Why so many American are transexural? Is this the MAGA?

Why so many American are transexural? Is this the MAGA?

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Rich people got a hold of anime.

open your eyes nip. it's hype. propaganda. less than 1%. back to your bowl of rice....

Why are you visiting this website?

Xenoestrogens in the water supply. It's a meme to say they're turning the frogs gay but its actually happening

Please excuse our Californians, Jew Yorkers, Seattleites, Portlanders, and College Campuses, they dont represent us
t. The rest of America

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It's a very, very small number. They're all trained to be attention whores tho. Ridicule and/or ignore them.

sage grows in all fields

>implying unemployed ignorant flyover buttfucks holding back human rights are who america is for
i love flyover country, the people can be super kind and genuine but what a sheltered cesspool of flouride and bible thumping, it's like the third world in a lot of ways

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TL:DR Fetish combined with a culture that calls them strong and brave rather than faggot and mentally ill.

The Jews are poisoning the goyim and making them cut off the remaining 2/3 of their dicks to keep them from performing sexual tantra and becoming immortal

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I went to LA for one weekend and it was so shitty that Miami is a fucking paradise compared to your shithole
And I live an hour away from that shithole and I have seen the decline since 1999
I will gladly fly over your state everytime I go to Tokyo Haneda

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>holding back human rights
People keep saying this, but no one has ever given an example of a right they want, that others have.
I fucking wish right wingers actually made laws instead of acting as a speed pump for regressives

There are trannies all over the world. You notice the american ones more because this board is mostly populated by americans posting american media.

>t. tranny who knows lots of trannies all over the world

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Oh yeah and I should also note that I went to Chicago the week before and it was a far better experience than your piece of shit state.
Go Cubs Go motherfucker, I'm glad they beat the Dodgers to the World Series

We want to keep the constitution intact you stupid leaf
trannies are useful idiots for the dems and their jewish masters who want to dismantle Amendments 1-10

>purposefully writing in engrish
How’s the English teaching gig going?

tits or gtfo


>very small number
this, plus the entirety of /v/ and half of Jow Forums

Subversion of ideologies.

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il just repost this from the last time i was asked to. he said to hold up a 3 and i did.

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still using a potato for a camera?

you betcha

I made a thread asking why so many brown americans were trannies and got a 3 day ban...

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no no
please, dont heed that user's advice

die as early as possible
as painful as possible

How long have you been on HRT leaf? Or has the Toronto water just given you tits on its own

was going for a play on words but yeah I second this

One of the new mods is a tranny, is this true?

about 5 years. i had c cups by the end of 2 years though

>so many American are transexural?
Nice accent text user, the data show these are small fraction of the populace. Check back in a few decades if we are still here.

On /v/?

Nah, these nerds probs not attractive enough to get partners, classic "if I cant have it, no one can" shit, no better than incels

The comments.


These people need to be shot.

It must have been the work of an enemy stand.

I was joking leaf.
Hope you live a trad life and convince your husband to have like 4 surrogate children though.
Because if you dont youre no better than the rest.

Jow Forums is awfully slow tonight

>Hope you live a trad life and convince your husband
But im a straight white male... i have a girlfriend. We are gonna raise white kids though I promise!

White boys look really nice sometimes with their golden blonde hair and their blue eyes. They kind of look like girls. Its only natural for them to convert. But remember they are nothing except a fuck toy

I don't know. I dealt with a disgusting at work recently. I got the rundown on their life (had to interview them). The creature's life was a total trainwreck, in large part because our weakened society enables it.

La cretura even had kids. I felt bad for the kids.

We shouldn't tolerate this madness.

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>I transitioned to be a permanent beta cuck to my wife.
Ill never understand this, and the fact that your children will be raised in an unbalanced environment by by a woman and a pseudo woman concerns me. I wouldve rather you said youre just chad's bitch because atleast there would be a man raising your fucking children. Der ewige transbian

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Oh for the love of God, not this fucking boomer again. Stop. Fucking stop with your awful chicken memes.

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No, faggot.


This. Plus it's trendy and massively pushed by activists and hormone merchants.

They are objectively terrible.

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Maybe it should be 100%

That's why they're awesome. They're supposed to be terrible.

i blame anime

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Chemical brainwashing.

Because we are a conquered nation. Where did we first see this kind of degeneracy? Places like Germany, Brazil, Thailand, and the Philippines. You may say to me that Thailand was never conquered, but you’re wrong. They are a global backwater that’s main export is the assholes of their sons. That is conquest on a spiritual level.

