(((they))) have started moving niggers and arabs into my area

>(((they))) have started moving niggers and arabs into my area
what the fuck do i do lads?

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Fuck my ass and let me suck your dick after

hope you didnt turn in your guns like a cuck when the shooting happened cause you gonna need it

Either move out or stay and defend yourself.

I didn't have my loicense at the time, will a pistol or pump action do?

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Fuck them.

hey, a gun is still a gun mate, if you have one then use it cunt

Fight (((them))) you pussy

Identify other whites not pleased about it, ideally young men, and form social connections along explicitly ethnocentric lines

Do you have that apk ver of race app?

nah sorry mate

where am i meant to find (((them)))? a synagogue? they're all in bunkers somewhere

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stop posting this

Take some inspiration from Saint Tarrant sir.

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Offer yourself, your belongings, and your family to them. Wouldn’t want to be a racist bigot trump supporter would you?

move to a white area.... IF you cant afford to do that, then you belong with the niggers and mooselooms.

I don't know user. I literally have no idea what you should do.

Maybe write a letter to your government that cares about you and your rights as a native New Zealander. Because you have a right to exist don't you?

Picture NOT related by the way.

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Put some fuzzy dice on the rear view mirror and curb finders on the fenders of your car. When you check your mail walk with a pimp walk.

Sounds crazy, I know, but maybe they dont mess with your house or car.

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you know what to do

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Move. Never live near niggers or mudshits

go to aus & play minecraft in reverse.

>Actual anglosaxons being afraid of sand people

>native NZer

it's the niggers i'm afraid of desu

never relax

You don’t do shit you cuck loser. you be nice to or neighbors

>call the police on your nigger neighbors nonstop
you betcha

JUST muh dik

Oh, so youre finally worried once they moved into your area? This means you never cared about the problem at all untill your ego got hurt.

Youre the same as any other white, they dont care till it happens to their own.

Just take the niggerdicks, youre not worth saving.

Have you subscribed to pewdiepie yet?
Do what you have to do

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>throw shit through their windows and light crosses on fire in their yard
loud and clear, chief.


Embrace diversity, subscribe to PewDiePie

I want Israel to post more here, invite all your friends and lets come to a conclusion.

You have the power, but we have the good heart. Lets work together.

Welcome them with open arms like the rest of us

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Yep, coz if yo kill yo enemie they win. Lets all turn into schitzofrenic faggots, its the only way to unite.

If we all go batshit crazy with the amount of garbage funnelled into our heads by (((them))) then we'll be bound to rise up eventually right? Haha.... ?

Yeah. Actually. This is the fucking truth.
We should start buttfucking each other and become hippies. This will unite us.
Now, we are all trying to make something or our life while we all are actually depressed individuals as fuck.

Im not saying trust me, but im just saying hitler lost for a reason. He killed all natsoc SS faggots, and thats why he lost. Faggots are apiritual uniters of humanity, hitler killed this. Straight males are always greedy individuals. Wich is fine, but it wont safe anything else than their own.
The problem, in my opinion is that natsocs killed people of their own race because faggot. So this means race is not number one. Hitler was therefore a schitzofrenic.

Jews understand this very very well, and welcome faggots with open arms.

You know exactly what to do. But you need to be careful about it. Fires are really devastating, and you know, immigrants frequently misuse electric stoves and such, that frequently cause fires. Fires so obvious, it likely wouldn't even be investigated. A damn shame is what it is. Damn shame.

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