Aside from Christcucks and PaganLARP, anyone got spirituality Redpills?

for those searching for answers to the question that is not yet answered.

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Eritis sicut dii, scientes bonum et malum.

www themasonictrowel com/ebooks/hermetic/Franz_Bardon_-_Initiation_Into_Hermetics.pdf

Spirituality is a spectrum

You should just be a christcuck or convert to goatfucking desu.

>atheist and agnostic reflecting heightened intelligence

i tip my fedora to you, good sir

Hi 1 post.
Youre a lil to acknowledge for your employer snd all as feels
It's a start to both self understanding and trolling others to do the Same . You choose the road after that, and forget the start before we part. Yee haw

More so represents the typical path one takes.

Spirituality starts from what you really believe, not from what would be convenient or useful.

spirituality is a pseud meme to make irreligious people appear less shallow. Everyone who describes themselves as "spiritual" never has any rituals or concrete believes. Spirituals are the biggest larpers of all. Spiritual people are better described as hysterical, as it generally just refers to woman who arbitrarily believe in ghosts and having their fortune told or some shit.

For beginners, Mark Passio

you either don't know what you are talking about or have a different definition of spirituality

You are generalizing people based on a general term from the start. It can mean so many things. You just seem like a close-minded indoctrinated person that hates anyone who searches for answers other than what they are fed. You are the definition of blue-pilled.

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The third brain from the top isn't Agnisticism you fucking retard, it's Apatheism

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An apatheist is someone who is not interested in accepting or rejecting any claims that gods exist or do not exist. ≠ Agnosticism is the view that the existence of God, of the divine or the supernatural is unknown or unknowable.

but nice try brainlet.

>An apatheist is someone who is not interested in accepting or rejecting any claims that gods exist or do not exist. ≠ Agnosticism is the view that the existence of God, of the divine or the supernatural is unknown or unknowable.
Wrong. Agnosticism, Apatheism, and "Irreligion" are literally just alternative terms for Atheism anyways because the word "Atheism" has become tainted by Scientism.

>Billions of humans look up to the stars in the sky, however without any results or realizations.
>Astronomers, however, while looking up to the sky, discover new worlds and write books about it.
>But what they see and recognize, other people cannot see or recognize, even if they can look up.
>Despite their seeing eyes they are blind.
>In a similiar way this is the case with the normal and the spiritual human:
>The human, who truly lives according to Creation's laws, sees everywhere and recognizes what is creative, in every life form, in every thing, in every thought and act in every human, in all of nature's work and also in all conceivable circumstances.

back to r/semantics

Sorry I don't use cancerous websites faggot

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at least this is a slightly different angle of a spam thread

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Spirituality is the most important thing you can do for yourself because understanding and harnessing the ways you influence reality is lifechanging for you and people near you at least.

>He figured out he's God roughly at the same time I figured out that I'm God.
>Only logical option is that we're all god split into different versions to experience that which we call life.
>Somehow I still want to burn most of the globe down.
Frankly I'm starting to understand why bad things happen.

Take the Source Pill

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No drugs. Nobody is being enlightened by alcohol, only destroyed. Why would any other be different.

>alcohol is the exact same as every drug that exists

> I know what drug is good for you and what isn't. Joe Rogan told me.

Roughly, yes

I just feel that anything one could learn could be done in your natural, unaltered state. Otherwise we would have to try every drug to know what the differences are, and you would find one that fucks you up long before you became "enlightened."

brainlets detected. I'm referring to actual religious studies that survey'd people who claimed to be "spiritual but not religious" and the conclusion they came to was that spirituality means fuck all and it's just something irreligious people (the type of spiritually dead, mentally inept and morally retarded consumerists that only concern themselves with the cultural zeitgeist in front of them) say to not seem shallow. "spiritual" people are not spiritual at all, they are the biggest larpers of them all, even more so than the boomer who only goes to church for christmas and easter and whose only religious thing about them is having some meme superstitious necklace of a saint in their car to stop them from crashing.

