Dear pol, I have a degree in molecular biology from a well-known and well-respected university...

Dear pol, I have a degree in molecular biology from a well-known and well-respected university, yet I feel like I’m restricted to jobs that either pay like trash or don’t even require a degree. What are some good jobs that I can get without committing to 4+ more years of school or more student debt?
Pic unrelated

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Fuck my ass and let me suck your dick after

Have you considered becoming a janitor on this esteemed anime image board?

We don't need you.
We have Pence.

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professional coomer

You have never asked yourself if your degree is shit, despite having your class filled with 70% roasties?

sell your anus

wish I knew. I'm in the same boat with the same degree when I graduate in the spring.

typical leaf post

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What's molecular biology even good for?

Make it work for you. Start somewhere, anywhere, they key is motion. Once you get rolling you can build from there. But you need a starting point. Get some experience.

>molecular biology
That sounds cartoonishly specific. Really sounds like the kind of thing you ought to have a position lined up for before going in.

also this

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That's life, I dropped out of HS and we probably make about the same give or take. Automation has eliminated most of the jobs you would've been qualified for in the past. I remember for years people telling me how much worse off I'd be because I didn't go to college, now all the college graduates my age are still baristas and waiters loaded with inescapable debt. No offense, but your story and stories like it give me some pretty strong schadenfreude.

We're all peasants now.

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Can you do lab work?
I know people with fancy degrees that can't run en Eliza or a simple culture.

Are you not working in your field now? You didn’t do an internship? Do a couple years working under a researcher and never stop looking for better opportunities. Research positions will take you all over the globe. Get ready to move.

Pharmaceutical sales, get your masters online for public health while doing research, or biomedical engineering

>Be polcels
>Get degree, but too stupid to search for number of open job positions on indeed b4 getting worthless degree.

Enjoy the debt.

Biochem here mate. About to start working at the grocery store down the street before rent money gives out and just treat my degree like an expensive mistake like I bought a car I couldn't afford or some shit.
Nothing. Jew scam of a STEM degree where there's almost no jobs and the jobs that do exist are shit paying borderline dead-end research positions. Sounds cool when you read articles about cutting edge biotech work but there's about 100 dudes on earth doing that and they're all kikes or chinese.

There's job postings but they're all H1B fucks where they can reject all the locals and then hire some bullshit foreigner for 1/3 the price because there was "no one qualified"

Im a phd candidate. do some molecular bio work in the field of immunology. mostly translational research though. My future plan is to go into aging research. Look up oskm viral therapy. its the next "big thing" in this work. This is freely avilable information for ANYONE in the world, not just the top 100 scientists. I plan to self administer this therapy(among other things) in the future to live 200-300 years.
for all the naysayers , ask yourself this: without stem degree, would you know where to start to even design your vector and how to propagate the commercial Adenovirus? And how would you administer the virus? If you dont know, you have the ability to learn from pubmed. If you didnt study STEM you wouldnt understand jack shit on pubmed.

There are jobs, they would just rather pay pajeet or Xi chang $12/hr

a degree in molecular bio but OP can't rub his two brain cells together to know to post this in Jow Forums rather than Jow Forums. even if you love Jow Forums you'll get less of an echo chamber and therefore a better opportunity of good advice there.

>me some pretty strong schadenfreude
Well, why don't you just kill yourself and go to hell, envious fuckhead. America is a shithole because of self-absorbed twats like you who just become hateful towards all of the wrong people.

Oh you fell for the molecular biology meme.
you've got two choices - get a PhD or pick another career.

It's really not specific. It's very broad. It's the biggest catch-all besides just "biology"

Maybe lower your expectations get a job related to your field starting at the bottom. I bet you're looking at 55-65k a year. Newsflash user that's more than a lot of families make. Then you can expect a standard 3% cost of living raise a year. Couple of promotions...couple of job changes and you should easily breach 100k. I'm a mechanical engineer ten years out of college making 150k a year before my 20-40% bonus and stock options etc. You can do it it's not that hard. Just remember the piece of paper you earned merely says I can learn.

>degree in molecular biology
>cant find a decent job
cool story bro

I have 4 years research experience in immunity and genetics, but any position related will pay

fucking truth

No, it's true. If you don't have a PhD nobody gives a shit. A BS in MolBio is qualification to be the lowest level of lab monkey.


whos gonna pay for this lol

>55k is a lot

What backwater podunk flyover meth-barn do you live where that’s a lot?

im a future 9 figure millionaire with my 100k link stack.
what im proposing costs less than 200k at most

If your having trouble finding a job go grow some ecoli and give it every antibiotic resistant plasmid and the one which makes it cause death in humans and spread that shit far and wide. Its that simple, fuck em