@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

>TRUMP 4EVA 6/21/19
ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>Pres Trump arrives @LAX 9/17/19
>Pres Trump departs Moffett Federal Airfield CA 9/17/19
>Pres Trump arrives in Mountain View CA 9/17/19
>Pres Trump departs NM 9/17/19
>VP Pence @Naturalization Ceremony 9/17/19
>VP Pence @Heritage Fdn on USMCA 9/17/19
>SoS Pompeo meets w/Bahraini Crown Prince Salman 9/17/19
>DefSec Esper welcomes Bahraini DM Abdulla 9/17/19
>Corey Lewandowski on FoxNews 9/17/19
>PrinDepPressSec Gidley outside WH 9/17/19
>PrinDepPressSec Gidley on FoxNews 9/17/19
>FTCChair Simons/AsstAG4Antitrust Delrahim @Senate on Antitrust 9/17/19
>Corey Lewandowski @House on Muh Obstruction 9/17/19
>USAF 2019 AFA Air/Space/Cyber Conf - Day 2 9/17/19
youtu.be/qKp04e6rUVY (C2)
dvidshub.net/video/709481/ (C2)
dvidshub.net/video/709498/ (AF Update)
dvidshub.net/video/709531/ (Threat&Strat)
dvidshub.net/video/709510/ (Airmen)
dvidshub.net/video/709548/ (Town Hall)
dvidshub.net/video/709557/ (Space Power)

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Attached: intense negotiations.jpg (1430x1050, 67K)

Other urls found in this thread:


friggin MAGA

Awoo with me frens!

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saudi bitch

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>Day number 856 still no wall.
What happened drumpfkins

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i made myself bummed out
this suck

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/babywatch/ pt 2

you now remember the Mcdonald's Grimace Island movie.

Damn I hope a ton of dems lose their races to woke libs

Attached: Minneapolis robbery victim surrounded and beaten unconscious on sidewalk.webm (640x480, 2.88M)

Jow Forums lied to me about the steroid cycle I'm taking and now I'm worried about getting kidney failure.

I just wanted to get big and maga :(

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What was your guys first reaction when Donald Trump announced his campaign? I felt contempt for Donald Trump at that time, though I have completely reversed my opinion since then.

>I just wanted to get big and maga :(


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y tho fren
y tho fren

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are you white according to Ben Franklin's standards, /ptg/?


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Based and Benpilled


Congratulations, fren. Babies are hard but they make it worth it. Did you name jimmy Corey in honor of today?

>taking the beef roids

>Oh shit he's not wasting everyone's time running 3rd party
It was rather refreshing compared to Perot splitting votes off and giving us Clinton

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lmao based doggo
I don't remember, but I do remember what I thought after his first primary debate
>The host of Celebrity Apprentice is going to be President

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milk trucks?

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But 5'4" isn't really little girl mode considering the average female height in the US is I believe that exact same figure. And besides, there isn't a universal standard among guys that necessitates that women be thicc. Everybody has their own preferences and some of them like petite women. Oh, and Mogami River.

Fell for the media swill that he had no chance but eventually came around.

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Nah, but I imagine he'd party with me regardless.

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How can you MONSTERS defend this?

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certified organic

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Doesn't Mr. Mayhem look like Sean Spicer?

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I'd seen him try to run before and drop out early on that time, so I didn't take it seriously. I was working an internship at the VA at the time next to the bluepilled kid. Trump came to my town and he went (I did not to my everlasting regret) and told me afterward that he was 100% MAGA and impressed with him. That turned me onto Trump bretty good.


>grimace: an ugly, twisted expression on a person's face, typically expressing disgust, pain, or wry amusement.

Attached: grimace.jpg (255x197, 7K)

So what do you think the chances are that we actually sort Iran's shit out this time?
Also show me your war face.

>the allegation of theft

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thanks user

I named him after a scientist (not jewish) because I liked the name. Unique but not like Klyernen or some dumb shit like that.

Nothing ever happens
Though I’m shocked gas prices haven’t gone up
Sunday I was told it would be $4 a gallon by now

thought he was a shyster bullshit artist that people were going to completely fall for b/c of how desperate whites are for change and to have political representatives that didn't betray them.

>Canadian posts buttplugs
imagine my lack of shark

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I went to Jow Forums and joined the meme thread
I had no clue how far he would go, but I was in it for fun
at that time the only good candidate was Rand Paul

I thought it would be either him or Jeb as the nominee, but I wanted Trump.

hopefully Israel will either fall into civil war over their election, or a new guy will be put there who will declare war on Iran and they will blow each other up


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What did she mean by this?

I was a cruz missile until I saw Trumps first few rallies.

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>Oh, and Mogami River.

I didnt take it seriously at first, but I didn't trust the media and found myself always defending him against bluepilled idiots.
>Gradually I began to love him

you US cucks need to wake up

why are NYT ads all over twitter now that their story has blown up in their faces?

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imagine if upon questioning about losing the popular vote Trump said "I have the white majority."

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I pretty much hated both him and Hillary till he got elected.

Very high

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>why are NYT ads all over twitter now

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>why are NYT ads all over twitter now that their story has blown up in their faces?
Because they're losing subscribers like a dam breaking.

