Israeli "democracy" everyone

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we should send all jews in western countries back to israel and then give them money for shooting palestinians

I wish mexicans couldn't vote. I'm not racist or anything. Just saying it would be nice if Hispanics didn't have a say in anything.

The Palestinians in that red zone are supposed to vote in palestinian elections. Too bad their country is a failed state and they still couldn't agree on an election date

yes you are racist

>Israeli rule
I though Israel didn't go into the west bank and let Hamas fuck around there

>why don't foreigners get to vote

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>Too bad their country is a failed state
>can literally never leave ever and israel controls everything
It's an open air prison. Thank God American hegemony is ending so that the world can finally turn its back on israel and hear it burn to ash.

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Saracens GTFO of Israel

that's racism pal

Did you know that arabs who live in gaza (about 2 mil) can't vote, but only because hamas haven't held up elections ever since it seized control over gaza in 2006 (also without election lol). Really makes you think huh

he just said he's not racist you retards

Kys self hater. I agree with you tho that Israel and usa should stop fucking with palestine and that they should get full independence. But still that doesn't mean rhat their country isn't a failed state that didn't have elections since like 15 years I think. Also that pic is cringe

>Hamas is the legitimate government of Palestine and should be recognized by the international community
>but Palestinians should also be able to be vote in Israeli elections

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I feel the same way. They never have anything good to say anyway

Btw Hamas supporters who live in Israel boycott Israeli elections. Most of the arabic political parties active in Israeli politics are left wing

kind of agree with the first statement. your parents should both have to be born on us soil or internationally but both grandparents are citizens. this would give people time to integrate into the us before they have a say in politics.

it says right there that 6.5 million of them get to vote you retard

Wow, so brave. Zionists are so canceled

Shut the fuck up cuck why should anyone feel sympathy for your "muh immigration" whining when you say stuff like this. I honestly sometimes feel you deserve what you get




because it's funny to watch

Based. I hope they take away voting rights away from jews too. Democracy must perish.



>don't want to be any part of Israel
>want to kill all Israelis
>don't recognize it as a country

Israelis want to kill all of them. They just want their country back.

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Israel helped created Hamas, so they are in fact very Israeli

Are white people really made of cheese?

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Most Arabs want a one-state solution where Arabs and Jews live together

Palestine was never a country. Palestinians are just Arabs that stuck around in the area. If they are suffering so terribly surely their compassionate Muslim brothers and sisters will take them in?

But they don't recognize Israel, so how could they vote for a non-existent state entity? If we allowed them to vote, we'd be forcing them to normalize an illegitimate election, and thus in the interest of sympathy and understanding, it has been graciously withheld.


Go back to Israel. Seriously get the fuck out of my country.

It's funny to watch jewropeans become a minority in their own country

but what about the christian palestinians, varg?

Get the fuck out of my board, Seriously, go back to Jow Forums faggot

i'm not european, i just enjoy watching arabs get slaughtered lol

Varg unironically hates Christians infinitely more than he hates Muslims. I don't think I've ever actually seen him say anything negative against Islam

wtf i love israel now

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I would gladly sacrifice myself, my family, and my entire country for just one inch of Israel.

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Jow Forums supports Palestine.

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What are you? Iranian?

Fuck off Bruce you cunt. I was asking Varg.

>my country

You're human waste who isn't even entitled to a life, let alone a country. What the hell is this fat Goy talking about?

I would do the same, every time I think of my brothers in arms I see Jewish men and women bravely fighting for their survival just like me

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>putting the Whore of Babylon (America) on the same level as Holy Israel
No. Just no.

Shut the fuck up kike the average Zionist is infinitely more racist than Jow Forums

Make me you chinless weakling.

America was founded to exclude asians like you.

>a Heeb calling anyone chinless

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True, America is nothing compared to Israel and its people, but sometimes brothers are worse, think of Israel as a big brother who is good at everything while we are trying, but aren't as good

Cumskins should be sent back to Europe and only native people vote. If Europe don't want them to the bottom of the sea.

t. Jow Forums

they came 1492 and they won't leave

Cannot WAIT until we Whites rise up after we reelect Trump in 2020 and genocide all your brown Latrino scum

woo boy i'm giddy just thinking about it

>anyone who doesn't root for durkas are juden

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>Being this ignorant about the history of the country which your bloated body festers on

All of the founding fathers were Philo-semites and even Zionists. Jews are America, and America is Jewish.


The idea that you have to side with Israel otherwise you are pro-muslim is an israeli one. Basically if you see the conflict as a fight between "the west" and "islam" then you are thoroughly judified and need to be cleansed.

>6.5 million

Palestinians VS. Rohingya
who wins?

Hard mode: no stone throwing

>who wins?

Global IQ averages.

>people who don't live in Israel aren't allowed to vote in Israeli elections
almost as if they're under their own "elected" government.
Also your shitty infographic is conveniently ignoring how a fifth of Israel's population ARE arabs who are regular citizens who can vote.

The infographic specifically does mention that you retarded illiterate Jewish animal

wait, you mean 6 gorillion?


Sorry but whites only.

>people who don't live in your country don't vote
>people who live on your country vote
Well that was hard.

Aren’t the West Bank and Gaza not “official” parts of Israel meaning that people there are not Israeli? Why would they have voting rights?

They accounted Jews as Whites, silly.

No. They were considered asian and excluded :^)

Wow, that's a real shame. How do you figure they managed to sneak in and manipulate all of the immigration laws while openly identifying as Jews?

What else do you expect from a nation founded by Freemasons

Reminder Gazans don't vote simply because Hamas doesn't let them

Democracy is a shit system anyway

Better than being controlled by a terrorist organization that has no clue how to run a country and shoot protestors

Isn't Gaza and the West Bank their own thing now and they hashed their own elections?

Jewish conversos were there from the beginning.

Not to mention this:

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Palestine is a different country. Why would they let someone from another country vote?

wow first jew I met that was critical to israel


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They live under isreali law, but aren't isreali citizens or have rights in isreal.
that's occupation.

Nobody really likes Palestinians, but we all object to Jews trying to take over Palestine because they are also trying to take over our own countries.

The Jews care only about themselves and are traitors in whichever country they inhabit, exploiting the poor, abusing other minorities, deceiving the people and making secret societies

>le evil joos

r a r e

hey rabbi whatcha doin?

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t. Barbara Lerner Sepctre

Self defence, chink. We do we have immigration but not them?

based pic

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im for israel just because of pic related, if some muslims take over israel and fuck em over then they deserve it

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based mods

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mods == fags

They own the banks you retard, fucking cattle brain. Sad!

I wish niggers couldn't vote. Obama has shamed this country.

Name one reason why it makes sense to be allied with Israel.


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Isreal needs diversity and open borders.

No they march the military in there once a week.

Where was this before?

No one tell him, wh*te people are already ruining the board

"their country" -- dude, this has got to be bait.

they have no control over their borders, their foreign policy, thier budget, their defence forces or their judiciary. how the fuck does that qualify as a country? Personally I couldnt give a shit how many muzzies die, and as far as Im concerned we ought to have glassed the whole lot of them ages ago. That doesnt mean Im so disingenous as to suggest the palestinians have a nation in any respect. They are held in thralldom by the Israeli government, and it is in fact a hypocrisy to even speak of international law or human rights. No other nation on the planet is allowed to do this to a group of people.