Redpill me on yakub

Why did he create wh*te people? What was his real purpose after all?

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>wypipo lived in caves n sheeeeet
Well dammit, maybe if your ancestors lived in an enclosed shelter as well your skin and hair wouldn't be burned black.


Well, let me explain it as a Türk.

So, when Yakub (May he rot in hell) created devil crackers to terrorize people and create discomfort around people. When wh*te savages invade europe and kill all the BLACK inhabitants there (original europeans were BLACK Now once great Europe was now at the hands of uncivilized savages called "white people". So ALLAH (KARA BOĞA) created us to stop crackers from further expanding. He created us to clean the mess that Yakub created. When ALLAH creating us he add us more muscle so we can easily BTFO white subhumans, He add us more intelligence so we can win wars. Then he made us cruel (only against whites) so we can create panic among whites when our name (TÜRK) is heard. Then he covered our body with beautiful BLACK skin.

Now do you understand why we are too strong and always BTFO white crackers ? Because we were speficially created by ALLAH (KARA BOĞA) to destroy white race. Our purpose is to destroy the white race whenever we are. We will not stop until yakub's spawns are cleaned from this earth. Then we will go back to our homeland, Africa.

Ultimately, he built wh*toids as a means of testing his people. Contrary to popular belief,. Yakub was not evil. Rather, he sought to sharpen the resolve of the children of africa by creating their greatest foe.



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now i'm even more confused, fellow BLACK brethren. Was he evil or good???

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Well that plan failed miserably.

with his all powerful black mind, fueled by almighty melanin, he couldn't help but create... but he went too far.

fuck off

balls alarm a lakum boys, it's me, yakub, here to see how the bl*ck man has adapted to combat my creations

oh look, still no functioning helicopter. maybe next millennia!

Your black skin is actually why your kind panics so quickly and for such prolonged periods. I'm not saying you can't terrorize white people, but we're way better at it and you're also way more susceptible to it. It's one reason they still have rape wars in Africa

Nice coping mechanism. Yakub gots a big wig.
He done made da white manz so hiz peepoos had sumthin to strive foe. See dat dere?

Yakub lives on.

What was the pro-black guy in the tale's name again? The ever bigger brain black man.

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Well whatever his name is -- he lives on.....

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I find real life parallels between what the Nation of Islam believes Whites did to Blacks and what Jow Forums believes Jews do to whites.

Does anyone have the image of the nigga brainhead (no drawing)?

>He add us more intelligence
not enough apparently to learn english lol

Right? I also liked, "Are us as Africans".

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> a Türk.

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Why are T*rks homosex?

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Wrong. What happened is Yakub was a genius living at the height of Shabaz civilization. You see according to the NoA Humanity was hyper advanced I think around 6 billion years ago until scientists from that era blew up the planet leaving only Shabaz left. I think after that event the Shabaz discovered Allah or Allah saved them or something and started rebuilding. Either way Yakub wanted the holy city of Allah to be some shit and Shabaz, leader of the Shabaz wanted it in Mecca.
Yakub already hated his own people so he planned to create white people on the island of Patmos by selectively breeding his followers until they became white.
The traditional Shabaz stock were described as looking almost like white people but black skinned, all Yakub did was lighten them which granted them some kind of power called Trickonology (Deceit, lying, playing outside of rules, strangely similar to Jewing).

It was actually Shabaz who's heavily to blame for the state of blacks. He thought of his perfect utopian people as weak so he moved to deepest darkest Africa to stengthen in. The environment "Negrofied them". Negrofication didn't make them any less navie, which is how Yakub's wh*toids managed to steal Shabaz tech and culture.

>tfw you blame whites for everything & make an entire backstory about how they fucked you only to later discover that kikes help enslave & sell your people for thousands of years but you're 65IQ & forget all that & go back to blaming white people
deep stuff

Can you elaborate?


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take everything NOI says whites did to blacks, not the yakub stuff just modern day stuff, replace whites with jews & blacks with whites.
They hit on a lot of things that were correct but it was mostly jews doing it, farakhan & dontell jackson being examples who woke up to that fact.

