so this guy wants to come back to the country that he betrayed. and he has the nerve to set the terms and conditions of his own trial. he can stay in russia forever. his girlfriend already moved on. she banging black dicks in maryland and hawaii. LOL.
Idiot narcissist
he should get that mole removed
The mole was removed from the NSA.
I watched him on CBS and I heard he married her
>black dicks in maryland and hawaii
why u say that?
They will assure him he will get a fair trial then gitmo waterboard workout till he doesnt even remember his own name.
he should be hung
>girlfriend already moved on. she banging black dicks in maryland and hawaii.
Show us?
He never betrayed the 9wople. He only betrayed our enemies.
Someone red pill me on Snowden. I’ve really never heard the real story only Netflix bullshit.
>hey dudes tsaniggers are spying on you and jerking it to your wifes nudes
>1 year of cnn brainwashing later
americans are unbelievably stupid
Kek its hilarious to see people on Jow Forums hating on this guy. It really makes absolutely no sense.
Is this a psyop? Are they trying to get us to hate him?
Snowden exposed what all the people who mattered already knew what was going on. His real crime was embarrassing the big shots like John Brennan and exposing them as liars by proving to all the plebs that the government really was spying on everyone. The Russian government already knew that, but the average moron who got their news from The Washington Post thought of it as a conspiracy theory.
Does he have a job in Russia or is he supported by Putin?
Come home white man
Also, imagine the smell
he says his trial shouldn't be about whether he broke the law, but, if the jury thinks what he did was right or wrong. Lol
Snowden is a hero. Go fuck yourself fedposter.
>narcs out feds who are trading in kiddy porn
OP thinks he's not with us.
You’re right because exposing corruption from the highest levels of government is traitors. Have you seen any of the documents he released? They’re despicable. Programs that a dictatorship would be running, not a constitutional republic. Fuck your self bootlicker.
The trial should be about the Constitution being violated by DC constantly. We should put every single alphabet agency in the defendants chair, and make them explain their extortion, their invasions of privacy, their theft of intellectual property, and their treason to their own oath.
But since that would expose you, you're going to pretend he's the failure.
He stated his goals was to make the average voter more educated about what's going on. Which I respect, but the way he went about it was wrong. He could've contacted the Government Accountability Office or the Electronic Frontier Foundation first. Instead he just leaked everything and it ended up in the hands of journalists who literally don't give a fuck about this country.
I would say to ed, good luck getting a civil trial son. A military court will try him if he comes back, he will cease to exist in this world.
Snowden is CIA. His mission was to infiltrate the NSA and steal some of their tech, as well as to make them look bad. There's been bad blood between those two agencies for quite some time. Also, he's not in Russia.
I think the idea that he works for the America government but only to betray America. That is the treachery.
But on the principles of freedom and transparency. He did good. But does the bad outweighs the good? Time will tell.
and then he moved to Russia
I wonder if that earns him any browny points with Democrats? hes fucked.
He’s a faggot lefty that did feel enough of a moral obligation to let us all know that the government was spying on us. OR that he is so lefty that he thought by doing this it would hurt America. I can’t tell. Either way he broke his contract and should do time for that. He should have resigned first and became a protected whistleblower
Whistleblowers are protected under the first amendment LOW IQ uninformed faggot.
So many CIAniggers or bots on Jow Forums.
Bootlicker alert
>exposing ZOG spying on white people is leftism
Ya. This is what came into my mind and well. What kind of retard thinks he's a bad guy?
Exactly this. He's a clown. He's a CIA asset. The CIA hates the NSA bc they can expose them. Notice how easily he fled the country. Notice how Hollywood made a movie glorifying him. All CIA
I didn't say he did anything in violation of the Constitution retard, I said the way he went about it was reckless
" I didn't really release everything, I released just about nothing, my new gay BFF man on top or the bottom, depending upon how we feel, Glenn my baby Greenwald, like myself, kept 99% of what I stole still secret...we both cumm together often, but with you, the generally stupid public, emotionally unstable and unable to even realize when I am ass fucking you, for years on end, you're just a sterile numbed glory hole."
>Ah yes, the "traitor", no information we didn't already have from Drake and Binney and a dozen others for years...
Because nigger cuckoldry fantasies is America's favorite pastime.
