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Didn't this happen with some jewish lobbyist or donor in 2016 too?

He looks Jewish

just sprinkle some fentanyl on him lets get out of here


>a rich democratic faggot in in california killed another vagrant through drug-related sexual degeneracy and will get off scott free
Who cares?


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>He can't keep getting away with it!
And life goes on
how many HIV niggas fell victim to the sheets

Prosecutors setting Buck's bond at $4 million
They ain't playin

@almostjingo has on the scene pics


BUMP He would inject black teen boys with meth and then fuck em. This would destroy democrats this election, the black vote would be gone.

Let me guess. Another dead black man removed from Ed Buck's home. I can't believe they didn't see the pattern after the first two dead black men had to be removed from his home. Hell, the first one should have raised some alarms.

More info

>I can't believe they didn't see the pattern after the first two dead black men had to be removed from his home. Hell, the first one should have raised some alarms.

He had a sign that said Dead Nigger Storage and they went with it.

400 grand is like a cheeseburger to this guy

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Yeah right. They care more about gibs.

hahahahahaha this dudes original name was BUCKMELTER

Ed "Meltin bucks 4 gud fucks" Buckmelted

Probably the same one considering it's the third time this shit has happened.

They're just street niggers. Who could possibly care? It'll be probation.

Ed Butt
Ed Back
Ted Bundy
UFOs are flying niggers

maintenant c'est l'autisme

Once is an anomaly. Twice is a coincidence. Thrice is beginning to look suspicious but hey who am I to judge some guy I've never met. If it happens a fourth time, then someone should really start to ask questions. After the fifth time I'm sorry but he'd just better pack up and find a new house because for whatever reason it seems like gay junkies are driven by an unseen force to go there and die, and it must be a real bother for him.

AGAIN? This already happened twice

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Crime scene tape surrounds Ed Buck’s apartment he’s apparently already been taken away, unmarked vehicles outside LEO going in and out of place

(photo & tweet via @almostjingo)

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merely a coincidence goy
pay no attention to the dead, drugged up niggers in the man's house

Twenty agents and doggos
Hell yeah

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-18 Rosie memos on Twitter Crime scene tape surrounds Ed Buck’s apartment he’s (717x324, 39K)

This guy donated to fucking campaigns
Why does he live in a piece of shit apartment
1234 N Laurel Ave, West Hollywood

I know right? 40k isn't even that much desu

Was about to say didn't this guy literally murder a nigger in 2016 in his living room and people were like naw man it's cool

West Hollywood is 1 mil for a 1 bedroom condo, and largely people go there for the special laws. Hollywood has religious exemptions that jews use for everything, they essentially don't pay taxes there.

Good point
Look at this, blue lights so they could find veins easily
This has got to be his drug den/lair
Okay, there's gotta be another place somewhere in LA

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-18 Rosie memos on Twitter Crime scene tape surrounds Ed Buck’s apartment he’s (717x471, 461K)

Ed buck runs an illegal drug house and funnels the profits to democratic campaigns and the cops do nothing.

People like you and I download a hollywood movie off pirate bay and get 10 years in prison.

>mfw this timeline has a literal dead nigger storage house

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i could really use $400

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what did he mean by this?

Video of him getting dragged away, this boy is guilty as fuck

>this dudes original name was BUCKMELTER
it's like pottery

my name is buck... and i like to fuck

Anybody remember saving a Muckety on Ed Buck from 2016?
I miss Muckety.

The big deal with Ed Buck is his nuclear network of Democrat connections
If they're a Cali Democrat, they answer the phone whenever Ed calls
I bet some of them are wondering exactly HOW loyal their boy Bucky is right now.

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totally normal, guys

Imagine fucking up the disposal of the body a THIRD time.
How many dead niggers do you reckon this guy went through without getting caught?

This is pretty damn great.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-18 KTLA on Twitter Ed Buck is transported for booking following his arrest on cha (717x869, 363K)

Blue lights make it harder to find veins you fucking retard. That's why they put them in ghetto public bathrooms.


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Would you rather kill gay blacks to fulfill your fetishistic needs in your multi-million dollar home, or a cheap apartment?

the police have known since the beginning that this guy is a freak who kills other dudes. degenerate liberal LA let it go on because he was gay

The first strike of the Trump hammer

So Ed Buck has a email address
>Of fucking course, it's a children's charity
Do any of these names look familiar to anyone?

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obviously high on meth

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Yeah, I'm very happy to say I am, indeed, a "fucking retard" when it comes to drug culture stuff. I have standards when it comes to my health.

"Buck, who is in his sixties and is gay, is a regular campaign donor to the Democratic party. According to an L.A. Times report, Buck waited 15 minutes before calling 911 for Dean. Moore’s family has accused Buck of injecting him with meth and forcing him to watch “hardcore gay male pornography which played loudly on a large flat-screen television set while engaging in sex acts.”

