Epstein Island Game Project Update- Title Edition

Im looking for ideas on the title of the game
and still working on backgrounds, 5/6 done.

Also, I am amazed on how some anons are helping me with sound stuff, both background music and sfx.

Some dude send me this, he added sound to the demo video and while some changes are being made stylewise I hope to make it more like this.


For now I have:

>The Secret of Epstein Island

>The Journal of Epsteins Wild Secret

>Tendie Island

>(((The Horrifying Epstein Mystery)))

>Papa Epsteins Dungeon of Secrets

Attached: 1c.png (1627x812, 61K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Bump for relevance. God bless your efforts.

Pepe's Adventures
The Lost Secret of Epstein Island

You could make Pepe's Adventures into a series.


>You could make Pepe's Adventures into a series.
100% this

Sucks that they faked his suicide before you could finish the game. Are you gonna include a prison level?

No, but im going to make a subtle commentary on the "suicide".

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Another game could be comet pizza and then have podesta show up again.

Make podesta like a recurring villain in each game.



Huh that's great dude think all the things you could do with this game
>gain experience in coding
>manage to redpills people so that we may change the tide of war
>gets free money so that you can't starve to dead
Goodluck soldier also yeah I support this user ideas

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Bump for oc

Seems like a complete autistic waste of time.

This but remove the word "Lost"

go away, you are gay

esad, fren

Fuck off, Jeffrey. I understand that you never got into videogames with all the being busy sacrificing children to Moloch and all that but some of us enjoy activities that don't involve ritualistic murder.

>title of the game

I don't know. Reminds me of Yoda Stories. A game I played in the 90s. It's low tech but the sound, ambiance and consistent feel of this game was so rich. If you get anywhere close to this game, you've made a masterpiece.

Attached: 525full-star-wars-yoda-stories-screenshot.gif (525x348, 43K)

You wouldn't be the same Argentinian that made the kek tarot are you? I don't have the whole set.

Im the same fren, you can get here the cards I made, the Major Arcana is finished


Oh no it's anodah shoah

any new screenshots, my dude?

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I am working on this one

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Helper Quest: Journey to Epstein Island


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Spirit cooking.

Just bless you dude. Thanks for taking the time to do this. Can't wait to experience it when it's all done.

Yeah, also based painting in on pic related

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It's happening boys 8ch alternative is up!

- Fresh new Jow Forums board
- No captcha (or gay pass)
- Tor posting
- 50mb file limits
- Free speech respected
- No shills
- Webm when audio on every board


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Pepe's Adventure: Tendie Island

>The Secret of Epstein Island
Has a nice throwback feel to the Monkey Island series. Also could be "The Curse of Pedo Island" depending on how explicit you want to be. Or "Kek's Quest" if you want to go the King's Quest route.
Regardless, great work user. Looking forward to playing it.

Attached: secret-of-monkey-island-special-dosgamers-2.jpg (1920x1080, 596K)

Did you make the merkoba oracle site too? I used it a ton but it’s been taken down :(

how about the title: ESCAPE from EPSTEIN ISLAND

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Don't over work yourself. You are doing great!

Tendie island or (change it to apu)
are pretty good to me

very good
that's a tiny bit of trivia most didn't even notice


That game was incredible. Thank you for reminding me of this, holy shit. I haven't seen it in.. Jesus, like 20 yrs

Haven't seen Adventure Game Studio in a while, but I'd recognize it anywhere.

Attached: ags-v2_7_2.png (400x250, 25K)


As a gamedev I can tell you that all these hype threads are going to burn you out. Instead of posting constantly just finish the game. You may have already overextended yourself and all these hours in pol may come back to bite you.

I agree, he is clearly Apu Apustaja/Apustaja/Help Helper.
Not the same as pepe.
Close relative Pepe but not the same as Pepe.

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All this does is remind me of the days when adventure games were popular, then FPS's took over and its all that got made. I want to go back, those days were so comfy.




Yep, but he's spamming here in hopes that you losers will pay him money.

>I want to go back
Whatever faggot that made monkey island released another game a while ago, I can't remember what the gay shit was called. I downloaded it when some store gave it away for free.
Anyway, it was the most unfunny thing I ever encountered that pretended to be humor, and I can't imagine paying money for it. The pixel art was nice, and everything else was awful. The idiots who buy this shit are literally mentally retarded and should be euthanized.


Man, if I have the resource I would make a H-game of epstein island. It want it to be like one of those brothel management game with focus on lolis with full 3d animations.

Notice all these bump comments? That's not normal, unless you are an ip changing faggot who is self bumping to spam his shit game no one cares about.

