One mountain cannot contain two tigers

1.4 Billion bugmen with average 107 IQ's. Willing to work 7 days a week for the future of their people verses a steadily dropping 96 IQ, fat, lazy, degenerate mudmix workforce with no unity or shared culture. Combine this with advanced manufacturing, automation, easy IP theft and I think it's obvious who's going to be winning this war in the long run. Let's face it, the only thing holding America together is its monetary hegemony over the rest of the world, which is beginning to fall apart. This is one of the most depressing documentaries I've ever seen. Our demographics problem is sinking us to the bottom of the Yangtze and there's nothing we can do about it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

When China's population decreases, they will become the leaders of the true first world.

The problem is that the Chinese literally have such low working wages that their GDP per capita is worse than Mexico you fucking retard. So American Jews take advantage of this and basically enslave them for Americas benefit. China can't just increase their working wages, otherwise the export machine stops and Chinas economy suffers.

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Your entire post and argument is flawed from the get-go.

Listen bud. China may have 1.5 billion bugmen, but they are NOT 107 average IQ. The highly intelligent bug rulers are few and they dominate the rest. The ones that make it to the west are part of this elite few. Same with poos. Only the best of the best make it out of bugland, and the vast vast majority are 70IQ cannon fodder drones.

opinion discarded.

if you want real discussion don't use racist rhetorics sweaty :)

If you just look at the people, then yeah. China has the edge on us. But look at their government - bloated, corrupt and inefficient. Look at their geography - over-fished oceans and cities where the air is literally toxic. Look at just how much their neighbors hate them - Russia and India would love to carve up the oriental dragon together.

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Did someone say chink webm?

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One film funded by two niggers

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>steadily dropping 96 IQ
Thats false, murrica still follows Flynn effect.


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Fuck this chink propaganda.

Why do the Chinese need to steal all our intellectual property then? Can't they invent anything themselves?

Did she go back to work after her break?

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That's why I said over the long run. How long do you honestly think that's going to last with the way they're restructuring their economy? They don't want to be the export machine forever. They ultimately want to be us and will probably get their opportunity as our demographics and liabilities are increasingly inching us towards the shitter.

Damn, that poor car got fucked up.

Also china supposedly high IQ is probably result of selection bias if not outright propaganda effort.

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It's rapidly slowing. Han men are already buying imported women from all over Asia.

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>there's nothing we can do about it.
Yes there is

It needs to get lower. They can't achieve first world status with 1.5 billion people. The less people, the more money each person makes.

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This guy gets it.
Those IQ maps showing China as nr1 are a lie. The white man is the smartest, but das rasis to say

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Chinese are shameless godless cheaters anyways. Every last one I've ever met in school had no guilt nor shame nor conscience when it came to cheating, and they work together to subvert the system. If you see a bugman in any TA position, you can bet your ass it's helping the other bugs cheat.

Asians are SLY, just like the asiatic khazar. They aren't "smart", and that word is pretty subjective to begin with. Asians are good at rote memory, but awful at anything involving creative design. It's why they can clone pretty much anything but depend entirely upon the west to come up with the idea first.

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Sure thing baby doll. Your rhetoric is totally better and more sophisticated, sugar bear.

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Fuck. They are even colonizing my towns Walmart.Shit shit shit.


>t. 70IQ employed by his fat hand rubbing uncle sand nigger "we're not arabs!1" merchant class member of the tribe that has never worked a day in his life, has shit genetics due to inbreeding and can't win a war without North American aid, nor produce their own nukes without western stolen mats and designs

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Damn what a disgusting mess
The only hope for this planet is mass die offs of chinks,poos,and nogs
Georgia guidestones are right

It is entirely possible. The same was said about Japan post ww1. China's 50-60 million male surplus over women will assure them going to war in the coming years.

China might start by making moves against their southern neighbors and eventually invade.

Watching their president describe Americans as over confident donkeys was hilarious.

They might want to remember how fast we knocked the shit out of Japan’s smart ass.

>One mountain cannot contain two tigers

yeah it could. you could fit many tigers on the same mountain easily.