No the things he exposed were unconstitutional “the way he went about it” how about the way our government went about maintaining security after 9/11 they should be prosecuted, not Snowden. We lost all of our fourth amendment protections after 9/11. Please. . I can’t stand you conservative statists.
exposes the U.S of spying, and goes to a country that does the same shit.
I am referring to ALL his other world views you fucking snow nigger. Not his leaking.
That’s why he wants to come home. He hates Russia.
>that he betrayed
>Implying you can betray unconstitutional glowniggers that circumvented the constitution with the patriot act and the NSA.
Get fukt spook
I know, right? What has happened to pol?
One should not be punished for exposing unconstitutional activities.
He's CIA. He infiltrated the NSA on behalf of the CIA, and blew the whistle so his fellow criminals would know they're being monitored by someone outside the circle. The CIA has spied on us for decades, both directly and indirectly, but he sure as shit never talked about that, nor does he care.
They made a Hollywood movie about the guy. He is one of them, not one of us.
Shut the fuck up boomer.
LMAO fly to SWAT
this thread is full of retarded loser idiots
Makes me wonder why they keep coming back. Do they notice a big difference in internet opinion when they spread bullshit here? I can't imagine they do, shit like this gets called out pretty easily
People always tell me I look like this idiot. I wish I didn't work IT
Checked. I agree, but I don't think it's that simple. There are multiple avenues for the government to spy on everyone. He outed one faction to protect his own, who are just as guilty of spying, and worse.
Nothing in the constitution says jack shit about internet privacy you retard. In legal terms you have what is known as "Expectation of privacy". In public you don't have this protection. The NSA can legally argue that when you connect your computer to the outside world you forfeit that right. I understand what you're saying but it's hardly unconstitutional. You volunteered to use the internet. We are all guilty of allowing the internet to take over our lives. If Snowden proved anything, it's that.
Yeah, def psyop...on the normie sites theres a concerted effort, they keep saying the same phrases, russian asset, traitor, def the glows are fucking pissed hes got the nerve to publish a book and they cant stop him. They want his ass lynched
Wheres the evidence for this, any evidence
Then why did they make it appear to be legal by getting a huge FISA court rubberstamp if it was already legal, shit for brains
>Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court
Maybe because foreign requests require different legal precedents than domestic matters you fucking retard.
You do know the NSA monitors all communication, including personal phone calls right? When did the NSA ever say that they strictly and only monitor internet traffic? They have said multiple times that they monitor phone calls.
In one breath:
>My British ancestors built this country
>My German bloodline weeps for the Third Reich
>No more brother wars
>Fuck Israel and fuck International Jewry
>Our government is the enforcer of ZOG
>Time for whites to unite against this
In the next:
>Britbong cucks 1776 baby fuck your crown
>Germanistan ruining the world a third time
>We saved you all in both world wars
>Let's invade and annex your shithole country
>My zogbot army is so good we are so strong I am so strong
>Fucking non-Americans go die we own you
Americans can be the best and worst posters. Sometimes in the same post.
I support his leak, but fleeing to Russia just makes him "hate America" and an "enemy". He had a chance to come home and face legal prosecution, but would rather give all his intel to Putin. "No fuck America, Russia is GOOD and has done NOTHING WRONG just like Griffith."
I'm happy he leaked. But now he hates America and wants it dead.
Holy shit we've won. Shill long enough in the same retardation, and everyone whos more than equal to an incessant kike, wakes up... imagin that you fucking bedridders, btfo again. 110, is that on your cycle ?
Nothing in the constitution says jack shit about the NSA being allowed to exist. Everything else is irrelevant.
Damn he looks old, that russian weather is wearing him out
This is sure to trigger some mutts
Yes. r/the_donald mutts are also notorious for flipping to whatever jewey position Trump tells them to
>t_d: Edward Snowden is a patriot
>Trump: Snowden is a traitor
>t_d: Hang Snowden now death to that Russian traitor because my connection goes outside of the US into canada for two seconds that means the glows should be able to bulk collect everything i say and everything i do. they were able to.spy on everyone because nearly all connections leave the US at some point. If you have two brain cells youd know that
Nothing in the constitution says jack shit about Canadas right to exist either, you silly non-sequitur
>He had a chance to come home and face legal prosecution
Would you have done that? Go back to a guaranteed prison sentence and probably get shanked by a nigger inmate with a glowing bank account. What possible incentive would he have to undergo this?