"spiritual" people are just those too stupid and shallow to actually bother with perennial philosophy. Anyone who describes themselves as "spiritual" is a huge NPC redflag.

> survey/poll

You must be new here.

> Canada

Every. Fucking. Time.

So you have not made any effort to discover that elusive thing known as "spirituality" yourself? Studies done on other people, whose mental state and beliefs you know nothing about, fully suffice in that regard?

It is tempting to reply with bantz but in the end, a rational reply that tries to align to the poster's vibration yields the best result long term

some people are fine accepting other people's opinions as facts instead of searching themselves. that is why religion was created.

You haven't looked into psilocybin I guess. You're not going to od, or kill your braincells and burnout from it. Limit this to a high dosage trip every few months. You may never comprehend what enlightenment is without it

brainlets are back.
>whose mental state and beliefs you know nothing about,
The surveys were quite thorough, they got such reprobate garbage that it was concluded spirituality is a meaningless term used by people to seem less shallow. Keep in mind they were competing with larping chrstcucks who have never read the bible and don't go to church. There was nothing about the life of beliefs of "spiritual" people that were spiritual in any sense. All they had to do was show they cherry pick religious beliefs or attitudes arbitrarily and they couldn't even do that as they weren't aware of any. It's obviously just a larp to not come off as the shallow materialists they are.

Again, it's just people to shallow and stupid to actually be aware of, let alone study perennial philosophy, as this is what a nebulous "spiritually" should actually lead to. Outside of the pure roastie hysteria I previously mentioned of course.

The Bible makes internally coherent, logical sense once you realize that the Old Testament "god" is the angel Lucifer pretending to be god. He tricked humanity into agreeing to follow a series of ultimately unfollowable rules in order to enslave us. God took pity on humanity and incorporated as a human to fulfill all of the rules in Satan's contract, and Satan had him killed anyways, violating his own contract and thus voiding it. Jesus Saves us from Yahweh, who is the Devil, literally.

"Satan, who deceives THE WHOLE WORLD; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." Book of Revelations

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What if that isn't enlightenment though? How do you know it isn't psuedoenlightenment? It could be no different than the shit you see when you eat a poisonous mushroom.

Considering the obvious similarities between the "Bible" and older religions from the region, there is nothing to prove that Christianity isn't just a knockoff. That shit is extremely blue-pilled. You are forbidden to look outside the realm of what it outlines, otherwise you are a heretic. No thanks.

Not gonna argue with a guy who likes polls. Remember the election? Dick size? I've never had anyone come to my house and measure my dick, neither has anyone else I've ever known. Polls are echo-chambers.

> accepting other people's opinions as facts
>muh relativism
>searching themselves. that is why religion was created.
>muh newage boomer hippie platitudes
Spiritually dead, mentally inept, morally retarded. You're just a product of establishment pushes to get humanity to become the beast they worship by figuring out everything themselves. A transhumanist who isn't jewish enough to actually be told what transhumanism is.

You will know once YOU make the effort.

the shit you just described is literally the embodiment of Canada. next.

You're missing out on a crucial aspect if you just blindly clump it all together. It really is a breathtaking experience to do psilocybin. And there's plenty of science showing the benefits. Stop bashing something because you're scared of the unknown or it's a status quo.

The point is that one might not want to experiment with those things and end up rekt and not able to continue afterwards.

It actually doesn't matter. It's just a story. But any other interpretation of the story than the one I just gave you is literally nonsense - doesn't make any sense. It's like if someone interpreted The Lord of the Rings to be a cautionary tale about a jewelry thief and how theft is wrong. It doesn't matter if the story happened or not, that is a garbage interpretation and incorrect. In the case of Christianity, all churches have an obviously wrong interpretation of the story

Because it's completely different for each person. You categorize your psyche and understand what's important based on all you mistakes and experiences on a good trip.

>lol sry guys that was satan
>praise jesus
t. christcuck

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Also, there are plenty of people who have done crazy shit due to psychosis inflicted by said drugs, ended up dead or in prison. even seen it firsthand. no thanks.

