Not like 1860.
More like Spain or Yugoslavia.
Odds of US Civil war in ten years?
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I highly doubt 10 years. People are still too comfy. We may see what's coming but it's still going to be a while IMO
You been living under a rock? The US is already in a civil war. Constant shootings, riots, protests left and right constantly calling for each other’s heads. Sure there’s no real battle lines or mass casualties yet but there sure as fuck is a state of civil war
This. War happens only when you're Weimar tier fucked.
>Odds of US Civil war in ten years?
If it happens there is no more USA.
Would literally be the political class and whoever they could muster vs the entire population of earth.
I doubt another American civil war. the circumstances would have to be so extreme that social collapse would first, and out of the wreckage you'd see it brewing. although the media would love for you to believe it's right around the corner, til those same journos are strung up
maybe, plenty in the world would love to swoop in and carve it up
USA is strong vs the world, but the insides of it have so many failure points its a joke.
lolno, the extreme far-leftist political ruling class has tons of useful idiots to do the fight on their behalf.
the only good thing about obama
I’m the furthest left you can get, and the only ones I hate are the politicians and whoever the rich who are funding them.
No you hate white people.
So basically you hate the wealthy and corporate class aka the same fanatical far-leftist powerhouses that fund and advance your causes? Ok.
>I’m the furthest left you can get
That dosnt exist, insanity has no max limit.
I didn’t say I hate all the wealthy, just whoever if funding most of these shitty politicians. They are all sellouts to corporate interest or another.
Well that's the logical conclusion of (((((democracy)))))).
Anyway. It’s to corrupt to save. I don’t give a shit. It is just a force of pure evil is all I know.
Yet your ideology is. Supported by all these. People. Leftism is based on destruction and self hate ultimately. You fight for everyone's right to exist but your own peoples and wonder why global corporate power seems to get stronger every year. Look in the mirror
I fight for humanity right to exist without a boot on their neck. And believe me if it weren’t for the fact Americans had guns, they would love to bring that boot down right about now.
This. There are plenty of corporate elites who openly support communism, via destabilization. Colleges preach communism. Hollywood preaches communism. The media preaches communism. Politicians preach communism. But the problem is capitalism? Conformity toward statism is so 1984.
What the hell is humanity we are a species billions in number and the further you go into it the more you realize how different we are you aren't fighting for any kind of ability for self reliance and autonomy because your ideology is internationalist in character. You aren't fighting for a right to exist but a system to put the whole world forcefully into and kill anyone else who doesn't want to be in it. Your global homo disco party is backed by large corporations because a mutt society of consumers with a herd mentality in a culture less wasteland is exactly what they want.
You’re very confused. Everyone has a right to exist. Whites have the right, so does everyone else. I’m against slaughter of innocent people for any reason. I’m against oppression of people by corporate greed and their politician lackeys. What do you stand for? The opposite?
Your beliefs have absolutely no sense. Corporate greed is one head of the hydra and you won't ever win by attacking only this one head over and over and over again. I simply do not believe you when you say everyone has a right to exist,your ideology which you defined as far Leftism is not about autonomy of people's but monoculture based in some false view of enforced tolerance to a centralized regulated system where all outliers are violently removed and everyone is muttified in order to remove roots of people's. I think you are young and naive, maybe it is time to re think where your position really lies and drop the stupid fucking meme flag. The ussr tried to wipe my people out completely and turn us into some new cuck "soviet man" and my Slavic brothers in the east had it far harder than us.
Ok keep telling me what I believe because some corporate shill told you that’s what I believe. I’m sure you weren’t misled.
Never a discussion about what we should be discussing
So tolerance shouldn’t be enforced because it stops you from attacking people you hate? Maybe someone hates you for some reason. They should be allowed to attack you?
Internationalist hyena.
There is not hate in having your own wet society community and laws. This is always founded on intolerance because in order to have a culture it must have intolerance towards negative aspects which would destroy the culture. So your views essentially will destroy all culture and thus all we see as an end result is this globslhomo disco party of mutt consumers
If you are a communist, then you are the boot looking for a neck to stand on. Freedom and communism are incompatible ideologies because inevitably the people running the communist process seek to maintain power at the expense of others.
Republicans aren't genociding Mexicans, they just want them to stay in their own country. The left, on the other hand, is actively racist. You are on the wrong side of you really want a fair world.
You don’t even have any logic. In order to have your own culture, others have to be tolerant to allow you to exist as well.
But enforcing tolerance is loss of autonomy to a centralized system. As a pole I know exactly what that looks like. Also, don't pretend like your ideals will lead anywhere but a globalized herd society when we all can see that modern leftism has the exact same make up in every country it exists in
The entire history of humanity says otherwise.
Republicans are attacking people all over the fucking world. Most of the people who are coming are from countries they are directly intervening and putting their dictators in Central America.
>others have to be tolerant to allow you to exist as well.
Thats what we call borders.
When in rome do as romans.
A civil war in this glued-to-the-cellphone age? I dont think so
That’s why we have international systems to keep peace. Otherwise a strong country would take over weak ones if there weren’t agreements in place. You think Poland would exist independently without internationalism? Lol
trade is better than war.
the cell phones will be hooked up to the humvees blasting anime music and Pantera.
More like ((((((Republicans)))))).
Yet, communists only manage to harm the working class and have done fuck all to dismantle muh 1%.
The fuck have you faggots done to the ruling elite besides smash a few bank windows? Footsoldiers for the elites and too stupid to realize it.
No no no no wrong. You really aren't gonna blame the US and the CIA for the entirety or Central America being a cartel run shithole. And no, one CIA op in Panama in 1986 isn't the sole reason for that place being poorly maintained. Heard that bullshit argument before.
Maybe, just maybe... some folks just can't self govern that well. Name dropping some three letter agency is always the go-to excuse by leftists for Central/South America being a violent underdeveloped cesspool.
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Look for an uptick in lone wolf attacks by white male/alt right/neo nazi/white nationalists. Major keks ensue when a body with bullet holes = leftist politician the advocates gun confiscation
Fuck. I hope not.
The sad truth is that the left seems more eager to dog on America after a shooting (and of course blame everyone BUT the shooter) but not actually do anything besides punish every person BUT the perp.
Fuckin' clown world.
We will balkanize within 50 years.
That quote basically goes for any extremist organization
I think the military will handle the communist jew bolshevik type antifa revolution for the most part. That won't be us white guys for the most part.
antifa = communist party - communist revolution.
military goes into full overdrive against them in the end to me personally.
us whites have already been through enough to say the least by them and the left for years that is. the antifa communist revolution and the act of 1954 gives total and/or full power to destroy any of their lives alone for their jew bolshevik revolution alone in the end. 71% of the left was jewish that voted for Hillary Clinton alone.
Senator Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota, one of the founders of Americans for Democratic Action, a staunch liberal and anti-Communist organization, acknowledged the public's concerns about Communist subversion.
left has to go after them alone themselves and the left is totally jewed / screwed alone that way at least for now. the left is forced to eat their own alone at that point then. . many in the past would of hated them anyways.
wikileaks leak that swung the election alone. to put trump in the end. israel? (((them)))? who leaked it?