Waaaahmens are stronger than men could ever aspire to be.
Check mate Jow Forums bigots.
Waaaahmens are stronger than men could ever aspire to be.
Check mate Jow Forums bigots.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Women are stronger than men, because of this one anectdotal piece of evidence
Women are weaker than men, because Deborah from HR broke her nail yesterday and started crying.
If women are stronger, then there's no such thing as rape.
When women willingly march off to war to protect their homeland, watching their friends brains get blownout right beside them, then I'll say women are somewhat equal to men. But comparing the above to singing on stage after a breakup? Literally go fuck yourself you dumb whore.
hollywood globohomo thot's pretend marriage fell apart, how could she possibly perform?
She was not strong enough to prevent a miscarriage. So fake news
God, I love it how incels and angry white men can only bitch about this shit online.
You know you will never, ever in your wildest dreams outvote us...right?
2016 was a freak occurrence, a tantrum by a dying breed of pissy white dudes who will never make it happen again.
You just don't have the numbers and 10% of you are gay.
Storm's a coming, assholes. And it is very brown, very feminist, and very fucking Stalinist for shitty regressive throwbacks.
When Dems get power back, you cucks will be dragged off to PRISON for posting hate speech online.
Women are so DONE asking for their rights. You fought them tooth and nail and now they are going to take those rights with soul crushing force.
Fuck your shitty slutshaming.
Fuck your imbecile creamsicle President.
Fuck you for never getting laid.
>women are stronger than men
>men oppressed women for centuries
>women and men are the same
>2020 Olympics will put this theory to the test.
guy who acted in the deer hunter while having terminal cancer and dying before it came out
Then why do they require lower physical training standards in order to serve in combat roles?
can one of you twatterfaggots send her this please
Women just don’t have any real emotions or a soul. A man would’ve carried on if he had a duty under the same circumstances, maybe not for some gay ass play. A woman does it because it will help them channel for acting or because people will pat them on the back and say exactly what this nobody on twitter is saying. I feel infinitely more sorry for a beat dog than I do a battered woman. In fact I feel more sorry a pussywhipped faggot than a battered woman. Woman are cattle less than swine, and it’s a shame they can’t be culled like a herd of diseased cows. They are all poison
>fuck women
ugh, it's not a competition even though she literally said "women are stronger than any man" you fucking patriarchal pig
As inspirational as these stories could have been, I do really really enjoy that she absolutely has to input a dig at men in there.
>Women don't get enough credit
Do women ever think they've gotten enough credit?
I wear a diaper onstage whenever I go to chucky cheese's every saturday and no one ever calls me brave.
>freddy mercury continuing to perform while knowing he's dying from AIDS
lol what a fag he could never know the true pain of having to wear a diaper
>Showcase instances of women needing to show their lack of empathy and how hollow far too many really are
Stunning, Brave, Powerful. Those poor weak women and men who called in after tragedy struck will never understand this kind of dedication it's quite frankly pathetic.
Imagine coping that hard.
Women his miscarriage because she over exerted herself whilst pregnant = strong.
Fucking roasties.
Seriously, when SHTF and WW3 breaks out. Lets send all our "strongest" women to the trenches.
We can stay behind and make ammo for them whilst they are out being mentally stronger than men.
Men do not need to constantly say how strong and tough they are. They show it by not being a women.
These bitches need a consent flow of affirmation from their peers.
Men also make a big deal outta suckin' it up getting done what needs to be done.
lol.. was this written unironically?
coz it's funny as fuck.
>women are stronger
a challenger appears
>I had this one difficult thing happen in my life once and I overcame it by basking in the attention of others because I didn't really care that much about it anyway
That's all I hear.
All the keks
> I love how Incels can only bitch about things online.
You sure that's all they can do?
I love how OP never posts any statistics.
>You know you will never, ever in your wildest dreams outvote us...right?
Don't have to, I can beat you up and keep you chained up in my basement indefinitely. Vote yer way outta that Arby's.
This tweet is hilarious
>having to perform in front of thousands of adoring people for millions of dollars when you are uncomfortable is worse than being sent into combat
>hollyjew whore's fake marriage fell apart/daddy died
so strong, what about the men whose kids die and they still have to go to work to put food on the table for their other ones?
You stupid Twitter posters DO realize that Twitter is a literal garbage dump run by SHITLIBS, Gays, Trannies, Blacks, and every fucking outrage culture in the world?
Don't you?
>"Hurr durr look at this stupid shit on Twitter. Imaginne moi shawk!!"
You're telling us that the sky is actually blue. Shitlibs say shitlib shit. They upvote shitlib shit. Thye're fucking delusional. Why do people post Twitter caps here? It's as if you're posting photos of a baby7 shitting his diapers. That's what babies do.
She's right though. Men have mental breakdowns if they simply don't get laid for a few years.
I mean, how many fucking TWITTER posts are we supposed to read until we collectively LEAVE Twitter or stop paying attention?
I haven't gone on Twitter in years. Why the fuck are some of you retards even paying attention? What USE does it have? Between this shit and "Omg how can we compete with so and so" threads, this place is filled with blue-pilled FAGGOTS who think exposing Liberal shitheads is actually doing something.
You retarded fucks. It's TWITTER. A fucking DUMP of cancer. Snap out of it.
You have to keep tabs on the normies
My uncle did his final full pack march fresh out of high school with a pneumonia that he ended up in hospital for after march out. My mate put a pickaxe through his foot and walked 2km back down a hill to drive to the hospital. My head was pierced by a reef when I was surfing, I caught a wave immediately after, then caught another & rode it in to shore to get my girlfriend to take me to the hospital.
So what if a woman went and sang on stage after getting dumped? Big fucking whoop.