He believes knowledge on attitudes and revealations dealing with the inner world are best described by people who have studied parroting other people (religion) and have asked other people in a survey to see how much they are in sync with said parroting.
Our canadian friend read the results of these studies and concluded we here are somehow jewish establishment shills. I don't quite follow.

I think understanding the masculine/feminine, out-flowing/in-flowing, magnetic positive (+)/magnetic negative (-) polarities beyond the most basic and shallow material sexual part is very important.

Angels and beings existing in the higher (heavenly) dimensions are said to be androgynous because they are a perfect balance between these in-flowing and out-flowing energies, acting as a continuous link in the chain of energy that is in perfect harmony and order, flowing endlessly.

We "fell" and essentially became a broken link in the chain, where the energy cannot continue to flow through us until we realign ourselves. To receive, you must give. To learn, you must teach.

Even in politics, you can see a divide between these polarities where the right generally favours logic over emotion - a masculine outlook - and the left emotion over logic - a feminine outlook. The key for the spiritual seeker is to make decisions based on a balance of both.

How is that any different than the subconcious that manifests in dreams? Sometimes its garbage sometimes it seems profound.

> Polls are echo-chambers.
tee hee i'm not like the OTHER "spiritual" retards. Statistics don't mean anything, samples reliably representing the whole is impossible! #not all muslims. #my gay friend didn't molest my child i think so none do
You are both clearly neurotic and delusional
>You will know once YOU make the effort.
People with this type of prose are mentally ill. The type that joins some fake newage cult that is just made to scam the neurotic out of their money and isn't even genuine enough to have them drink the cool aid.

> I am the gold standard.

Ok little guy. Carry on.

Doesn't the world make more sense if the three Abrahamic religions are all literally worshipping Satan, without even knowing it? All the war and bloodshed isn't so difficult to explain then, is it?

Thou art God.

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>I'm so smart but I've never picked up a single book

I wish he did. I long for people of his beliefs explaining the double slit experiment.

What redpills ? There isn´t much to it.
your soul is eternal. we all have a gift that needs to be shared with the world. if you do shit you pay for it when reincarnated. you dont need a religion to talk to god, they are all a hoax to flees wealth and control the masses.
on a personal note: I aint to much into this spirituality bullshit but it cured my life long depression, all the anxiety disorders and showed me there is more to life then getting dick wet or chasing the latest porsche to ultimately die and being forgotten. I am at peace with the universe now and it´s kinda awesome. good luck to every user reading my lines. :)

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Heisenberg was catholic at first, then pussywiped into converting to evangelical lutheran, I don't think his quote makes sense in an atheist point of view, he was most likely talking about the uncertainty found at the base of every theory, even more so in quantum theory.

Based. Thank you

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pretty much this

Bruh so I been thinkin.

We live in a universe so big we will Never be able to comprehend it, Galaxy's upon Galaxy's in superclusters of trillions of even more superclusters.

And beyond that we think there might be endless dimensions. Full of infinite possibilities

Why can't there be something out there wed call God?

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you are very welcome. best of luck Croatian fren.

I forgot, two or three points though: There are several plains of existance, earth is a spiritual battle ground for good and evil. Suicide is an easy way out, will become a habit so you will do it over and over in every incarnation, so better not do that. I heard that the heartfulness meditation system is quiet good, but I always get this funny feeling in between my eyes when I do it, so I dont but others swear on it and it dosent has this initiation bullshit like other meditation methods might wanna check that out.
Thx to you as well Mr. Pirate (:
Best of luck to all the good anons and fuck ppl doing evil shit on purpose. I hate those mother fuckers no matter the race.

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Nice. That's roughly the situation as I see it, we're all about up to our knees in the eater of souls. There is a fate worse than death after all.

look into Kabbalah

>this funny feeling in between my eyes when I do it
Is it a continuous tingling sensation?

Yeah because 7 billion people thinking they are gods will propel this universe to another level.

Shouldn't it be more than 13 years to post here?

Just listen to some Alan Watts lectures, you'll be redpilled in no time

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> ... a meme.