The only good thing NOI did was have Malcolm X killed.

Based nigging.

I don't know a damn thing about Turks but they look like absolute faggots. They really are the ancestors of Rome.

I don't know what whites did to blacks is what I meant.

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NoA describes the original blacks (Called Shabaz) as being pure and innocent. Whites had nothing but used manipulation, tricks and deciet to steal everything from them.

It strangely matches the issues of today. Whites basically create civilization out of a long history of rules and customs and we get really pissed off whenever people try and loophole away around them.
A major factor of the decline in the west is how old concepts that used to mean something like a court of law have just become twisted fabrications. Law becomes unknowable, money becomes intangible.
Jews are pretty much masters of all that, and have basically warped western systems to suit their need. Democracy? Sham. Law/regulations? Intentionally unknowable by any one person so that only a select few can determine any outcome. The Press? Nothing but a tool for their interests despite being codified as a window.
People dislike Jews for the simple reason that they twist the game, just like people dislike other groups for ignoring it (I.E Black crime). It's why Jow Forums has broken itself and taken "dishonorable" paths like following "rules for radicals (I.E "make your enemy follow their own rules).

>They really are the ancestors of Rome.
Seljuks and they were huge faggot cowards.

read Jow Forums for a while & see what people say jews did to whites, its close enough.

Dr Tony Martin, Jews basically used Hams curse as justification for starting slavery, then blamed it on whitey, even though most slave owners and slave ship owners were Jews.

You're not going to like this suggestion but you really should learn about black history to see what has been done to them.

I see though, I knew the basic story about Yakub but I didn't hear about the part where the whites were tricksters.

The only thing I know about them comes from some DNA youtube video I watched and they were all making a big deal out of being Romans if I recall correctly. Even though they were 100% sure they were 100% Turkish.

What kind of Jews were they?

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Yeah they tend to do that.
>learn black history
nigger I have more knowledge about black history in my fingernail than you have about maple syrup.
Go read dontell jackson before you spout your virtue signal retardation at me you retarded fucking leaf.

It was just a suggestion man chill!

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Malcom X would have accelerated things enough to probably create an outcome Jow Forums has been begging for years, far far earlier in this post WWII nightmare.
King was the Glowies choice and probably a Kalergi plan asset.

even in the paintings they are disgusting

Kinda fucked that one up.

What? Can't read it all broken up like that? It says nigger.

The ladies seem to like them.

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Turks are basically stem from the remnants of the Mongols.
This is lulzy and not really related.

>What kind of Jews were they
The same kind that aided the Fatimids into burning down the Christian quarter of Jerusalem.


I've done a lot of things and experienced new sensations over the course of 12 months and I never thought I would be so playful with my own shit (other peoples shit is gross tho). I've had my cheeks split and busted, I've gotten knocked out and I even drank urine. I've also experimented with fermenting my own feces. Why you might ask? Short answer is, weed was getting a bit too expensive for my liking. I've researched ancient methods of achieving a natural high and I've found that ancient african cultures would allow there shit to dry out on the hot sun and the heat would ferment it over time. They would take a piece of the dried kaka and smoke it, and this would give them a mellow high that allowed them to talk to the moon. I've gone a bit further with my fermentation as I've not only allowed my poop to sit out in the sun but I've also urinated, vomited and cooomed inside the mason Jar the waste is currently residing in. I can already see cultures forming at the top. This is gonna be so amazing guys will keep you posted when I'm finished.

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Really? We wuz Kleengonz 'n sheeit?

zZzZzZz.... boring

He knows what's in your car before he breaks into it.

king was a pupil of saul alinsky & an unironic communist, NOI would've been crushed by the state with or without malcom, unfortunately. Only reason king & panthers got elevated is because they were the goodest goys & were perfect tools to weaken white americas power structure.

My fucking sides.

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Walking turd

It's not over yet!

