I am 31 years old and have never had a job

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how do I live the dream like you?

Neither has Bernie Sanders and he's 75 !

Do you have a serious problem with pornography?

I'm 27 and been working along with schooling since 13. If you got a study income somehow (parents, lottery, etc) don't get one. It's a sham. If you want to do something, do volunteering. x10 more fun and people get along when you don't have a wager collar on. Only 38 more years to go until retirement if I don't get some terminal illness before hand. God I hate being a wagecuck.

I have a job.
Ask me anything.

*steady income.

Tell me more user, how do you survive?

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Same. I went to college and tried. Was very good at what I did. They hired brown people instead.

At least I have a trust fund.

FPBP only a cuck would work and half his money given to Mexico and Israel

I'm 29 and have been on welfare for almost 4 years



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Just get a fat bitch and have her work and say some shit about you refuse to work in the name of women's rights and equality

Im 21 and have only had 2 jobs and of those 2 jobs ive only worked for 2-3 months

Are you going to school at least.

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Do you want a job


Get a fucking job, loser.

Have you considered killing yourself?
I’m disabled and if I could have a normal body for one day I would crawl under a mile of barbed wire through glass just to beat the fucking shit out of you.
I’d even consider getting pozzed beforehand so I could die earlier and if I was to weak to kill you I could at least give you aids by rubbing our wounds together.

I can’t even imagine being able-bodied and not wanting to do something, since my entire existence is centered around remembering everything I can’t do.

In fact, fuck it, let’s meet up. I bet you are such a worthless piece of shirt you can’t even win in a fight with a one armed person in a wheel chair.

Ive worked since ive been 15... 21 years ago...

When i die, i can finally rest.

Based as fuck.

are you also brain disabled

I do hook me up home boy

relax mr potato

I have you beat by a few years, but there is no need to one up each other. I wish I could get a job, but everything I would get hired for sucks worse than being poor.

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Its okay Im 28 and never had sex

Gotta start somewhere. Work a manual labor or menial service job, learn how to keep a daily schedule. Set an alarm, wake up for work. Collect paychecks, improve yourself.

Let's vote OP president

user I'd like uhhhh two numba 5's with extra ketchup, large fry and large drink. No tips for you McDonald boy. You're welcome.

lucky. I've had multiple jobs over the last couple of years

and they all suck

do not work, ever

Tfw highschool drop out with no license so my only options are through temp agencies. Factory jobs and line work sucks so fucking bad, its the most depressing shit ever.

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At least you get it.
1/3 ain’t bad and OP is more subhuman than a onearmed man who can’t walk.
Not kidding that I’d fight him to the death, I win either way.