Should vaccines be banned? Not because of autism, but because of Darwin. Vaccines have stunted evolution and propped up weak populations.
Should vaccines be banned? Not because of autism, but because of Darwin...
you don't understand evolution
Vaccines are fine if dosed individually on a set schedule with the person given enough time to recover. A vaccine makes you sick, thats how it works. It triggers an immune response and you feel like shit for about a week.
What is happening is vaccines now come in 3's. You get things like TDAP or MMR and your body is savaged by 3 separate pathogens and the body overreacts.
BOOM, brain damage....and its called "Autism" because the medical industry doesn't want to admit it destroys brain tissue, so they make up a fake disease and call it a mysterious syndrome and they don't know why it happens, hurr durr.
Most CC diseases are very mild anyway. I got 2 of them when I was a kid, no big deal, having the flu was worse.
Posting naked women so you read my comment.
Is this real?
I'm sure it is. When I was a kid I can only remember getting 3 vaccines. One was polio obviously, another was measles, and rubella. I didn't get the mumps vaccine because...well I came down with mumps.
Are you fucking retarded? If anything, vaccines are accelerating our evolution, at least in regards to immunity. Eventually, children will be born already immune to these diseases. We'll have literal superhumans that cant be killed by disease. Itll take another few hundred years or so, but it's going to happen.
Vaccines are Jewish. Fucking Mossad tries to kill white kids with vaccines
Vaccines excellerate the evolution of disease, to be more deadly. Antibiotics and vaccines act this way.
Like General Zod? Genetically perfect.
Jews avoid vaccinations, what aren't they telling us
No, you idiot. Antibiotics and vaccines work in entirely separate ways. Antibiotics kill bacteria indiscriminately. Vaccines dont kill bacteria. Vaccines are usually inert (dead-ish) viruses that are injected in order for your body to use them to create antibodies for said virus. You have no idea what you're talking about. Is this just a bait thread?
Imagine being this retarded, (((they))) have you in their pocket if you think injecting heavy metals and toxins will do anything but permanently destroy our DNA and make us sicker and weaker. The absolute state of vacctards. When your children get autism after their first shots don’t come crying you Satan worshipping cuckold.
Yes you can get multiple vaccinations.
No it is not bad for you .
No you do not get "sick" from a vaccination. Most vaccinations are simply the relevant protein from the disease, and not the disease vector itself, like a live virus or bacteria.
Any "sickness" you feel from a vaccination is not the same as the pathology of the disease.
And there is absolutely no connection between autism and vaccinations whatsoever. That is a lie told by liars that stupid people believe because they are stupid.
I think that we should forcefully sterilize every single person who is an anti-vaxxer.
all that time spent writing that response to thousands of different groups and you still can't not sound like a shill.
I have an easy and simple question: why in the fuck would I take something that increases my chance at getting sick towards whatever its supposed to prevent.
no its not your bitch mode "eh kinda sick" its actual full normal sick.
>thats ignoring the random bullshit they put in vaccines
also that vaccines were never the cause of the decline of any disease no matter which disease you bring up.
That's mighty Jewish of you
remember, these things are well tested. never have anything exceedingly toxic placed in them. and definitely very much so aren't about making exceedingly fat profit.
>Jews avoid vaccinations, what aren't they telling us
They know that while measles, mumps and rubella are highly contagious, they're not terribly serious diseases. Only in the 3rd world do they kill children mainly because of lack of medical facilities and the propensity for dumb 3rd worlders to not wear shoes, drink cow piss have have livestock in their living rooms.
>And there is absolutely no connection between autism and vaccinations whatsoever.
Thank you shlomo, BTW how's the weather in Tel-Aviv tonite?
They should be voluntary and not forced, end of discussion
Imagine having a negative fucking IQ and trying to tell me that vaccines cause autism. If you dont know how a vaccine works, if you dont understand that the individual ingredients in a vaccine, while dangerous on their own, are not at all dangerous when mixed together, then I dont know what to tell you besides bait harder, faggot.
What are you talking about. It's white tradition to sterilize and murder undesirables such as idiots and niggers.
>mixing mercury, various aluminum oxides, formaldehyde, other random shit such as monkey tissue, gerbile, aborted fetus, etc
somehow mixing all that shit together is benign, especially the first 3. yeah doubt it.
>Is this just a bait thread?
Your all shill faggots !who the fuck wants to live to 40 anyway
At least you admitted Jews aren't white
When people who are vastly more intelligent than you decide to vaccinate themselves and their children, despite knowing exactly what goes into making a vaccine, then they're either shills for big pharma taking one for the team, or they're just regular people who dont want to contribute to the next fucking plague.
I'm going to go with the latter, because the former is nothing but tin foil hat bullshit. People who think their autistic child became autistic from vaccines are simply retarded. If they weren't retarded, maybe their child wouldnt have been born autistic. And yes, you are born autistic, not made. Autism does not ever occur outside of the womb.
ah, so you're just going to go with strawmans and logical fallacies good to know what kind of big brain we're dealing with here.
Rather than debate my point, you simply say "strawman" and think to yourself that you've won. Seriously, anyone who claims "logical fallacy" or uses the terms strawman and ad hominem have never had an original thought in their fucking lives. Refute my point, or otherwise you're just a fucking retard that doesnt know what the fuck hes talking about.
