Jow Forums relationship advice

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Is a woman being fat a complete deal breaker?

I'm almost 30 and I want to have white children by 35, but the only decent white woman I have found while trying to date is fat. She has a lot of Jow Forums related positives to her, but I need to know how hard I'm fucking myself over.

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first of all .. don't have kids. fuck that shit. second of all..just fuck the bitch in both her holes but wear a jimmy hat if you gonna nut up i in the pussy. you don't want to get the beast preggo.

>don't have kids
I'm sure you want that Shlomo. Every white male should have white children.

How fat are we talkin' user?

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I am married to a former fat girl. She was extremely fat when we meant,but perfect in every other way. She lost all the weight for me and has kept it off. We make fun of fat people. She has skin that is excess and it's taken me some to get past it.. But she's so great that I'm over it.

It just cost more to feed it.

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>Hey Jow Forums I'm consciously limiting my dating pool to white women because of memes, but the only semi-decent ones are obese

here's a better one

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Marry her, make her do physical activities and lose weight, and fucking stop eating junk food.

Guy... Just take her to the gym or find some other way to workout with her. Cook nice healthy meals together. You're an idiot

>She has skin that is excess
That is as disgusting as being fat

She can lose weight if you want her to. I'd say take this route rather than going back out into the shit wilderness and rolling the dice and potentially regretting dumping a good girl
>t. guy who rejected good women because I thought I could do better, but all the better-looking women turned out to be cunts

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it indicates a poor character but tbqh something like 60% of American women are overweight and healthy weight people are probably going to be completely fucked in the head too just in a different way now adays so sure whatever, if you're on here you probably cant be a chooser

We talking obese fat? If she doesn't have the discipline to take care of herself, how can she raise healthy kids?

Yeah.. Well she's perfect.. It's annoying but I can get over it. I've seen enough death and dying of bodies in my life to know the outer shell is meaningless. My dick says otherwise.. But I've had enough sex in my life and a good mother is more important than my dick.

These are very different

Just marry her. You're too old to be complaining about a little weight. She can always lose the wait.


>Is a woman being fat a complete deal breaker?

She did everything she could to lose weight and have a great body. What kind of piece of shit would I be if I said "lmao yeah you lost weight for me and are model size now but look at your skin ".. I'd do that to a dumb cunt but not a lady that treats me like a God.

Why would you want to bring a kid into this shitty society? Also fat women only get fatter as they age. By fucking her you’re just enabling her

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>decent white woman
Broads always gain weight when they get comfortable in a long term relationship.
So your fatass chick is going to get even fatter if things are solid.
Fat chicks are always miserable, no matter what they say to the contrary, and will desire to make people close to them miserable as well.

That means (you) and your potential future fatass children.
Choose wisely.

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Around 35-40%, but probably inching towards 45% going by her whining.

Thanks for the advice. We live a few states away from each other (met through hobbies and date long distance for a year), otherwise I would have already pushed her to see if it's easily fixable. I think I'll move her up to me for a year and see any progress to see if she's worth it. She has some other issues like anxiety and depression which contributed to it.
I'm more attractive than her, and I've been hit up by other women and the amount of mudsharks and liberal 'independent women let in the muslims' I've had to shift through just made me appreciate her more.