Americans as a people are weakened, demoralized, and cut off from their moral and intellectual heritage. The Zionist occupation government is a real thing. People call it the deep state, or the Cathedral, but it’s all the same thing. Our news and media are propaganda. Our food is poison. Our healers kill babies and organ donors for profit. Our scholars destroy truth.

It isn’t just the Jews, although their nepotism and wickedness is a problem. There is a ruling class whose primary motivation is resentment. The resent happy families because they have none. They resent healthy bodies because they are unhealthy. They resent morality and discipline because it condemns them. We are the epicenter of the inverted world order, so why be surprised when the invert gender?

Hahaha trans wojak

>That's why they're awesome. They're supposed to be terrible.

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Idk my white blue eyed bestie is a total frat chad and has beat up multiple brownies. Most other blue eyed blondies I know are atleast 5'10 too, might just be because theyre all his friends though.
But regardless, most nonwhites that are strong arent mentally strong either where as if a white is physically strong he is usually also mentally strong. I look up to blondie men because my beta firbolg ass is a wuss, but somehow atleast 50% of nonwhites still seem to be shorter and even pussier than me which suprises me since I'm fucking 5'3.

>>I transitioned to be a permanent beta cuck to my wife.
Did i say that? No. I transitioned because I feel more comfortable living as someone who is extremely feminine than i did living as someone who was masculine. In fact before i got on hormones I was mostly attracted to men. The hormones changed my sexuality for some reason and now i just like girls.

>ignored the rest of what I said because it was the only part he could attack with muh feelings
Leaf Im sorry but youre more of a fag now especially now that youre sperm are destroyed

>before i got on hormones I was mostly attracted to men. The hormones changed my sexuality for some reason and now i just like girls.
Doomed to always be gay.

The goal is pretty simple. Leftists are legitimately crazy enough to think we've turned the chicken into an antigay hate symbol.

The meme doesn't actually have to be good to do this. It just has to connect chicken to anti lgbt, something already out there via the whole chick fil a controversy.

"Chicken is an antigay dog whistle"

I can almost hear it now.

>Why so many American are transexural?
Only a lefty liberal would believe they could look like a 13 year old girl with some surgery.

MAGA avoids everything that might need DURGS. If it's an infection, we'll get antibiotics, even surgery if necessary, but nothing for pain.

Pain means you are alive.

>ignored the rest of what I said because it was the only part he could attack with muh feelings
I was going to add that we plan to have a close male family friend before adopting any children specifically so they have a good male role model in their life but i wasnt sure if i should add it. There is no reason to get so triggered user, perhaps tumblr would suit you better.

>Doomed to always be gay.

Everything is a dog whistle.


"Berlin transformed itself into the Babel of the world. Germans brought to perversion all their vehemence and love of system. Made-up boys with artificial waistlines promenaded along the Kurfustendamm. Even ancient Rome had not known orgies like the Berlin transvestite balls, where hundreds of men in women's clothes, and women in men's clothes, danced under the benevolent eyes of the police. Amid the general collapse of values, a kind of insanity took hold of precisely those middle class circles which had been unshakeable in their order. Young ladies proudly boasted that they were perverted: to be suspected of virginity at 16 would have been a disgrace in every school in Berlin." - Stefan Zweig, Austrian writer, on the rapid growth of open perversion within the Weimar Republic in Germany under Jewish media influence, after WWI, just prior to Hitler's rise (sound familiar?)

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Have fun being a bearded abomination with a ballsack mangina.
By the way, when your belly starts swelling, it's not a pregnancy. You have a gangrenous infection. Go to the hospital before you die.

I think you have chickens on your property and are being overly-ambitious.

>Have fun being a bearded abominatio
i couldnt grow a beard even before female hormones user.. the most i could get was a bit of blonde peach fuzz. After hormones i have pretty much no facial hair.

As for the "ballsack mangina" I am keeping my penis (which is bigger than yours btw) thank you very much.

I wish I had property and chickens. Fresh unprocessed fried chicken is amazing Ive heard. Better than store bought.

Such a beautiful "girl"

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Americans are the jew.

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i keep trying to get someone on /mu/ to write a song called "My GF's Sperm"

>I am keeping my penis
Then you're a male. Feminizing hormones shrink your penis. As for "you're bigger", heh haha haaaahahahahaha! \/\/hatever, bro.

It's 3%

reposting this from a thread that died, my take...