Not really. If you really consider the conspiratorial implications, it is a transhumanist culling. The soft metals used as adjuticants act as both brain barrier penetrating "euthanasia" (in that it retards particular genetic groups) as well as physically conditioning the youngest generation to receive the biomechanical/cybernetic "remedies" that will inevitably be proposed as a solution for "the physiological problems" their peers are suffering from. Coupled with the malfeasance that 5G is considered to be, I can see a future where the TIP targeted individuals suffer degeneration and, via classic hegelian dialectic tactics, those "unaffected" will seek the provided means of escape from their physical mortality. Darwin never proposed a theory regarding the level of technological advancement we have achieved, let alone what DARPA or related private contracting labs have developed, tech hidden from all of us plebs.
It's like the whole white nationalist propoganda being meaningless because the demographic change has already shifted in the favor of the inheritors: ie, those with mixed aryan blood meant to uphold the original "ancient aryan" legacy. Why do you think there is so much D&C directed at mutts? We're the ones who will have to pick up the pieces after the bombs fall.....
Anyways, that's my idea. I'm dumb, though, so take it for what it's worth.
How does he not understand evolution? Without natural selection what is stopping dysgenics?
It's still advancement. Should we get rid of cars because they stunt our legs? What about clothes because they stunt our own temperature tolerances?
Little one in the middle please.
Vaccines are not much use if you fill your country with unvaccinated foreign people whose healthcare you then have to pay for..
Vaccines are human evolution. We evolved the intelligence needed to make them, just like we evolved the intelligence to breed our own food instead of having to hunt it.
Focus on race, not kike material possessions. We're talking about genetics. There's a shit ton of bad genetics out there because of vaccines.
you don't have a point, you appeal to authority by putting up some strawman saying "but muh smarter than you people because you're a retarded idiot that doesn't know what's best" while ignoring that the argument is about actual proof that the fucking pharma niggers are adding literal poisons to vaccines. while pharma niggers aren't even bothering to test if the damn thing works. while pharma niggers are attempting to take credit for the death of a disease that they had nothing to do with. while pharma niggers deliberately get laws implemented so they have zero culpability with regards to them factually killing people over their "assistance".
>yet somehow I'm the retard that's unwilling to argue
mm mhm
you have no point, your point is a default textbook case of shill arguing with nothing but typical logical fallacies that anyone that's been on this board for any reasonable time at all should immediately notice.
>bad genetics out there because of vaccines
Please explain what the fuck you're talking about.
There's bad genetics out there because people wash their hands. You can't stop progress, dude. Even the Amish don't do that.
someone else can post the compendium where all fucking vaccines are 40-50+ years on the tail end of the disease dissapearing
>and it all coincides with people actually being aware that they should wash themselves and practice proper hygiene.
You are, by all accounts, retarded. To even imply that my argument is invalid simply because I stated that people who are smarter than you dont have a problem with vaccines is nonsensical. I find it humorous that you post these pics of "research" without citing the source. Probably because it's a bullshit source that anyone with an IQ above mental retardation could tell.
You're a tin foil hat wearing retard, and you have no evidence worth a damn against vaccines. All you're doing is regurgitating bogus "facts" from whatever antivax facebook group you're a part of. Seriously, neck yourself.
I'm sorry you're incapable of doing a simple search?
>my logical fallacy isn't invalid
>no I won't provide a single bit of proof to back my claim up
>no I won't try to find factual faults in your claim
>I trust the people that are into this field for profit first
inb4 you can't be assed to read the linked studies findings
I know pro vaccination fags are a special kind of brainwashed but damn.
Vaccines are human artificial selection in action. We are cattle.
I think it's hilarious that you people think doctors get paid for giving you vaccines. I think it's hilarious that you think that incredibly intelligent people are nothing but shills trying to kill you with heavy metal injections. I think its hilarious that you think that anyone is out to get you. You, someone so fucking unimportant that he has to create a boogeyman in order to feel like hes worth something, when in reality he is worth nothing. I think it's hilarious that you've latched onto this antivax boogeyman.
I apologize for saying you were baiting. You're not baiting. You really believe that vaccines cause autism, I see that now. And I think it's hilarious.
For the last time, autism can only be cause in utero. Inside the womb during pregnancy. It cannot, literally, ever, be caused after birth. That is a fact. But I'm sure big pharma made up that fact to cover their tracks, right? Fucking monkey.
if i raise my kid on private property , homeschool, and rarely go into cities - are vaccines neccesary?
Yes, because eventually your child will grow up and move out and live in the world, where they could come into contact with diseases. Did you really think this through?
No, and I'll tell you why. You might be right about a ton of people who aren't selected for disease resistance living, but many great mathematicians and scientists like Stephen Hawking, Alexander Bogdanov, Niels Abel, Gotthold Eisenstein, Srinivasa Ramanujan, William Clifford, Heinrich Hertz, Nicolas Carnot, Bernhard Riemann, Augustin Fresnel, and Blaise Pascal for example died of diseases whose cures wouldn't have been researched unless there were enough other people dying to warrant the time and money spent. So you might get a lot of useless humans saved, but they're basically test fodder to save actually important humans.
You faggots are quick to shit on OP for not understanding evolution, when in reality it's you niggers that have no idea what's been going on. Back in the day to survive the plague or whatever you had to be rich, and to be rich you had to be smart. If every schmuck gets vacced and gains super immunity for free you lose some of that precious selective pressure, which by the way has only been relaxing throughout history, never increasing.