This is a thread to get to know people. Do not reveal personal information. Just have a chat, and get to know your fellow Jow Forums frens.
Anybody else getting their buzz on like me
I already regret making this thread
How do you guys feel about Canadian Imperialism and ultra Chauvinism?
Our wide and expansive state where only Anglophones and Francophones are first class people and native americans are only granted the privilege of being second class.
Does Canada even have a culture to have an Empire though? As far as I know it's nearly empty and the little bit that has people is 60% chink.
I fucking wasted the day
Does Brazil even have a culture to have an Empire though? I mean you've tried several times and failed every single time.
Yes we do retard
Brazil started as an Empire, it was not some distant daydreaming in the mind of some brazilian late at night. Also I don't know why you have to be so salty, I thought this thread was to have a conversation not meme banter BS. How are you user? Are you tired?
>tfw former communist now fascist
>Still believe capitalism is the bane of our current existence
>All the fascist niggers in my country believe that as soon as we get rid of the darkies everything will go back to normal
>Most of these peoples vision of normal is the 80s which aesthetically was okay but shitty in most other ways
I just want fascism not the shitty status quo but with less darkies
bRaZiL sTaRtEd As An EmPiRe
Nigger when?
When you were the little bitch colony of not even a major colonial power in Europe? Or was it when your country just like the rest of Latin America was drenched in blood over civil wars? Or maybe the times you had a completely dysfunctional government and economy and barely the land nor prestige to support the claim of an Empire?
Really it could be any of those, but culture? You certainly don't have a unified one. A unified country wouldn't be so infested with crime and divided amongst what it wants to do with itself.
Maybe try shit talking my country when you're born in a better one.
Look at this unhinged triggered chink, holy shit it's hilarious.
Bump. Also nsg thread up
>L-look at this triggered chink guys haha
Brazilian monkey cope, come back to me when you have a real argument for why you should ever be considered even a top 30 nation.
>Really it could be any of those, but culture? You certainly don't have a unified one.
>N-No u!
Seething leaf doesn't even know what it takes to be an Empire. Hint: an Empire is a monarchy whose span covers multiple cultures such as Brazil. A monarchy which covers a single unified culture is called a kingdom. There, you got a lesson from a monkey.
>Maybe try shit talking my country when you're born in a better one.
But Brazil is better, kek.
Fuck off cunt. Jow Forums isn't a dating site.
When, nigger?
But no, I don't do drugs user. Thank you for slamming the thread into the upper crust of quality though.
Any time now, 10 feet taller, 10 feet deeper, but only after Israel gets its 200 million. Have you gargled hebrew semen today?
>But Brazil is better
Except it's not
>Smaller country
>Shittier culture and people
>Smaller economy
>Less recognition worldwide, people only care because you were given the Amazon centuries back
>Less habitable land
>Dysfunctional government
>Doesn't even have an existing heir to their so-called Empire anymore, has to beg for a foreign heir to come for help
Also Brazil has been a Kingdom at best, I'll accept that but you've never owned enough land beyond the Kingdom of Brazil to claim that, nor have you ever had enough of a coherent people to rule to even barely call yourselves a Kingdom let alone an Empire. Half of you being monkeys and the other half being inbred Abbos.
In my spare time I like baking breads and pastries. I cook a good roast on Tuesdays. I like hikes in the mountains and target shooting. I work out 3 days a week and run on off days. I drink Monopolowa vodka, Belgian beer, my own kvass, and water from my own personal spring. I smoke a pipe on rainy days. My wife is my best friend we share everything together. I have cat, he is a bastard. What more do you want to know?
I want to explore outer space
>More usable land, for cattle or agriculture, feeds 1,200,000,000 people on Earth
>Yet exemplary conservation of native forests
>More diverse culture, every part feels like a different country (soft segregation)
>Growing military, regional superpower
>Energetically independent
>Filled with oil reserves on the coast
>Working justice system, puts the corrupt in prison even if they were the president
>White population on a steady raise
Also about the "foreign" heir: royal families have ties with other royal families from other places, that's just the nature of it, and the current heir is a descendant of Emperor Pedro II (not King, but Emperor), through a valid lineage.
I'm sorry if it disappoints you, but admitting Canada's troubles is the first step to doing something about them instead of going online and pretending you are the "better" country you wish you were.
Now, at 3am, I unfortunately don't have time to continue watching you sperg out. Good night and God bless ya user, you really are needing it.
Anons, I'm feeling a bit blackpilled about the state of the world. It doesnt seem like theres any way to avoid shit hitting the fan at some point in the future. And so much of of our problems are exacerbated by the fundamental failings of humanity, so its not enough to fix the system, somehow we'll also have to fix people
user, we live in a mooi country. Get outside more, away from the shitty air and shitty people. Reconnect with the land and understand why it was fought for and why it's a worthwhile thing to fight for.
Same as it ever was.
that's why Dylan Thomas wrote
Rage against the dying of the light
and what did Plato have to say about it?
Same as it ever was.
Can I get a clean version of this image?