US Navy acknowledges UFO videos are footage of real 'unidentified' objects

For the first time, the U.S. Navy has acknowledged that the three UFO videos that were released by former Blink-182 singer Tom DeLonge and published by The New York Times are of real "unidentified" objects.

“The Navy considers the phenomena contained/depicted in those three videos as unidentified," Navy spokesman Joseph Gradisher told The Black Vault, a website dedicated to declassified government documents.

Gradisher added that “the ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomena’ terminology is used because it provides the basic descriptor for the sightings/observations of unauthorized/unidentified aircraft/objects that have been observed entering/operating in the airspace of various military-controlled training ranges.”

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Other urls found in this thread:

Tom Delong is a Jew



it's the final showdown

>whips out penis
I never rreally thought about alien sex before but here goes nothing

>whacks already bloody raw penis against table repeatedly
>it twitches once






>single blood droplet worms its way out of my urethra

take that you damn alien

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Genesis 1: 26-28
And God said: Let US make man in OUR image and similarity.

>Area 51 raid in two days
>government starts coming clean

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Forced meme is getting really stale

just like your cummy underwear your still wearing

wait till november

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That only means that the Navy is unable to identify them. Ask the Air Force

Navy "We're not sure what that is"

my god that link is shit tier, night club music, shitty clips of UFOs that have nothing to do with the story, printed quotes over it, one bit of actual footage, fucken clickbait feces.

Im surprised it apparently took this long? The problem with this is that the information both intensely obscure and phenomenally fantastical. It is literally an object of unidentifiable origin performing maneuvers outside of the real of what we know is possible physically and aerodynamically. I'd imagine even materials physics can hardly comprehend the strength needed to pull those G's and survive.

It is altogether extremely advanced technology active on our planet at the very least in terms of propulsion or materials. Either some government has access to some truly groundbreaking technology which could change the face of humanity but - as is wise - is keeping it as close to the chest as possible. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that what we are seeing is the result of the budget overages for the F-35. Someone, somewhere, learned some extremely incredible shit and the US military is building a truly world dominating powerbase on it, while socially we adjust to the age of rapid technological advance.

Its either something to that tune, and I truly believe no other nation on earth has the talent, the budget or the manpower, or it's literally actually aliens. Which is so ridiculous of a proposition that occams razor has a field day.

also retards: "fake and gay"


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laughed way too hard at this.

It's one of a few things: aeronautical phenomenon previously unknown, foreign aircraft previously unknown with flight characteristics that our fighters can't match, or ayy lmao.

It's neither of the first two, let's be real. They are here.

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If you're going for most obnoxious troll ever to exist on any internet then you can retire.

Imagine the cheers of the crowd when that toilet paper hit home lol

i hope they come to my small town to hide out and i get to fuck t'pol like that one episode of enterprise.

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Earth is no place for AYYYniggers. Were already full of normal niggers!

Ahahahahahaha this is fucking gold I cannot get enough

I hope they come to my town so I can finally fuck Starfire.

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Heres the thing - if you had some discoveries so ground breaking that it would change the face of humanity or give you unmatchable power and control over the world *as long as nobody knows about it*, wouldn't you try and get the full mileage out of it before you let slip a single thing?

I would say that there has been two branches of development in aeronautics, practical and impractical. My belief would be that post WW2 the US government didnt become sane. The CIA experimented with fucking remote viewing and dosing drugs to unlock peoples psionic abilities, thats insane. They brainwashed people intentionally, poisoned our society and had a plan with very real potential to succeed to control the population. The soviets with less sophistication were masters of programming a human into suicide.

The idea of an alien flying across the unfathomable depths of space to buzz around in a kidney bean around the planet and play grab ass with the US military is ridiculous.

Heres some information, which if you are sane will you utterly disregard, and if you do not disregard I truly doubt your sanity:

I was told by an extremely reliable source a few months before his death via a one-in-a-million car accident that he was friends with a man who had been working on methods of power production as a hobbyist inventor. One day, he cracked something big. The details were nebulous and were being told proxy someone who hardly understood them himself, but the basic gist was that it was the groundwork for extreme amounts of cheap energy. He wanted verification of his findings, so he took it to NASA. NASA began to look into his findings, and within a year the man dropped dead while leaving a restaurant. His office was ransacked it what was dubbed a burglary and all his work was gone, NASA would not respond for comment on the matter from his family in regards to what he gave them in their attempts to get some memorabilia of his work back.

"They" are here - and its just us.

She was fucking ridiculously hot back in the day.

Aliums will have weird tentacles and definitely not tits and vagina tho, Jolene Blalock is human irl.

>Tom Deschlong
He's a useful idiot of the Deep State. Prepare your anuses for some more bogus "sightings".

Sounds like the Tesla story warmed over. You know, Tesla drops dead and the FBI comes in and confiscates everything looking for notes on his "death ray."

I believe half of what I see and none of what I hear.

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Protip- the "aliens" are going to tell us that Globalism is the only way forward. This is so fucking obvious.

Asari gfs fucking when

Speaking of ridiculously hot.. Just sayin'.

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Well, obviously if you want to be part of the Federation, you'll need a unitary government for the planet.

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Damn.. normies would eat that shit up. We're fucked.

you mean the aliens(demons)

Where’s the actual videos? They are absent.

Fox news and fagmasons dropping truth bombs.