Literal minded Cletus completely missing the point

you are nowhere near as intelligent or fit as the wwii soldiers, you fat beaner

we'll just have to import more illegal mexicans


Oh no, some spaz insulted me on a Taiwanese ping pong board.
Eat shit Sheldon.

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>r*ddit filename
yep its a rthedonald nigger

>Over the long run
Over the long run their population will be fed the fuck up with their government. Chinese civil war breaks out and America loses its only exterior threat

The Chinese are genetically engineering a race of Goros

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looks like moo-shoo pohk.

>red water
Revelation 16:3-4 King James Version (KJV)
>3 And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea.

>4 And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood.

>107 IQ
>Works in a factory stitching Adidas shoes

3rd Impact when?

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and by then America will have the same demographics as a box of Pillsbury Brownie mix.


China is fucked. It’s not going to make it 10-20 years

That's impressive that thing will be 1.5x more efficient.
Question : we are the way we are because there is a China and slave labor to exploit. If China becomes us, who will be their slave labor? Automation? Then what do you do with 900m or so citizens who are non essential? Kill them all?

Youre an idiot and this kike documentary is grossly out of date.

The kikes support system for China has been removed and Chinas economy has been in a gigantic slump since early 2018. Jobs and entire industries are outsourcing to neighboring Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Sri Lanka. Vietnam especially is at FULL CAPACITY from all the industries leaving China. And this is just due to rising production costs. Nevermind the tarriffs, the growing unrest in Hong Kong and other formerly sovereign regions within China, pissed off neighboring countries, the retarded levels of debt, lack of water, massive swine flu outbreak, and now the rising price of oil following the Saudi attacks (China is the number one importer of oil).

Xi Jinping is a retard, he wants to be the face of the Globohomo agenda and reap all the monetary rewards from it, while simultaneously pumping cringy Chinese nationalist propaganda trash (PROTIP: China destroyed ALL 5000 years of its culture during the Cultural Revolution, outside of Taiwan and Hong Kong and other small diaspora pockets, there is no such thing as Chinese culture anymore).

Fuck China, they are the face of the Globohomo agenda and ever since the late 90s up until now they got immensely rich from Globalism while simultaneously the West became crippled by degenerate propaganda, faggotry, mass migration and mass poverty. Coincidence? I dont fucking think so. Karma is a bitch though and the house of cards has finally been blown over.

>China can't just increase their working wages, otherwise the export machine stops and Chinas economy suffers.

This is already happening here in Southeast Asia, and yes, China is fucked.

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fuck off chink. China is held up by UN handouts because we want their slave labour. china is a pathetic shithole that has never and will never achieve anything of note, except making cheap plastic shit that breaks constantly.

Still trying to bait newfags with this shit, huh FBI?

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ong-bak, you are based and anti-chinkpilled.

thats a fine documentary. seeing the bugmen in action was shocking to me. i thought it was a fucking hoax on here. those motherfuckers live to work

>we are the way we are because there is a China and slave labor to exploit.

This only occurred within the past few decades and you could debate for hours on whether this is a positive or negative development in our history. I don't think the sentiment is as favorable as it was 30 years ago due to the the fact that we can see the major drawbacks of this relationship now. A different, but also good America existed before this era.

>If China becomes us, who will be their slave labor? Automation? Then what do you do with 900m or so citizens who are non essential? Kill them all?

The new slave is obviously oil and automation. We will be facing the same question as China in the future. A lot of people won't have economic value anymore. Jobs will get better for some people and then increasingly shittier for most. How we decide to deal with that is anyone's guess in the future. I suspect we aren't all going to be artists and entertainers like most people believe and some classes of people will be killed off.

you deserve a (You). enjoy webm (Chinese metallurgy)

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Well if you put it that way, then the Chinese will win.

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if you have time and enjoy a beer, check out this vid about and exiled billionaire chinaman's assessment and predictions about China's bad future.

Thats becauase the goyim are getting tired of busting their asses off for the 1% while they barely make ends meet living paycheck to paychech and paying tax piled upon tax.

Give it a few more years, and there will be a communist revolution in the US.

it's a tug of war between jews and chinese jews

anyone have a link to a stream of the film so I don't have to get a Netflix trial?

