Post pictures the perfectly describe Americans

Post pictures the perfectly describe Americans.

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Other urls found in this thread:,wn

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That doesn’t even have cheese on it you sissy faggot
10/10 bait, still fucking mad.

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Honestly I've always wondered why no one has tried using doughnuts as a bun. But not glazed donuts or anything with tons of sugar, just a plain doughnut, no sugar at all.

They're so soft and light, I bet it would be delicious.

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Why the fuck didn’t they use waffles? Everybody knows Tyrone loves chicken and waffles.

anytown, USA

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>obese white people
>no obese blacks or hispanics
You get half a point

around 68% of all black women in the USA are overweight.
the same is true for mexican women as well.
ask yourself, when is the last time u saw a skinny black or latina in public

i work at a shitty gas station that sells chicken patties with a waffle bun, but niggers are never up early enough in the morning to buy them.

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dude go work literally anywhere else besides a gas station.
i knew a guy that got killed working at one.

No, I agree that there are more fat asses in America than skinny (especially minorities). I meant in the anons picture, it was just fat white people. Needs more fat diversity.
I think I've seen two unicorns and a leprechaun before I've seen a skinny Latino in a while.

Are you craving this right now?

Attached: 19DF41E9-BA20-460C-9BAD-6511B9266452.jpg (1123x1880, 255K)

How long until some fast food chains starts making Luther Burgers a common item?

Fuuuuuc yeah.


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>An average American woman consuming and storing food for the long winter ahead before hibernating and sleeping with a Jamal or Tyrone.

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They bought millions of these. They say it was a gag gift. The real joke was that they bought them at all.

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>remembering pet rocks
Isn't past your bed time grandpa user?

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>hey son just got back home from bombing europe so the guys at wallstreet could make a buck

beyond meat

>all the US posts shitting on their own country
Zero fucking pride. You convinced me to stop resisting the ZOG. A nation this weak deserves to die.


That's a Mexican ya dumb cunt

Attached: inbred.jpg (547x590, 100K)

>These are the men defending my country

More like defending the profits of the military industrial complex

>Not being able to laugh at ones self.
Might want to pull that dick out of your ass amigo, we're just yanking each other. I bet you're the type that laughs at other countries and replies "why are you mad?" but gets triggered when people make fun of yours.

whats this about?


Wow that looks disgusting

This, realy sad to see a once proud american refusing to be proud of his country and following the official party line

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God damn I fucking love the U S of A!

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Attached: 70's USB Pet Rock!.png (676x261, 329K)

Fucking perfect

T self hating fag

Add 9 strips of bacon and some cheese and you'll have my attention.

Attached: america.fuck.yeah2.jpg (500x625, 83K)

That's too awesome

Why do the Israelis have the most redpilled posts regularly?

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>fried chicken

Pick one only.

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that picture physically hurts

Attached: lynching.jpg (612x605, 87K)

inspection results during the "holocaust". the red cross inspected all of the so-called death camps and found everything in order. no gas chambers, fusion ovens, eagle and bear cages, or masturbation death machines.

And one for your tribe, OP

Attached: leo-frank-lynching.jpg (1200x800, 256K)

Here user, this one should make you feel better This our future and it's beautiful

you're the ones that pushed the world into that war, you fucking kikes

Meanwhile in Europa...

Attached: la-place-zwolle1.jpg (1200x800, 172K)

I don't get it. That's a Frog with actual Africans. Burgerland has very few of either, at least compared to most of the other human pollutants.

People who use the word "melty" should be caned.

yes, I’m venezuelan :(

This could be representing Germany or poland and you would not notice

At least use a memeflag so I get upset over you being a kike, newfag.
You fags can’t even afford chicken.

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>be amerimutt
>destroy europe
>its da joos
>we good boys
>need mo dollas fo dem military based

user IS using a memeflag, you dunderheaded, cock swatting, serial hamster bothering honk of a pedo clown's nose. Like, duuurrr... :P

cheese and chicken are kind of a shit combo.

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I know what I'm having for breakfast tomorrow...
Say what you want about Mickey D's shitty burgers but their breakfast sandwiches are tasty af.

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I can’t believe you guys get paid and I have never received a job offer.
I could do the job of 10 of you faggots for the cost of four,
Well,not literally, just based on your internal memos.
Realistically you can’t multiply zero by anything and get a new number,

Seriously though, I know many anons willing to earn money who can fill the role of 10 of you worthless faggots for half the price... though full price would be almost fair,

Why do you even have a job? You can’t win an argument because you don’t know what argument to have or how to have it. You are retarded OMB drones that couldn’t move on.

I ‘ownhow to do your job, I know people who know how to do your job.
You have spent 4 years never producing any results.

You are fucking clowns and I want to speak to your manager about having a very slim chance at not losing 2020

>I dream of killing myself every day
Not an argument.
Provolone/Swiss over fried chick with bbq sauce is high tier


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those veggie pizzas look amazing

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>ITT: assmad Europeans attempt to hide their butthurt under strawman insults to deflect from the fact that they're becoming a Caliphate and not one man among them has the balls to oppose it

I get literally all the signals that I probable shouldn’t.l. But I would fuck that.

but muh ethostate with negative birth rates.

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This guy right here epitomizes the way young Americans typically look and act.

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Here is the video:,wn

Mutt Indian.

Attached: Right-winger.jpg (227x222, 10K)

like wacky onions-based Jew fags?

Don't Tread on Burger

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It can't top the waffle one

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A lot more of them are, nowadays.
>Wacky Instagram selfie.

Attached: Gotta Catch Em All.jpg (616x520, 56K)