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They're not unidentified, we just wanted to be cagey about black budget tech. Guaranteed it was early test flights of SR-72 drones. There would be no reason for the dog and pony show with the federal government if they didn't want it out there, they just wouldn't have said anything.
Then shortly after, we had a few of the engineers tip toe around a soft announcement of the SR-72 drones and their capabilities to give hints of what we did. It's hypersonic, but they won't say how hypersonic.
The UFOs were moving at mach 30, roughly. Now think, we had that "earthquake" at the groom lake facility. The origin point of which was not a fault, and close to the surface. Mach 30 should translate into roughly feeling like a 6 on the Richter scale. There was a roughly 6 earthquake. They were playing around with one of the new engines and it blew out the fucking baffling/dampeners.
What baffling, you might ask?
We can print metamaterials that do this commercially. I'd bet a black budget can do better.
And this time, it's not just a spy plane. It has an internal weapons bay.

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I got you leafbro.

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But T'pols tight ass and perky tiddie tho

At this point the ayys flying around should be perfectly normal as they have been doing that since ancient history

Ay Tone, the only variable we can objectively measure possible alien life is the probability of life becoming detectable from outer space within a certain range from Earth.

We're too far away. Ya know?

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The only source Fox news had for this story was the Atlantic.
The rothschilds (rapechilds) own the Atlantic.

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The rapechilds. Fox news. The Atlantic.

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He got me too...

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400 Oak Street Cincinnati Ohio

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The muthafuckin' Navy confirmed this shit. They know what they're doing. They're official and shit. The problem with you is you think too much. Relaaax...

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The end is nigh
Aliens are demons

I hope they deathray this whole fucking faggot mutt nation and core out zionist boomers buttholes honestly desu

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Navy's UFO's are the Air Force's black projects



Cheers brutha

It's a shame that all aliens are greys. There is no space for other species because we have a too small universe. Sucks :(


Not true.

Bullshit. I've hit my head on the ceilling while crashing in a grey anal prober (no homo)

>What is the Holy Trinity
Stop trying to lead dumb people astray with your silly theories.

He reads books. Smart people read books. Also, a ton of people read the Bible so if something was wrong there we would be told that by smart people.

Found the abliens

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I do remember seeing a webm of the Trump's af1 being escorted by 2 unidentified flying objects. He may be under their protection. Makes Q probably true. If we knew the truth, we would die or some shit.

Pretty interesting really. Presumably whatever they are has been around a while and we might just now be getting the right gear to detect them and really have something to show for it.
Another possibility could be some elite group (of people) that has some kind of exclusive technology they invented and kept a tight lid on. Like some Elon Musk type figure solved the anti-gravity problem in 1952 and this group has been using it ever since but keeping it to themselves.
Honestly not sure if that's more or less likely than "aliens".
Could still be natural phenomenon I guess. Again, just something we're not getting the tools to detect but has actually been happening all along. I mean "red sprites" are pretty weird and we only recently started seeing those.

Nah, they just kill the source and ridicule the information.

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thanks user, i kekd

You are based as fuck, friend.

You're not going to like this but Ayys are fake and gay. Those machines are man made.

>Like some Elon Musk type figure solved the anti-gravity problem in 1952 and this group has been using it ever since but keeping it to themselves.

not some individual there were 46 DoD companies working on the problem in the 50s, according to La Violette research a big breakthru was made in between 56 and 58. Popular mechanics in the 50s was constanly going on about 'G engines' then it all stopped by 58.

I think they achieved a breakthru where they were able to reduce mass by upto 30% but nothing exotic than that.


>US Navy acknowledges UFO videos are footage of real 'unidentified' objects
It's either our shit or a really good propaganda campaign.

tom has that because in the past he’s like the idea of the symbol not the people, hes a catholic now but wants in on the information

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Attached: IMG_20190717_032437.jpg (484x471, 54K) < Homeland Security UFO

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A thing that doesn't exist in the Old testament.
but shit like Psalm 82:1, Psalms 89:5-7, Kings 22:19-23, Daniel 7:9-10, Daniel 4:13 combined with Daniel 4:17 and Daniel 4:24 does exist.
But hey, don't let facts stop you from your ignorance-based handwaving nothing to see here go back to sleep amirite.

So this means that either there are aliens or we're gonna get raped in the next big war.


It's great footage of the 2013 Puerto Rico UAP, but if anything it's well within the range of man-made military drones (just not the ones you've heard about)

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Your mom is a demon in the sack if you know what I mean


Why do you need to tell people you laughed "too hard" at something, no one gives a fuck about how "hard" or soft you laugh at something, maybe you could post it in reddit where they may verbally suck you off for it but not here OK.

They are projections there is no UFOs its just messing with the radars and optical illusion
Who knows maybe they aren't projecting but somehow create plasma balls and can control them
Its more of a psychological weapon, conventional uses are limited


addendum: or they will be the "threat" that needs us all to come together as one big shitskinned family

Lold harder at that shop than I should have. Lost.

Gov releases info at press conference. “Grayyyayyys say goys should all die to preserve Israel....And Thats A Good Thing.”

>Our shit

Sorry you mean Israel's?


Projects Bluebeam and Firebird.
They will manufacture "aliens" and use them as a way to either quell civil unrest or as an impetus to perform sweeping reformation, authoritarian legislation and globalist governance.

>that have been observed entering/operating in the airspace of various military-controlled training ranges.
>military-controlled training ranges.
Experimental aircraft.

Do you need to speak to Dr Panjeet to have your xoloft adjusted.

This explanation assumes the object is following the laws of physics as we use them and not warping through / punching a hole in spacetime or using some sort of mass reduction technology.

Well shit I hope they don't hold a grudge or are actually gay.

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Globalization has already happened. It's just we thought we were so smart that we could only "progress"

They're gonna "save" us from "global warming"

this guy is someone

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qt ayyy lmao waifu, when?

jews are reptilian aliens

sauce on those two

Its all a joke to these sick fucks.

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