Do any of you ever just look at the state of the world, of humanity — not just your own people or nation but all of them and just think how universally screwed it all is and just how wrong everything possible has gone wrong? Whites have lost their identity, their pride, and their future, but it’s not just whites. Asians have become soulless robots serving a capitalist machine, and to be an East Asian nowadays is just as bleak.
You guys.. It’s all so tiring
But that’s not all — Being Indian in a polluted, overpopulated shithole sucks, being an African born in a prehistoric thunderdome warlord state as a diseased, low-IQ nigger fighting every day to not get chopped up by a machete sucks, being a fat Mexican knowing that the only way to not to live in squalor is to join a cartel or violate the US and be hated for it, which sucks. Being a Jew blows because you know nothing but hording and dominating but your wealth and power are meaningless and you are just a heartless golem desiring more and more for not realizing that by destroying the races that sustain you, you too will perish in the end with no one to subsist of.
Being a human in this time sucks, no matter who you are. Will things ever get better? Or should God just wrap up this shitshow of a world or otherwise do something drastic to destroy modern society and the current order?
>you guys
please don't use gendered language
Op, i stopped worrying about it.
You see, humans are manifesting this tragic reality with their own will and actions. They are doing it to themselves, and willfully. It's hard for me to give a fuck about humanity at this juncture, I have gone full blazing misanthrope.
The only thing that bothers me is animals and kids have to suffer because of it.
Imagine having this flag, hot girlfriend, no kids, white shepherd, house, car, good job.
The truth is... it’s been Honked from the start..
Try Albuquerque, bloated tattooed beaners for miles and inbred degenerate obese Indians , fuck this gay earth
That's called defeatism.
How do you beat it, user?
If you have to ask the question than you don't even understand the meaning of the word.
Stop whining and do your part.
>"a person who expects or is excessively ready to accept failure"
Start by doing the exact opposite of this.
Yes, every day. More than anyone here. I don't have much hope. God doesn't seem to do jack shit.
This is what's happening. Humans are willingly choosing their own enslavement. They want to work 12+ hours a day in a dystopia where they are all poor and have no private property.
The individual doesn't matter. The collective will vote for Communism and then your life is over.
The merchants are molding a global shithole for all to suffer and consume. This week in my country, We can not call the heyday of the Netherlands the Golden age annymore, And blackpeet can't be black annymore.
These fuckers keep chipping at White culture till it's al gone.
The truth is, it's kind of always been that way.
Being born white in the middle ages to a peasant family sucked. You toiled your life away in the fields to generate untold wealth while the elite played power games, sending your sons to die in wars of expansion. Really, this was the way in eastern feudal societies as well.
Being born black before whites came along sucked. You were a jungle/desert jigaboo and had to contend with other tribesmen and all manor of wildlife. Even after whites you either sold your kinsmen into slavery or were sold yourself.
Being born Native American sucked as you fought with other tribes constantly for land. Sure, you "lived free," if by "free" you mean dying from superficial injuries with nothing to enjoy aside from hunting and fucking.
Being born anywhere at any time has its shit share to go along with it. The prosperity we experience now is still a relatively novel concept to mankind.
We've got to have entered some alternate reality, there's no other explanation for it. I never thought in my wildest dreams we would get to a point where I can say I identify as having no gender, and be praised for it rather than being locked up in a nut house as should be done to these people. How did we get to a point where a young boy is dressing in drag and dancing in front on men for money, while the same people supportive of this will demonize and call someone a pedo if they mention a 16/17yo girl is attractive.
I don't care
Only time knows if that is true.
As a white American male, my identity is tied into hating the United States of America like most other people on earth.
Stay strong anons.
Work out and develop yourself. Read as much good books as possible such as the Bible, Classic Roman and Greek Philosophies, learn a trade, save money, don't do drugs or drink, honor your parents and family now, YOU will be lonely after they are gone. Delete that goddamn fakebook and other bs social media. rise above. Love yourself(not in prideful way). Do this and some.
Develop discipline for all this is the hardest but Good results will occur.
You will realize you will be ahead of the pack and see shitty people as NPCs as they really are. materialistic and souless but have pity. Help as many as you can without expectation.
Believe in thyself, Know thyself.
Is that Steve will do it??
Can confirm. Tattoos everywhere. New Mexico's population is best counted not by headcount, but by total displacement - much more accurate figure.