Prolly increased subscription numbers with the left.

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this is just a little bit racist

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Thread's up. Backup is the one with 'swing' in the comment field.

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Seriously, lol.

Israel civil war imminent

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Why was my first thought upon seeing that pic to think that he's reading the paper while on the can?

Sharks have two penises and some species mate for life.
I normally like blondes but when someone calls themself a millennial I instinctively want to put them in a camp.
I was an independent and my policy was to vote based on meritocracy and my own agenda. So I voted Trump since I thought he was the best person for the job. I've since registered as a Republican. In Commiefornia of all places. I'm retarded but I want to enter the workforce so I'm working towards that. He's part of the reason why I didn't give up. I was going to kill myself if Hillary got elected.

They are hemorrhaging money

His final thoughts were "at least I'm not racist"

>Israel civil war imminent
That's bullshit, but I believe it.

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>Sharks have two penises
Well now I'm jealous.

I laughed it off until my family started getting mad at the Mexican rapist thing. Then I looked at his platform on his campaign site, noticed the H1B reform bullet point, and was hooked. I had been a lifelong Democrat up until that point, although I'd been on Jow Forums often enough to dislike nigs.

Has it ever been released why Iran is being such dicks and bombing shit? Is it because of some tariffs or something?

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>At 5.35 a.m. [IST], 1,638,600 votes had been counted – or 25.77% of the casted ballots.
>Likud received 28.42% of the votes, followed by Blue and White with 25.40%
Fuck, Bibi's gonna win again.

>surrounded by that many niggers
>not fighting or running
>just standing there, talking
Can't say you didn't have that one coming, lad.

He's not wrong. Parties opposing the founding population are inherently seditious. Look at the Democrats here or the remoaners in bongland.

you don't understand parliament you dope


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I always wondered what Trump saw in Lewandowski.....lulz

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>when the Jews don't get the memo, and they drink their own koolaid about multiculturalism and immigration
>when you get to see the Israelis go full natsoc at the same time the "Republican Worker's Party" becomes a thing in the US

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Some snakes and other reptiles do too. Sometimes humans will be born with two penises as a birth defect as well. Or two vaginas and thus two wombs in the case of women. It's rare, though not as rare as true hermaphroditism.

that's what he gets for relaxing

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>Has it ever been released why Iran is being such dicks and bombing shit? Is it because of some tariffs or something?

There starved for cash after blowing their Obama wad and never thought they would be in this position....rather smart by Trump just watching them go loco and make it harder to defend them

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Possibly someone's trying to get Trump out of office by getting him into another war. Also, did you know that you could use drones to deliver nukes? We could theoretically nuke people with drones, and do it under the cover of darkness with vantablack and it would be nigh undetectable. Scary.

Every troll master needs an apprentice.

>Sometimes humans will be born with two penises as a birth defect as well. Or two vaginas and thus two wombs in the case of women
I'd not heard of this, though I do know of girl born with forked clits; the split happens at the root, under the hood, so they appear to have two. Thanks for expanding my knowledge of oddities, fren.

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Wait. So the owner of Papa John's quit over some fake racism remarks, and now Shaq has take over in his place? The fuck is going on?

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His testimony today was quality; I hope Nadler brings him back again to keep on this impeachment shitshow

Female hyenas have vestigial cocks

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>Arizona Dems going to censure Sinema for voting too right-wing

fairly accurate description, honestly

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One day there will be a president of a Western nation who will say it. Trump doesn't seem like the type.

Undercover work for the sheriff's dept, don't tell no one

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>Female hyenas have vestigial cocks
I learned that one on /b/, and that they sometimes use it to rape their male partners to establish dominance. Oh, the things this site has shown me.

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In the weeks leading up to it i'd heard vague rumors of him planning a run. At that point all I knew about him was that he host the Apprentice, used twitter a lot (vaguely something about birtherism and I think said nice things about the tea party protests), had a skyscraper in New York and owned Casinos and hotels. At that point, it was that time during the election cycle when I really didn't care u til it got more sorted out, but the more the merrier.

The day after his announcement speech the media and everyone in world said his speech was racist and he should be embarrassed yada yada. I knew the media game well enough to know I better go see for myself what he said, and pulled up his speech on youtube. When he said "we need to build a wall", I knew right away he was my guy. Been following him ever since.

>Every troll master needs an apprentice.


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>What are we eatting with sticks here? NO THANK YOU!
>Here in America we use utensils.
>But they are uhh... In the kitchen, so you know. no harm, no foul

Oh there's all sorts of messed up sexual genetic defects in humans (har har I know I just set myself up for a joke there so inb4, faggots).
There are not only XY chromosome pairs, it goes out to like XXXXY, all different genetic disorders with their own deals.

>vestigial cocks
*that they give birth through.
Image passing a baby through your dick.

>Giving birth is difficult for female hyenas, as the females give birth through their narrow clitoris, and spotted hyena cubs are the largest carnivoran young relative to their mothers' weight. During parturition, the clitoris ruptures in order to facilitate the passage of the young, and may take weeks to heal.

PJ's is 4% waycis but responsible for 50% obesity.