level of income inequality. What are the sources of income inequality in both countries?
asiapathways-adbi.org/2017/03/why-is-income-distributed-unequally-a-comparison-of-japan-and-the-united-states/#targetText=First, both countries enjoy a,and less unequal income distribution.

Yes, we are better. They realize it. That is why they follow us and copy us. The Japanese are innovators and they learn from the best.

By comparison, if you're comparing like to like:
South Korea: $29k
Taiwan: $25k

I think the bottom line is that America has more super-super-rich that drag up our average, but it doesn't really translate into the day to day living of most people.

We look good on paper but the reality is a lot of that wealth is out of reach.


>Because they’re a tiny island. It’s incredible they have the GDP that they do.
Ireland is also a small island yet has a GDP per capita of $76,600 for 2018.

>5.4 million vs 327.2 million
Do you even know what per capita means?

I think our GDP figure is skewed a little too, but for slightly different reasons. The figures should be taken with a pinch of salt or readjusted to take into account things like you mentioned.

That's because Ireland is a tax haven.
The rich don't live there but their money does.

I know user and that is why economists here try and adjust the figure to reflect that. Even after the readjustment we don't fare too badly but we're not at the $76,000 level quoted. Also we don't have a super wealthy group like the US that inflates the overall figure. It's basically six of one and a half dozen of the other. That is why GDP per capita isn't the best measure of the average persons wealth or income.

Eastern euros are white and homogenous but still shithole.
Explain this

Better be a homogenous shithole than a multicultural shithole

All of Eastern Europe is still reeling from it. Communism also comes with a free large dose of corruption so getting out from under that is taking a long time. Some of the countries are still under Russia's heel and probably won't stop being a shithole anytime soon.
Poland is probably doing the best of all of them but they were the quickest and most thorough about throwing off Russian influence.
Communism really is shit tier.

Japan is socially stable, which stems from homogenous society. There's no Chicago or Baltimore in Japan.

Soo desu ne? Like our brothers to the West?

>throw away your homogeneity goy
>think of all the money

>bigger population
>worst living expense and life


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I would rather not have mexicans,niggers and liberally but to each his own


No post the crime stats.

Organize states by GDP per capita, and the more niggers you have in a state the lower the GDP.
Cali, "muh 5th largest world economy", ranks 12th. Every state above it is mostly white, with Massachusetts topping the list.

This, also immigrants don't think about country they are but rather about their homeland. So basically they sit where money is but in crisis they leave without any concerns or guilty