Moore family co-counsel Hussain Turk added, “The district attorneys overseeing the Ed Buck investigation have sat idly for almost two years, while evidence brought to them by eyewitnesses continues to spoil. From the moment Gemmel Moore’s body was found in Ed Buck’s drug infested apartment, there was enough evidence to file charges. From the moment Timothy Dean’s body was found on the same mattress, in the same room, dead from having ingested the same substance as Gemmel Moore, there was enough evidence to file charges. This is not about having sufficient evidence; this is about a widespread administrative failure to treat evidence with the care and attention it deserves because the victims are Black gay men and the suspect is a rich White benefactor of the Democratic party.”

robb whitlef needs to look up a tutorial on wearing a suit/posing for pictures.
>ceo historic studio
whatever the hell that is

The CEO, Margot Anderson

Insurance Administrator
Warner Bros. Studios

>Jan 1991 – Jan 1995 4 years 1 month
>Inspired and educated through speaking engagements with Paramount Pictures, Warner Bros. Studios and many other Fortune 500 companies.; Provided production insurance for all Time/Warner television and music videos. Budget insurance premiums for WB Television and WB Records, Atlantic Records, Electra Records and WEA Records. Administer of all foreign video insurance coverage.

>Administer of insurance portfolio applications. Implement removal of cast insurance restrictions for WB Television and WB Records productions. Purchase adequate insurance coverage for special effects, boats, airplanes, explosions etc.

>Founded The Laurel Foundation during this time. Warner Bros. supported my vision and was committed in the development of the charity.

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Toasting in epic bread. I'm glad they finally got that faggot. How stupid is he? He got away with it TWICE.

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>Buck brought the latest victim to his home around Sept. 4 and injected the man with a dangerously large dose of methamphetamine. The victim left the apartment to get medical help, concerned he was having an overdose.
>The victim returned to Buck’s apartment on Sept. 11. Buck again personally injected the man with two large doses of methamphetamine.
Dumb victim

I assume that was a reference to the fact that you only have to pay a bail bondsman 10% rather the meme you guys went with.

this guy would have been Secretary of HUD if hillbot won the election. he would have had an endless stream of homeless niggers to kill while he fucked them. if he ends up going down(!), maybe this signals a shift in people no longer being protected because they are money men for the corrupt. maybe the netflix guys should have an eye on them too.

Look what I found

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its already memory holed by the press

this ed buck stuff has been known for at least a year now. he's a darling of dems and clintons. no surprise at all

The guy hasn't worked in 30 years, lives in a rat hole apt and yet has managed to donate 500k to dem campaigns over the past ten or so years.

think of this guy as a super low budget gutter dwelling version of epstein - he provides meth and gay hookers to politicians who can't risk procuring that shit for themselves.

also he acts as a cutout to funnel money to political campaigns all over the country, some big, some small and really obscure

based ed

This is what all of the politicians and elite do
He just has to do it freelance with homeless people because he doesn't have enough money/status

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>imtiaz dadabhhoy
what a weird name for a pedo child trafficking organization

gutter epstein is right


That's an apt description. Well said.

I take back what I said, he's one of them he just got thrown under the bus

"In 2010, then-California gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman was holding a political rally at a Hollywood hotel when from the front row a man started heckling her.
“What are you hiding?” the man shouted at the Republican candidate. “You’re looking like Arnold in a dress!” he said, referring to outgoing Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Before Whitman could respond, then-New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who was speaking with Whitman, stepped down from the stage and pointed his finger in the man’s face, saying it was “people who raise their voices and yell and scream like you that are dividing this country.” The man pointed his finger right back in Christie’s face.
For many people watching the episode on television, it was a first glimpse, however brief, of Ed Buck, a former fashion model, self-described retired multimillionaire and onetime West Hollywood City Council candidate."

"He was an enigma to those who knew him — a man who bragged about his wealth while living in a barely furnished apartment. He fostered elderly dogs but was known to criticize strangers over how they walked their pets."

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>tfw buck breaking is not a meme but actually literally real

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You've gone too far with the serial killing this time Ed. You could be facing up to 5 years in prison!

hahahaha and niggers have been protesting this faggot since 2016 after he got off on charges

forgot to take down the sign. you know, the one that says "dead nigger storage." it's a common problem. i think california is lobbying to make it a misdemeanor by 2020.

>I survived a sleepover

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>He had a sign that said Dead Nigger Storage and they went with it.

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I think this is arrest is a very big deal.

Not to quote it-which-shall-not-be-named, but

"DIG Ed Buck, Shifty, Tom Steyer and Standard.
Follow the $"

So dirty, all of them: Buck, Schiff, Steyer
Everybody remember the weird web page of the Standard Hotel, right?
The discovery of massive amount of acid runoff coming from the roof drains at the Standard Hotel?
How about the helicopter crash that killed the Standard Hotel execs?


Looks like the DA isn't passing the buck anymore.

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>inb4 mysterious suicide

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>2 people die
>Lol not enough evidence

>cameras were turned off at the time. and guards were asleep


>it took three overdoses for cops to get suspicious


here's how this story is going to end.

he's not going to be able to make bail. he's gonna be stuck in LA County jail and then one day soon he'll take a dive headfirst off of the top tier. the end

I guess the buck stops here!

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Warrant for his arrest

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>“It is suspicious that this has happened twice now, so we’re going to conduct a thorough investigation to determine if it is criminal in nature,” Lieutenant Derrick Alfred of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department told KTLA-TV in January.

It's very suspicious that this has happened three times now. We are definitely going to look into it when we have the time.

underrated post

Both Ed Buck and the Laurel Foundation made contributions for Blanca Rubio in CA

Attached: buck_rubio.jpg (909x949, 185K)

Criminally underrated.

Same story for Senator Ben Allen, CA