Fucking nerve gas man, scary shit.

not a stream, but torrenting it is worth the bandwidth
it was quite entertaining

Great vid, thanks for sharing. It's important for the average western prole to truly understand just what we are up against when it comes to China's government and how it's verboten in western media to discuss Xi Jinping and how he made himself China's current dictator.

dirty chinks

I dont gibe a fuck about the chinese, if they had it so bad as all the propagandists made it out to be in the west, blood would be spilling in the millions over there


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>t. ping huang

Calm down buddy. It's no secret here that China want to someday conquer North America for their bug people to migrate over and take over.

Did you just finish watching Steve Bannon or Fox News and mash all of those headlines together from the past month?

All of those countries put together can't match the pool of workers that China can supply. Not to mention all of the advanced manufacturing they've built within the country over the past 30 years. You think all those supply chains are moving overnight? Think again.

Some companies are obviously hedging their bets with these other countries due to the trade war, but most are staying in China. Wages in those other countries would only go up even faster in the event of a mass exodus.

China will weaken Hong Kong and replace it over time with Shenzhen becoming the new financial hub of the east. This plan is already in the works.

>107 iq
>implying China doesn't use the data from Shanghai elites and tried to pass it off as the country's average

Those are American workers who have standards. Because we are so used to living in a first world country with all of its benefits, we demand first world working conditions and benefits. The Chinese have known nothing but a corrupt government and poverty, so that’s what they expect when they go to work. It’s not that hard to understand, no one here wants to work in Chinese conditions, they want to raise kids and be safe and somewhat financially happy. They don’t want their hands chopped off in a machine, they don’t want to work in 150 degree heat, they just want to live their American dream peacefully, and since they can legally form a union they will to protect themselves from that. Are unions gangs that fuck up everything for the company? Of course. With that being said however, if you armchair white collar workers/neets lost your job and the only one was in a Chinese run factory, your ass is in a union or your ass is toast. If the Chinese want to have shitty working conditions that’s their own problem. Fuck em. Bring the blue collar back to America and treat them fairly, and they’ll follow you till the ends of the earth.

>china wants to conquer north america

And I fully support it


start learning madarin and living off dogmeat and rice, 1%

Im too clever to fall for your schilling.

Chink history is fucking brutal. No wonder they're so cruel to animals and eat anything that moves.

You kikes use racist terms all the time, fuck off and go be a kike turd somewhere else, schlomo.

There is a huge glaring flaw in that strategy.
To the point where China is kind of fucked if they try it.

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They dont work as much as you think. They have an excess of national holidays, that they all take off religously. They cant r&d. Thinking takes "work". They have worse sjws then maybe anywhere. A lot of their work such as concrete, not only falls apart but costs twice as much to fix since it would have to be torn down first.

Worse, they have a saying "no solution, not my problem". Almost universal saying for them meaning, they dont solve problems. They pass the buck.

Without their theft of US enterprises, theyd fall apart in 4 weeks.

>work 7 days a week
That's the future of Europe without Christianity.

No unlike you I actually live in Asia and travel around the continent frequently. Vietnam is fucking booming, Chinese tourism has dropped like a rock despite being the biggest tourist group for the past 4 years and every Chinese person I know is crying about how shit the economy is back home and how weak their currency is.

Numbers of workers dont make up for the fact that wages have increased dramatically, and Xi Jinping dumb anti-Western mentality and totalitarian style of ruling has made it incredibly difficult and confusing to continue doing business in China. Companies are leaving in droves.
Your own Jow Forums for fucks sakes, actually do some fucking research on politics or the news before spewing such retarded bullshit.

>Worse, they have a saying "no solution, not my problem". Almost universal saying for them meaning, they dont solve problems. They pass the buck.

yeah but the chinese party can literally outlaw that phrase and forcibly change culture whenever they want

Hitler only had 40 million and nearly took over the world. There is no greater threat to Israel's security than the bugmen.

This is why we have to end all borders with the browns. Only after unity with all the browns, can we help Israel rule as the prophets have foretold.

Any time you see a thread about this Netflix movie it's one dude shilling

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one is a country of bugmen, the other is a country of individualists. we'll be fine

We all knew the party would end eventually.