Alright then.

Daosim for metaphysics, Christianity for civilization.

done that.

Look into panentheism as well as some mysticism then take some mushrooms.

Also Christians objectively have the best moral/ethical code and provide a good instruction manual for how to live. "Christcucks" might seem super gay, but eventually you'll realize that they're mostly right when they follow their book instead of a pastor that bastardizes the text.

Just flip the top and the bottom and it’s perfect

At once lord satan.

Christcuck spotted.

Agnostics don't understand P values.
>Yeah, most of the data points towards a godless universe, but some guy screamed that he saw a white middle eastern carpenter in his dream, so I dunno both sound near equally plausible.
But agreed that apantheonic Vedism is based.

Christians can't emit that type of energy. They only fuck missionary style.

>Here's some good spiritual material to study which isn't connected to Christianity, but Christians do have some shit figured out

Let us know when your balls drop, OP.

Based and waterpilled.

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>in the beginning there was nothing
>nothing became something
>something was everything to anything
>nobody knew anything about anything
>somebody told everybody they knew something about anything
>they all began to fight over nothing

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Fucking cringe

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BLACKWHITE PILL: there is nothing supernatural anywhere, and everyone selling such things is either a con or an idiot.

Ancient people would find electricity supernatural. Well, except maybe Egyptians.
Everything can be explained.

it´s hard to describe. kinda like ... peace and that feeling when flying in a lucid dream. goosebumps all over the body. Some ppl seek that thrill, I as a control freak feel like loosing it. Not my kind of soup but others find joy in it thou. Doesn't have too. Most important to me was the realization that there is meaning in this chaos around us and that I cant change it nor do I have to worry a bout it to much. I only wish normies find the spiritual awakening. So far I found like minded ppl only on a mongolian basked weaving board,of peace.

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Whoever pisses off the most people is by definition God.

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Maybe some fragments.

It's happening boys 8ch alternative is up!

- Fresh new Jow Forums board
- No captcha (or gay pass)
- Tor posting
- 50mb file limits
- Free speech respected
- No shills
- Webm when audio on every board

Kundalini yoga. The universal Christ that dwells in us all manifests in the right hemisphere of your brain. Devoted meditation, take no thought will activate the serpent up your spine in through the door of Solomon’s temple

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Hermes Trismegistus Corpus Hermeticum

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Spiritual truth is as individual as people. Many are content with not knowing or caring about the divine, or with the cursory bits that organized religion gives you. Others find comfort in spirituality or pagan religions, satanism, or complex rituals. Some few find their truth of their own making, adopting the parts of religions they like and discarding the rest.
Pretty much babbys guide to basic magic if you're not sub 80 IQ. The Spoon fed version would be New Avatar Power. Honestly occultism is not a path for everyone, and it's completely unclear what you're tapping into, once you strip away all of the ritualistic and religious trappings.
I mean if you're those "The Event" people from a year or two ago, that was kind of their plan

>father of quantum physics
That must be why the quantum of action is named after hi- oh wait

>insect on a flying rock
>i might be god
this is retarded, sure when I'm tripping balls it gets clear that we're all god etc... but that's not like having a white beard and shooting thunder out of your eyes... that's more like what elon described AI to be on joe rogan, each of us is like a cell in a brain, and the internet is the electrical signals that allow those cells to communicate, a neuron is not necessary nor is it a brain, but the emergent system lots of neurons constitute is conscious, so I believe the earth is conscious in that way, but there is no way you or I can ever come close to imagine what a consciousness at this level is like...
>inb4 some seething christcucks or /x/fags start reeeeing all over my post

You won't experience psychosis from a very low dosage. If you're worried about losing your fucking mind, increase the dosage incrementally. I've experienced psychosis once in my life and that was from synthetic k2. But it's not like that, it's a slower absorbion rate because it's ingested not smoked. You'll be fine user.
Mircodose, see how you feel. Then slam 2 grams and destroy your ego for half a day. See if you don't have an epiphany or two after that.