>child making autistic noises
ok faggot, I cant argue that Ron Gilbert and Tim Schafer arent off the rails complete faggots now, but adventure games were peak comfy and you are incorrect.

fuck off eggstein

based work Argie

He's right, we have to push apu over pepe. Pepe will immediately turn people off, but apu will make them curious. Hes even cuter than pepe. And then they find out HES FROM POL OH SNAP CHIMPOUT WHY DID I LIKE THIS ALL ALONG FUCK DRUMF AARRGGGJJHH

It'll be funny.

Looks pretty awesome OP. Please keep it up, very impressed at the progress you've made over the threads. You're a true OC inspiration.

Create a Telegram chat and channel to get shit done and get in contact with people who can help.

Try aksing for help on @bant4chan for example or any other bigger chan-themed chat. t.me/bant4chan

How are you making this?

I was always interested in making an adventure game but not sure where to start from the technical side.

Can't wait to play it.

Attached: EpstienIslandHoliday.jpg.jpg (919x1200, 171K)

This is much more creative than last nights Doom Epstein .wad nigger.

I'm into wads but jt looked like he tossed it together in 30 minutes with native sprites.

>Tendie Island

I vote for this.

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if you need help coding I can help you fren

Will it all be text or do you plan to utilize voice-actors? I guess finding a suitable Pepe would almost be impossible.

>guy spends months making something
>this nigger expects to get it for free

Great shit op, those paintings are disgusting

Is there a princess to save :^[
dis one:
>The Secret of Epstein Island

Eggstein fell down and died, something humpydumpty


Welcome to the truest news show on Jewtube!!! Who exposes the Jews, Jesuits and sabatean frankists!
/Our/guy Bellagio Sampler of CENTRAL HAPPENINGS NETWORK!!!

Welcome to a world of white pills, so damaging to the blackpill that CIAniggers despise him!!
>motivate series
>bible studies

Amazing exposes on EUROPOL AND INTERPOL DEFENDING PEDOS! And anons discovering missing girls

Videos about MEME ICONOCLASM!! And article 13! Why they want our guns, God and memes

Anti illuminati classics like this one

And videos like the 100TH MONKEY EFFECT THEORY!!! timeless in redpills

The Instance theory! A new form of shadowbanning !!!

And he interviews!! Here is one with WAYNE LAMBRIGHT!!!

IF YOU dont know what CHN is you should, amazing collection of vids and he was the first to be terminated off YouTube for exposing these redpills. !

Need any more help?

was going to say that first one. it's super obvious, but that doesnt make it bad.

I'll pay money for any interesting looking game, but spamming it and self-bumping on Jow Forums is fucking retarded. I bet you fags send money to soph's dad too.


quit shilling your fucking game here

Kek Chronicles: Storming the Pedogate

btw, report these threads for "advertising or begging". There's a reason you only see this spam in the off hours, because jannies are gone.

Moloch bullocks

Where in the world is Hillary Clinton ?

Spinoff of where in the world is Carmen San Diego

good ideas

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bump cause fuck you

Mods, come on. Are you really going to let this retard spam his fucking game on Jow Forums? He's been at the self-bumping for weeks.

kys schizo

>B-but I can't have m-muh coomies without torturing kids!
Literally turn yourself to the Police, kike.

Pedo Pan
Kids, it’s what’s for dinner
The Eggman Prophecies
Bullshit Island (moloch... cows)
The Bait’s Hotel
Saturday Night Dead
Little Satanic James Island
JEEpers Creepers (Jeffery Edward Epstein)

>user makes some nice OC that isn't pozzed
>shill faggots seething and calling for their daddy janny

How was your brain-surgery?

Jeffrey Epstein’s series of Satanic Events

Epstein the game chapter 1.

Bill & Jeff's Lolita Adventure

All your child are belong to moloch

You aren't fooling anyone, faggot. No one cares about your game, and if jannies were awake this thread would be deleted.

Agreed on the series. Regarding Esptein's "suicide". You can make the game end on a cliff hanger with Epstein, and if/when more info comes out, you can just continue on.

>muh jannies
seethe more
and bump once more

The Kek Konspiracy
Moloch Dong
Pepe’s Prayers
The Lost Children
Satan’s Butthole
The Adrenochrome Tunnels

Based schizo bumping the thread

Shipwrecked on Pedo Island
The Pedo, the Witch, and the Island
The Satanic Kingdom
The Devil’s Eden

Day of the pentacle

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>Im looking for ideas on the title of the game
Some Ideas:
-The Mystery of Epstein Island
-Where in the World is Jeffrey Epstein?
-Detective Apu and the Pizza Island
-Apu and the Curse of Moloch
-No More Pizza
-Egg Island Adventures
-Antisemetic Jow Forums hatespeech game reeeeeeeeeeeee
-Please Help This is Not a Game: Our World is Run by a Satanic Pedophile Cabal (No Really)
-Super Mario 2

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Kill yourself my man

Already announced that it would be free, try another angle of division, you greasy babyfucker.

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