Pol can't contest any of Yangs pilicies without resorting to outright lies.
Yang 2020 bitches
Gimme dat neetbux
Pol can't contest any of Yangs pilicies without resorting to outright lies
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Gibs me dat gook loot
he's a meme candidate who doesn't have establishment support like Warren or Biden nor does he have the grassroots support 2016 Trump and Bernie had
These Trump nibbas finna boutta get dabbed on amirite boys?
>What is simple math.
He’s an abortionist trying to fight off the race war with NEETBux
A VAT disproportionately affects the poor and ensures the $1,000 is reduced by whatever % VAT he wants to impose to cover it
VAT is the most fucked, anti-American tax I can think of and this rich little fucker doesn't even consider how much of an additional burden this will be on working families
>Yang Gang
Are you Yang?
Any taxes are unamerican.
Fuck em if he is, fucking sellout
These awful zoomer animated Yangs need to go away forever.
There it is. JIDF FUD lies.
You know what? It's mid-September. Only a few more months until the voting starts, and I think Yang will drop out after the New Hampshire primary at the latest.
The Yang spam is almost over. Thank God.
I don’t know
Seem kinda off to see a ching chong gook slanted eyed commie as a possible president
Also, isn’t he too young for this?
Ubi is just like niggers taking gibs now
Yangs also a terrible asian representative
Amazon paid $0 in taxes while the poor and middle class paid for everything. Go suck bloody mutilated baby dicks, rabbi.
We see how the black family faired under the welfare state; Yang's policies will do the same to the bottom third to fourth of whites
Irrelevant, that jew gooknigger is going to lose the Dem primary and if he runs third party he's going to be a spoiler against the Dems, further ensuring their loss.
~1% bro
Yang is a house-Asian. Fuck Yang and fuck white people.
Bu-bu-but he's asian! They are good at math and there are lots of asian doctors
fuck... that hurts
Doesn't matter. Sage.
It's great for Trump that all the Dems have such strong followings. They will all be butthurt like berniebros in 2016 and not be mover to turn up on voting day.
I don't get why Reps attack any of these clowns. We should be pushing them, hell fundraising for them even
He's the smartest man we could ever elect as President.
Yes yes, we need chink to take care of us.
welfare incentivizes staying poor.
i think ubi is better.
Yang will go back in time and give everyone YANGBUX
You do realize he has a 3.6% of winning the election right, user?
ubi is welfare
He will win when the age of zoomer comes
That's better than 1/30. And he has like a 1/18 chance of being the Dem nominee.
I mean there's only a 1/100 chance of getting trips, but it still happens.
>Yang shills existing when he obviously has zero chance of winning
He's not going to be the surprise meme winner candidate like Trump was you dummies, and even if he somehow became president through some miracle you know the powers that be wouldn't allow him to pass his meme $1,000 neetbux plan.
>You'd never succeed, so don't try!
hes a gun grabbing chink, wheres the lie schlomo?
>imagine spending money on shills for a campaign that you will never win
2% gang gang
EITCs are superior to basic income.
actual cringe
He cried on TV. He's fired.
Actually yes, if you know you won't succeed it's legitimately a waste of your time and resources to try. Actual successful people hedge their bets on educated predictions.
If you are incapable of realizing this than you might as well go waste all your money on the lottery. What you think is the sexiest celebrity out there? Go and waste your night hopelessly trying to find, seduce, and fuck her. I know you won't because you realize it'd be a waste of time.
>You'd never succeed, so don't try!
Stop wasting your time on this Yang chump.
This guy gets it. He cried.
>Vote for Yang
Get extra $1,000 every month.
>Don't vote for Yang
Don't get extra $1,000 every month.
It's simple math.
Yang Gang 2020.
yes, and it will be glorious
>tree hugger
your opinion is invalid
Spotted the NEET trying to spread his defeatist attitude to others
EITC won't help the millions of laid off truckers and call center workers
7% in some states
Bill Clinton was at 7% at one point