Man I'll read this but I barely understood a word of the top two paragraphs.

Thee Mongols mixed with the remnants of the Roman empite then? Or?

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It's probably a joke.


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your post kind of reminded me of that Santa song, and I just saved this like 20 minutes ago

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>It's not over yet!
It is for niggers.

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>He sees you when you're sleeping.
>He knows when you're awake.

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He was smart and thats acting white. So his fellow niggers threw him out. For being intelligent.

How about you niggers fuck off back to the dreamtime with your shit attempts at creating mythologies.

we were supposed to be slaves
oh the irony...

Dis niggah smrt

I don't think you fully grasp the resiliance of the black race. They're the fastest growing despite aids, ebola, war, poverty, starvation, climate change(look up what's happening to Ethiopia's largest lake), and Jewish subversion. Literally nothing can stop Africa. That's why the education system and media has done all it can to trick you into thinking there's nothing good over there. The time of Africa is coming, and it's the worst nightmare for Yakub.

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>aids, ebola, war, poverty, starvation, climate change
Yeah, really crushing it.

I agree

Despite all that, the population and technology increases. Education will come eventually.

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To gibs ya dat.

Like the jews think about goyim.


Education comes before technology. You'd know that if not for monkeybrains.

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>resiliance of the black race
Is that why the entire world is sending the billions upon billions of dollars every year in aid so they'll live another day?
Once the gibs stop, Africa ceases to have a fucking population of note.

I obviously mean widespread education. The technology is there but it's not stretched across the massive continent. You act like you're smart but you are just edgy.

You should look up which countries get the most aid before parroting what you've read on Jow Forums.

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Bitch please. The future of Africa is as a case study as to why it's a bad idea to feed the wildlife.

very wise post thank you

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I thought whitey dun stole all the technology? I'm genuinely interested which specific technologies you believe are going to help and where it will come from?

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Go on then, tell us which countries receive international aid so as to not starve outside of Africa.
I'll give you a freebie - North Korea. Good luck with the rest.

The greening of the Sahara, the written word, and the internet. It will come from infrastructure.

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This chart coupled with the absolute size of Africa. I know you're mentally retarded but try to wrap your head around this.

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I've probably lived on this planet twice as long as you. I know what Africa produces. War, famine and fucking diseases as a result of those two.
Greening of Sahara? And how the fuck will that help a population too fucking stupid to plan for next season?

Get your fucking head out of your ass.

>seething grandpa who is jaded, ignorant to the past, and delusional about the future
Rest in peace, old man.

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I'll live long enough to see Africa starve, 10 more times.
You on the other hand will probably die spectacularly trying to feed the niggers or in a gang related incident.

Ease up. I dont even use that discord but ive seen this three times on page one

>Africans built the pyramids
My fucking sides

>The greening of the Sahara,
How will this be accomplished without basic agricultural capacity?
>the written word
If it was ever gonna happen, it would have. Looks like you're going to have to borrow one from someone else.
> and the internet
You already have that and it hasn't helped one bit. You are gonna have to admit, if you wish negroids to thrive or even survive, there's gonna have to be a whole lot less of them.

Looks like shitskin fanfiction
Shitskins are always in denial and have to cope with their worthless existence by trying to claim they built the pyramids or that they're gods or some other retarded shit.

Ever since I was a kid I have seen Africans hungry. Biafra to Ethiopia on and on.
Send them money and they spend it on weapons to blow up the hospital etc.

Daft nigger fuckers.

Did they get your daughter, gramps?

There's honestly no point furthering the discussion here. You have no interest in Africa.

art isn't proof of skin color.
paints darkened over time until the 1600s when linseed oil started being used.

egg whites.
other types of oil.

>You have no interest in Africa.
Neither do you. You do have a fascination for fairy tales though.

You're retarded.

I know a lot more about it han you two.

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>You have no interest in Africa.
Yeah I do, I think with an honest depopulation campaign, it can be made livable for humans.

Fairy tales about Africa? No doubt you're an authority on those.

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