Ed Buck Arrest

Prominent Democrat diner, Ed Buck, has had an arrest warrant issued for him by the Los Angeles District Attorney's office. Although the charges are drug related, they are because of a 3rd (known) overdose at his house. The first two died, this one survived, and someone charges have been filed. This is going to be big news, if it doesn't get swept under the rug. This man is a major donor to many top Democrats.

Prominent Democratic Donor Charged Following Overdose Deaths

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>Prominent Democrat diner, Ed Buck, has had an arrest warrant issued for him by the Los Angeles District Attorney's office
What is this string of syllables? This is not possible in our justice system.

Well, excuse me, I am paraphrasing for the sake of getting the story out quickly, and also committed multiple spelling errors.
>A judge has signed an arrest warrant sought by the Los Angeles DA.
Is that clearer?

his name is buck, and he likes to


This guy's connected to
Governor Jerry Brown
LA Mayor Eric Garcetti
Adam Schiff

shameless bump

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>when the gay drug addict prostitute whose soul you sucked out hits hard

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James Alefantis
David Brock
Ed Buck
Find the clues solve the puzzle

Imagine having a nigger die in your house doing drugs and you're so degenerate and arrogant that you just keep going and have it happen a second time

sometimes it's cool to have a race to see who can snort more coke


This guy has killed 2 people
Almost killed a third person
How many more do we not know about

So Ed Buck has a @laurel-foundation.org email address
>Of fucking course, a childrens charity
Do any of these names look familiar to anyone?

Attached: laurelfoundation.jpg (1304x2420, 593K)

I'm sure there's more charges to be filed, I don't see how there were never manslaughter charges filed before.

>LA Mayor Eric Garcetti
That shit head hasn't done shit for LA and the homeless problem has gotten worse, they're trying to remove him from office right now.

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hmm, LA city hall got raided a couple weeks ago too

Bump! This is the creep who was drugging niggers and raping them! Let's see how black tattered treats this kike!

Good. He is a sick fuck. Someone post the pics. Think he took pics of his victims, all with a smug little smile on his face.

Just coincidence that Trump is in Cali rn..


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what could have been done to prevent this poor guy from having such weak legs?

WeHo stands for West Hollywood, for all you goobers living outside the metro area

Not doing meth and sodomy with an old white guy for money

How horrifying.

The guy hasn't worked in 30 years, lives in a rat hole apt and yet has managed to donate 500k to dem campaigns over the past ten or so years.

think of this guy as a super low budget gutter dwelling version of epstein - he provides meth and gay hookers to politicians who can't risk procuring that shit for themselves.

also he acts as a cutout to funnel money to political campaigns all over the country, some big, some small and really obscure

inject niggers with meth and watch them jack off

Those job descriptions. Wtf.

Gay HIV summer camp. Dope.

you're right, searched the address
was not expecting shit hole apt, but yep
something's definitely not right here

I think he means that LA would arrest a dem

There were more buck victims in Carolina from a while ago I recall reading

>Arrest Dem Donor
ahhh, never mind.

What is this term 'diner' how is that defined?
Who is 'Joe Doe', is that a placeholder?

I voted for him back in 2012 whe I was a lib...that was the year when Obama's real agenda began, homelessness crisis and opiod addictons beyond comprehension

Watched the vid on local cbs website
Fucking news caught Buck with another guy while tailing him
yeah, pretty sure this guy is a serial killer

yeah me too. I think at one of the dem conventions, maybe 2010 or so, some gay hookers turned up od'd

Huge if possible.

Isn't this the serial killer who keeps luring people to his apartment and murdering them with drugs?


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Isn't Blumpf in California tonight? Coincidence?

Adam Shiff's buddy?
The methhead faggot serial nigger killer?
>about gawddamned time


Guess who else is unusually fond of vulnerable young gay black boys? Mr. Impeachment


Fish and camp