Hey Jow Forums. Thoughts on 1950's America?
Hey Jow Forums. Thoughts on 1950's America?
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It was shit.
Just as degenerate as today but just more white people.
you, op, would have been shot, for being a faggot. elvis was cool.
A cleaner society.
It was degenerate and post-war. There were just more white people and they had better taste.
50s fashion is amazing compared to today but what happened to ballgowns? After a while the 50s starts to look very modern and a little boring.
America died in the 40s. The last decade of real America was about turn of the century.
>be a man in the 1950's
>coming home from work from my high paying unionized job with pension and benefits
>drive my 8,000lb 8mpg 18' long car with huge fins on the back
>glance out the window and see a negro walking down the street
>stop at the corner bar and call the cops, watch as they beat him into a coma while sipping a Gimlet
>stop by the hardware store on the way home and buy several guns with no background check
>greeted by my submissive and dutiful wife with a kiss
>greeted by my obedient and well educated kids with a hug
>greeted by my Golden Retriever carrying my slippers
>sit own to a dinner of all-American grown products that is already on table
>after dinner the kids do their homework and the wife does the dishes
>pour myself a Canadian Club on the rocks and recline in my La-Z-Boy
>watch the nightly news and see America bombing Communists in some backward shithole
>smile as I remember all the Nips I killed on Guadalcanal
>plan our family vacation trip to the Poconos
>time for bed
>fuck my wife in the missionary position with no concern for her pleasure
>drift off to dream of the greatness of America
It was a trap. The US was supposed to have won the war and we had all that manufacturing base left over from the war. It seemed Ok to the suckers while the paperclip nazi's lwere getting settled in.
>>fuck my wife in the missionary position with no concern for her pleasure
Does anyone except radical feminists believe this? You know a man gets turned on by pleasuring a woman right? You know men loved their wives right? (I know it's a copypasta but you repeated it.)
They created boomers. Nuff said. It was a failure
Spoiled Boomer heaven Howdy Doody Show 1958 May 31 youtube.com
Communards fled Paris for America in the 1870s after failing their second atheist revolution in France.
By the time the 50s rolled around it was already too late for us. We're kiked.
man kike shills are quick
Lets go back
The 50's were America's gentle recovery from the horror of WW2 ! The food was of higher quality,there were some honest politicians,unemployment was low ,the economy was booming,women were modest and feminine,cars were fast and getting faster,public education was actually about learning things, Rock&Roll was born ! America was the King of the world !
And then talmudvision was invented
>All downhill after that
I came buckets
>Hey Jow Forums. Thoughts on 1950's America?
At least women wore DRESSES and *TRIED* to make themselves LOOK GOOD to *MEN* [not other women, themselves, or just going to shit].
holy shit ancientfag detected
i remember those old spam threads on /b/ a decade ago
It was definitely a better world. Did jews owned US media in the 50's?
Ive had this man ask me to be a 1950s themed trap, namely Marilyn monroe or Audrey Hepburn but idk if I wanna become a trap for him. Should I?
Just be sure to wear period correct underwear - white shariah made sure women were constrained in girdles, stockings, garters and shit back then and he'll appreciate it.
It was miles better than 50s England.
They were still rationing food until 1954.
I already do historic dress up . I specialize on the 50s. I love how free and weightless mens pants were. I want the big pleeted pants to come back.
Man in the high castle American reich life looks fucking lit
The Wasp League
>I love how free and weightless mens pants were.
more and more I think about how oppressive jeans are, between the chaffing from tightness and coarse fabric designed for fucking 1850 gold miners, but it's the uniform these days.
Jeans are really complimenting,to the body and was really popularized in the 50s. I just reallt,enjoy the pleated pants.
Stop wearing skinny jeans, you raging fucking faggot.
Fun, but too suburbanized, in my opinion. I liked America better when people tended to either live in the countryside, smaller towns, or the cities, without such large suburban sprawls developing. That kind of lifestyle had quickly become popular during the post-war 1940s and 1950s.
>1850 gold miners, but it's the uniform these days.
I like the 1850s, and enjoy LARPing as a Gold Rush prospector, but it's not for everyone.
It was a very naive time.
Enjoy your jncos
If the jeans were tighter around the knees, almost as if it squeezed the knee, i would,like these. (Looking at the far ledt)
At the jnco point, I would just wear a Japanese hakama and call it a day.
numbehr fiftieen, burger king fout lettis
So you do wear skinny jeans, you fucking faggot.
Nice jnco's, Varg.
I liked the idea of suburbia America. Its cute and neighborhood cookouts are just so delicious!
Secret degeneracy. Instead of opiates, it was morning drinking.
50s were the start of pozzed consumerism.
>It was definitely a better world. Did jews owned US media in the 50's?
Even better - jew owned America's hearts and souls
Jews owned hollywood. Every movie youve ever seen from,any era. Especially 30's -90's are jewish made movies.