>burger education
America is collapsing.
He may be well endowed but I think he should be hanged
This guy gives me the creeps
Yes but actual white Americans (few as they are) will agree with it and know it is true. They can be the best posters when they want to be.
You know you're dealing with a 56% mutt when they dickwave about the strength of "their" military and say things like "Actually German Americans are the real Germans are bloodline is the only pure German genes left"
>country that he betrayed
You mean the government he betrayed? A country is its citizens, not the state. He did a great service to the people of the United States and otherwise. Also, he fucked over crack-addicted glowniggers such as yourself.
Press F to pay respect.
>I talk about other countries political bs to circumvent the shit i deal with mine.
Easy m8, humans are friends with those who oppose us letting be.
>so this guy wants to come back to the country that he betrayed. and he has the nerve to set the terms and conditions of his own trial.
nice try ic traitor.
>missing the point this badly
it's big brain hours now bois
I don't give a fuck about Snowden, but it's an embarrassment that he is in Russia, an American being protected from the CIA by Russia? Is it opposite day or something? Remember when we were the ones protecting Russians from the KGB?
Yeah, I mean, it's most likely you'd have just traded the CP around at the office with no qualms, you know?
>Why shouldn't some queer 23 year old not have nude videos of my child? His "oath" and job make that ok with !
F. Glowniggers seething
This. Source?
Are you kidding me. He knows he cant get a fair trial without it being public and not military behind closed doors.
Also, daily reminder: 1 post ID. Take your life, time, and resource as necessary to you.
>ITT, every glownigger who got ashamed of their job, but was too afraid to uphold their oath, tries to get a lick
>bootlickers and glowniggers hate him!
>click here to find out what he did!
why would he want to come back? is he some kind of commie? lol i remember when the russians were the godless commies and we were the christian democrats, but now it's the other way round. why would Snowden want to come to a godless commie hellhole?
he's exactly the same as manning and assange. scumbag narcissists only interested in them being the focal point of everything once their 15mins was over. i admire the cause, i hate the messengers.
are you asian?
Literal psyops and glowniggers everywhere if you say his name.
>he doesn't like being told what to think and repeat ad nauseum
>Nothing in the constitution
4th Amendment? Right against search and seizure?
>He should have resigned first and became a protected whistleblower
Are you 12? He would have either been prevented from revealing anything he did, prosecuted under the Espionage Act, or just plain disappeared.
He would not have "became a protected whistleblower," if anything he would have became an "un-person." There was another guy, some kind of spook who said he was gonna become an "un-person" shortly after the Snowden shit happened. Might have been related. Pic related.
Getting as much attention as possible is exactly what they should do though, that's the point.
They tried it again in 2018 but never made it past the gates. Time to wake up and smell the coffee, burger. Wakey, wakey.
because op is obsessed with interracial
>I’ve really never heard the real story
How old are you?
He betrayed the country?
I didn't know that..I thought it was the government that betrayed the country.
>The expectation of privacy test, originated from Katz v. United States is a key component of Fourth Amendment analysis. The Fourth Amendment protects people from warrantless searches of places or seizures of persons or objects, in which they have an subjective expectation of privacy that is deemed reasonable in public norms.
Do you have expectation of privacy on the internet? Maybe you do, maybe you don't. As far as I'm aware this is still up in the air and the law is never cut and dry. I'm just saying the NSA can legally argue that you don't and they are not being unconstitutional.
Yes! Haaaahaha
The movie is very accurate. Or just go watch the original video that was released where hes interviewed. Was a marine, broke both legs, gets security clearance as something else menial, then applied for IT in the CIA and gets it, becomes a sysadmin. The contracts out fro the NSA and discovers they are bulk collecting every single thing on the internet with a FISA court rubberstamp. Downloads all the documents, flees to Hong Kong, calls journalists because he doesnt want to reveal anything that willl put lives in danger or anything thats not important for the public to know. Tries for asylum in dozens of countries, gets stuck in Russia after the State dept cancels his passport. Russia decides to give him asylum. The end