A lot of products contain xenoestrogens, as does municipal water in a lot of cases. This causes morphological changes related to hormone levels...

There's also a mechanism wherein higher civilizations, more people are likely to be sexual deviants. This has happened in Rome, and other civilizations in history. Might be related to a repression of aggressiveness stemming from a sensitivity to society's top-down control. Homosexuality used to be referred to as sexual inversion.

Typically, tranny kids were uncommon, as most trannies are straight men - autogynephiles. Transvestic fetishism is a modification of heterosexuality, and many guys get off on living out the tranny fetish and becoming they own erotic ideal. For kids, there are gays who become trannies due to their spontaneous femininity and encouraging parents. It being pushed in the medium is certainly a program to target, sterilize, and turn gays into medical slaves permanently addicted to hormones and stuff. In general, it is pushed because it serves to make certain people a lot of money. It's just marketing.

It won't work on gays easily as they tend toward autoandrophilia and not autogynephilia, but it being pushed on children is still a vector.

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I guess im a male. I would like to have a vagina but im not satisfied with the results of the pseudo axe wound vagina

No user im a boy


anyone else find it really annoying when your gf leaves the toilet seat up after pissing and then leaves her shaved testicle hair in the sink? why do women have such poor manners?

The fact alone that it flaunts it’s dick size shows it’s more of a Man than a woman. Brainlet tranny btfo

lol holy shit

>I guess im a male.
That's right. The only reason you are transitioning is for leftist virtue points.

Oh i dont much care for my penis, its just hilarious that it emasculates men so easy. It looks absurd on my short and feminine frame.

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Nah i transitioned to be happier with myself and it worked :)

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Jewish subversion, my foreign English teacher friend.

>Why so many American are transexural?

Could have something to do with this
>Transphobic doctor claims anime makes people trans, gets shut down by Twitter

It's hilarious that your "Internet Tough Goy" argument(subsection: muh dick) means a damn thing.

>doesn’t care much for penis (ungrateful)
>yet derives pleasure from getting other men to talk about his dick


user i dont understand
you said that you transitioned because you are more comfortable living as someone who is feminine rather than someone who is masculine - i am guessing that you are talking about appearances?

there are masculine women and feminine men everywhere. you did not need to resort to chemically castrating yourself to achieve this goal. it's current year. you could walk around for the rest of your life in a dress and it's likely that no one in canada would do more than raise an eyebrow at you.

They're not.
Falling for media sensationalization is highly bluepilled

They'll come for your nation too, Nip. And I'm sincerely sorry for that.

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>It's 3%
>pink news
thats just lgbt propaganda user
>i am guessing that you are talking about appearances?
appearance but also my mannerisms were always very feminine so yeah i guess its nice to have my appearance match how i feel inside. I know its "muh feels" but if i have to live i would like to be happy.

I lived as a femboy for years, and while it was better than just being a masculine boy it just wasnt enough, i wasnt really happy until i got on hormones. Just having the wrong hormones in my body made my mind crazy.

Certain (((pharmaceutical giants))) coopted the gay righta movement in order to have it focus almost exclusively on tranny prejudice and suicide rates in order to normalize and push for the use of expensive and dangerous HRT drugs for children who are showing traits that are less than masculine/faminine
It's literally the jews trying to make sheckles

Yeah, virtue signalling.

The ruralites are the backbone and you the marrow cancer

I wish i could give you less than a 0/10 for this low effort attempt

i still dont get it, and no i am not trying to be rude:
>but also my mannerisms
see, this is what gets me. you do not need hormones to alter your behavior. i work with a very campy gay guy who just acts like that. or maybe i misunderstood you.

>its nice to have my appearance match how i feel inside.
but you were never a woman to begin with, how do you know what it feels like to be one?
i think i have read some trannies elsewhere say that the argument i am making has no real answer, but i guess if being a woman boils down to just wearing a dress and having soft skin then do you really know what it feels like to be a woman?

>i have to live i would like to be happy.
well, i guess that's the important part. i am not a scientist and barely researched this, but i thought your hormone use opened you up to a slew of unusual conditions like osteoperosis - and all just to look more feminine.

>i wasnt really happy until i got on hormones
you made yourself miserable believing something like this. i think that the best way to help you would have been to attack this discomfort that you linked to hormones and masculinity.

i am not a doctor or anyone important, but that's just my 2 cents.

how is that a vagina? it's just an asshole at that point? also, post the renderings.

i dont have the renderings, but i think that this is what he/she/it ended up with

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